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ответы английский. Методические рекомендации для преподавателя к учебнику английский язык экономика и финансы environment часть 3

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НазваниеМетодические рекомендации для преподавателя к учебнику английский язык экономика и финансы environment часть 3
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3. Is the infinitive or the ing-form used after the verbs of perception?

Exercise 3

Join these pairs of sentences, deciding when to use a bare infinitive or ing.

Model 1: Mr. Roberts was examining the furniture. Mr. Thorn saw him.

– Mr. Thorn saw him examining the furniture.

1. She was informing the beneficiaries. I heard her.

I heard her informing the beneficiaries .

2. The beneficiaries were instructing the bank manager. They were seen.

The beneficiaries were seen instructing the bank manager .

3. Mr. Roberts was reading the piece of paper stuck on the windscreen. Mr. Thorn saw it.

Mr. Thorn saw Mr. Roberts reading the piece of paper stuck on the windscreen.

4. A man in the transport café was asking what Andersons’ driver was carrying. The barman heard that.

The barman heard a man in the transport café asking what Andersons’ driver was carrying.

5. The newcomer was looking through the catalogues very thoughtfully.

Elizabeth Corby noticed that.

Elizabeth noticed the newcomer looking through the catalogues very thoughtfully.

6. The operators were showing the new machines in operation. The visitors of the exhibition watched it.

The visitors of the exhibition watched the operators showing the new machines in operation

7. Christopher Thorn was making his comments about the confidential file. Because of the noise in the room nobody heard that.

Nobody heard Christopher Thorn making his comments about the confidential file.

Model 2: Mr. Roberts examined the furniture. Mr. Thorn saw him.

– Mr. Thorn saw him examine the furniture.

1. The customs officer examined the goods. We saw it.

We saw the customs officer examine the goods.

2 They discussed the invoice in question. I listened to them.

I listened to them discuss the invoice in question.

3. One of the clerks told a lie. Everybody heard it.

Everybody heard one of the clerks tell a lie.

4 Fenella made a lot of spelling mistakes in the letters. J.Martin noticed it.

John Martin noticed Fenella make a lot of spelling mistakes in the letters.

5. The typist said the shipping documents were enclosed. She was heard.

The typist was heard to say the shipping documents were enclosed.

Model 3: The furniture was examined. Mr. Thorn watched it.

– Mr. Thorn watched the furniture examined.

1. The goods were loaded on the steamer. The ship owner saw it.

The ship owner saw the goods loaded on the steamer .

2. The workers packed the crates. I saw it.

I saw the crates packed by the worker.

3. The captain signed the Bill of Lading. The seller watched it.

The seller watched the Bill of Lading signed by the captain .

Model 3: Mr. Grant wanted John to comment on the amount spent.

- Mr. Grant asked John to comment on it.

- Mr. Grant asked for the commentary.

- Mr. Grant asked for the commentary to be made.

  1. The exporters wanted the beneficiary to draw the irrevocable letter of credit.

The exporters asked the beneficiary to draw the irrevocable letter of credit.

The exporters asked for the irrevocable letter of credit.

The exporters asked for the irrevocable letter of credit to be drawn.

  1. The seller required the buyer to deliver the gears on FOB terms.

The seller asked the buyer to deliver the gears on FOB terms.

The seller asked for the gears on FOB terms.

The seller asked for the gears to be delivered on FOB terms.

  1. I’d like the contractor to provide materials as soon as possible.

  2. We ordered the trainee to set the letter of inquiry.

4. What do we use after “have” + object?

Exercise 4

Use the bare infinitive or the -ing form after have in these sentences.

