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  • Приложение А

  • Приложение B (справочное) Стратегия развития Сбербанка России на период 2014-2018 гг. 119 Приложение C

  • Приложение D (справочное) Работа КБП ПАО «Сбербанка» Шаг 1. Поиск клиента 121 Приложение D

  • Приложение D (продолжение) Шаг 3. Презентация. 123 Приложение D

  • Значение и виды современных информационно-коммуникационных технологий реферат. Информационнокоммуникационные технологии и их роль в управлении корпоративными отношениями на примере пао

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    Проведенное исследование дает возможность сделать такие выводы и предложения:
    Основными проблемами в сфере информационно- коммуникационных ресурсов организации считаются следствием особенностей модернизации информационной экономики, к которым можно отнести проблему формирования информационных ресурсов (ИР) для системы управления, проблему устранения разрыва между техникой и состоянием информационных ресурсов и внутренними информационно- коммуникационными технологиями.
    Создание и модернизация ИР компании реализуется по таким направлениям, как: определение проблем и информации, которая необходима для их решения; сбор, обработка и анализ предоставленной информации, которая необходима для решения найденных проблем; формирование и оценка альтернатив для сотрудника, принимающего решение.
    Безопасность организации – это ключевой вопрос для внедрения современных ИТ-технологий.
    Главными критериями совершенствования организационной структуры предприятия на базе информационно-коммуникационных технологий являются следующие характеристики: решительность, способность к быстрой интеграции, надежность, сложность, гибкость, скорость принятия решений.
    Процесс оптимизации системы управления организации в целом на базе информационно-коммуникационных технологий можно свести к процессу глобальной интеграции как внутриорганизационной сети, так и во внешних связях. Другими словами, информационно-коммуникационные технологии должны обеспечить преобразование корпоративных структур организации в сетевые.

    С помощью новой ИТ-программы ПАО «Сбербанка» станет возможным создание платформы, позволяющей Банку вводить новые продукты не за недели, а за часы. Такая платформа будет обладать почти неограниченной производительностью и увеличенным уровнем надежности, а также в разы сниженной стоимостью и существенно сокращающей участие людей в процессе проведения операция клиентов. Сотрудники Сбербанка в таком случае будут работать лишь с отклонениями операция клиентов.
    Система будет состоять из встроенного в нее искусственного интеллекта, гибкого ценообразования и машинного обучения.
    Расходы Банка в 2014 году на информационные технологии составили примерно 65 миллиардов рублей, в 2015 году они возросли примерно на 25-
    30%. Сбербанк сегодня – это крупнейшая ИТ-компания в России. Она занимает 10% ИТ-рынка России, из 450 тысяч программистов страны 22 тысячи работают именно в Сбербанке.

    Список публикаций студента
    1. Кудрявцева А.Ф. Маркетинг нового уровня: Что такое CRM технологии и как их применять?// Молодежь и системная модернизация страны: Сборник научных статей 2-й Международной научной Конференции студентов и молодых ученых (25-26 мая 2017 года), в 4-х томах, Том 1, Юго-Зап. гос. ун-т., ЗАО «Университетская книга», Курск, 2017, 260 с.
    2. Кудрявцева А.Ф. Информационно-коммуникационные технологии и их роль в управлении предприятием// Молодежь и системная модернизация страны: Сборник научных статей 2-й Международной научной Конференции студентов и молодых ученых (25-26 мая 2017 года), в 4-х томах, Том 3, Юго-Зап. гос. ун-т., ЗАО «Университетская книга», Курск, 2017, 172 с.

