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  • Read the introductory text and answer the following questions.

  • 2. Complete the tables.

  • 3. Compare some things given below showing their similarity and

  • 4. Look at the words and phrases in the box. Would you associate them with e-mail, the Internet or both If there any words you don’t know, find someone in the class who can explain them to you.

  • Work with a partner. Choose three of the words from the box and write definitions for them. Close your books and exchange your definitions with another pair of students. Can you remember the terms

  • Г. В. Царева

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    • отдельно, порознь

    remote access

    • дистанционный доступ, выборка

    single cable network

    • однокабельная сеть

    loop network

    • разветвленная сеть

    dedicated line

    • специализированная линия

    dialed line

    acoustic coupler

    • акустический коммутатор


    • вставлять штепсель (программная вставка)

    fibre-optic cable

    • оптоволоконный кабель


    • прядь, стренга


    • бод (единица скорости передачи информации)


    • антенна


    • расширять, усиливать


    • волна


    1. Read the introductory text and answer the following questions.

    1. What is meant by the word ‘terminal’? What types of terminal do you know?

    2. Can you explain the meaning of the abbreviations LAN and WAN? Give the answer.

    3. What device is used to connect a computer to a telephone line?

    4. Is there any difference between dedicated and dialed line?

    5. Is using telephone lines the only way of transmitting data? If not, name other means.

    6. Which type of cable allows data to be transmitted as pulses of light?

    7. How can you express the key idea of the text?

    2. Complete the tables.

    Table 1







    Table 2

    Datacomm system



    1. Network

    2. LAN

    3. WAN

    4. Modem

    5. Fibre-obtics cable

    6. Microwave radio

    7. Communications satellite

    3. Compare some things given below showing their similarity and contrast. Use the following expressions:

    Like ____

    Both ____

    Unlike ____

    ____ is different to ____

    In comparison with ____

    ____, whereas ____

    In contrast to ____

    ____ is similar to ____

    1. Dialed line, dedicated line

    2. Analogue signal, digital signal

    3. Local Area Network, Wide Area Network

    4. Ordinary telephone cable, fibre-obtics cable

    5. Microwave radio link, satellite link

    6. Input device, output device

    7. Impact printer, non-impact printer

    4. Look at the words and phrases in the box. Would you associate them with e-mail, the Internet or both? If there any words you don’t know, find someone in the class who can explain them to you.

    Server, log on, search engine, hyperlink, home page, bookmark, attachment, graphics, online, inbox, chat room, newsgroup

    Work with a partner. Choose three of the words from the box and write definitions for them. Close your books and exchange your definitions with another pair of students. Can you remember the terms?
    5. Read the text and do the tasks given below.
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