Model: Have him bring the complaints about unexecuted orders.(to bring)

(We cause someone to do something for us)

  1. Mr. Grant had his secretary interrupt the interview with the unwilling customer. (to interrupt)

  2. I won’t have anyone interfere in my business affairs. (to interfere)

  3. I’ll have you know I’m a qualified accountant. (to know)

  4. He had her believe they executed payment as per the debit-note to her. (to believe)

  5. When the United States encountered serious balance of payments problems in the 1960s, the government had all the banks reduce the number of loans they could extend abroad. (to reduce)

  6. I would not have you think (to think), Mr. Thorn, that your insurers need be liable for the damage.

  7. Don’t let’s have them reduce the quantity of subsidies. (to reduce)

Model: We have people complaining about unexecuted orders all hours. (to complain)

(We speak about intended results or unintended consequences)

  1. Greece and Norway have their large maritime fleets providing transportation services. (to provide)

  2. He is an excellent manager. He’ll have you operating without a loss in no time. (to operate)

  3. He had never had anything like that happening to him before. (to happen)

  4. If we do not reschedule the production line, we will have employees failing to execute orders on time. (to fail)

5. What is Complex Subject and when do we use it?
Exercise 5

A. Complete the following sentences using a Complex Subject.

  1. with the verb “ turn out “.

  1. They hired him but he turned out to be quite unfit for it (to be quite unfit for it).

  2. We signed what we thought the profitable contract but it turned out to gain no profit (to gain no profit).

  3. The prudent exporter purchased insurance for his cargoe’s voyage, because a cargo turned out to be vulnerable to many dangers (to be vulnerable to many dangers).

  1. with the verb “happen”.

  1. The contractors happened to fail to deliver the goods on time (to fail to deliver the goods on time).

  2. The pro forma invoice happened to be the only solution to the problem (to be the only solution to the problem)

  3. They happened to pick the wrong person for the job (to pick the wrong person for the job).

B. Paraphrase the following using a Complex Subject with the verbs in brackets.

  1. The Annual Board Meeting will be attended by all the shareholders of Harper & Grant Ltd. (to suppose). The Annual Board Meeting is supposed to be attended by all the shareholders of Harper & Grant Ltd.

  2. The company will have to hire more engineers and construction supervisors in connection with the rush of urgent orders (to expect). The company is expected to have to hire more engineers and construction supervisors in connection with the rush of urgent orders.

  3. Invisible trade involves the exchange of services between nations (to know). Invisible trade is known to involve the exchange of services between nations

  4. Foreign trade occurs because a country often does not have enough of a particular item to meet its needs (to believe). Foreign trade is believed to occur because a country often does not have enough of a particular item to meet its needs.

C. Translate the following. Sentences. Pay attention to the way the Complex Subject is translated.

  1. They are supposed to know these things. Полагают, что они знают это.

  2. Today Britain is unlikely to join EMU. В настоящее время Великобритания вряд ли присоединится к Европейскому валютному союзу.

  3. Euro-scepticism seems to be related to the functioning of the EU rather than to the idea as such. Евро скептицизм, как представляется, связан с работой ЕС, а не идеей как таковой.

  4. They were seen to load the filing cabinets. Видели как они грузят картотечные шкафы.

  5. The Senator was reported to be badly injured in the accident. Сообщается, что сенатор был серьезно травмирован в результате несчастного случая.

  6. A week later the lorry was found abandoned. Спустя неделю грузовик был найден брошенным.

  7. He was reported to be preparing the yearly breakdown of overheads. Сообщили, что он готовит квартальный отчет (разбивку по) о накладных расходах.

  8. She was not expected to reply, but she did. Не ожидали, что она ответит, но она это сделала.

  9. I just happen to be passing, so I dropped in. Я просто случайно проходил мимо и поэтому зашел.

  10. The expenditure against budget is sure to be outrageous. Расходы по сравнению с бюджетом точно чрезмерны.


Exercise 1

Choose the only correct answer. Use the Complex Object and Complex Subject.

1. During the winter, the Bahamas would like … large numbers of tourists who spend money for hotel accommodation, meals, taxis, and so on.