    Список литературы
    Багиев Г.Л., Красикова Н.И. Мотивация коммерческих коммуникаций в системе маркетинга: Учебное пособие. – СПб.: Изд-во
    СПбУЭФ, 2010 – 85с.
    Балуев Д. Г. Новые информационные технологии и современные международные отношения. – Н. Новгород, 2008. – 45с.
    Барсуков В.С., Водолазкий В.В. Современные технологии безопасности. – М.: Нолидж, 2000. – 495с.
    Бернет Дж., Мориарти С. Маркетинговые коммуникации.
    Интегрированный подход: Пер. с англ. под ред. С.Г. Божук. – СПб.; Харьков:
    Питер, 2001. – 860с.
    Гидрович С.Р., Крутик А.Б. Новые информационные системы в малом бизнесе // Сб. международного конгресса "Маркетинг и проблемы информатизации предпринимательства". – СПб.: Изд-во СПбУЭФ, 2006.
    Гиляровский Р. С. Научная библиотека в эпоху электронных коммуникаций // Науч. и техн. биб-ки. – 1998. – №3. – С. 3 - 12.
    Годин В.В., Корнеев И.К. Управление информационными ресурсами. – М.: ИНФРА-М, 1999. – 403с.
    Грабауров В.А. Информационные технологии для менеджеров. –
    М.: Финансы и статистика, 2011. – 368с.
    Григорьева Е. А., Томилов В. В. Информационные технологии и предпринимательство в сфере разработки программного обеспечения инфраструктуры Интернет-рынков (Internet Markets) // Регион: политика, экономика, социология. – 2000, №4.
    Громов Г.Р. Очерки информационных технологий. – М., 2013.
    Дудинска Э., Мизла М. Управленческие информационные системы// Проблемы теории и практики управления, 2006. – №2. С.114-120.
    Дынкин А., Иванова Н.. Наука и технологии: мировые тенденции
    // Общество и экономика. - 2012. - № 3-4. – с.293-303 13.
    Дынкин А., Иванова Н.. Наука и технологии: мировые тенденции
    // Общество и экономика. - 2012. - № 5 - С. 89-98 14.
    Елисеева Т.А. Сравнительный анализ коммуникационных преимуществ и недостатков Интернета в реализации коммуникационных задач медиа-планирования // Маркетинг и маркетинговые исследования в
    России, 2000. № 2 – 54-60с.
    Еловенко В.Г. Информационные технологии и их использование в системе маркетинга// Маркетинг и предпринимательство: сб. - СПб.:
    СПбУЭФ, 2015. – С. 155-158.

    101 16.
    Зверинцев А. Коммуникационный менеджмент. – СПб.: Изд- во
    Буковского, 2005.
    Информационные системы в экономике / Под. ред. проф. В. В.
    Дика. – М., 2006. - 270с.
    Крутик А.Б., Дубик Н.Р. Информационный маркетинг// Сб. международного конгресса "Маркетинг и проблемы информатизации предпринимательства". – СПб.: Изд-во СПбУЭФ, 2009. – С.196-200.
    Ланцов В. А. Методы научно-технического, экономического и социального прогнозирования. – СПб.: Изд-во СПбУЭФ, 2003 – С.47.
    Ларин М. В. Управление документацией и новые информационные технологии. – М., 20088. – 136 с.
    Лебедев В.Э., Борзунова Э.Л. Основные тенденции развития корпоративных информационных архитектур// Сб. международного конгресса "Маркетинг и проблемы информатизации предпринимательства". –
    СПб.: Изд-во СПбУЭФ, 2012. – С.228-234.
    Лесохин В.З. Информационное обеспечение маркетинговых систем. - СПб.: Изд-во СПбУЭФ, 2004.
    Лидванова Л.И. Международный информационный обмен как фактор жизнедеятельности маркетинговых структур// Сб. международного конгресса "Маркетинг и проблемы информатизации предпринимательства". –
    СПб.: Изд-во СПбУЭФ, 2013. – С.50-53.
    Лихачева Г. Н. Информационные технологии на службе информационного общества // Новые информационные технологии в экономических системах. – М., 2009. – 126 с.
    Мелентьева Н.И. Влияние информационных технологий на развитие маркетинговых коммуникаций// Сб. международного конгресса "Маркетинг и проблемы информатизации предпринимательства". – СПб.:
    Изд-во СПбУЭФ, 2006. – С.268- 270.
    Мильнер Б.З. Теория организаций. – М.: ИНФРА-М. 2000, – 335с.
    Минс Г., Шнайдер Д. Метакапитализм и революция в электронном бизнесе: какими будут компании и рынки в XXI веке. – М.:
    Альпина паблишер. 2011. – 280с.
    О’Шонесси Дж. Конкурентный маркетинг: стратегический подход / Пер. с англ. под ред. Д.О. Ямпольской. – СПб.: Питер, 2001. – 857с.
    Перспективные телекоммуникационные технологии.
    Потенциальные возможности / Под ред. Л.Д. Реймана и Л.Е. Варакина. – М.:
    МАС, 2001. – 256с
    Поппель Г., Голдстайн Б. Информационная технология - миллионные прибыли. – М., 2009. – 239с.

