уч[1].пособие по полиграфии_final. Л. В. Красильникова английский язык для полиграфистов
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7. Combine the term with the definition:
8. Translate from Russian into English in a written form: Трафаретная печать возникла в Китае, где было много шелка, который стал первым материалом для создания трафаретной сетки. Данная технология первоначально называлась шелкографией. Техника современной трафаретной печати была разработана в середине1800-х годов в Германии и Шотландии. Главным преимуществом трафаретной печати является универсальность. Трафаретные машины могут печатать на чем угодно, включая материалы любого размера и формы. Этот способ печати идеально приспособлен для обработки трудно запечатываемых материалов: кожи, металла, стекла, дерева, керамики и пластика. Но трафаретная печать настолько специфична, что занимает менее 5% рынка коммерческой печати. По существу, трафаретная печать выполняется при помощи трафарета. Его создают на трафаретной сетке, изготовленной из нейлона, дакрона или стальной проволоки. Сетка натянута на прочную раму. Пробельные участки покрываются защитным слоем, не пропускающим краску, затем краска продавливается сквозь трафарет на запечатываемый материал при помощи печатного ракеля. Машины для трафаретной печати выпускаются в широком диапазоне. Существует три основных типа трафаретных машин: плоскопечатные, ротационные и цилиндровые плоскопечатные машины (с плоской печатной формой и печатным цилиндром). Сегодня трафаретные краски имеют сложный состав, однако, как и раньше они имеют очень густую консистенцию, как масляные краски для живописи. Трафаретные машины расходуют намного больше краски, чем машины других способов печати. Полученный в результате толстый слой краски придает оттиску особую прочность. 9. Word building. With some words it is possible to create several new words by adding suffixes. Look at the examples and complete the table below using a dictionary. Translate the derivatives.
10. Write down 10 sentences of your own using the words from the table. 11. Correct the jumbled sentences:
Unit SEVEN TEXT 1 BASIC PRINCIPLES OF NON-IMPACT PRINTING TECHNOLOGIES Non-impactprinting technologies (NIP technologies) are technologies that do not require a solid printing plate with a fixed image and that can basically produce successive pages with different printed images. A laser sends information to an intermediate carrier, a drum with a photoconductive coating, without impact (non-impact) in the traditional sense. The latent (nonvisible), charged image stored on this drum is inked with toner and then transferred to the paper. There is, of course, contact between the inked (toned) information carrier and the paper during printing, but the information is not transferred by impact. This process is considered as non-impact printing. In NIP technologies there is no printing plate carrying permanent information. As a consequence, different information can be printed on every sheet. This has given rise to new, efficient ways of producing printed media, such as print on demand, personalization, book on demand, and so forth. The productivity of these systems is lower than of printing systems based on conventional technologies. It means that computer to print systems based on NIP technologies cover particular market segments, for example, short-run jobs, proofing applications, personalization, office and DTP applications. There is a number of non-impact printing technologies. They are named after physical or chemical principle they are based upon. With electrophotography, the imaging is carried out on the basis of photo-electronic effects. In ionography, charges are transferred to an appropriate surface in order to create the image. Magnetography is based on the creation of magnetic patterns on the surface of the image carrier that correspond to the image to be printed. In ink jet processes, the ink is transferred directly to the substrate by means of a jet system. Thermography, a printing process in which thermal effects are used to create the printing image via special types of ink carriers (such as ribbon material), can be subdivided into thermal sublimation (dye sublimation) and thermal transfer (wax transfer). Photography relies on special types of photo-sensitive papers, which are digitally exposed via light signals corresponding to the image. In this list, the “X”-Graphy is added as a collective designation for NIP technologies that do not belong to any of the technologies indicated above. These are technologies such as “Direct imaging/inductive printing”, “TonerJet”, “Elcography”, “Zurography”. In non-impact printing technologies, the physical effects for creating the image frequently require the use of special types of ink. In electrophotography powder toners or liquid toners are used. Ink jet technologies work with liquid inks of low viscosity as well as so-called hot-melt inks, and thermography uses ink that has been applied to ink donors. NIP technologies can be applied to both sheet-fed and web-fed printing. Printing unit can be a component of in-line production of printed media in the digital workflow and production flow. ESSENTIAL VOCABULARY Words and Word Combinations
