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  • 3. Match the two halves of the phrases

  • 4. Agree or disagree with the statements

  • 5. Match the definition with the term

  • 6. Complete the following sentences

  • 7. Translate from Russian into English in a written form

  • 8. Correct the jumbled sentences

  • 9. Language Note: Gradable Adjectives. Study the rules and find the examples of your own.

  • 11. Write down 10 sentences of your own using the words from the quiz. TEXT 2BINDING

  • уч[1].пособие по полиграфии_final. Л. В. Красильникова английский язык для полиграфистов

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    2. Answer the following questions:
    1. What is finishing?

    2. What products are produced in the finishingsector?

    3. Name the operations carried out in the process sections.

    4. How many cuttingprocedures are known to you?

    5. Whatis the sharp-edged bending of paper webs or sheets under pressure at a prepared or unprepared bending point?

    6. What is known to be a fold?

    7. How many fold principles exist?

    8. What procedure follows the forwarding process?

    9. What is assembling?

    10. How many methods of binding do you know? What are they?

    11. What materials and partial products are usually trimmed?

    12. When is the term “edge treatment” used?

    13. What does the term “covering” (or cover) stand for?

    14. What is the purpose of covers?

    15. What are the process steps of book finishing?

    16. Name the basic functions of packages.

    17. What types of packaging material are known to you?
    3. Match the two halves of the phrases:

    1. packing

    a) knife

    2. buckle

    b) spine

    3. bend-resistant

    c) finishing

    4. rounding

    d) material

    5. book

    e) making

    6. adhesive

    f) treatment

    7. case

    g) paper

    8. edge

    h) binding

    4. Agree or disagree with the statements:

    1. In bookbinding the signatures of the book are put in proper order, fastened together, and enclosed in a protective cover.

    2. In assembling the book, those operations which take place before the signatures are joined into a unit are called forwarding.

    3. One of the bookbinding processes is called Smyth sewing, after David McConnel Smyth, inventor of the first flexible-sewing machine.

    4. Many medieval books have beautiful decorations and illustrations painted in them in bright colors and gold.

    5. Finishing is a prepress segment of the print production flow in which the printed product is given its requested features of form and functions.

    5. Match the definition with the term:

    1. A factory where books are bound

    a) wire

    2. A machine which folds printed sheets

    b) cover

    3. Material used for packing products

    c) insert

    4. Thin metal in the form of a thread

    d) folder

    5. A substance such as glue that can stick or cause sticking

    e) packaging

    6. The outer front or back page of a magazine or book

    f) bindery

    7. A sticky substance which is made chemically or obtained from animal or fish bones and is used for joining things together

    g) brochure

    8. A small thin book with a paper cover

    h) trimming

    9. An act of cutting off from a larger piece

    i) glue

    10. Something that is or can be inserted, esp. written or printed material put in between the pages of a book

    j) adhesive

    6. Complete the following sentences:

    1. The products, which are produced in the finishing sector are ……………………….

    2. There are several cutting procedures. They are …………………………………….

    3. Folding machines are primarily designed according to two principles: ………………

    4. There are different methods of binding. Such as … ………………………………….

    5. The purpose of cover is ………………………………………………………………..

    7. Translate from Russian into English in a written form:
    Переплетно-брошюровочные процессы имеют дело со сборкой отдельных частей издания (листов или тетрадей) в конечную печатную продукцию. Отделочные процессы – это процессы дополнительной обработки печатной продукции, приводящие к улучшению её внешнего вида, повышению качества и прочности (например: лакирование, биговка, тиснение и др.) без изменения формы издания.

    Возросший уровень автоматизации и компьютеризации является отличительной чертой современных переплетно-брошюровочных предприятий. Оборудование, управляемое компьютером, берёт на себя все важные настройки, устраняя воздействие человеческого фактора, особенно в многоуровневых операциях. Увеличившаяся степень автоматизации также отвечает требованиям повышения производительности, и снижения отходов по мере увеличения доли коротких тиражей. Главные требования типографий к оборудованию на сегодняшний день – большая производительность, легкость обслуживания и возможность быстрой переналадки.

    8. Correct the jumbled sentences:

    1. Some, operations, are, finishing, inline, performed, with, on, web-printing, press, printing.

    2. A, job, printed, complete, is not, it, until, is, converted, a, to, marketable, product, delivered, and, finished.

    3. The, required, to, work, convert, sheets, printed, or, webs, books, into, magazines, catalogs, folders, and, binding, called, is.

    4. The, operations, make, to, variety, a, special, of, packaging, advertising, and, materials, finishing, are, as, known.

    5. The, processes, and, facilities, means, to, used, handle, package, ship, and, product, printed, to, customer, the, as, known, are, finishing.