    102 31.
    Постма П., Ф.Котлер. Новая эра маркетинга. Будущее маркетинга в век новых технологий: Пер. с англ./ ред. Т.Р. Тэор. – СПб; М.; Харьков:
    Питер, 2002. – 202 с.
    Свириденко С.С. Современные информационные технологии. –
    М.: Радио и связь, 2010. – 303 с.
    Семенов М. И., Трубилин И. Т., Лойко В. И., Барановская Т. П.
    Автоматизированные информационные технологии в экономике. – М.: 2014.
    – 416 с.
    Соколов А.В. Введение в теорию социальной коммуникации:
    Учебное пособие. – СПб.: СПбГУП, 2006. – 320 с.
    Соколов Д.В. Информационные технологии и ресурсы в концепции информационной экономики // Регион: Политика, экономика, социология, 2011. № 2/3. – С.27-30.
    Титов А.Б., Алексеев А.А., Григорьев В.И. Теория оценки эффективности маркетинговых коммуникаций: Препринт. – СПб.: Изд-во
    СПбГУЭФ, 2000. – 65 с.
    Томилов В. В., Зубарев А. А., Григорьева В. А. Бизнес- коммуникации в финансово-банковских структурах. – СПб.: Литера Плюс,
    2005. – С.160.
    Томилов В.В., Григорьева Е.А. Венчурные структуры в сфере информационных технологий. – СПб.: Изд-во «Литера Плюс», 2003. – 178с.
    Томилов В.В., Хакунов Т.Д. Информационный аспект в маркетинговой концепции формирования оптимальной структуры управления предприятием // Сб. международного конгресса: "Маркетинг и проблемы информатизации предпринимательства". – СПб.: Изд-во СПбУЭФ,
    2005. – С.257-260.
    Уринцов А. И. Современные компьютерные технологии и их классификация // Новые информационные технологии в экономических системах – М.: 2009. – 126 с.
    Урсул А. Д. Природа информации. – М., 2011. – 206 с.
    Хорошилов А.В., Романов К.А. О критерии эффективности инвестиций в информационные технологии // Вопросы статистики. – 2009. –
    №11. – С.49-51.
    Шафрин Ю.А. Информационные технологии. – М., 2008. – 700 с.
    Официальный сайт ПАО «Сбербанк России» [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://www.sberbank.ru/ru/about/today
    Официальный сайт Oracle[Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://www.oracle.com/index.html

    103 46.
    Марина Полякова. Директор информационной службы. Шаг к централизации [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://www.osp.ru/cio/2012/01/13012613/
    Сирануш Шароян. Греф признал устаревшей новую IT-систему
    Сбербанка за миллиарды рублей [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://www.rbc.ru/finances/15/01/2016/5698ce9d9a794791cf2c1748

    Приложение А
    Information and communication technologies of the corporate relationship
    (an example of the company PAO “Sberbank”)
    Кудрявцева А.Ф.
    Консультант каф. социальных коммуникаций (руководитель ВКР)
    Ученая степень, звание
    Старший преподаватель кафедры социальных коммуникаций
    Колодий Вячеслав
    Владимирович кандидат филологических наук
    Консультант-лингвист кафедры иностранных языков ИСГТ
    Ученая степень, звание
    Старший преподаватель
    Чайка Юлия
    Старший преподаватель

