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Lesson 1 Грамматика. Различные значения it

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A. 1. That water is a universal solvent is known to everybody. 2. Whether steel or stone is taken as building material depends on many factors. 3. Who was the inventor of this apparatus is not known.

B. 1. The decision of the commission was that the discovery was of great importance to industry. 2. This is what we were talking about. 3. One of the advantages of higher education in our country is that it is available to all.

C. 1. The Bronze Age began when bronze replaced copper. 2. As the temperature is raised the total vapour pressure increases. 3. After electricity had been discovered, it was widely used in all branches of industry. 4. While you work in the laboratory, you must be very careful. 5. Before you leave the laboratory you must put everything in proper order. 6. As soon as I finish the experiment I’ll go home. 7. As long as I stay here, I’ll go sightseeing. 8. I won’t leave the laboratory until I finish my work. 9. I have known him since he came to Moscow.

  1. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значение следующих слов и словосочетаний:

as – в то время как (когда); по мере того как; так как; в качестве; как

1. As he was making his experiments he observed an interesting phenomenon.

2. As the reaction goes on the reacting substances are used up (расходуются) and new ones are formed.

3. As chlorine is 2.5 times heavier than air it may be collected by displacing (вытеснением) air.

4. In the laboratory, time is usually measured and expressed as the unit.

5. As we have already learned, the molecules of ideal gases do not interact with each other.
be a common knowledgeбыть общеизвестным

That water is a universal solvent is a common knowledge.
be familiar with – быть знакомым с, знать

We are most familiar with water in its liquid state.

  1. Прочитайте следующие слова, обращая внимание на чтение буквосочетаний:

kn [n]: know, knew, known, knowledge

wr [r]: write, wrong

  1. Прочитайте следующие многосложные слова с ударением на третьем от конца слоге:

physical, evaporate, gaseous, normally, liquefy, vaporize, definite, molecule, different, difference, quantity

  1. Запомните произношение следующих слов:

extraordinary, temperature, liquefy, thorough, essential
Text 4 A
The States of Matter
That matter may exist in three physical states: solid, liquid or gas is a common knowledge. It is usually possible to change matter from one state to the other by changing its temperature. For instance, a piece of ice is called a solid; it may melt and form a liquid; as it evaporates, liquid water changes into a vapour, i.e. into the gaseous state.

Many kinds of matter, like water, can be obtained in each of the three states; for some, however, extraordinary means have to be used in order to produce one, or even two of the states; and for others, only two states are known or can be produced.

Common salt, for example, exists normally as a solid; at a temperature of several hundred degrees, it can be liquefied; and at still higher temperature it is converted into vapour. Carbon, a solid under normal conditions, can be vaporized, but it has never been liquefied.

Solids have both a definite volume and a definite shape. Liquids too, have a definite volume, but they take the shape of their containers. Gases have neither a definite shape nor a definite volume. A chemist must have a thorough knowledge1 of the states of matter and of the physical laws which govern the behaviour of matter in various states.

That all matter is composed of molecules is known to everybody. The question which must be answered, then, is: if all matter is composed of molecules, what is the essential difference between the states of matter? The answer to this question is that the essential difference between these states is the relative quantities of energy molecules possess in different states.
Примечание к тексту
1. a chemist must have a thorough knowledge – химик должен хорошо знать
Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:
be a common knowledge, be composed of, behaviour, carbon, change, common salt, convert, definite, degree, essential, evaporate, exist, extraordinary, however, ice, law, liquid, liquefy, like, matter, means (n), melt, obtain, produce, quantity, relative, shape, solid, still, thorough, usually, vapour, vaporize
I. Выпишите из текста предложения, в которых встречаются придаточные предложения в функции подлежащего, именной части сказуемого и обстоятельства.
II. Дайте анализ следующего предложения:
That the conductivity of a solution is due to the ions it contains was first realized by I.A. Kublookov.
III. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, определив вид придаточного предложения:
1. That oxygen can be liquefied only under high pressure was proved by experiments. 2. When elements combine, a definite number of atoms of each element are used in forming a molecule of a given compound substance. 3. Whether a substance is a solid, a liquid, or a gas is determined entirely by the conditions of temperature and pressure to which it is subjected. 4. The characteristic property of an acid is that it is capable of giving hydrogen ions when dissolved in water. 5. The elements carbon dioxide is composed of are carbon and oxygen. 6. The process oxygen takes part in is known as oxidation. 7. The liquid a substance dissolves in is called a solvent. 8. The substance oxygen acts upon is oxidized. 9. Everybody knows that a gas expands as the temperature rises. 10. As long as water evaporates in an open vessel, water vapour mingles (смешивается) with the atmosphere because of diffusion. 11. As soon as the experiment is done we’ll see its result. 12. Many years have passed since Popov invented radio. 13. While Maria and Pierre Curie were working at the laboratory, they discovered a new substance. 14. Shortly after Roentgen had discovered X-rays, in Paris Professor Becquerel began experiments with a number of X-rays.
IV. Определите, какими частями речи являются следующие слова и переведите их на русский язык:
vapour, evaporate, evaporation; define, definition, definite, indefinite; know, knowledge; possible, impossible, possibility; state, statement; change (v), change (n), changeable, unchangeable; produce, product, production; behave, behaviour; differ, difference, different
V. Заполните пропуски следующими словами и словосочетаниями и переведите предложения на русский язык:
thorough, various, neither … nor, as, among, relative, possess, a common knowledge, never, govern, both … and
1. That matter exists in three physical states is … . 2. A piece of ice may melt and form a liquid … it evaporates. 3. Carbon has … been liquefied. 4. Solids have … a definite volume … a definite shape. 5. Gases have … a definite shape … a definite volume. 6. A chemist must have … knowledge of the physical laws which … the behaviour of matter in … states. 7. The essential difference … the three states of matter is the … quantities of energy molecules … in different states.

