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В Америке — самый крупный и развитый в мире рынок ипотечного кредитования, как по организации, так и по числу финансовых инструментов. Занять лидирующие позиции США сумели за счет формирования прозрачного ликвидного вторичного рынка и эффективного взаимодействия между его участниками. Основными участниками американского ипотечного рынка являются:

• Заемщик — приобретающий ипотечный кредит на покупку жилья.

• Кредитор (банк или другое кредитное учреждение) — предоставляющий заемщику кредит под залог приобретаемой недвижимости.

• Посредник — ипотечное агентство, привлекающее капитал для заемщиков и обеспечивающее ликвидность на рынке.

• Инвесторы (в основном институциональные), приобретающие ценные бумаги, выпущенные на основе ипотечных кредитов. Первичный и вторичный ипотечный рынок. Взаимодействие на уровне заемщик — банк — это первичный ипотечный рынок. Его инструментом традиционно является ипотечный кредит (Mortgage). Самыми популярными видами ипотеки в США являются:

1) Кредит с фиксированной процентной ставкой (Fixed-rate Mortgage, FRM).

2) Кредит с переменной процентной ставкой (Adjustable-rate Mortgage, ARM).

Приложение 2.

The basis for the implementation of the mortgage insurance in the Russian Federation is the norm of Art. 334 and 343 of the Civil Code and Art. 31 of the Federal Law "On Mortgage (mortgage)" Mortgage offers great opportunities not only for banks but also for insurance companies: the volume of mortgage insurance are growing in proportion to the volume of loans. Given the current rate of growth (or at least pre-crisis times), this segment may soon become one of the most promising areas of business insurance. Thus, mortgage insurance has all the chances of a successful and dynamic development in the Russian Federation.

In Russia, the mortgage insurance is now being implemented through two types of insurance - liability insurance of the borrower and the insurance of financial risks. In the first case the borrower in obtaining credit insure its responsibility for the failure of credit obligations, in the second case the bank contracts for insurance and pays the insurance premium.

Under a contract of liability insurance of the borrower:

• guaranteeing the return of the mortgage loan;

• minimization of risks participants in the mortgage activity;

• increase the reliability of the system of mortgage lending;

• reducing the size of the tariff rate; ensuring the availability of mortgage loans.

Subjects of mortgage insurance are divided into major and minor.

Borrower - person taking a loan secured by residential or commercial real estate. To obtain a mortgage loan, you must have funds in the amount of not less than 20-30 percent of the value of the property and to have incomes that allow for the duration of pay equal monthly installments principal and interest on it.

The lender (bank) - an organization that after analyzing the creditworthiness of the borrower, concluded a loan agreement with him and keeps a record of its debt. A necessary condition for the issuance of mortgage the borrower is making ᴨpervonachalnogo fee. The obligations of the borrower may be made in the form of nominal securities - mortgage, rights to which the bank is entitled ᴨpereustupit.

Mortgage Agency - is a key element of a self-financing system of mortgage lending. Agency buys mortgages and bank issues securities backed by mortgages. Proceeds from the sale of securities are to issue new loans, so a system of mortgage refinancing.

The insurance contract and is payable by the borrower to the lender. If the transfer of rights from one lender to another, the rights of the beneficiary under the insurance contract transferred to the new lender 30 in full. After payment to the creditor of the insurance indemnity insurer has no right to seek recourse to the borrower. The insurance contract may be concluded at any time. Under the law, the insurance premium is paid at the same time. In case of early failure of the insured from the insurance contract the insurer paid the insurance premium is not refundable, unless the contract provides otherwise. The sum insured under the insurance liability of the borrower under the law shall not exceed 20% of the value of the mortgaged property. The law does not require fixation of the sum insured during the term of the contract.

The largest insurance company, providing services in the field of mortgage insurance in the following table.

Top 10 insurance companies in the mortgage insurance (title, mortgage, borrower's life, the responsibility for non-payment of the loan).

In accordance with Art. 32.9 of the Law of the Russian Federation from 27.11.92 № 4015-1 «On organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation", the creditor can hedge their business risks. According to Art. 933 of the Civil Code can be insured only the entrepreneurial risk of the insured, and only 31 to his credit (the borrower can not insure the risk of the lender). For the purposes of mortgage insurance contract of insurance business risks of the bank can be provided that the insured event is the fact of the loss the lender foreclosures.

For the insurance business risk legislation does not set limits on the amount of insurance coverage, and thus, it can be set at 20% of the property value (as in the first embodiment), or enlarged up to 100% of the outstanding claims of the bank to the borrower. Increased liability insurer leads to higher insurance premiums and, in spite of the fact that it is paid by the bank, costs can be passed on to borrowers by increasing the interest rate or additional commissions.