    Recent decades are marked by fast and comprehensive integration of data- processing systems into social life. Information became a strategic resource of society leading to inevitable expansion of information and communication technologies. In the present context of market competition, any company should be able to adjust to gradually changing market environment, external factors as well as new services and technologies.
    At this stage, information and communication technologies are capable of reversing ways in which the machinery of government and other establishments works. Interconnection of information and communication technologies results in advance in traditional industries, development of new sectors, services and products along with consumer satisfaction. Such technologies constitute tools for creating new ways of business management that can bring positive results at the level of a company as well as market economy in a whole.
    Rapid evolution of information and communication technology calls for higher concentration on its introduction and utilization. Disregard of ICT management gives rise to a complex of various technologies that are incompatible and, thus, inefficient. In practice, it has become clear that current solutions concerning ICT evolution are influenced by prestige, fashion, advertising, and individual opinions, and does not imply analyzing business needs. Moreover, a special concern is a discrepancy between business-units and ICT at the stage of adoption. As a rule, introduction of information technologies in companies is closely related to development in organizational set-up and business processes, which is not an easy step at all.
    Today most problems encountered in ICT development in the Russian
    Federation are usually triggered by a certain close-mindedness of people who take decisions (including executives of ICT companies). Many of them run their company from a personal perspective, vision, intuition, not having structured information on the company’s dynamics and current status. The executives who are responsible for their company operations in general should have wider

    106 perspective on the introduction of ICT into different sectors and have a knack for managing long-term adoption of ICT in the company.
    Basing on the experience of economically developed countries, it should be noted that 70% of success of a particular company is determined by consistent management. If the management team runs the company in the most efficient way and makes use of advanced ICT, it will be able to succeed even under the most unfavorable circumstances.
    Unfortunately, it is inadequate to say that all the companies should adopt
    ICT in short order. This does not mean that a company having spent more money will obtain maximal result. There are a number of examples when expenditures for adopting ICT did not bring about expected return, leaving behind material losses instead.
    Major concerns to discuss are how to: find the right ICT solutions for adopting suitable ICT, determine relevant directions for ICT introduction, estimate efficiency of usage, calculate the best amount of finance for developing these systems.
    The process of taking decisions while choosing the most efficient ICT is rather new for great many executives. At the same time, consequences of such choice will greatly influence the company for years. The result is that solutions for introduction and management of ICT should be found in such a way as to encourage executives of companies to choose technologies corresponding to their company needs (its scale, business activities etc.) as well as to advance management, bring value to the business and reach the stated objectives to the best advantage.
    Analysis of current problems of ICT introduction and management shows that particular aspects and the system in general are not appropriately addressed.
    Special focus should be on the process of choosing, adopting and maintaining a technology by management team so that the utilization of such technology could bring visible results. This particular problem has determined the choice of subject, focus and content of this thesis.

    The object of research is PAO Sberbank of Russia.
    The subject of the research comprises mechanisms, methods, processes, and role of information and communication technologies in corporate management.
    The relevancy of the work is supported by the following fact: according to some independent and statistical researches, the demand for information and communication technologies rises from year to year, and finances that companies are ready to invest into the development of ICT increase by 4.4% annually.
    Unfortunately, experience has proven that performance of investment in ICT does not always answer the expectations. At present, Russia is yet to bridge the divide with more developed European countries in the matter of informational support for economy and society, regardless of its high rates of economic growth.
    Imperfect development of ICT in Russia is aggravated by a number of factors presenting obstacles for efficient production growth in this sector and rapid adoption along with fully functional utilization of these technologies in the economy. Such negative factors comprise un ideal quality of the staff of a company dealing with creation and utilization of ICT, shortage of information and informational support of markets, insufficient legal framework which is elaborated without regard for modern ICT.
    It is important not to repeat mistakes of the past, when large-scale processes of ICT products introduction did not result in anticipated increase in operating efficiency of companies. Today success of investment in ICT is determined by a manner of delivery and support of information and communication services in a company, and not by ICT solutions, particular equipment and software programs.
    The actual state of economy dictates such terms for business management according to which every company should be scrupulous about choosing only such technologies that account for increase in its performance efficiency with due regard to introduction costs.
    In order to meet the challenges, it is necessary to determine problems that hinder the best use of modern ICT in Russian companies as well as to find a solution for them.

