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Идиомы в английском языке 1. Часто употребляемые идиомы в английском языке Light at the end of the tunnel Найти выход из ситуации

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not think much of — think low

невысокого мнения

I don’t think much of her cooking.

think over — consider carefully


Think over your answer. Think it over carefully.

till one is blue in the face — try hard

стараться до посинения

I repeated it till I was blue in the face!

to make a long story short — in short

короче говоря

To make a long story short, we won.

to say the least — to make the minimum comment about smth.

самое малое, что можно сказать

The film was boring and long, to say the least.

try on — put on new clothes to test them for size or look

примерить одежду (перед покупкой)

Try on this leather coat, it’s very good. She tried it on, but it didn’t fit her at all.

try one’s hand at something— try

попробовать себя в

I want to try my hand at painting.

turn on / off — switch on / off


Turn on the radio. Turn off the water.

turn out to be — result/end this way


He turned out to be a very good actor.

turn over a new leaf — make a fresh start in life, work, etc.

начать (жизнь, новое дело) заново

He promises to turn over a new leaf and quit alcohol for good.

turn the tide — reverse the course of events

повернуть вспять ход событий

The new evidence turned the tide, and the defendant was acquitted of charges.

twist one’s arm — make to agree

выкручивать руки

They twisted his arm to sell the house.

under the weather — feel ill


I’m a little under the weather today.

up-and-coming — showing promise of future success

многообещающий, подающий надежды

He is an up-and-coming young lawyer who might help you with your case.

up in arms — hostile to, in strong protest against something

протестовать против, сопротивляться

The employees are up in arms about the new retirement rules.

up in the air — undecided

еще не определено

My vacation plans are still up in the air.

(not) up to par — equal in standard

(не) в норме

His behavior isn’t up to par.

used to — did often in the past, but not now

в прошлом делал, сейчас нет

I used to play the piano when I was in school (but I don’t play it now).

walk on air — be very happy

летать от счастья

He got the job and is walking on air now.

waste one’s breath — speak uselessly, to no purpose

не трать усилия зря

Don’t waste your breath trying to make him do it, he won’t change his mind.

which way the wind blows — what the real situation is

какова реальная ситуация

He knows which way the wind blows and always acts accordingly.

white lie — unimportant lie

невинная ложь

A white lie is told to spare your feelings.

word for word — in the same words

дословно, дословный

Tell me word for word what he said.

would rather — prefer


I’d rather stay at home today.
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