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  • It’s on the tip of my tongue.

  • It’s worth it. / It’s not worth it.

  • (not) know the first thing about

  • Идиомы в английском языке 1. Часто употребляемые идиомы в английском языке Light at the end of the tunnel Найти выход из ситуации

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    hold up — rob using a weapon

    грабить с применением оружия

    This bank was held up twice last year.

    ill at ease — uncomfortable

    не по себе

    She felt ill at ease because of her cheap dress.

    in advance — well before


    He told her about his plan in advance.

    in a nutshell — in a few words

    кратко, вкратце

    In a nutshell, my plan is to buy land.

    in care of someone — write to one person at the address of another

    адресату по адресу другого человека (у кого остановился)

    I’m staying at Tom’s house. Write to me in care of Tom Gray, Chicago, Illinois.

    in cold blood — mercilessly


    He killed her in cold blood.

    in fact — actually, in reality


    In fact, he works as a manager here.

    in general — generally, generally speaking

    в общем, вообще

    In general, he likes to be alone. He described the place only in general.

    in one’s element — what one likes

    в своей стихии

    He’s in his element when he’s arguing.

    in other words — using other words

    другими словами

    In other words, you refused to do it for her.

    in plain English — in simple, frank terms

    проще говоря

    I didn’t really like the concert. In plain English, the concert was terrible.

    the ins and outs — all info about

    входы и выходы

    He knows the ins and outs of this business.

    in someone’s shoes — in another person’s position

    на месте другого, в положении другого

    I’d hate to be in his shoes now. He lost his job, and his wife is in the hospital.

    in the long run — in the end

    в конечном счете

    In the long run, it’ll be better to buy it.

    in the same boat — in the same situation

    в таком же положении

    Stop arguing with me, we’re in the same boat and should help each other.

    in the clear — free from blame

    вне претензий

    Pay the bill and you’ll be in the clear.

    in time (to do something) — before something begins

    придти вовремя, чтобы успеть что-то сделать (до начала чего-то)

    I came in time to have a cup of coffee before class.

    it goes without saying — should be clear without words

    не стоит и говорить, само собой

    It goes without saying that he must pay what he owes right away.

    It’s on the tip of my tongue.

    вертится на языке

    His name is on the tip of my tongue.

    it’s time — should do it right away


    Hurry up, it’s time to go.

    It’s worth it. / It’s not worth it.It’s (not) worth buying, visiting, watching, etc.

    оно того стоит /оно того не стоит; (не) стоит покупать, посетить, смотреть и т.д.

    Watch this film, it’s worth it. Don’t buy this coat, it is not worth it. This museum is worth visiting. This film is not worth watching.

    it will do — it’s enough


    Stop reading, it will do for now.

    jump at the opportunity/chance — accept the opportunity eagerly

    ухватиться за возможность

    His boss mentioned a job in Europe, and Peter jumped at the opportunity.

    just as soon — prefer this one

    предпочел бы (это)

    I’d just as soon stay home, I’m tired.

    just in case — to be on the safe side

    на всякий случай

    Take an extra shirt, just in case.

    Just my luck! — Bad / Hard luck!

    Мне всегда не везет!

    They lost my job application. Just my luck!

    keep an eye on — take care of, watch, look after

    последить за, присмотреть за

    Betty keeps an eye on my sons for me. I’ll keep an eye on you!

    keep a straight face — not to laugh

    стараться не смеяться

    I tried to keep a straight face, but failed.

    keep company — accompany

    составить компанию

    She keeps me company quite often.

    keep one’s word — fulfill a promise

    держать слово

    You promised, now keep your word.

    keep someone posted — inform

    держать в курсе событий

    Keep me posted about your plans.

    keep your fingers crossed — hope that nothing will go wrong

    надеяться, что все пройдет гладко

    I have a job interview today. Keep your fingers crossed for me, will you?

    kill time — fill/spend empty time

    убить время

    I went to the show to kill time.

    (not) know the first thing about — not to have any knowledge about

    ничего не знать по какой-то теме

    I don’t know the first thing about nuclear physics.

    know the ropes — be very familiar with some business

    знать все ходы и выходы

    He knows all the ropes in this company.

    last-minute notice — little or no time to prepare for something

    сообщение в последний момент

    His arrival was a last-minute notice, we didn’t have time to prepare for it.

    lay one’s cards on the table — be frank and open

    сказать честно, открыть карты

    Finally, we asked him to lay his cards on the table and tell us about his plans.

    lay one’s life on the line — put oneself in a dangerous situation

    ставить жизнь на карту

    He laid his life on the line to fulfill this task, but nobody appreciated his efforts.

    lead a dog’s life — live in misery

    вести собачью жизнь

    He leads a dog’s life.

    lead someone on — make someone believe something that isn’t true

    заставить кого-то поверить неправде

    They suspect that you are leading them on. You led me on!

    leave it at that — accept reluctantly

    оставить как есть

    Leave it at that, what else can you do?

    leave word — leave a message

    оставить сообщение

    He left word for you to meet him at the airport at 6.

    let bygones be bygones — forget and forgive bad things in the past

    не ворошить прошлое

    Why don’t you let bygones be bygones and forget about what he said?

    let go of — release the hold

    отпустить, не держать

    Let go of my hand or I’ll call the guard.

    let (it) go — forget bad experience, return to normal life

    освободиться от тяжелого переживания

    He’s still in despair and can’t let (it) go. You can’t change anything, so let it go.

    let one’s hair down — be relaxed and informal with other people

    держаться неофициально

    She is always so formal. She never lets her hair down.

    let someone down — disappoint, fail someone

    подвести кого-то

    Don’t let me down this time!

    let someone know — inform


    Let me know when you find a job.

    like father, like son — be like one’s parent in something

    какой отец, такой и сын

    Paul won a prize in a chess tournament. Great! Like father, like son!

    little by little — step by step


    Little by little, he got used to Tokyo.

    look for — search for


    What are you looking for?

    look forward to — expect with pleasure

    ожидать с нетерпением

    I’m looking forward to your letter. Mary is looking forward to the party.

    look out — be careful, watch out


    Look out! The bus is coming!

    look up — check with /in a dictionary or a reference book

    посмотреть в словаре или справочнике

    If you don’t know this word, look it up in the dictionary.

    lose one’s temper — become angry


    He loses his temper very often.

    lose one’s way — get lost

    потерять дорогу

    I lost my way. Can you help me?

    lose track of — not to know where someone or something is

    потерять из виду

    I lost track of him years ago.

    lucky break — a lucky chance

    счастливый случай

    He got his lucky break when he got this job.

    make a living — earn money to provide for life

    зарабатывать на жизнь

    He works hard. His family is big, and he has to make a living somehow.

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