    The purpose of this research is to examine information and communication technologies in PAO Sberbank, detect potential problems, and elaborate techniques to increase efficiency in company management.
    In the furtherance of this goal, it is necessary to accomplish following goals:
    4. Examine types, ways, and spheres of ICT application.
    5. Determine the role of ICT in business management.
    6. Examine corporate management of PAO Sberbank and the influence of ICT on corporate relations of the company.
    Taking into consideration the complexity of this problem, we should determine the scope of the work. It does not comprise research in information technologies for computer systems (machine languages, operating systems etc.), since these subjects are rather related to informatics than to management.
    Procedural framework of this research is based on works of leading Russian and foreign scientists in the field of economic analysis, information management, theory of constraints and system theory.
    Informational ground of the research comprises guidelines, data on PAO
    Sberbank, proper research data, Internet resources, special materials, and literature on the problem under consideration as well as proceedings of a number of workshops and conferences.
    The purpose and goals of the thesis have determined its logic and structure.
    The master thesis includes introduction, three main chapters, conclusion, references comprising 47 names, and 4 appendixes. The main text is exposed on 87 pages, including 1 tables and 1 drawings.

    109 2.1. Content and value of information and communication technologies of the modern economy
    In the context of the modern information economy renovation of management systems is based on ICT technologies. With continuous change in the market situation, enterprises accomplish identified goals by informing their managers about new technologies, competition, and market promotion of products and services.
    Every day the environment changes more and more rapidly, leading to faster and greater information distribution. Consequently, it is crucial for a successful business to shorten the time of decision-making which brings about faster processing and transfer of information by means of new ICT. The research in orientation and patterns of ICT development in the market economy explains higher rates of informatization as a process of production of goods and services as well as a process of company management in general.
    By informatization we mean the process of development of the information
    “industry”. Experts in this field distinguish three equal definitions:
    Process of creation of the noosphere.
    Process of improving efficiency of informatization in society and in the whole country through advanced ICT technologies.
    Process of development and modernization of an information-oriented society.
    The process of informatization is determined by measuring introduction of new technologies into every social life sphere. Modern information technologies are based on computer engineering, that is why experts in this field often equate terms “computerization” and “informatization”.
    The term “information technologies” derives from terms “technology” and
    “information”. A special focus should be on the definition of the term “information

    110 technologies” (IT). Technology (from Greek Techne, meaning “skill”, “mastery”,
    “art”;Logos, meaning “science”, “knowledge”) is a complex of techniques for creating, processing and changing forms, features, states that are used for production of goods and services. The goal of technology as a science is to determine patterns for discovery and application of the most efficient production processes.
    Information technologies are a complex of software and hardware, production processes and techniques for collection, storage, processing, analysis, summarizing and distribution of information in order to decrease labor intensity while applying information resources, to boost their performance function and reliability. When examining definitions of the content of information technologies, it may be concluded that at present they are one of the most efficient tools of management modernization, in particular, in such spheres as organization culture, human resource management, accountancy, marketing, service- and product- quality management, strategic management etc.
    Information technologies are basically aimed at providing efficient use of information resources to support management decision-making, to maintain highly competitive business-units after competitor and consumer analysis, to do strategy planning for accelerated growth of a company.
    The structure of information technologies may be presented as a complex of office appliances, software, special management systems, algorithms along with teaching and learning materials.
    Accelerated growth of information technologies worldwide may be explained by rapid increase in information flow intensity triggered by generation of information space and globalization. Information processing for command generation and management decision-making is time-consuming; for this reason, it could not be denied that management is in need of efficient information support.