  1. Дайте недостающие основные формы следующих глаголов:

to deal, to win, to make, to melt, to know, to take

  1. Выберите правильный английский эквивалент для следующих русских слов и словосочетаний:

в самом начале, вносить большой вклад, еще в начале века, мы должны упомянуть, заложить основу, исследовательские институты, учебные заведения, проводить исследование, отрасли науки, иметь дело с чем-либо (рассматривать), известные повсюду, занимать место среди, оказывать влияние

known far and wide, to exert influence on, to deal with, branches of science, to carry on research, educational establishments, research institutes, to lay the foundation, to rank among, we have to mention, as early as the beginning of our age, to contribute much, in the very beginning
VIII. Составьте краткое резюме к тексту А на русском языке.
IX. Прочитайте текст 4 В, не пользуясь словарем:
Text 4 B
Different Forms of Matter.

Their Changes and Properties
Matter exists in three states: solid, liquid, and gaseous. Water, for example, exists sometimes as a solid (ice) and sometimes as vapour (the gaseous state), although we are most familiar with its liquid state. Common salt, for example, exists normally as a solid; at a temperature of several hundred degrees, it can be liquefied; and at still higher temperature it is converted into vapour. Carbon, a solid under normal conditions, can be vaporized, but it has never been liquefied.

Changes from one state of matter to another are accompanied by changes in the energy content of the substance. When one gram of ice melts, 78 calories of heat are absorbed. When the same weight of water is changed into steam at the boiling point of water, 539 calories of heat must be absorbed. The transitions1 in the opposite direction – vapour to liquid and liquid to solid – are accompanied2, of course, by liberation of energy. It should be mentioned3 that some substances change from the solid to the vapour state as the temperature falls, without passing4 through the intermediate5 state. This change is called sublimation.
Примечания к тексту

1. transition – переход

2. accompany – сопровождать

3. it should be mentioned – следует упомянуть

4. without passing – не переходя

5. intermediate – промежуточный
X. Расскажите, что вы знаете о различных формах материи и о их свойствах.
Грамматика. Обстоятельственные придаточные предложения причины, места, условия, цели и уступительные.
Предтекстовые упражнения
I. Определите типы придаточных предложений. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

  1. Since aluminium is light and strong, it is widely used in industry. 2. One must be careful with mercury as it is poisonous. 3. Because carbon monoxide is odourless, its presence is not easily detected.

1. I found the book where I had left it. 2. He put the test-tube where the teacher told him. 3. Wherever she lived, she always found friends.
1. If a piece of tin is warmed, it melts. 2. Water freezes at 00 unless it contains salt. 3. Oxygen can be liquefied provided that pressure is sufficiently high. 4. You will finish your experiment in time provided you work hard.
1. We heat ice so as to melt it. 2. In order to know what happens when a metal rusts we must study the properties of metals before and after rusting occurs. 3. I shall give you the article immediately so that you may be able to translate it in time. 4. You must put down the words lest you should forget them. 5. The vessel was closed in order that the liquid might not evaporate.
1. He finished the experiment in time though (although) it was very difficult for him. 2. However busy he may be, he will prepare his report.
II. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значение следующих слов и словосочетаний:
toturn + black (прилагательное) – чернеть, становиться черным

Acids are substances that turn blue litmus red.
to learn – учить

All the students of our University learn chemistry.
to learn – узнавать

We learned the news from the newspapers and the radio.
III. Прочитайте следующие многосложные слова:
property, enumerate, century, particle, energy, possible, chemical, general, quantity, physical, molecule, molecular, similar, oxygen, visible
IV. Запомните произношение следующих слов:
admixture [ədˈmɪkstʃə], transparent [trænsˈpærənt], granite [ˈɡrænɪt], homogeneous [ˌhɒməˈdʒiːnəs], heterogeneous hetərəˈdʒiːnəs], sample ['s:mpl]
Substances are distinguished by their properties – colour, smell, taste, specific gravity, greater or less hardness, melting and boiling points, volatility, etc. For example, in describing the properties of sugar, one can state that sugar is a hard, brittle substance, white in colour, sweet to the taste, without odour, easily soluble in water, heavier than water and it turns brown when it is heated, etc.