(A) attract (C) to attract

(B) attracted (D) to be attracted

2. Tourism is known … another form of invisible trade.

(A) be (C) to have been

(B) being (D) to be

3. The railroads of the United States and South America are said … by British capital.

(A) to have been build (C) have been built

(B) to have been built (D) to have been building

4. Peter made Ghristopher Thorn … to the Moorland Valley and … his opinion of the damage.

(A) to go up … give (C) has gone … has given

(B) go up … give (D) go up …gives

5. The Managing Director ordered … without further delay.

(A) to type the letter (C) the letter to be typed

(B) the letter being typed (D) the letter be typed

6. Mr. Morgan was made … that their firm had put “Harper & Grant Ltd “ in a nice mess.

(A) to understand (C) to have understood

(B) understand (D) have understood

7. Have you heard the secretary … our partners?

(A) to phone (C) have phoned

(B) phone (D) phoned

8. Mr. Grant was heard … the way he had managed to salvage the lot of office furniture.

(A) explain (C) explaining

(B) be explaining (D) to have been explaining

9. The goods are reported … since early morning.

(A) to have been examined (C) to be examined

(B) to have been examining (D) to be examining

10 Everybody heard his name … during the negotiations.

(A) to be mentioned (C) be mentioned

(B) mentioned (D) to have been mentioned

11. She seems … the letter already. She looks happy.

(A) to have been reading (C) to have read

(B) to be reading (D) to read

12. Hector Grant was heard … William Buckhurst to discuss the vital problems concerning the missing lorry full of office furniture.

(A) summon (C) to summon

(B) to have summoned (D) have summoned

Exercise 2

Translate into English, using the Infinitive.

  1. Первое, что надо сделать, - это проинформировать наших страховых брокеров о краже грузовика как можно скорее. The first thing to do is inform our insurance brokers about the high-jacking of the lorry as soon as possible.

  2. «Я не допущу, чтобы Вы понесли убытки по нашей вине.» I won’t have you suffering a loss through the fault of ours.

  3. Вот интересное предложение, которое можно принять. Here is an interesting offer to be accepted.

  4. «Я предпочел бы скорее умереть, чем позволить нашей фирме работать без страховки на все случаи жизни,»- вскричал Гектор. I’d rather die than let our firm work without blanket insurance.

  5. Мистер Грант обратился в транспортную компанию Андерсонс, чтобы договориться о найме машин для перевозки партии офисной мебели. Mr. Grant applied to the Andersons transport company to hire cars for the delivery of the lot of office furniture.

  6. Мистер Робертс имел достаточно опыта и знаний в области страхового дела, чтобы обследовать поврежденный товар и рекомендовать возместить ущерб в размере 75% от стоимости страховки. Mr Roberts had enough experience and expertise in insurance to inspect the damaged item and recommend to repay damage in the amount of 75% of the cost of insurance.

  7. Чтобы получить работу, Вам нужно отправить Ваше резюме нескольким работодателям. To get the job, you have to send your CV to several employers.

  8. Мистер Бакхерст ожидал, что представитель фирмы оценщиков выскажет свое мнение относительно стоимости ущерба, нанесенного грузу. Mr Buckhurst expected the adjuster to give his opinion about the value of the damage to the goods.

  9. Кристофер Торн был не согласен с представителем компании страховых оценщиков. Он хотел бы, чтобы компания выплатила больше, чем 75% от стоимости страховки. Christopher Thorne did not agree with the adjuster. He’d like the company to pay more than 75% of the cost of insurance.

  10. Мы намеревались заказать эти товары, но не заказали. We intended to order these goods but we didn’t.

  11. Было трудно отказать в его просьбе пригласить независимого оценщика для расследования происшествия. It was difficult to reject his request to invite an independent adjuster to investigate accident.

  12. Короче говоря, я не хотел оставаться в страховой компании, но мне пришлось. To put it briefly, I didn’t want to stay at the insurance company, but I had to.

Exercise 3

Translate into English, using Complex Object where possible.

  1. Я заставил стажера прочитать инструкцию еще раз, а затем разрешил включить прибор. I made the trainee read the instruction again and then allowed him to switch the device.

  2. Поставщик хочет, чтобы груз был застрахован. The supplier wants the cargo to be insured.

  3. Я слышал, что представители наших фирм подписали взаимовыгодное соглашение. I heard (that)the representatives of our firms had signed the mutually advantageous agreement.

  4. Мистер Мартин слышал, что его коллега уже докладывал Мистеру Гранту о результатах своей командировки в Абраку. Mr. Martin heard (that) his colleague had already reported to Mr. Grant about the results of his business trip.