    Management of a modern enterprise is based on the concept of relationship marketing, which means that our society is passing from the management concept of the XX century “we sell what we produce” to the concept of the XXI century
    “we produce what is in demand and on sale”. This concept of relations among market players was elaborated in the Scandinavian marketing school of H.
    Hokansson, and only after some time it was adopted by Russian scientists. The process of cooperation of interdependent and interrelated market players is called communication. There are a number of definitions of the term “communication”, but in most cases they come to the idea that communication is :
    1. Process of information transfer
    2. Process transferring an idea from its source to a recipient to change the recipient’s behavior.
    As a result, it may be concluded that the main aims of communications are interaction, control and persuasion.
    Communicatio, meaning “transfer”,
    “message”) is the exchange of ideas, information, thoughts, interaction etc. The term also means the process of transferring a particular content from one individual or collective consciousness to another through signs embodied in some material media. Communications constitute a social process reflecting the structure of society and presenting a linking element in it.
    As any other social phenomenon, communications represent a complex process which may be described on many sides. Different authors regard communication as culture of subject-subject relationship, an aspect of technology, an area of activity etc.
    Consequently, in the simplest case, communications represent interaction of subjects (economic agents), mediated by some objects (messages). That is why communications are practical, functional and comprise transfer of messages and

    112 material. There are several types of communications: semantic (conceptual), which includes social (external) and within-subject (internal), as well as transporting communication (special). Social communications may be described at 3 different levels: inter subject, group and mass communications (first two levels are of interest for experts in microeconomics).
    On the other hand, communications may be regarded as processes that develop in the course of time influenced by spontaneous and applied forces coming from a subject. Forms of communication activities may be divided into three groups depending on their aims:

    Such interaction represents equitable relationship.

    Subject-object (management). Such communication has following types: indoctrination, instruction, command.

    Object-subject (imitation). This type of communication features autonomy.
    Special focus shall be on the detailed study of the linear model of communication as a process of interaction of two agents (economic subjects). It comprises three elements:

    Transferring element – communicator (transmitter, agent, subject).

    Transferred element – object.

    Receiving element – recipient (receiver, agent, subject).
    The linear model associates efficient communication with the communicator and implies that the recipient gets credible information, understands it fully and provides responsiveness. It is possible to improve the efficiency of communication system and to minimize disturbances which influence information transfer paths by duplicating messages, upgrading information channels, and trans coding messages.

    As the model under consideration is one-directional and simplified, it, definitely, has a number of disadvantages, as follows: this model does not have some properties of communications, for instance, two-directionality and dynamics; it does not take account of complexity of communications comprising many interdependent elements.
    To have an information channel, known as communication channel (CC), is a must for any communication. These channels transfer material forms of messages
    (not concepts) in real time and physical space. That is why CC is a technical tool of communication. Information activity in the social space provides transfer of concepts, known as intellectual activity. Experts distinguish artificial and intellectual means and channels. Artificial communication channels are used when two individuals are deprived of information influence through direct contact. Such
    CC may be divided into electronic, documental, oral types as well as their combinations. Natural communication channels are proper for a human; they provide transfer of information at the conversational (verbal) and emotional
    (nonverbal) levels.
    Research studies on communication management reckon to represent the subject and object of management as a whole system. Such approach implies two types of management:
    1. Management of means of communication.
    2. Management of people who participate in the communication.
    Management of communication encompasses management of the intercourse of individuals that, in return, control means of communication in the process of interaction. The system of communication management, as any other management system, has a number of functions, such as:






