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  • Exercise 3.9.5 Choose the correct way of completing each sentence.

  • Exercise 3.9.6 Familiarize yourself with the information below. Tick (  ) the correct words or word combinations.

  • ответы английский. Методические рекомендации для преподавателя к учебнику английский язык экономика и финансы environment часть 3

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    НазваниеМетодические рекомендации для преподавателя к учебнику английский язык экономика и финансы environment часть 3
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    Exercise 3.9.4

    Think of the word which best fits each space. Study the table above. Make use of it and add to it.

    1. As a rule the five-year period runs from the date of … a savings account, and care does need to be taken if you decide to switch accounts.

    1. opening

    2. having opened

    3. being opened

    4. having been opened

    2. It does not make sense to deny that there is a need … our shareholder value in an increasingly competitive environment.

    1. to improve

    2. improving

    3. being improved

    4. to have improved

    3. Banks today keep accounts … software that automatically converts their entries into international notation.

    1. being used

    2. by using

    3. having used

    4. use

    4. Barely a day goes by without movement in the oil market … as a rationale for the performance of the US dollar.

    1. citing

    2. being cited

    3. having cited

    4. cited

    5. The talks on … a $100 million credit line to two Russian shipping companies are under way.

    1. having provided

    2. providing

    3. provided

    4. being provided

    6. “What ... that someone from the firm ought ... an opinion of the damage?”

      1. ... makes you assume ... to go up and give to us ...

      2. ... makes you think ... to go up and give us ...

      3. ... makes you thinking ... go up and give us ...

      4. ... make you think ... to go there and give us ...

    7. The growing popularity of electronic brokerage systems for foreign exchange tends … liquidity9.

    1. eroding

    2. to erode

    3. having eroded

    4. to have eroded

    8. Do ... somewhere a little more forward-looking! Or I ... die!

      1. ... let’s us go ... would rather

      2. ... lets go ... would sooner

      3. ... let’s go ... would rather to

      4. ... let’s go ... would rather

    9. Another popular method is … the forward rate as a premium or discount from the spot rate, … as the swap rate.

    1. еxpressing … knowing

    2. expressed … known

    3. to express … known

    4. to have expressed …know

    10. ... , you are ... GBP 503.55 in settlement of our statement of account dated 10th December.

    1. To cut a long story to short ... enclose your cheque for ...

    2. If cut a long story short ... enclosing your cheque for ...

    3. To cut a long story short ... to enclose your cheque for ...

    4. Cut long story short ... to enclose yours cheque for ...

    11. Protective tariffs make ... and encourage people ... country.

    1. ... import products rather more expensive ... to buy goods producing in their own ...

    2. ... imported products lots more expensive ... to buy goods produced in their own ...

    3. ... imported products somewhat more expensive ... buying goods produced in theirs ...

    4. ... imported products expensive than ... buying goods produced in their own ...

    12. ... turnover.

    1. Without having a capacity to produce the order, they refused taking it in excess of the budgeted

    2. Without having a required production capacity for the order, they were looking forward to take it in addition to the budgeted

    3. Not having a producing capacity, they refused to take the order in addition to the budget

    4. Not having a capacity to produce the order, they refused to take it in addition to the budgeted

    13. John Martin ... for his staff.

    1. had sometimes had to take troublesome decisions but he is assumed to be caring and concerned

    2. sometimes had to make unpopular decisions but he is known to be caring and concerning

    3. has sometimes had to make tough decisions but he is known to be caring and concerned

    4. has sometimes to take strong decisions but he is know to be caring and concerning

    Exercise 3.9.5

    Choose the correct way of completing each sentence.

    1. As a rule, senior vice-presidents are responsible (to assist/for assisting) heads of various departments.

    2. Large banks generally succeed (to raise/in raising) financial capital at a relatively low cost.

    3. Small banks are good (to place/at placing) the banker close to the customer.

    4. This bank possesses the important advantage (to be able/in being able) to attract smaller consumer-oriented deposits.

    5. Some banks have a possibility (to offer/of offering) all of their services from one office.

    6. Before (to register/registering) a commercial bank Russia’s Central Bank checks up the origins of its start-up capital.

    7. Our bank has an intention (to lend/of lending) more to the real sector, although it has to hedge against high risks involved in this sort of activity.

    8. The adoption of the law (to insure/on insuring) private individuals’ deposits is one of the key elements of banking reform in the Russian Federation.

    9. Banks are accustomed (to being criticized/to be criticized) for a high level of interest rates and unfavourable conditions of lending.

    Exercise 3.9.6

    Familiarize yourself with the information below. Tick () the correct words or word combinations.

    We are back in the Accounts Department today. Christopher Thorn, the Management Trainee, is studying | is study | studying the work in the Accounts Department. Having look through the accounts| Having looked through the accounts | Looking through the accounts , Mr. Buckhurst, the Chief Accountant, decided to chase up some bad debt, that is, money which has been owing to the firm for a long time.

    Collected bad debts | Being collected bad debts | Collecting bad debts is often a difficult affair. Retail business is usually done on a cash basis, and wholesale business is done on credit. Harper & Grant mainly do business on wholesale terms: they have the credit given | they have to give credit | they have given credit , that is, shops or stores can have the goods they want |can have the goods want | can have wanted the goods and defer payment. But credit is usually only given for thirty days.For each individual sale an invoice is sent to the customer, that is a list of the goods delivered | a list of the goods been delivered | a list of the delivering goods and the amount owing | the amount owed | the owe amount, on that particular transaction. At the end of the month each customer is sent an account, which shows the total amount due.

    Any company likes to receive long credit from its suppliers and would like to give short credit to its customers. Offered a small discount | Offering a small discount | Having been offered a small discount, the supplier offers an inducement to customers to pay earlier than they need; i.e. the customer pays slightly less if he pays within, say, ten days of the date of invoice.

    Sometimes, of course, a debtor cannot pay; for example, it may happen that a firm never gets its money because another firm whom they supplied with goods has become insolvent. In some cases a firm does not pay because the people who run it are dishonest.

    Accounts not paid in time | Accounts not being paid in time |Accounts been not paid in time are called overdue accounts. Very often a sales representative has to call and collect the money or make enquiries. Sometimes, in very difficult cases, a firm employs a professional debt collector. No company wants to get a reputation for to be a bad payer | been a bad payer| being a bad payer. It may then be difficult to get supplies on credit. There are agencies which will give information about the financial situation of almost any company, so that suppliers can judge whether they are a good credit risk. Many buyers will suggest a supplier to write | a supplier writing | that a supplier writes to their bank for a reference. Luckily, Harper & Grant always mark their goods with a serial number. Some firms do this, others do not. In this case, it turns out being | it turn out to be | it turns out to be very useful indeed.

    1[prə(u)'ses] - to move in a procession

    2 Кассовый разрыв

    3 Предприимчивость.

    4 Частное предпринимательство, свободное предпринимательство.

    5 Горизонтальная форма баланса, в которой активы отражаются слева, а пассивы - справа

    6 Вертикальная форма баланса, в которой активы отражаются в верхней части, а обязательства и собственный капитал - под ними.

    7 Номинальная стоимость выпущенных простых акций

    8 Эмиссионный доход
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