  5. Он не слышал, как я постучал в дверь. He didn’t hear me knock on the door.

  6. Джон заметил, что Салли очень взволнована. Он ожидал, что Салли объяснит, в чем дело. John noticed (that) Sally was very excited. He expected Sally to explain what the matter was.

  7. Никто не заметил, как водитель посадил в машину мужчину, который явно не являлся работником транспортной компании Андерсонс. Nobody noticed the driver give a lift to a man evidently not belonging to the Anderson’s transport company.

  8. Я слышал, что имя Джона Мартина упоминалось несколько раз на заседании Совета Директоров. Я вел протокол заседания. At the Board meeting I heard John Martin’ name mentioned several times. I was drawing/drew the minutes of the meeting.

  9. Покупатели видели, как ящики упаковали и погрузили на судно. The buyers saw the boxes packed and loaded on the vessel.

  10. Секретарь видела, что вошел новый посетитель, и ожидала, что он представится. The secretary saw the new visitor come in and expected him to introduce himself.

  11. Мы рассчитываем на то, что Вы немедленно зафрахтуете судно и купите страховой полис, покрывающий все риски. We count on you to charter the ship and buy the blanket insurance policy.

  12. Заказчики ожидают, что столы будут доставлены через три дня. The buyers/ customers expect the tables to be delivered in three days.

  13. Управляющий разрешил менеджеру по продажам отправить товары самолетом. The Managing Director allowed the sales manager to send/dispatch the goods by plane/air.

  14. Покупатели просили отгрузить товары первым судном. The buyers asked for the goods to be shipped by the first vessel.

  15. Я почувствовал, что кто-то дотронулся до моей руки. I felt somebody touch my hand.

  16. Управляющий директор приказал отгрузить товары без задержки. The Managing Director ordered the goods to be sent without delay.

  17. Гектор Грант приказал своему агенту застраховать партию офисной мебели как можно скорее. Hector Grant ordered his agent to insure the lot of office furniture as soon as possible.

  18. Он приказал доставить каталоги немедленно. He ordered the catalogues to be delivered immediately.

  19. Слушатели чувствовали, что его рассказ был правдив. The liteners felt (that) his story was true.

  20. Я никому не позволю вмешиваться в мои дела. I won’t have anybody interfering in my affaires. / I will not allow anyone to interfere in my affairs/ / I will not let anyone interfere in my affairs.

  21. Им позволили отослать деньги обратно родственникам. We were allowed/permitted to send the money back to their relatives.

  22. Нам не позволили подать жалобу. We were not allowed/permitted to put in a claim.

  23. Пусть производители потребуют, чтобы правительство предоставило им субсидию для производства этого товара, т.к. они страдают от конкуренции зарубежных соперников. Let the manufacturers require the Government to provide them with the subsidy for the production of these goods because they are suffering from foreign competition.

Exercise 4

Translate the following sentences using the Complex Subject.

  1. Отгрузочные документы, казалось, были в полном порядке.The shipping documents seemed to be in full order.

  2. Вероятно, заказчики были недовольны качеством товара. Customers were unlikely to be satisfied with the quality of the product.

  3. Похоже на то, что смерть мистера Харпера вызовет серьезный кризис в компании. Mr. Harper’s death is likely to cause a serious crisis in the company.

  4. Мистер Робертс и мистер Торн, кажется, не достигли соглашения по вопросу оплаты страхового полиса. Mr. Roberts and Mr. Thorn do not seem to have reached agreement on the subject of paying out the insurance policy.

  5. Вы, случайно, не знаете причину задержки платежа? Do you happen to know the reason for the delay?

  6. Случилось так, что два контейнера офисной мебели остались в порту. Two containers with office furniture happened to be left in the dock.

  7. Говорят, что Гектор Грант возглавляет фирму “ Харпер и Грант “ уже много лет. Она занимается производством офисного оборудования. Я случайно узнал, что они планируют выйти со своей продукцией на новые рынки. Hector Grant is said to have headed "Harper and Grant Ltd." for many years. It produces office equipment. I happened to learn that they are planning enter new markets with their goods.

