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  • Answer the following questions

  • POST-LISTENING 6. Think of when and where this wire can be used SMART __________ (00:33)

  • FASHION METAMORPHOSIS (02:30) – video, inscriptions PRE- LISTENING

  • WHILE- LISTENING 3. Watch the video, read and understand the inscriptions. POST- LISTENING


  • POST-LISTENING 17. Make a summary of the video track. 6. TECHNICAL DRAWING Part I

  • 2. Read the following text and think of the title to it. A.

  • 3. Read the text again and find the English equivalents to the following expressions

  • 4. Read the text again and choose the correct answers to questions 1 – 4 below

  • 5. Read paragraph B again. Match each point (1-6) in the text with a benefit from the list (a-d) below

  • 6. Try to explain why the word “walk” is in inverted commas(“”) in paragraph C

  • 8. Match the words with their definitions.

  • 9. Make as more word phrases with the words in a) as you can. Do the same with the words in b) а )

  • 10. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Translate the idea, not a word for word

  • Check the knowledge of active vocabulary from this part with the help of “ACTIVE VOCABULARY” section.

  • Учебное пособие. А. Н. Туполева (каи) кафедра восточных и европейских языков (вея) engineering английский язык для студентов технических специальностей учебное пособие

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    НазваниеА. Н. Туполева (каи) кафедра восточных и европейских языков (вея) engineering английский язык для студентов технических специальностей учебное пособие
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    I. _____________________________

    Shape memory alloys (SMA's) are metals, which exhibit two very unique properties, pseudo-elasticity, and the shape memory effect. Arne Olander first observed these unusual properties in 1938, but not until the 1960's were any serious researches made in the field of shape memory alloys. The most effective and widely used alloys include NiTi (Nickel - Titanium), CuZnAl, and CuAlNi.

    II. ____________________________

    The unusual properties mentioned above are being applied to a wide variety of applications in a number of different fields. The shape memory effect is currently being implemented in:

    • coffee pots

    • the space shuttle

    • thermostats

    • hydraulic fittings (for airplanes)

    Some examples of applications in which pseudo-elasticity is used are:

    • eyeglass frames

    • bra underwear

    • medical tools

    • cellular phone antennae

    • orthodontic arches

    III. ___________________________

    Some of the main advantages of shape memory alloys include:

    • bio-compatibility

    • diverse fields of application

    • good mechanical properties (strong, corrosion resistant)

    There are still some difficulties with shape memory alloys that must be overcome before they can be used up to their full potential. These alloys are still relatively expensive to manufacture and machine compared to other materials such as steel and aluminium. Most SMA's have poor fatigue properties; this means that while under the same loading conditions (i.e. twisting, bending, compressing) a steel component may survive for more than one hundred times more cycles than a SMA-element.
    Answer the following questions:

    1. How many unique properties have the SMAs got?

    2. What are they?

    3. How long is the history of SMAs?

    4. What are the most famous alloys?

    5. What property of SMAs is mostly used in Medicine?

    6. What are the advantages of the SMAs?

    7. What are the disadvantages of the SMAs?


    (… адрес интернет-странички с видеороликами…)




    1. Do you know the following words:

    “wire”, “ice”, “to heat”, “to cool”, “hot”, “flame”, “soft”, “deformable”?


    Watch the video and answer the following questions:

    2. What is the wire made of?

    3. Why is it called “smart”?

    4. How many stages can you divide the process on the video into?

    5. Complete the following sentences about each stage of the process on the video:

    a) We __________ the wire with __________.

    b) The wire __________ soft and easily __________ .

    c) We heat the __________ with a __________ .

    d) The __________ turns to its __________ shape.


    6. Think of when and where this wire can be used?

    1. SMART __________


    Watch the track and answer the questions.

    1. What type of “smart” material is it about? Complete the heading.

    2. Why is it called “smart”?

    3. What do you need to do to change the colour of the glass?

    4. How can people use this “smart” glass?


    (02:30) – video, inscriptions


    Think on the following:

    1. What do we mean when we think about fashion?

    2. What connection may there be between fashion and smart materials? How can smart materials be used in fashion?


    3. Watch the video, read and understand the inscriptions.


    4. Which do you think is the most useful usage of smart materials?

    5. Which sphere would you invest to organize future researches and why?



    1. What do materials engineers do in their career?

    2. Why is it important to study the properties of materials?

    3. Do you know the following words? Can you guess the meaning of any of them? Study the meaning of the words:

    “alloy”, “shape memory alloy”, “green-energy”, “to reduce”, “pollution”, “surgery”, “research”, “to collaborate”.

