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  • Swift was developed by Apple programmers

  • 4. Find in the text equivalents to

  • 5. Fill in the table.

  • Г. В. Царева

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    3. Read the text about modern programming languages.

    Modern programming languages are developed to take the full advantages of modern computer hardware (Multi-Core CPU, GPU, TPU), mobile devices, large set of data, fast networking, Container, and Cloud. Also, most of the modern programming languages offer much higher developer Ergonomics as given below:

    • Concise and terse code (less boilerplate coding)

    • Built-in support for concurrency

    • Null pointer safety

    • Type Inference

    • The much simpler feature set

    • Lower cognitive load

    • Blending the best features of all programming paradigms

    Rust is open source and Mozilla is leading the language development along with many other companies and communities. Rust is first released in 2015 and has soon caught the eye of the community.
    Key Features:

      • offers Memory safety and Concurrency safety;

      • compile-time guarantee of memory safety and concurrency safety i.e. if a program code compiles, then it is both memory safe and data-race free;

      • with no Runtime, Rust offers full control of modern Hardware (TPU, GPU, Multi-Core CPU);

      • Rust is blazingly fast.

    Main use cases are system programming, serverless computing, business applications. Main competitor languages are C, C++, Go, Swift.
    Go (released by Google in 2012) is a system programming language but different from Rust. It also has a Runtime and Garbage collector (a few Megabytes). But unlike Java or Python, this runtime is packed with the generated code. In the end, Go generates a single native binary code that can run in a machine without additional dependency or Runtime.
    Key Features:

      • has first-class support of concurrency;

      • It is the simplest system programming language (a new software developer can write productive code in a matter of days like Python);

      • has embedded garbage collector which means developers do not need to worry about memory management like C/C++;

      • Google has invested heavily in Go, as a result, Go has massive tooling support.

    Main use cases are system programming, serverless computing, business applications, cloud native development. Main competitor languages are C, C++, Rust, Python, Java.
    Swift was developed by Apple programmers as a multi-paradigm, general-purpose, compiled programming language that gives an alternative to Objective-C. The first stable version of Swift was released in 2014. Swift has excellent interoperability with Objective-C codebase and has already established itself as the main programming language in iOS App development.
    Main Features:

      • With simpler, concise and clean syntax, it offers a more productive alternative to Objective-C;

      • offers features of modern program languages: null safety;

      • as a compile language, Swift is as fast as C++;

      • can be used in server-side programming or even Browser programming (using WebAssembly).

    Main use cases are iOS App development, system programming, client-side development (via WebAssembly). Main competitor languages are Objective-C, Rust, Go.
    4. Find in the text equivalents to:

    Краткий (сжатый), параллелизм, нулевой указатель, рабочий цикл (время прогона), внесерверная обработка данных, программа чистки памяти, сформированный код, поддержка инструментальными средствами, компилируемый язык, межпрограммное взаимодействие, безопасная работа с пустыми ссылками, бинарный формат инструкций для стековой виртуальной машины, вариант использования.

    5. Fill in the table.






    Use case



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