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  • 1.8 CASE STUDY ROLE PLAY Case 1 1.8.3 Say it in English using the word combinations from both the Case-study and Role-play sections

  • Case 2 1.8.5 Say it in English

  • Exercise 2 a . Complete these sentences so that they refer to other people. Model

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    Read and translate the following dialogue:

    Trade Restrictions
    Task 3. Say it in English:

    • поощрять приобретение чего-либо (обуви) на внутреннем рынке - encourage domestic (shoe) purchase / encourage people to buy something produced in their own country

    • фискальный тариф, фискальные пошлины – revenue tariffs

    • расценка; пошлина; налог, которым облагают ввозимые в страну товары на основе их стоимости или количества, - инструмент государственной экономической политики (например, для защиты внутреннего рынка)- tariff

    • обеспечить занятость на внутреннем рынке труда – provide domestic job protection (обеспечить защиту внутреннего рынка труда)

    • протекционистский тариф - protective tariff

    • собирать/занимать/добывать/получать деньги – raise money

    • облагать тарифом в размере ... долларов с единицы какого-либо товара - levy a tariff of $... per unit on something (a commodity)

    • покрыть производственные расходы с помощью субсидии – to meet the production costs through the subsidy

    • соглашение между производителями или потребителями одноименной продукции, предусматривающее взаимные обязательства по соблюдению и поддержанию устанавливаемых цен на соответствующие виды продукции, согласованных квот производства, разграничение основных районов сбыта и т.п. - cartel

    • объединиться для обуздания конкуренции - band together to restrict competition

    • применять на какой-либо основе – to apply on a basis

    • взыскивать/начислять за что-либо меньше, чем зарубежные производители – to charge less than foreign producers for their products

    • В любом случае, я за ... . - At all events, I am all for …

    • вводить норму, долю, квоту касательно чего-либо – impose a quota

    • уменьшить общее количество производимых товаров и услуг - reduce the total number of goods and services produced

    • судя по тому, что я извлек из (содержания) лекции ... . - Judging by what I’ve derived from

    • выделить основные виды чего-либо – to single out the main types of something

    • предоставлять субсидию – to grant a subsidy

    • получить в результате взаимную зависимость – to result in interdependence

    • Я понимаю, что вы имеете в виду. - I take your point.

    • ограничить поставку и контролировать цену - to limit the supply and control the price

    • страдать от конкуренции (товаров) из-за рубежа – to suffer from foreign competition

    • наоборот – in reverse

    • взаимно отменить тарифы/ налоги – eliminate tariffs among themselves

    • запретить импорт – to ban imports

    • Вот уж не знаю. - Ask me another

    • заключать в себе что-либо – to encompass

    • подробное изложение фактов и предположений - a real recital of facts and surmise

    • облагать товар налогом или пошлиной – to tax


    Case 1
    1.8.3 Say it in English using the word combinations from both the Case-study and Role-play sections:

    • заработать что-либо в качестве комиссионного вознаграждения - earn money through a commission

    • заняться бартером – to be engaged in barter

    • обеспечить прибыль с продажи – to ensure a return on sales

    • посредник, действующий от лица к-л. – middleman, representing smb.

    • нехватка иностранной валюты (валютных ресурсов) – the lack of foreign exchange

    • развивающиеся страны (страны третьего мира) – third world countries

    • разрешение (этой проблемы) маловероятно из-за постоянных проблем с кредитами – to have little solution because of chronic credit problems

    • торговый маклер – commodities broker

    • счесть предложение смехотворным – to find something ludicrous

    • выслать предварительный заказ – to send a tentative order

    • производить станки и оборудование, разнообразные шестерни, клапаны и подшипники - manufactur large and small machine tools and parts, gears, valves, and bearings

    • недопонимание – lack of understading

    • отказаться от сделки – to reject a deal

    • зд. быть в отчаянном положении – to be desperate

    • сделать что-либо, поразмыслив – on second thought

    • связанный с чем-либо риск – risk involved

    • объем продаж начал падать – sales had declined

    • прислать спецификацию какого-либо товара вместе с образцами - to send the specs (specifications) on a commodity together with some samples

    • начальник отдела внешних продаж – overseas sales manager

    • перечень (смета, разбивка) того, что кто-либо хочет купить – a tentative order for something

    • учредить торговое представительство – to set up a trading subsidiary

    • стоит принять что-либо для того, чтобы сделать что-либо – to be worthwhile to accept something

    • акцент в чьих-либо доводах – the point in somebody’s reasoning

    • передать полномочия посреднику – to transfer title to a middleman

    Case 2

    1.8.5 Say it in English:

    • плавающий валютный курс, уровень которого определяется на рынке под воздействием спроса и предложения - floating exchange rates

