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Курс лекций по стилистике современного английского языка и вопросы к лекциям в приложении приведены материалы для практических занятий

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There are a certain number of characteristics for any text which are to be regarded when discussing it.

It is useful to know these aspects and to be ale to use them, especially when talking about novels, stories and other literary works.

The sequence of events in a story makes the plot of the story. The components of the plot are exposition, story, climax and denouement.

In the exposition the author informs the readers about the characters, setting, and theme of the story.

In the story we can observe the development of events until they reach their climax. The climax or turning point of a narrative work is its point of highest tension or drama or when the action starts in which the solution is given.

The dénouement consists of a series of events that follow the climax of a narrative, and thus serves as the conclusion of the story. Conflicts are resolved, creating normality for the characters and a release of tension and anxiety, for the reader.

As a rule, most of the literary works have a closed plot structure, that is, all the four components.

Sometimes, however, a narrative may start with the development of events without any exposition, or a story may have no denouement.

At the heart of the plot usually lies the conflict. It is a necessary element of fictional literature. It is defined as the problem in any piece of literature and is often classified according to the nature of the protagonist or antagonist, as follows:

• Human vs. Self

• Human vs. Human

• Human vs. Society

• Human vs. Nature

• Human vs. Supernatural

• Human vs. Machine / Technology

Plot plus conflict comprise the theme of the narrative. The theme of the story is its central idea or message. This message is usually about life, society, or human nature.

Themes often explore timeless and universal ideas. Most themes are implied rather than explicitly stated. The theme is different from the superficial outlay of the text; it is normally the meaning of the text on a more abstract level.

While speaking about the characters or the objects, you should not forget about the tone.

The tone shows the attitudes toward the subject and toward the audience implied in a literary work.

Tone may be formal, informal, intimate, solemn, somber, playful, serious, ironic, condescending, or many other possible attitudes.

Another characteristic of the narrative is its mood. The mood is the dominant impression the story makes on you. It can be gloom, sad, optimistic, pathetic, cheerful, melancholic and so on.

Mood like tone may be revealed through the choice of words, figures of speech, dialogues, short or long sentences and even phonetic devices.


When analysing a text it is necessary to follow a certain plan.

The main goal in the analysis of the text is to understand its main idea, and to characterize the stylistic devices the author uses in order to address the reader.

At first you should be able to answer the following simple questions:

• Who is the story about?

• What can you say about the main characters?

• What is positive and negative about them?

• What do you imagine while reading the story?

• Do you like the story?

After answering these questions you can continue with the analysis of the text, using the following plan:

1. Give information about the author and the book.

2. Give a summary of the extract (story) under consideration.

4. Give a general definition of the text.

5. Define the prevailing mood of the text.

6. Characterize the structure of the text.

6. Give a detailed analysis of every part of the text. Dwell upon the contents of the part and then comment of the stylistic devices used

7. Give the main idea of the story.

8. Express your attitude towards the things described.


1. What is the plot?

2. What is the exposition?

3. What is the climax?

4. What is the denouement?

5. What is a closed plot structure?

6. What is the conflict?

7. What types of conflict in literary works do you know?

8. What is the theme of the story?

9. What is the tone of the story?

10. What is the mood of the narration?

11. What is the main goal of the stylistic analysis of the text?

12. What are the main questions you should answer before analyzing the text?

13. What plan is it recommended to use for a stylistic analysis of the text?

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