9. Мистер Грант наверняка проверил репутацию страховой компании. Сообщалось, что он оформил полис комбинированного страхования. Он наверняка не отправит товар без страховки, покрывающей все риски. Hector Grant is sure to have checked the reputation of the insurance company. He is reported to have taken out the comprehensive insurance policy. He is unlikely to dispatch the goods without the all-risks policy.

10. Полагают, что фирма “Харпер и Грант” выдает выписку по счету в конце отчетного периода (раз в месяц или раз в квартал) на полную стоимость всех товаров, которыми занимается фирма. "Harper and Grant Ltd.". Is believed to release the statement of account at the end of the accounting period (once a month or once a quarter) for the full insured value of the goods handled.

11. Гектора Гранта вынудили позволить Бобу Хардиману работать до его выхода на пенсию. Hector Grant was made to let Bob Hardiman work till his pension.

12. Так как ущерб, нанесенный грузу, вызван халатностью водителя транспортной компании Андерсонс, страховщики компании Ллоидс, вероятно, не будут нести ответственность за убыток. Lloyds underwriters are unlikely to be responsible (to be liable) for the damage to the load, since it was caused by the negligence on behalf of Anderson’s driver.

13. В конце концов, заказчиков заставили подтвердить дату платежа. Finally, customers were forced to confirm the date of payment

14. Кажется, Ваша выписка по нашему счету от 25 августа не соответствует нашим записям. You statement of account of August, 25 does not seem to comply with (correspond to)our records.

15. Наши партнёры наверняка подпишут контракт. Говорят, что они согласились на скидку в 1,5%. Our partners are sure to sign the contract. They are said to have agreed to the 1,5 % discount.


The Firm and Its Environment


2.2.1 Consult a dictionary and practise the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations, quote the sentences in which they are used in the text or submit the examples of your own:

Articles of Association [əˌsəusɪ'eɪʃ(ə)n, -ʃɪeɪʃ(ə)n]

assets and liabilities ['æset] [ˌlaɪə'bɪlətɪ]

authority [ɔː'θɔrɪtɪ]

characteristics haracteristic [ˌkærəktə'rɪstɪks]

charter of incorporation ['ʧɑːtə] [ɪnˌkɔːp(ə)'reɪʃ(ə)n]

consequently ['kɔn(t)sɪkwəntlɪ]

contingency [kən'tɪnʤ(ə)n(t)sɪ]

detailed records ['diːteɪld] ['rekɔːdz]

dividend ['dɪvɪdend]

entrepreneur [ˌɔntrəprə'nɜː] амер. [ˌɑːntrəprə'nɜː]

entrepreneurship [ˌɔntrəprə'nɜːʃɪp]

fiduciary [fɪ'djuːʃɪərɪ]

hierarchical [ˌhaɪə'rɑːkɪk((ə)l)]

high-geared company [gɪəd]

inventory ['ɪnv(ə)nt(ə)rɪ]

legal entity ['liːg(ə)l]

legislative ['leʤɪslətɪv]

legislature ['leʤɪsləʧə, -leɪʧə]

liability for debts [ˌlaɪə'bɪlətɪ] [dets]

margin ['mɑːʤɪn]

obsolete equipment ['ɔbs(ə)liːt] [ɪ'kwɪpmənt]

ownership transfer ['træn(t)sfɜː, 'trɑːn-]

profile of a company ['prəufaɪl] ['kʌmpənɪ]

sole proprietorship [prə'praɪətəʃɪp]

the case of bankruptcy ['bæŋkrʌptsɪ]

the gearing of the company ['gɪərɪŋ]

the registrar of companies [ˌreʤɪ'strɑː]

three-year tenure ['tenjuə]

to be sued [s(j)uːd]

venture capital institutions ['venʧə]

