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  • 3. Give the right English equivalent to the following Russian sentence.

  • 4. Give the right Russian equivalent to the following English sentence.

  • 5. Find the equivalents in two languages.

  • 6. Complete the sentences with the proper word.

  • 7. Choose the right variant.

  • Г. В. Царева

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    Windows 98

  • Windows 3.0

  • Windows XP

  • Windows Vista
  • Windows Millennium Edition

  • Windows XP Tablet PC Edition

  • Windows 7

    2. Among the software in the right column find those that can be referred to those in the left:

    1) system utilities

    A. desk accessory

    2) applications software

    B. payroll program

    C. spreadsheet

    D. anti-virus program

    E. word processors

    F. editor

    G. database program

    3. Give the right English equivalent to the following Russian sentence.

    Хорошо известно, что компьютеры, работающие с привлекательным интерфейсом, побуждают пользователей к более творческому сотрудничеству и приводят к более высоким результатам.

    1. It is well known that computers have attractive interface and users are more creative and the results are better.

    2. It is well known that computers running under an attractive interface stimulate users to be more creative and produce high quality results.

    3. Computers are well-known to run attractive interface that make users to be more creative and have better results.

    4. Give the right Russian equivalent to the following English sentence.

    Spell checker can be used to compare words in the program’s dictionary to those used in the user’s document.

    1. Программа проверки орфографии может быть использована для сравнения написания слов в документе пользователя со словами программного словаря.

    2. Программа проверки орфографии может быть применена для сравнения слов программного словаря с теми, которые использует в своем документе пользователь.

    3. Программа проверки орфографии используется для сочетания слов документа пользователя со словами программного словаря.

    5. Find the equivalents in two languages.

    1. spreadsheet

    А. прикладная программа

    1. desk accessory

    В. слияние писем

    1. application

    С. расстановка переносов

    1. compiler

    D. экранная принадлежность

    1. utility

    E. текстовый процессор

    1. hyphenation

    F. электронная таблица

    1. mail merging

    G. сервисная программа

    H. транслятор

    6. Complete the sentences with the proper word.

    1. An anti-virus program refers to small programs improving a system's performance which are called ____.

    2. Word processors and spreadsheets are the most common ____.

    3. Windows are considered to be the most widely spread ____.

    4. A set of systems programs for using data by a number of different application programs is known as ____.

    5. Language translator for interpreting instructions into machine code is called ____.

    6. The first version of Windows operating system was released in ____.

    7. The “XP” in Windows XP stands for ____.

    8. Spell checkers, online thesauruses and grammar checkers are three major features of ____.

    7. Choose the right variant.

    1. System utilities ____ small programs which help users take advantage of the computer's capabilities.
    A. Release B. Comprise

    C. Adjust D. Display

    2. Windows operating system which includes a digital pen for handwriting recognition capabilities is called ____.

    A. Windows 2000 Professional B. Windows XP
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