ACTIVITIES 1. Find words and word combinations of the essential vocabulary in the text and translate the sentences they are used in into Russian. 2. Answer the following questions:
3. Match the term with the definition:
4. Find the statement true or false:
5. Complete the following sentences:
6. Translate from Russian into English: Многие производители выпускают цифровое оборудование как листовой, так и рулонной конфигурации. Листовые цифровые машины печатают на отдельных листах бумаги. Для печати на тонерных машинах, где для переноса изображения используются положительные и отрицательные заряды, листы бумаги проходят специальную обработку, которая делает их совместимыми с требованиями печатного процесса. Большая часть машин имеет формат 30х45 см и печатает на листах 210х297 мм и 297х420 мм. Они используются для буклетов, листовок, прямой рассылки, а также для другой продукции. Рулонные цифровые машины печатают с бумажного рулона и применяются для крупнотиражной коммерческой печати, а также для издательской продукции, почтовых рассылок. В наиболее распространенной конфигурации такие машины имеют формат 33 см, с максимальной площадью изображения порядка 30 см х 45 см. Новые машины способны соединять встык части полутонового изображения и воспроизводить продукцию типа плакатов и т.п. 7. Language note. Compounds. Compound words can be formed in different ways. It is the combination of two words referring to one person, thing or action. There are many examples of such words in English and many new terms that enter the language are generated in this way. It is important to point out that such compounds are usually spelt as two separate words (computer program), but can also be one word (photoconductor) or hyphenated (drop-on-demand). Complete the list of compounds from the text: short-run job, sheet-fed printing, web-fed ……. 8. Write down 10 sentences of your own with compound words. 9. Correct the jumbled sentences:
TEXT 2 NON-IMPACT PRINTING TECHNOLOGIES There is a number of non-impact printing technologies. They must be discussed in detail. Electrophotography Electrophotography is the most widespread non-impact printing technology. It is based on an invention by Chester Carlson. Electrophotographic printing process can be broken down into five steps: 1. Imaging Imaging is carried out by charging a suitable photoconductive surface (creating a homogeneous charged surface) with subsequent imaging via a controlled light source (this may be scanning laser light or light emitted by an LED array [light-emitting diodes]). The print image corresponds to the positioning of the light signals on the photoconductor drum. The homogeneous charged image on the surface is discharged in parts as a result of exposure and changed in accordance with the desired print image. (Since imaging in electrophotography can be done both by laser light and by light given off by light-emitting diodes, the frequently-used term “laser printer” instead of the term “electrophotographic printer” is misleading.) 2. Inking Special inks are used for electrophotography. These may be powder or liquid toners, which may vary in structure according to their composition, and contain the colorant in the form of pigments. The ink is the fundamental and decisive element for the impression. Inking is done via systems which transfer the fine toner particles without contact to the photoconductor drum. The toner charge is configured in such a way that the charged areas of the photoconductor surface accept the toner. After inking, the latent image on the photoconductor drum becomes visible where the toner is applied. 3. Toner transfer (printing) The toner may be transferred directly onto the paper, although in some cases it may also be transferred via intermediate systems, in the form of a drum or a belt. Transfer mostly takes place directly from the photoconductor drum to the substrate. To transfer the charged toner particles from the drum surface to the paper, electrostatic forces are generated via a charge source (corona) in the nip and it is these forces, supported by the contact pressure between the drum surface and the paper, that transfer the particles to the paper. 4. Fixing the toner A fixing unit is required to anchor the particles of toner on the paper and create a stable print image. This is usually designed so that melting and consequent anchoring of the toner on the paper takes place by heat application and contact pressure. 5. Cleaning Residual charges and individual particles of toner remain on the drum after the print image has been transferred from the photoconductor drum to the paper. To prepare the drum so that the next image can be printed, both mechanical cleaning and electrical cleaning of the surface are necessary. The mechanical cleaning, which removes particles of toner, can be done by means of brushes and/or suction, while the electrical cleaning (neutralizing) is accomplished by homogeneous illumination of the surface, after which the surface is electrically neutralized and is free from toner particles. The photoconductor drum is now charged again with a homogeneous, charged image via the corona, with subsequent imaging in accordance with the desired print image. With electrophotography and non-impact printing technologies in general, greater fluctuations can occur within the run than in the case with technologies requiring a printing plate. Рис.6 |