In order to learn the properties of a substance one must have it in its pure form. Even small admixtures of foreign substances may change the properties of a substance. For example, pure water is both colourless and transparent, but if a drop of milk is added to a glass of water, the water becomes clouded; if a drop of ink is added, the water becomes coloured. All the enumerated properties are not those of water1 but they are properties of admixtures.

In some cases, one may see at once that a substance is heterogeneous, that is, a mixture of different substances.

Granite, cement, petroleum are examples of non-homogeneous materials; they consist of mixtures of substances. Thus, granite is a mixture of varying quantities of silica, feldspar, and mica, each of which possesses its own set of properties2. Coal is not a substance too because different samples contain different relative amounts of ash, water, carbon, and other components.

Every material, therefore, consists of a single (pure) substance, or it is a mixture of two or more substances, each of which retains in the mixture its own characteristic properties.
Примечания к тексту

  1. are not those of waterне являются свойствами воды

  2. set of properties – ряд свойств

Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:
admixture, amount, ash, boiling point, brittle, case, clouded, contain, distinguish, enumerate, feldspar, hardness, heavy, homogeneous, heterogeneous, melting point, mica, mixture, odour, property, pure, retain, sample, set, soluble, specific gravity, substance, transparent, varying, volatility

  1. Найдите в тексте придаточные предложения: определительные и обстоятельства времени, цели, условия и следствия.

  1. Дайте анализ следующего предложения:

Analytical chemistry has for its aim the determination of the constituents of which a substance or a mixture is composed by methods which are qualitative when the identification is to be carried out or quantitative when the quantity or proportion is determined.

  1. а) Определите типы придаточных предложений, обращая внимание на союзы. б) Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. Any element when it combines with oxygen forms an oxide. 2. The methods of determination of specific gravity are well known to everybody as they are used on a large scale. 3. That oxygen can be liquefied only under high pressure was proved by experiments. 4. The process oxygen takes part in is known as oxidation. 5. In order to learn the properties of a substance we must have it in its pure form. 6. Oxygen has been known since the 18th century. 7. Oxygen can be liquefied provided that pressure is sufficiently high. 8. If sugar and water are mixed, crystals of sugar disappear, but those crystals form again as water evaporates. 9. Whether water or other liquid is used as a solvent depends on many factors.

  1. Напишите глаголы, от которых образованы данные существительные:

production, mixture, activity, difference, existence, application

  1. Сгруппируйте антонимы, переведите их на русский язык:

similar, heterogeneous, soluble, different, transparent, colorless, pure, heavy, easily, hard, homogeneous, insoluble

  1. Заполните пропуски следующими словами и словосочетаниями и переведите предложения на русский язык:

one must, foreign, in order to, properties, turns brown, easily, pure

  1. Substances are distinguished by their … . 2. Sugar is … soluble in water. 3. Sugar … when it is heated. 4. … learn the properties of a substance … have it in its … form. 5. Small admixtures of … substances change the properties of a substance.

  1. Выберите правильный вариант перевода:














полевой шпат




постороннее вещество


specific gravity










удельный вес


foreign substance

















  1. Прочитайте следующие числа:

3.725, 13.819, 12/16, 3/125, ¼, ½, 0.115, 0.003, 52, 33

  1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. What are the properties substances are distinguished by? 2. Is sugar easily soluble in water? 3. What colour is sugar? 4. Is sugar lighter or heavier than water? 5. What taste has sugar? 6. What is its specific gravity? 7. In what form must one have a substance in order to learn its properties? 8. What may change the properties of a substance? 9. What happens if a drop of milk is added to a glass of water? 10. What substances does granite consist of?

  1. Проделайте парную работу на перевод с русского языка на английский:



Все окружающие нас предметы состоят из веществ. (All objects surrounding us consist of substances.)

All …

They …

Они состоят из одинаковых молекул. (They consist of similar molecules.)

Гранит состоит из нескольких веществ. (Granite consists of several substances.)

Therefore …

Поэтому гранит состоит из разных молекул. (Therefore granite consists of different molecules.)

Химия изучает вещества и их состав. (Chemistry studies substances and their composition.)

Chemistry …

It …

Она также изучает процессы и законы, по которым происходит изменение их состава. (It also studies processes and laws according to which the change of their composition takes place.)

  1. Прочитайте текст 5 В, не пользуясь словарем:

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   12

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