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  • What else do you know about databases and their basic features Which tasks can be performed by using a database Make a list of possible applications.

  • Г. В. Царева

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    1. Read the description of word processor features and name these features.

    1. Splitting of a word between two lines so that the text will fit better on the page.

    2. It is responsible for the explosion of ‘personalized’ mail. By designating what information goes into which blank space, a computer can process a huge amount of correspondence substituting the ‘personal’ information into a form letter.

    3. This feature helps the user look up different words for using them in similar instances. It contains definitions and suggestions of words with similar and opposite meanings.

    4. It can be used to compare words in the program’s dictionary to those used in the user’s document.

    5. It counts words in sentences to flag possible run-on sentences, looks for words that show possible conflicts between verbs and subjects and offers advice about corrections.

    2. Find to the terms in Column A the proper explanation from Column B. For help use the glossary.




    - a set of systems programs which allow the data from a database to be used by a number of different application programs

    Database program

    - a file of structured data

    Database management system

    - an application program used to store, organize and retrieve a large collection of data

    What else do you know about databases and their basic features? Which tasks can be performed by using a database? Make a list of possible applications.
    3. Read about Windows operating system.
    M any longtime PC users trace the Microsoft Windows® operating system to the 1990 release of Windows 3.0, the first widely popular version of Windows and the first version of Windows many PC users ever tried. However, Microsoft initially announced the Windows product seven years earlier and released the first version in 1985.

    The Windows 1. The Windows 1.0 product box featured the operating system's new, tiled windows and graphical user interface (GUI).

    1985: Windows 1.0

    The first version of Windows provided a new software environment for developing and running applications that use bitmap displays and mouse pointing devices. Before Windows, PC users relied on the MS-DOS® method of typing commands at the C prompt (C:\). With Windows, users moved a mouse to point and click their way through tasks, such as starting applications.

    In addition, Windows users could switch among several concurrently running applications. The product included a set of desktop applications, including the MS-DOS file management program, a calendar, card file, notepad, calculator, clock, and telecommunications programs, which helped users manage day-to-day activities.
    T his early Interface Manager product preceded the Windows 1.0 GUI.

    1987: Windows 2.0

    Windows 2.0 took advantage of the improved processing speed of the Intel 286 processor, expanded memory, and inter-application communication capabilities made possible through Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE). With improved graphics support, users could now overlap windows, control screen layout, and use keyboard combinations to move rapidly through Windows operations. Many developers wrote their first Windows-based applications for this release.

    1990: Windows 3.0

    The third major release of the Windows platform from Microsoft offered improved performance, advanced graphics with 16 colors, and full support of the more powerful Intel 386 processor. A new wave of 386 PCs helped drive the popularity of Windows 3.0, which offered a wide range of useful features and capabilities, including:

    • Program Manager, File Manager and Print Manager.

    • A completely rewritten application development environment.

    • An improved set of Windows icons.
    The popularity of Windows 3.0 grew with the release of a new Windows software development kit (SDK), which helped software developers focus more on writing applications and less on writing device drivers.

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