In the US, mortgage insurance has its roots in 1887, when New York established the first mortgage insurance company - Title and Guarantee Company of Rochester. By August 1933 the mortgage insurance companies was already 14, but during the Great Depression, they ceased to exist. A new stage of development of mortgage insurance started in 1934 with the creation of the state of the Federal Housing Agency FHA, which has received the right to act as the insurer of the risk of the bank's losses on mortgage loans in the event of insolvency of the borrower after sale of the mortgaged property. Banks, in the presence of mortgage insurance could reduce the requirements for initial payment on the mortgage, which immediately impact on the growth rates of the mortgage market and housing in the United States. FHA and today is one of the largest mortgage insurers in the United States.

In America - the largest and most developed in the world of the mortgage market, both in organization and in the number of financial instruments. To take a leading position of the USA managed by forming a transparent liquid secondary market and the effective interaction between its participants. The main participants in the American mortgage market are:

 • Borrower - acquiring a mortgage loan to purchase housing.

• The lender (a bank or other lending institutions) - providing the borrower a loan secured by the acquired real estate.

• Mediator - Mortgage Agency, to raise capital for borrowers and provide liquidity in the market.

• Investors (mainly institutional) purchasing securities issued by mortgage loans. The primary and secondary mortgage market. Interaction on the level of the borrower - the bank - is the primary mortgage market. His instrument is traditionally a mortgage (Mortgage). The most popular types of mortgages in the US are:

1) loan with a fixed interest rate (Fixed-rate Mortgage, FRM).

2) Credit with variable interest rate (Adjustable-rate Mortgage, ARM).

1 Федеральный закон от 16.07.1998 №102-ФЗ (ред. от 07.05.2013) "Об ипотеке (залоге недвижимости)"

2 Федеральный закон от 16.07.1998 №102-ФЗ (ред. от 07.05.2013) "Об ипотеке (залоге недвижимости)"

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10 ahml-insurance.ru: официальный сайт СК АИЖК

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12 Развитие рынка ипотечного жилищного кредитования и деятельности АИЖК. Аналитический центр АИЖК. Выпуск № 7.-2013.- С.11.

13 Rbc.ru: официальный сайт РБК

14Banki.ru: информационный портал Банки.ру

15 ahml-insurance.ru: официальный сайт СК АИЖК

16 Группа «ВСК» Консолидированная финансовая отчетность за 2011-2014 гг., - 69 стр. – 6 стр.

17 http://www.vsk.ru/about/today/financial_report/: официальный сайт «Страховой Дом ВСК»

18 http://www.vsk.ru/about/today/financial_report/: официальный сайт «Страховой Дом ВСК»

19 http://www.vsk.ru/about/today/financial_report/: официальный сайт «Страховой Дом ВСК»

20 Составлено автором на основе данных с http://www.vsk.ru/about/today/financial_report/: официальный сайт «Страховой Дом ВСК»

21 https://www.fanniemae.com/singlefamily/mortgage-insurers: Fannie Mae's Statement of Support (April 17, 2015)

22 https://www.fanniemae.com/singlefamily/mortgage-insurers: Fannie Mae's Statement of Support (April 17, 2015)

23 MGIC Investment Corporation, Annual Report 2014

24 Составлено автором на основе данных MGIC Investment Corporation, Annual Report 2014

25 Составлено автором на основе данных International Insurance Report, June 2014

26 Составлено автором на основе данных International Insurance Report, June 2014

27 MGIC Investment Corporation, Annual Report 2014

28 Группа «ВСК» Консолидированная финансовая отчетность за 2011-2014 гг., - 69 стр. – 6 стр.

29 Составлено автором на основе MGIC Investment Corporation, Annual Report 2014 и Группа «ВСК» Консолидированная финансовая отчетность за 2011-2014 гг

30 Составлено автором на основе MGIC Investment Corporation, Annual Report 2014 и Группа «ВСК» Консолидированная финансовая отчетность за 2011-2014 гг

31 Составлено автором на основе MGIC Investment Corporation, Annual Report 2014 и Группа «ВСК» Консолидированная финансовая отчетность за 2011-2014 гг

32 Куликов А.Г., Янин В. С. Развитие ипотечного жилищного кредитования в России: вопросы радикального обновления методологической базы (Точка зрения)// Деньги и кредит.- 2014-№2. С.2-12

33 ahml-insurance.ru: официальный сайт СК АИЖК

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