    The management of communication constitutes the complex of stimulations of its agents and means by which the process is implemented. It should be noted that an individual is a subject of communication, while its means represents an object. Such scheme implies fulfilling every function and managing at every level of organization and market system as a whole.
    As a result, on the one hand, continuous growth of data volume on interaction of companies under market conditions needs constant upgrading of information technologies. However, on the other hand, further market development has framed marketing of interaction, serving as a basis for communication processes. The bonding of communication processes and information technologies gave birth to a new term “information and communication technologies” (ICT).
    When studying ICT, one should focus not only on data processing and storage, but also on the processes of communication which are responsible for consumer interaction and service delivery on the part of organizations.
    Every company has different levels of administration, with various information flows. In order to process these flows, companies use particular information technologies brought into action through corresponding information systems, with a special name for every one of them.
    Every company’s information management system (IMS) may be described according to its levels, basic functions and data processing.
    ESS represents strategic systems designed for supporting managers of companies in developing and making strategic decisions. Such systems take into account long-term changes of external and business environment of a company.
    ESS comprises specific knowledge and data of all the information systems of a company, as a rule, being based on the expert systems (ES),known as artificial

    115 intelligence systems. ESS systems are aimed at coordinating changes in working conditions and current organizational capacity.
    The main purpose of strategic information systems based on ICT encompasses provision of company executives with information support means for creation, control and delivery of company strategies. To achieve this objective, it is necessary to:

    Build common information space and upgrade communications infrastructure.

    Generate and adopt latest techniques and forms of management based on information technologies of a new era and the concept of quality management.

    Minimize time period for information transfer necessary for strategic decision-making.

    Introduce a single standard of work with electronic documents which will rely on the approved regulatory framework and provide accessibility, controllability and safety of documents.

    Switch to the computer system and improve overall performance by introducing supporting tools for group work along with specific applications.

    Build infrastructure for corporate knowledge management.
    Introduction of ESS strategic system meets following challenges:
    Provision of required quality of company management.
    Increase in efficiency of company units’ interaction.
    Increase in controllability of products and services quality.
    Increase in efficiency of economic activity of a company.
    Creation of statistical accounting system in a company.
    Assessment of development prospects of a company.
    Creation of a forecasting system for operational and strategic planning.

    Enterprise management system is greatly influenced by such development trends as convergence, globalization and avoidance of intermediate agents as well as ensuring compliance and complicating information products. As a result, after examining patterns, value and content of ICT in the modern economy, one may conclude that:
    ICTs are basically determined by two independent processes: information technologies and communications. IT are based on concepts of technology, informatization, and information; communications encompass interaction of subjects (economic agents) mediated by particular objects
    After analyzing definitions of the content of information technologies, it may be stated that in the modern economy information technologies constitute an efficient tool for modernization of company management. The main objective of information technologies is to provide efficient use of information resources of a company in order to: support managers with decision-making; augment competitiveness of all business-units, considering consumer opinion; examine results of investment and innovations of a company; devise corporate development plans.
    In the modern economy, the role of IT is determined by two groups of factors: factors coming from IT users (cost-efficiency of software and equipment, dependency of company’s success on its flexibility, increase in demands for new activities) and factors coming from IT producers (creation of new activities, new sectors of information market with new IT products, broader interaction of company partners, generation of new infrastructure of a company).
    Communications represent a complex social phenomenon described as culture of relationship of subjects, aspect of technology, area of activity, system, function, service, information channel, and process. By using this data, experts have built a system model which regards communication process as an equitable

    117 dialog, and not a monolog. Along with process of communication, it features interaction and information flows.
    The central core of any system communication model is a communication channel transferring the material form of a message in real time and physical space as well as representing a technical tool of communication. The content of communication management is a subject and an object of management of the whole integrated system. Such approach comprises two types of management: communication product management and management of individuals participating in the communication.
    The binding of communication and information technologies gave birth to a new term “information and communication technologies”. Further examination of influence that information trends have on ICT showed that in case of application of ICT, the focus is on the communication responsible for interaction of consumers and information service delivery.
    According to the concept of marketing of interactions, the current development of ICT implies generation of network and Internet technologies.
    These particular networks determine business types in the modern economy.

    Приложение B
    Стратегия развития Сбербанка России на период 2014-2018 гг.

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    Модель клиентоцентричности

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