    9. Language Note: Gradable Adjectives. Study the rules and find the examples of your own.
    Most English adjectives are gradable. Their meaning can have different possible degrees of strength. They can therefore be used with adverbs which express these different degrees. Gradable adjectives can be divided into two kinds: scale adjectives and limit adjectives.
    Scale adjectives: small, cold, expensive, etc. They can be used in comparative and superlative forms.

    (Strong – stronger - the strongest). Scale adjectives can also be used with the following adverbs to express a high, medium, or small degree:

    To express a high degree: very (nice), extremely (hot), incredibly (difficult).

    To express a medium degree: fairly, pretty, quite, rather.

    To express a small degree: slightly, a little, a bit.
    Limit adjectives: these are adjectives like perfect, unique, impossible, worthless, whose meaning already contains the idea of an absolute degree. These words are not used in comparative and superlative forms, but can be used with adverbs to express the “highest” (absolutely, completely, totally) or “close to the highest” degree (almost, nearly, practically, virtually)

    You can often express a meaning more strongly by using a limit adjective rather than a scale adjective. Compare:
    very good absolutely marvelous

    incredibly tired totally exhausted

    a bit difficult practically impossible

    10. Guess the Quiz










    1. Postpress operation (with buckle or knife machine).

    2. Postpress operation made by guillotine machine.

    3. Several sheets folded together.

    4. Postpress operation usually done with three knives in a single cycle.

    5. Gathering or collecting together.

    6. A thin book.

    7. A part which joins two objects together.

    8. Something that can be put in (between the pages).

    9. The process of wrapping or packing products.

    10. A general term for different postpress operations and specialties like bronzing, die- cutting, laminating, etc.

    11. Write down 10 sentences of your own using the words from the quiz.

    TEXT 2
    Binding – is a combination of operations required to convert printed sheets or webs into books, magazines, catalogs, folders.

    There are four methods of binding: thread-stitching; perfect binding; thread-sealing; wire-stitching.

    Thread-stitching of books is a block binding process where the connection of the inner sheet sections and the sheets to one another is primarily achieved by fabric threads. This connection is improved by gluing, gauzing and/or backlining or backstripping, as well as subsequent backlining of the block. Thread-stitching of a book block comprises the following elementary processes:

    • Thread-stitching: form-fit connections of sheet sections and sheets.

    • Gluing block spines: glued connections of stitched sheets in a block.

    • Gauzing blocks: additional reinforcing of the binding by sticking agauze strip on the block spine which overlaps thefront and back side of the block spine by 1 to 2 cm.

    • Back-stripping blocks: gluing a paper or paper gauze laminate to the block which overlaps at the sides.

    Perfect binding is the dominant binding process in industrial book and brochure production today. The main reason for this is the high efficiency of the process. This is achieved because perfect binding has the same productivity rate as gathering and trimming. This enables efficient workflows to be set up. Endeavoring to make perfect binding more hard-wearing, a series of variants were developed.

    Perfect binding systems have the following characteristic elements:

    • Endpaper feeder stations. Here the endpapers are fed to be then bound together with the block (for adhesive binding of hardcovers).

    • Jogging station. Here the folded sheets of the book block are aligned on the block spine and block head.

    • Transport system. The block to be processed must be able to run through the necessary elementary processes while securely clamped.

    • Spine processing station. The back edges of the folded sheets are cut off. Undercutting devices, brushes and suckers for paper dust removal are used to improve adhesion in the potential jointing areas.

    • Gluing unit. The gluing unit is used for applying glue. Different adhesive systems are in use for binding; they are selected according to the paper to be processed. Each adhesive system requires its own gluing unit construction and influences the structure of the subsequent stations.

    • Lining station. This is used for binding book blocks for hardcovers. The backing strip paper covers the adhesive surface and reinforces the hinge. The station is switched off for brochure production.

    • Cover scoring and feed station. This is used for processing multi-layer brochures. The cover is pressed onto the open adhesive surface. It must previously have been separated from a pile and scored. There are various feeder variants.

    • Cover aligning and pressing station. The cover is formed around the block using pressing tools.

    • Dryer. Gluing is stabilized in the dryer with aqueous dispersions. High frequency drying (example) is integrated in the adhesive/perfect binder. No dryer is required when processing hot-melt materials. Hotmelt materials must be cooled down.

    • Delivery. The delivery of the bound blocks must be designed such that there is no block deformation and optimum further processing is achieved. Depending on the degree of coupling (the next processing step follows directly after or the products are put into temporary storage) various design variants are used.

    Thread-sealing. Perfect binding is an economic yet qualitatively unstable process. Thread-stitching leads to excellent binding quality but is too expensive for most products. As a

    compromise, thread-sealing was developed; a process that is more economic than thread-stitching and also more reliable and more user friendly than perfect binding. This process has two stages:

    • the binding process of folded sheets to one another with textile threads during folding and

    • the binding process of folded sheets to the block through block linings after gathering.
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