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  • 2. Find in the text equivalents for the following words and word-combinations

  • Г. В. Царева

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    UNIT I


    The beginnings of the modern computer date back to the 1600's when Blaise Pascal, a French mathematician and scientist, developed one of the first mechanical calculating devices.

    It is only within the past decade, however, that computer technology has become essential in the work environment. Almost every profession is deeply affected by the computer revolution: physicians consult computer-based expert systems to help diagnose illnesses; musicians compose and perform music using computers, and students and professionals in every field use electronic mail to communicate with both colleagues and strangers. With so many applications for computer technology, it is not surprising that the demand for computer professionals has been steadily rising.

    Computer science is a broad discipline that involves the study of the structure, functions, and applications of computers and related technologies. At the advanced level, computer science can involve the study of highly specialized subfields such as knowledge engineering, cognitive science, or management information systems.

    Students interested in pursuing careers in computer and related fields will find that many educational opportunities exist. Depending on one's professional goals, training for various computer careers can range from vocational education programs in such areas as data processing technology and computer maintenance; to bachelor's degree programs that prepare programmers, database managers, and systems analysts; to graduate programs focusing on cutting-edge research in artificial intelligence, robotics, or software engineering.

    The emphasis of a computer science program can sometimes be determined from the title of the program: those with titles such as data processing, management information systems, or information science are usually business-oriented; computer science, software engineering, or engineering and computer science programs tend to be oriented toward science and engineering, and those titled computer and information science usually provide a mixture of orientations.

    Advising students about computer science study can be difficult because many gray areas exist where computer science and other disciplines such as engineering, business, mathematics, philosophy, linguistics, and psychology overlap. For example, artificial intelligence has close ties with cognitive psychology and linguistics; computer graphics is tightly linked with fine arts and industrial design, and the student of robotics must understand basic engineering concepts.

    Significant overlap also exists among the various computer science specializations themselves, with differences measurable only in level of emphasis. Knowledge engineering, cognitive science, and artificial intelligence, often considered separate areas of study, are all involved in the effort to understand and recreate human intelligence and reasoning. Likewise, computer information systems, management information systems, and information science all focus on the nature and efficient flow of information within organizations. Even the well-established division between hardware and software begins to blur when one considers specializations such as systems analysis, robotics, computer engineering, and other subfields that require in-depth knowledge of all major aspects of computer science.

    Because the computing field is so broad and complex and because it always changes, it is advisable for students to obtain a broad base of knowledge that includes training in both hardware and software before pursuing specialized study. While the specializations offered by universities will no doubt change as technological advancements are made, computer professionals with a comprehensive background in computer science will always be in demand.


    calculating devices

    • вычислительные приборы


    • существенный, важный, необходимый

    to be affected by

    • находиться под влиянием


    • применение

    demand for

    • потребность, спрос

    to be in demand

    • пользоваться спросом


    • родственный, связанный с

    advanced level

    • продвинутый уровень


    • познавательный

    to pursue a career

    data processing

    • обработка данных

    computer maintenance

    • эксплуатация, техническое обслуживание


    artificial intelligence (AI)

    • искусственный интеллект

    software engineering

    • программотехника, инженерия разработки ПО


    • название, заглавие

    to overlap

    • частично совпадать

    knowledge engineering

    • инжениринг знаний (дисциплина, занимающаяся вопросами формализации знаний предметной области с целью построить базу знаний разрабатываемой экспертной системы)

    computer engineering

    • конструирование (проектирование) ЭВМ (дисциплина, занимающаяся вопросами архитектуры и методами разработки компьютеров)


    • аппаратные средства, аппаратура, оборудование (совокупность физических устройств компьютера или отдельных его частей)

    to blur

    • сделать неясным, затуманить, затемнить

    to obtain

    • получать, добывать

    technological advancement

    • технический прогресс

    comprehensive background

    • всесторонняя подготовка


    1. Read the introductory text again and answer these questions.

    1. What is the role of Blaise Pascal in the development of computer science?

    2. Why can we say that computer technology is essential in the work environment nowadays?

    3. How can you define “computer science”?

    4. What educational opportunities exist for students interested in pursuing careers in computer?

    5. Why is it difficult to advise students about computer science?

    6. Why do you think it is advisable for students to obtain a broad base of knowledge in computer science before any specialized study?

    7. Why will highly qualified professionals always be in demand?

    2. Find in the text equivalents for the following words and word-combinations:

    Necessary, to be influenced by, sphere, use, to include, aim, different, up-to-date, to supply, to be connected, fundamental, very important, attempt, to comprehend, similarly, to concentrate, to become indistinct, main, thorough, complicated, to get, undoubtedly.

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