    • возрасти по сравнению с другими валютами – to rise against other major currencies

    • добровольно согласиться на количественные ограничения на импорт / экспорт товара в объеме ... в год – to agree to a voluntary quota of … per year

    • быть продленным еще на год – to be extended a year

    • во время экономического спада - during the recession

    • понизить стоимостную(ценовую) конкурентоспособность экспорта – to decrease the cost competitiveness of exports

    • практиковать демпинг (предлагать большое количество товара на рынке по низким ценам) - to use dumping - selling a product in a foreign country at a price lower than the cost in the home market

    • достичь самого низкого за последние 24 года уровня в 5,7 млн. – to reach a 24-year low of 5.7 million

    • составлять почти четверть чего-либо – to account for almost one-forth of

    • быть вытесненным из бизнеса - to be forced out of business

    1.9 GRAMMAR BACK UP: The Infinitive

    Ask yourself these questions when checking the infinitives.

    1. Is the verb followed by a full or bare Infinitive?

    We often use the base form of a verb (go) as an infinitive. We call this form the bare infinitive because we use it without to. It should be distinguished from the to-infinitive, where we always use to in front of the base form of the verb (to go). The most common use of the bare infinitive is after modal verbs (He may/can/must go).

    Exercise 1

    Insert to before the infinitive where required. Translate the sentences into Russian.

    1. To succeed a corporation must - pay stockholders regular dividends.

    2. Where would you - like to have your goods delivered?

    3. You needn’t - say anything, just nod your head and the claim will - be met.

    4. Does the manager need to make decisions that maximize the returns?

    5. A number of the problems need to be solved before any recovery can - be achieved.

    6. The insurance company ought to be able to meet your claim.

    7. They ought to have asked my advice in order to avoid this disastrous mistake.

    8. Many different arrangements have to be made when nations trade with each other.

    9. He appeared to have plenty of money, which was said to have been gained in Latin America.

    10. ”Harper and Grant Ltd“ was one of the first companies to open up a new market in Abraca.

    11. Why not - go up and give us an opinion about the value of the damaged goods?

    12. The view that outside investors take of Britain as a profitable place to park their money influences decisions about investment.

    13. I cannot but - think that we should cancel our order in this firm.

    14. International prices help to coordinate the decisions of consumers and producers as they interact in world markets.

    Exercise 2

    a. Complete these sentences so that they refer to other people.

    Model: I don’t want to speak to the adjuster. I want Tom to speak to him.

    1. Coburn doesn’t expect to sell the shoes. It expects the commodity specialist to sell them.

    2. I don’t want to explain how to ensure the return on the sale. I’d like an expert to do it.

    3. You won’t listen to me. How many times do I have to ask you to do it?

    4. John McEnroe doesn’t want anyone to know about Garcia’s strange idea. He’d hate anybody to know it .

    5. I can’t draw up a special contract myself. I need a lawyer to do it .

    6. We can’t provide funds to support this unexpected proposal. Perhaps our partners can help us to do it .

    b. Rewrite these sentences to begin with the words in italics.

    Model: He’d like to remit some money to his “old country”.

    He can’t afford it.

    He can’t afford to remit some money.

    1. The transport company must cover the loss to the property of Harper & Grant. It intends to cover the loss.

    2. He’ll send a tentative order for the gears. He’s offering to send it.

    3. He wants to rent space in the cargo compartment of a ship for one voyage. He’s just applied to rentit .

    4. Purchase insurance? I refuse to purchase it.

    5. The exporter didn’t sell directly to a firm in his own country. He failed to sell directly to a firm in his own country.

    6. Can you inspect the damaged goods tomorrow? Can you manage to inspect the damaged goods tomorrow?

    7. Coburn Tool Corporation manufactures large and small machine tools and parts, gears, valves, and bearings. It offers to supply large and small machine tools and parts, gears, valves, and bearings.

    8. He would suffer a complete loss. He couldn’t afford to suffer a complete loss.

    c. Supply suitable infinitive forms for the verbs given in brackets.