    Watch the video a part by part and answer the following questions:

    00:08 – 00:21

    4. Who and what is the speaker?

    00:22 – 00:31

    5. What exactly does he study?

    6. Who finances this project?

    00:32 – 00:42

    7. What properties do these materials have?

    00:43 – 00:52

    8. Where can these materials be used?

    00:53 – 00:58

    9. Are scientists from other countries also interested in this project?

    00:59 – 01:05

    10. Which university does the Boise State University collaborate with?

    01:06 – 01:20

    11. Where can these results be found?

    12. What does ‘NSF’ mean?

    01:21 – end

    13. What is the speaker?

    14. Why does he do this research?

    15. What happens when he enters the lab?

    16. What does ‘research’ mean according to this student?


    17. Make a summary of the video track.
    Part I
    1. Put the following words in the correct order and read the sentence. How do you understand it? Do you agree to this statement?

    worth is picture a thousand A words

    2. Read the following text and think of the title to it.

    A. In the past, technical drawings for industry and architecture were drawn by hand, i.e. people worked at drawing boards with drawing equipment. These hand-drawn diagrams provided clear technical information but were slow and expensive to make. Nowadays, working drawings are done on computers, which is much quicker.
    B. Computers can also:

    1. save, change, and recycle the drawings;

    2. make 3D images;

    3. make drawings bigger or smaller;

    4. keep an electronic library of standard parts;

    5. Make symmetrical images of components;

    6. make accurate and consistent drawings.
    C. A good way to explain the advantages is to think about architectural drawing. Features such as windows and doors can be moved until the architect likes the building. Images of the rooms are created in 3D so the viewer can “walk” through the rooms. Designers can also experiment with different arrangements of furniture and colours.

    * (the text is from: “Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 7, pg.8, ex.4)

    3. Read the text again and find the English equivalents to the following expressions:

    - … чертежи…

    • … вручную…

    • … обеспечивали ясность проекта…

    • …дорогостоящий…

    • …зеркальные отражения …

    • …составные части…

    • …преимущества…

    • …экспериментировать с…

    • …подбор мебели и цвета…

    4. Read the text again and choose the correct answers to questions 1 – 4 below:


    What is the text about?


    Computer assisted design


    Working with computers


    What is paragraph A about?


    The history and future of CAD systems


    The connection between technical drawing and CAD


    What is paragraph B a list of?


    The problems of using computers in design


    The advantages of using computers in design


    What does paragraph C describe?


    How CAD is used in designing machines


    How CAD is used in designing homes

    * (“Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 7, pg.8, ex.5)

    5. Read paragraph B again. Match each point (1-6) in the text with a benefit from the list (a-d) below:


    You can draw 50%, then make a mirror image.


    You don’t waste time drawing things again and again.


    You make fewer mistakes.


    You see the finished shape in 3D.

    * (the text is from: “Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 7, pg.8, ex.6)
    6. Try to explain why the word “walk” is in inverted commas(“”) in paragraph C?

    * (“Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 7, pg.8, ex.7)
    7. Complete the definitions (1-8) below with the highlighted words in the text.

    1. ‘__________’ means having two halves the same shape and size.

    2. ‘__________’ means made by a person.

    3. ‘__________’means to use something again.

    4. A __________ is a person looking at something.

    5. ‘__________’means correct in every detail, with no mistakes.

    6. __________ are pictures or drawings.

    7. An __________ is a person who designs buildings.

    8. ‘__________’means always the same.

    * (“Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 7, pg.8, ex.9)
    8. Match the words with their definitions.

    image architect hand to save symmetrical equipment viewer advantage designer to recycle drawing board drawing to provide


    To do something with objects in order to use them again ; we do this with plastic bottles, cans, etc.


    Art of representing objects by lines with a pencil, chalk, etc.


    Mental picture or idea created in your mind; a copy or a picture of a person.


    To keep something safe (ex. …money, …information, …reputation).


    Everything you need for a particular purpose, job, task (ex. modern…, office …, medical…, engineering …).


    A part of your body at the end of your arm which has 5 fingers.


    To give something to somebody physically or virtually (ex. … the answer, … a solution).


    A big flat board to which a paper is fixed on which a drawing is made.


    Pluses of something over something.


    A person who creates images, drawings.


    A person who designs buildings.


    When two halves (parts) of an object are the same size and shape.


    A person who is looking at something or watching something.

    9. Make as more word phrases with the words in a) as you can. Do the same with the words in b)


    provide image information hand drawing expensive to save engineer advantage technical clear drawn by equipment symmetrical


    accurate experiment drawing board to provide to work at advantage expensive components symmetrical architect image by hand to change to draw information drawing viewer equipment technical

    10. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Translate the idea, not a word for word:

    hand, to hand


    The letter was brought by hand.


    She handed the drawing to the boss.


    The original plan was drawn by hand.


    It’s slow and expensive to make technical drawings by hand.



    He made a drawing of the object.


    She is good at drawing.


    He is interested in technical drawing.


    Nowadays technical drawings are done on computers.



    He has got technical education.


    You should have technical qualification if you want to get this job.


    He visited some technical classes last year but didn’t get any certificate.


    Would you like to enter a technical college?


    The train came late because of some technical problems.



    We have already got all the necessary equipment.


    To fulfill this task we need some special equipment.


    What is basic drawing equipment?


    This company provides good electrical equipment.



    The management will provide your group with food and drink.


    Workers at factories are provided with tools.


    Equipment has already been provided.


    The group of young engineers has provided the company with a clear and reasonable solution.


    Students are provided with course-books.



    Please, save this document in my folder.


    All important information should be saved.



    We can recycle plastic bottles and cans.


    The process of recycling is rather complex.



    Please make a symmetrical image of this object.


    Try to make this drawing more symmetrical.



    The image of this new car is wonderful!


    We need to make a 3D image of this object.

    Check the knowledge of active vocabulary from this part with the help of “ACTIVE VOCABULARY” section.
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