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  • Дубинина Г.А. Драчинская И.Ф. Кондрахина Н.Г. Петрова О.Н. Методические рекомендации для преподавателя

  • Москва

  • 1.2.2 Match the English word combinations in the left-hand column with the Russian equivalents in the right-hand column

  • Scanning 1.4.2 Scan the text to determine whether these statements are true (T) or false (F) . With a partner, discuss why.

  • 1.4.3 Scan the text and find the information to complete the following lists

  • 1.4.4 Scan the text again and find the English equivalents for the following (

  • 1.5 SPEAKING WRITING Language focus Word Building 1.5.1 a.

  • Finnish

  • Lithuanians /

  • ответы английский. Методические рекомендации для преподавателя к учебнику английский язык экономика и финансы environment часть 3

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    Федеральное государственное образовательное бюджетное

    учреждение высшего образования



    (Финансовый университет)

    Департамент языковой подготовки
    Дубинина Г.А.

    Драчинская И.Ф.

    Кондрахина Н.Г.

    Петрова О.Н.
    Методические рекомендации

    для преподавателя

    к учебнику




    Часть 3

    (издание второе, исправленное и дополненное)

    Москва 2016

    1. Ключи к упражнениям


    Environment of Global Finance


    1.2.1 Consult a dictionary and practise the pronunciation of the follo-wing words and word combinations, quote the sentences in which they are used in the text or submit the examples of your own:

    an irrevocable letter of credit [ɪ'revəkəbl]

    an associate [ə'səusɪət, -ʃɪət]

    chamber of commerce ['ʧeɪmbə] ['kɔmɜːs]

    cooperation in politics [kəuˌɔpə'reɪʃ(ə)n] ['pɔlətɪks]

    cooperative [kəu'ɔp(ə)rətɪv]

    crucial impact ['kruːʃ(ə)l] ['ɪmpækt]

    deposits in foreign currencies [dɪ'pɔzɪt] ['fɔrɪn] ['kʌr(ə)n(t)sɪ]

    distributor [dɪ'strɪbjutə]

    emphasis ['emfəsɪs]

    freight forwarder [freɪt] ['fɔːwədə]

    haulage firms ['hɔːlɪʤ]

    in monetary terms ['mʌnɪt(ə)rɪ]

    maritime ['mærɪtaɪm]

    real recital of facts and surmise [rɪ'saɪt(ə)l] [sə'maɪz]

    the export of chemicals ['ekspɔːt] ['kemɪk(ə)l]

    the import of merchandise ['ɪmpɔːt] ['mɜːʧ(ə)ndaɪz]

    the subsequent profits ['sʌbsɪkwənt]

    the surplus of petroleum ['sɜːpləs] [pə'trəulɪəm]

    to accomplish [əkʌ̱mplɪʃ, AM əkɒ̱m-]

    to be operative [ɒ̱pərətɪv]

    to be reimbursed [ri͟ːɪmbɜ͟ː(r)s]

    to be vulnerable to dangers [vʌ̱lnərəb(ə)l] [de͟ɪnʤə(r)]

    to determine an excess [dɪtɜ͟ː(r)mɪn] [ɪk'ses, ek-]

    to export the manufactured goods [ɪk'spɔːt, ek-] [ˌmænjə'fækʧədˌ ˌmænju'fækʧəd]

    to have the expertise [e̱kspɜː(r)ti͟ːz]

    to process raw materials1 ['prəuses] [rɔː]

    to produce automobiles [prə'djuːs] ['ɔːtəmə(u)biːl]

    to purchase insurance for the cargo’s voyage ['pəːtʃɪs] [ɪnʃʊ͟ərəns] [kɑ͟ː(r)goʊ] [vɔ͟ɪɪʤ]

    to record a debit [rɪ'kɔːd]

    to set up a trading subsidiary [səb'sɪdɪ(ə)rɪ]

    to transfer title to a middleman [træn(t)s'fɜː, trɑːn-] ['taɪtl]

    to yield a profit [jiːld] ['prɔfɪt]

    variables ['veərɪəblz]

    variety of sources [və'raɪətɪ] [sɔːsiz]
    Benelux ['be̱nɪlʌks]

    Brazil / Brazilian [brə'zɪl] [brə'zɪlɪən]

    Carlisle [kɑː'laɪl]

    China ['ʧaɪnə]

    Chinese ['ʧaɪ'niːz]

    Cleveland ['kliːvlənd]

    Colombia [kə'lɔmbɪə] Колумбия - Republic of Colombia

    Columbia [kə'lʌmbɪə] 1) Колумбия (название ряда городов США: в штатах Южная Каролина, Коннектикут, Иллинойс, Мэриленд и др.)

