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Инглиз тилидан саволлар

...a party next Saturday. We've sent out the invitations.

участником в следующую субботу. У нас разослал приглашения.

We're having

Мы с 

Are we going the right way? Ithink ….

Мы собираемся правильный путь? Я думаю,


что так 

At nine o'clock yesterday morning we…. for the bus.

В девять часов вчера утром мы .... автобус

were waiting


At the beginning of the film I realized that I ... it before.


At this time tomorrow… over the Atlantic.

we'll be flying

Don't go too fast. I can't keep….you.

up with

Don't worry. I…be here to help you.


Every time that I miss the bus, it means that I ... walk to work.


Here's my report ….. it at last.

I've finished

I …home earlier if I hadn’t missed the bus

would have been 

I don't know why Nancy didn't go to the meeting. She said she…. definitely going.


I haven't got a ticket. If… one, I could get in.

I had

I just had to take the dog out … of the awful weather.

in spite 

I prefer dogs …cats. I hate cats.


I really enjoyed the disco. It was great, … ?

wasn't it 

I think I'll buy these shoes….. really well.

They have fit

I…missed the bus. I was only just in time to catch it.


If only people …keep sending me bills!


If the bus to the airport hadn't been so late, we… the plane.

would have caught 

I'm busy at the moment…. on the computer.

I'm working

I'm very tired . …. over four hundred miles today.

I've driven

In many countries smoking has been _______ in public places.


I've …. made some coffee. It's in the kitchen.


I've got a meeting… Thursday afternoon.


I've read this paragraph three times, and I…understand it.

can't still

Janet was out of breath because ...

she'd been running

Last week Justin said 'I'll do it tomorrow.' He said he would do it….

the following day

My car… at the moment. I had an accident last week.

is being repaired

My father used the money he won to set…his own company.


My father… a lot but he gave up ten years ago.

used to smoke

My friend … the answer to the question.


Our friends…. meet us at the airport tonight.

are going to

Robert... ... ill for three weeks. He's still in hospital

has been

She said that she _______ back later (call)

would call

Some millionaires have lots of money and ... what to do with it.

don't know

Someone ….the tickets are free.

told me

Susan has to work very hard. I… do her job, I'm sure.


Susan is the woman…. husband is in hospital.


The film star’s photo… (take) when he was shopping with his girlfriend

was taken

The house was …building.

an old nice stone 

The librarian asked us…so much noise.

not to make 

The teacher told us that the exam results… (not arrive) yet.

hadn’t arrived 

The young man seems very …


There was no one else at the box office. I…in a queue.

didn't need to wait

This car is…. if you're interested in buying it.

for sale

This detailed map is…the atlas.

more useful than 

This place gets…crowded with tourists every summer.

more and more

Unfortunately the driver… the red light.

didn't see

We gave… a meal

the visitors

We had a party last night. …spend all morning clearing up the mess.

I've had to

We…. to Ireland for our holidays last year.


We've lived in this flat…five years.


What did you leave the meeting early? … I didn't feel very well.


What was that notice… ?

you were looking at 

What's the weather like in Canada? How often… there?

does it snow

When I looked round the door, the baby… quietly.

was sleeping

Where…. the car?

did you park

Which team….the game?


Would he work late tonight if the boss …(ask) him?


York, … last year, is a nice old city.

I visited

You can see the details….the computer screen.


You haven't eaten your pudding, ……it?

Don't you want
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