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Идиомы в английском языке 1. Часто употребляемые идиомы в английском языке Light at the end of the tunnel Найти выход из ситуации

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foot in the door — a special opportunity for a job

получить шанс на работу

Nina got a foot in the door because her friend works in that company.

foot the bill — pay the bill

заплатить по счету

Her father footed the bill for the party.

for good — forever


After her death, he left town for good.

for the time being — at this time

на данное время

For the time being, this house is all right for us.

frame of mind — mental state


I can’t do it in this frame of mind.

from A to Z — completely

от начала до конца

He knows this town from A to Z.

from now on — now and in the future


From now on, I forbid you to go there.

get a grip on oneself — take control of one’s feelings

контролировать свои чувства

Stop crying! Get a grip on yourself!

get along with — have good relations

быть в хороших отношениях, ладить

Ann gets along with most coworkers, but doesn’t get along with Laura.

get away with — not be caught after doing wrong

уйти от наказания

The police didn’t find the thief. He got away with his crime.

get carried away — get too excited and enthusiastic about something

слишком увлечься чем-то

He got carried away with opening a store and lost most of his money.

get cold feet — be afraid to do

побояться сделать

I wanted to try it but got cold feet.

get even with — have one’s revenge

расквитаться с кем-то

I’ll get even with him for everything!

get in touch with — contact

связаться с кем-то

Get in touch with Mr. Smith for help.

get lost — lose one’s way

потерять дорогу

She got lost in the old part of town.

Get lost! — Lay off!


I don’t want to see you again. Get lost!

get mixed up — get confused


I got mixed up, went the wrong way and got lost.

get off one’s back — leave alone

отстать от кого-то

Stop bothering me! Get off my back!

get on one’s high horse — behave haughtily towards someone

вести себя высокомерно

Every time I ask her to help me with typing, she gets on her high horse.

get on (the bus, train, plane)

сесть на (транспорт)

I got on the bus on Oak Street.

get off (the bus, train, plane)

сойти с (транспорта)

I got off the bus at the bank.

get out of hand — get out of control

выйти из-под контроля

If he gets out of hand again, call me right away.

get over — recover after an illness or bad experience

поправиться, преодолеть что-то

I can’t get over how rude he was to me. She got over her illness quite quickly.

get rid of — dispose of, discard


He got rid of his old useless car.

get together — meet with

собираться вместе

My friends and I get together often.

get to the bottom — know deeply

добраться до сути

He usually gets to the bottom of things.

get to the point — get to the matter

дойти до сути дела

Get to the point!

Give me a break! — spare me

с меня хватит

Come on, stop it! Give me a break!

give someone a hand — help

помочь кому-то

Can you give me a hand with cooking?

give someone a lift /a ride — take to some place by car

подвезти кого-то

Can you give me a lift to the bank? He gave her a ride in his new Porsche.

give someone a piece of one’s mind — criticize frankly

высказать, что на уме, критиковать

She lost my umbrella again, so I gave her a piece of my mind about her carelessness.

give up — stop doing something, stop trying to do something

отказаться от чего-то, прекратить попытки

I gave up smoking. I gave up trying to fix my old car.

go back on one’s word — break a promise

нарушить свое слово, обещание

First he said he would help me, but then he went back on his word.

go for it — try to do a new thing

пробовать новое дело

If I were you, I would go for it.

go from bad to worse — be worse

становиться все хуже

His business went from bad to worse.

go out — go to parties, movies

пойти развлекаться

Do he and his wife go out often?

go out of one’s way -try very hard

очень стараться

He goes out of his way to please her.

go to one’s head — make too proud

успех вскружил голову

His acting success went to his head.

go to pieces — get very upset, fall apart

сильно расстроиться

She went to pieces when she heard it.

go with the flow — lead quiet life

плыть по течению

She always goes with the flow.

grow on someone — become liked

постепенно понравиться

When she knew him more, he grew on her.

had better — should

лучше бы, а то…

You look ill, you’d better see a doctor.

have a ball — have a good time

отлично провести время

Yesterday we had a ball at the party.

have a bone to pick — complain or discuss something unpleasant

иметь счеты с кем-то, претензии к кому-то

Mr. Brown, I have a bone to pick with you. My mail was lost because of you.

have a word with someone — talk to

поговорить о чем-то

Can I have a word with you?

have words with someone — argue with someone about something

крупно поговорить

I had words with my coworker today because he used my computer again.

have it in him — have the ability

иметь нужные качества

Laura has it in her to be a good doctor.

have no business doing something — have no right to do

нечего вам здесь делать, быть и др.

You have no business staying here without my permission.

have one’s back to the wall — be hard-pressed, on the defensive

быть прижатым к стене

I had no choice, I had my back to the wall.

have one’s hands full — very busy

быть очень занятым

He has his hands full with hard work.

have one’s heart set on something — want something very much

очень хотеть получить что-то, кого-то

She has her heart set on going to New York. He has his heart set on Betty.

have pull — have influence on

иметь влияние на

Does he have pull with the director?

(not) have the heart — (not) have the courage to do smth. unpleasant

(не) хватает духа сделать неприятное

I don’t have the heart to tell him that he wasn’t accepted, he’ll be so unhappy.

high and low — everywhere

везде (искать и т.д.)

I searched high and low for my lost cat.

hit the nail on the head — say exactly the right thing

попасть в точку

You hit the nail on the head when you said our company needs a new director.

hit upon something — to discover

обнаружить ценное

They hit upon gold. I hit upon a plan.

hold it against someone — blame somebody for doing something

(не) держать зла на кого-то

I lost his book, but he doesn’t hold it against me.

Hold it! — Stop! Wait!


Hold it! I forgot my key.

Hold on! — Wait!


Hold on! I’ll be back in a minute.

hold one’s own — maintain oneself in a situation, behave as needed

постоять за себя, утвердиться в чем-то

He can hold his own in any situation. We need men who can hold their own.

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