    2) Колумбия (река в США и Канаде, впадает в Тихий океан)

    3) Колумбия, Земля Колумба (поэтическое название Америки)

    France [frɑːn(t)s]

    Germany ['ʤɜːmənɪ]

    Greece [griːs]

    Guatemala [ˌgwætə'mɑːlə]

    Hong Kong [ˌhɔŋ'kɔŋ]

    Japan [ʤə'pæn]

    Japanese [ˌʤæp(ə)'niːz]

    Lagos ['leɪgɔs]

    Nigeria [naɪ'ʤɪərɪə] / Nigerian [naɪ'ʤɪərɪən]

    Norway ['nɔːweɪ]

    Ohio [əu'haɪəu]

    Peru [pə'ruː]

    Scandinavia [ˌskændɪ'neɪvɪə]

    Sweden ['swiːd(ə)n]

    Swedish ['swiːdɪʃ]

    Switzerland ['swɪts(ə)lənd]

    Taiwan [ˌtaɪ'wɑːn]

    Taiwanese [ˌtaɪwɑː'niːz]

    Zaire [zaɪ'ɪə(r)ˌ zɑː'ɪə(r)]

    Zurich ['z(j)uərɪk]

    1.2.2 Match the English word combinations in the left-hand column with the Russian equivalents in the right-hand column:


    to accommodate a deficit in the balance of payments


    устранить дефицит

    платежного баланса


    to be insufficient to cover further withdrawals


    быть недостаточным для покрытия дальнейших расходов


    to assure somebody of the means to do something


    уверить кого-либо в наличии средств для совершения чего-либо


    payment by bill of exchange


    оплата переводным векселем


    payment on open account


    оплата по открытому счету


    to be prohibited from something / doing something


    иметь запрещение на что-либо или какое-либо действие


    to process raw materials into manufactured goods


    перерабатывать сырье в промышленные товары


    payment by irrevocable letter of credit


    оплата безотзывным аккредитивом


    to be vulnerable to dangers


    подвергаться опасностям


    to diminish the cargo’s value


    уменьшить объем / количество/ стоимость груза


    VAT(value added tax) rates


    ставки налога на добавленную стоимость


    to possess little in the way of exportable commodities


    иметь мало товаров, пригодных для экспорта


    to accomplish something by imposing tariffs


    добиться чего-либо посредством

    введения пошлин


    to pay the commissions and salaries


    выплачивать комиссионные вознаграждения и жалованье


    payment on a cash with order basis


    наличный расчет при выдаче заказа


    to earn fees for insuring other nations’ foreign trade


    получать вознаграждение за страхование внешней торговли других стран


    to impose constraints


    вводить ограничения, оказывать давление


    to be balanced by an entry


    быть уравновешенным

    проводкой (сальдировать)


    to determine a deficit or surplus (excess)


    установить дефицит или профицит


    to eliminate advantages


    потерять/уничтожить преимущества


    to arrange for transportation


    договориться о перевозке


    OTC market


    внебиржевой рынок


    1.4.2 Scan the text to determine whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). With a partner, discuss why.

    e.g. In my opinion it is true that/I’m afraid it is false that ..., because ...

    1. (T)

    If the country runs a trade deficit, net exports are negative, exports are less than imports, indicating that the country sells fewer goods and services abroad than it buys from other countries.

    2. (T)

    As the price in any market serves the important role of coordinating buyers and sellers in that market, international prices help coordinate the decisions of consumers and producers as they interact in world markets.

    3. (F)

    The prudent exporter purchases insurance for his cargo’s voyage because the exporter who has purchased insurance pays less for his cargo’s voyage.

    4. (F)

    If the exchange rate changes so that a dollar buys more foreign currency, that change is called a devaluation of the dollar.

    5. (T)

    An economy’s saving can be used either to finance investment at home or to buy assets abroad.

