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Идиомы в английском языке 1. Часто употребляемые идиомы в английском языке Light at the end of the tunnel Найти выход из ситуации

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blow it — lose the chance

потерять шанс

He understood that he blew it.

blow over — pass, end

стихнуть, пройти

Wait here till his anger blows over.

bottom line — main result/factor

итог, основной момент

The bottom line is, I don’t have enough money.

break into — enter by force

ворваться (в дом) силой

The police broke into the robber’s house.

break one’s heart — hurt deeply

разбить сердце

The news of her death broke his heart.

break the ice — overcome shyness in making the first step

сломать неловкость при знакомстве

The party was dull until someone broke the ice with a joke and we all laughed.

break the news — tell new facts

сообщить важную новость

CNN is breaking the news right now.

bring home the bacon — earn the living for the family

обеспечить семью

He works very hard at several places to bring home the bacon.

brush off — give no attention to

отмахнуться от

The boss brushed off my project again.

brush up on — review

освежить в памяти

You need to brush up on the tenses.

by all means -definitely, certainly

обязательно, конечно

Do you need my help? — By all means.

by heart — by memorizing


Learn this poem by heart for tomorrow.

by hook or by crook — by any means possible

любым путем, любым способом

She will get what she wants by hook or by crook.

by the way — incidentally


By the way, Ann is coming back today.

call a spade a spade — use plain, direct words

называть вещи своими именами

He always tells the truth and calls a spade a spade.

call it a day — consider work finished for the day

считать работу законченной

We’ve been working for 10 straight hours. Let’s call it a day.

call off — cancel

отменить, отозвать

The police called off the search.

carry out — fulfill

доводить до конца

She never carries out her plans.

carry weight — be important

иметь вес

His advice always carries weight here.

cast down — depressed, sad

повергнуть в уныние

He was cast down by the bad news.

castles in the air — daydreaming about success

(строить) воздушные замки

Instead of working hard, he spends time building castles in the air.

catch one’s eye — attract attention

привлечь внимание

This picture caught my eye.

catch one’s breath — stop and rest

перевести дух

I can’t run, I need to catch my breath.

catch someone off guard — catch someone unprepared

застать врасплох

He caught me off guard with his question.

catch someone red-handed — find smb. in the act of doing wrong

поймать за руку, когда делал плохое

The manager caught the boy red-handed when he was stealing cigarettes.

catch up — become not behind


He needs to catch up with the others.

close call — a narrow escape, a bad thing that almost happened

что-то плохое, что едва не случилось

The speeding car almost hit the man. That was really a close call.

come across — meet by chance

наткнуться на

I came across that article yesterday.

come down with — become ill

заболеть чем-то

I’m coming down with a cold.

come to one’s senses — start acting reasonably, intelligently

взяться за ум, придти в себя

He finally came to his senses, started to work hard, and passed his exams.

come true — become reality


My dream came true when I met Pat.

come up with — suggest


Mike came up with a brilliant idea.

count on — depend on

рассчитывать на

You can always count on me for help.

cut corners — to take a short-cut; to limit one’s spending

срезать углы; ограничить расходы

He ran fast, cutting corners where he could. I have to cut corners this week.

cut down on — reduce

сократить потребление

You have to cut down on chocolate.

cut out to be /cut out for it — have the ability to do something

быть созданным для какой-то работы

She isn’t cut out to be a surgeon. He’s cut out to be a leader.

do one’s best — try very hard

сделать все, что смог

I did my best to help him in his work.

do one’s bit — do what’s needed

сделать положенное

I’ll do my bit, you can count on me.

do over — do again

сделать заново

This work is not good, do it over.

do someone good — be good for

принести пользу

Fresh air and exercise will do you good.

drop out — quit (school)

быть отчисленным

He dropped out of school last year.

duty calls — must fulfill obligations

долг обязывает

He said, «Duty calls» and left for work.

easier said than done

легче сказать, чем сделать

It’s easier said than done, but I’ll try to do it.

eat one’s words — take back words

брать назад слова

He had to eat his words after her report.

even so — nevertheless, but

тем не менее

I work hard. Even so, I like my job.

every now and then -occasionally

время от времени

Every now and then I visit my old aunt.

every other — every second one

через один

She washes her hair every other day.

fall behind — lag behind

отстать от

The little boy fell behind the older boys.

fall in love — begin to love


Tom fell in love with Sue at first sight.

fall out of love — stop loving


They fell out of love and divorced soon.

false alarm — untrue rumor

ложная тревога

I heard he quit but it was a false alarm.

a far cry from something — very different, almost opposite (neg.)

далеко не такой хороший, как

His second book wasn’t bad, but it was a far cry from his first book.

feel it in one’s bones — expect something bad to happen

чувствовать, что случится плохое

Something bad is going to happen, I feel it in my bones.

feel like doing something — want to do, be inclined to do smth.

быть склонным к занятию чем-то

I feel like going for a walk. I don’t feel like working now, I’m tired.

feel up to — be able to do

в состоянии сделать

I don’t feel up to cleaning the house.

few and far between — rare, scarce

слишком редкие

Her visits are few and far between.

find fault with — criticize


He always finds faults with everybody.

find out — learn or discover

узнать, обнаружить

I found out that Maria left town.

firsthand — directly from the source

из первых рук, достоверная информация

You can trust it, it’s firsthand information.

first things first — important things come before others

сначала главное

First things first: how much money do we have to pay right away?

fly off the handle — get angry

разозлиться (вдруг)

He flew off the handle and yelled at me.

follow in someone’s footsteps— do the same thing

идти по чьим-то следам, делать то же

Igor followed in his father’s footsteps, he became a doctor, too.

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