2.2.2 Match the English word combinations in the left-hand column with the Russian equivalents in the right-hand column:


to be liable for the amount of capital somebody has invested


нести ответственность в пределах инвестированного капитала


a sole proprietorship


единоличное владение (хозяйство)


to be taxed


облагаться налогом


to hire and fire workers


нанимать и увольнять служащих


the rate of return on stocks / bonds


норма прибыли на акцию / облигацию


to be sued


выступать в качестве ответчика в суде


the assets of a company


имущество, активы, фонды, авуары, капитал, ресурсы компании


venture capital institutions


организации, вкладывающие средства в создание новых компаний, часто с повышенным уровнем риска


to be fined


быть оштрафованным


general partnership


полное товарищество (с неограниченной ответственностью)


the gap between payment due to suppliers and payment owed by customers


кассовый разрыв


to replace obsolete equipment


заменить устаревшее оборудование


to raise the amount of money needed


мобилизовать/добыть/занять необходимую сумму денег


ownership transfer


передача собственности


limited liability


ограниченная ответственность (акционера)


to keep detailed records


вести подробные учетные записи


high geared company


компания с высокой долей заемного капитала (со значительными долговыми обязательствами)


overdraft facility


возможность списания со счета большей суммы, чем имевшийся к моменту списания остаток средств




материально-производственные запасы; опись имущества, инвентаризация:


to make capital gains


получить доход от прироста капитала


to obtain a charter of incorporation


получить сертификат об инкорпорации (лицензию)


      1. Scan the text to determine whether these statements are true (T) or false (F), and if they are false say why.

e.g. In my opinion it is true that ... / I’m afraid it is false that ... because ...

1. (F)

If the business has debts and one of the partners dies, the others are barely responsible for his debts.

2. (F)

Corporations Partnerships are easy to organize, decisions can be made quickly, profits are shared with only a few people, and the owners are responsible for success or failure of the business.



If the corporation goes bankrupt or is sued, the stockholders lose the value of their stock. They are personally responsible for any money the corporation owes.

4. (F)

Bonds Shares represent ownership in the corporation.



In corporations with many owners or stockholders the individual share of profits in the form of dividends is comparatively small.

2.4.4 Match each of the phrases on the left with an appropriate explanation on the right. Use the grid below:


company (UK) / corporation (US)


an organization operating to make a profit


public company


a company whose shares are publicly available


private company


a company whose shares are not publicly available




a democratic firm owned by its workers




a new commercial activity


government agency


an organization which is part of the state organisation


limited company


a firm where shareholders’ liability is limited


offshore company


a firm based in a tax haven to avoid higher taxation


minority interest


company in which another firm has less than a 50% interest


parent company


a company which owns another




two or more partners working together for profit, without limited liability


subsidiary (affiliate)


firm owned by a parent company


company accounts


documents showing income, expenditure, assets and liabilities, sales records, etc.


fixed assets


items of value which are not easily changed into cash but which the business needs.


current assets


cash items, or items that can easily be changed into cash for the present financial year































2.4.5 There are five main types of legally constituted company. Tick the correct characteristics for each business type, or write “possibly” if the characteristic could apply. Give a brief description of the companies:

public limited company

private limited company

sole trader



single individual owns a company


two or more owners / directors

quoted on stock exchange

workers run the company

unlimited libility

limited liability


owner is self-employed


2.4.6 Scan the text again and find the English equivalents for the following:


  1. оборотный капитал, оборотные фонды, оборотные средства current assets

  2. мобилизовать необходимую сумму денег to raise the amount of money needed

  3. устав акционерной компании Articles of Association

  4. передача собственности ownership transfer

  5. норма прибыли на акцию/ облигацию the rate of return on stocks / bonds

  6. единоличное владение (хозяйство) a sole proprietorship

  7. нанимать и увольнять служащих to hire and fire workers

  8. разрешенный к выпуску акционерный капитал authorized share capital

  9. организации, вкладывающие средства в создание новых компаний, часто с повышенным уровнем риска venture capital institutions

  10. быть оштрафованным to be fined

  11. имущество, активы, фонды, капитал, ресурсы компании the assets of a company

  12. вести подробные учетные записи to keep detailed records

  13. нести ответственность в пределах инвестированного капитала to be liable for the amount of capital somebody has invested

  14. полное товарищество (с неограниченной имущественной ответственностью) general partnership

  15. акционерная компания с ограниченной ответственностью (США) - corporation

  16. выступать в качестве ответчика в суде to be sued

  17. 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   15

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