    1.4.3 Scan the text and find the information to complete the following lists:

    1. Invisible trade involves the exchange of such services between nations, as

    A _insurance_______________________________________________

    B _tourism_______________________________________________

    C _transportation__________________________________________

    D _immigrant remittances____________________

    E _foreign workforce, commissions and fees_______

    1. Investments significantly affect a nation’s balance of payments, because capital enters a country enabling it

    A to act as a catalyst in economic growth

    B to import manufactured goods and raw materials

    C to build plants

    D to produce goods for export once the plant is operative

    E to provide jobs for the host country (job openings) / to pay workers once the plant is operative

    F to provide taxes for the host country once the plant is operative

    1.4.4 Scan the text again and find the English equivalents for the following (частьвыраженийв 1.4.5, поменятьместами)

    • перерабатывать сырье в промышленные товары process['prəuses] raw materials into manufactured goods

    • договориться о перевозке to arrange transportation

    • производить на внутреннем рынке to produce domestically

    • соответствующая прибыль subsequent profit

    • подвергаться опасностям to be vulnerable to dangers

    • оплата безотзывным аккредитивом payment by irrevocable letter of credit

    • вкратце, ... In a nutshell, ..

    • короче говоря, … To cut a long story short, ...

    • выплачивать комиссионное вознаграждение to pay commissions

    • оплата переводным векселем payment by bill of exchange

    • предусмотрительный экспортер prudent exporter

    • получить возмещение to be reimbursed

    • места (размещение, проживание) в отелях accomodation

    • посмотрим на это с другой стороны Let’s look beneath the cabbage leaf

    • получить сравнительное преимущество to derive a comparative advantage

    • понести абсолютные убытки (потерять все) to suffer a complete loss

    • уверить кого-либо в наличии средств для совершения чего-либо to assure somebody of the means to do something

    • морской флот maritime fleet

    • отрицательное сальдо торгового баланса unfavourable balance of trade

    • жалованье salary

    • уменьшить стоимость (количество, объем) груза to diminish the value

    • наличный расчет при выдаче заказа payment on a cash with order basis

    • получить вознаграждение за страхование внешней торговли других стран to earn fees for insuring other nations’ foreign trade

    • иметь мало товаров, пригодных для экспорта to possess little in the way of exportable commodities

    • экспортировать готовую продукцию to export the finished goods


    Language focus

    Word Building

    1.5.1 a. Consult a dictionary and practise the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations:

    b. Fill in articles “a” or “the” wherever necessary.

          1. The Chinese don’t like Japanese. That’s a matter of history.

          2. The British have got richer, but not as fast as other countries.

          3. Helped by increasing popularity of - English as an international language and London’s position mid-way between the Asian and American time zones, the British financial institutions seem more dynamic than ever.

          4. A Vietnamese is a native or inhabitant of Vietnam, or a person of - Vietnamese descent.

          5. - English is the most widely learnt second language.

          6. The two most important minorities in the Philippines include the Chinese and the Spaniards.

          7. - English is the principal language of Great Britain, the US, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and many other countries.

          8. A large majority of - Danes speak - English as a second language.

          9. As a foreign language, - Dutch is mainly taught in primary and secondary schools in areas around the Netherlands.

          10. the Japanese also improved public education and made it compulsory for all residents of - Taiwan.

          11. After World War II, when - Japan lost, the Chinese of Taiwanese origin persecuted, robbed and sometimes beat up the Japanese.

          12. In - Finland as a whole - Swedish is one of the two "national" languages, with the same official status as the Finnish language.

          13. the Swiss provide money a safe, boring place where nothing dramatic will happen to it.

          14. The Bureau of the Census counts anyone - Indian who declares himself or herself to be one.

    c. Chose the correct variant.

    Scandinavia/Scandinavian people, mainly Sweden/Swedes and Norwegian/Norwegians, were both listed and sent over 10,000 immigrants each, with the presence of around 17,000 Danes/Danish. Finns/Finnish and Estonians/Estonian were also present, especially in the Southeast, and often forgotten Icelanders/Iceland and Faroese, were pretty rare, but left descendants. The Baltic Region was also entirely present, where Lithuanians/Lithuania composed the most numerous group, with

    50,000 entrances, followed by Latvians/Latvia. Jews/ Jewish, mostly of Askhenazic origin, also arrived as around 48,000 Jewish/Jew citizens from several countries chose Brazil/Brazilian as their destination.
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