    Model: Let’s buy Japaneese radios. (buy)

    1. He made me clear up the mess. (to clear up)

    2. John Martin thought that he had better try to find an agent to act for Harper & Grant Ltd. (to try)

    3. Mary would sooner starve than ask him for another penny. (to starve, to ask)

    4. “What makes you think that someone from the firm ought to go up and give us an opinion of the damage?”(to think)

    5. Sally is sure there’s nobody in the world she would rather work with or have greater respect for. (to work, to have)

    6. You had better change the way of life, Peter. (to change)

    7. Do let’s go somewhere a little more forward-looking! Or I would rather die! (to go, to die)

    8. Don’t let Mr. Duncan leave so early. He is a very valuable customer. (to leave).

    9. What made you think that their quotations were reasonable? (to think)

    10. I watched the customs officers examine (to examine) the airway bill carefully.

    11. The insurance broker saw his client’s face change (to change).

    12. Ben had the secretary bring (to bring) him the insurance policy for the load.

    13. Let us consider (to consider) the responsibility of the carriers because the damage is caused by negligence on the part of the driver.

    d. Rewrite these sentences in the passive voice.

    1. He made me repeat the instructions. I was made to repeat the instructions .

    2. He saw the lorry begin to roll forward. The lorry was seen to begin to roll forward.

    3. The Chief Executive Officer reluctantly let me go on a leave. I was reluctantly allowed to go on a leave.

    4. We must send him a Dangerous Goods Note. He must be sent a Dangerous Goods Note .

    5. I advised him to ask for a Certificate of Insurance. He was advised to ask for a Certificate of Insurance .

    6. The bank robbers made the cashier show them how to open the safe. The cashier was made to show them how to open the safe.

    7. She saw the visitor fill in the application form. The visitor was seen to fill in the application form.

    8. The police made him sign a paper admitting his offence against the regulations. He was made to sign a paper admitting his offence against the regulations.

    9. The Managing Director let the old craftsman make a mahogany desk for the Minister’s personal use. The old craftsman was permitted to make a mahogany desk for the Minister’s personal use.

    e. Complete the sentences using an object +to-infinitive after the verbs.

    Model 1: Take out an all-risks policy. My partner advised me to take out an all-risks policy .

    1. She didn’t advise our principals that the proceeds of our transfer had been credited to the beneficiary’s account only on the 1st of July. You didn’t tell her to advise our principals.

    2. We work hard. Our instructor taught us to work hard .

    3. The bank executed the payment. The beneficiary ordered the bank to execute this payment.

    4. You should not delay this payment. The manager has warned us not to delay this payment.

    5. Garcia wants to send a tentative order for gears. His experts advised him to send a tentative order for gears .

    6. Citizens can’t take more than a specified amount of money with them when they travel abroad. The government forbids the citizens take more than a specified amount of money with them when they travel abroad.

    7. Doreen’s score is high and she will go to Green Coats, one of the principle schools in London. Her high score entitles her to go to Green Coats.

    8. The driver of the lorry neglected the regulations. The adjusters acknowledged the driver to neglect the regulations .

    Model 2: People know that he is an expert in risk analysis. People know him to be an expert in risk analysis.

    1. The insurance agents discovered (that) the claim was false. The insurance agents discovered claims to be false.

    2. Mr. Roberts imagines that the damage is caused by negligence on the part of the driver. _ Mr. Roberts imagines the damage to be caused by negligence on the part of the driver.

    3. William Buckhurst believes that all goods are covered by a blanket insurance policy. William Buckhurst believes all goods to be covered by a blanket insurance policy .

    4. H.G. found that the news concerning the hi-jacked lorry was too discouraging. H.G. found the news concerning the hi-jacked lorry to be too discouraging .

    5. Everybody knows that Harper & Grant Ltd. is insured with a syndicate of Lloyds underwriters. Everybody knows Harper & Grant Ltd. To be insured with a syndicate of Lloyds underwriters .

    6. He discovered that the invoice had been sent. He discovered the invoice to have been sent.

    7. She pretended that she knew next to nothing about a comprehensive policy. She pretended herself to know next to nothing about a comprehensive policy .

    8. They hope that their firm will succeed. They hope their firm to succeed .

    Model 3: He claims that he is an expert in work study surveys. He claims himself to be an expert in work study surveys.

    1. I expect that I will hear from my suppliers soon. I expect myself to hear from my suppliers soon .

    2. He claimed that he had reduced the fees. He claimed himself to have reduced the fees .

    3. I arranged that I should do the accounts. I arranged myself to do the accounts .

    4. The inspection threatened that it would impose a penalty. _________ .

    5. We consider that we are experienced enough to meet the special requirements. We consider ourselves to be experienced enough to meet the special requirements .

    f. Chose the correct variant.

    1. I heard the partners had signed a mutually advantageous contract.

    2. John noticed Sally was very pale and excited.

    3. Kevin saw a new visitor enclose a statement with the letter.

    4. I hear Peter reported on the expenditure against budget twice last month but the Board still want him to do it again.

    5. I felt something crawl on my back.

    6. We feel this takeover bid threatens the future of our firm.

    7. I see someone got away from prison this morning. It’s in today’s news.
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