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  • 5 What do we call misrelated participles Exercise 5 Correct the sentences with misrelated participles. Sometimes only a change of order is required.

  • When I read the letter a second time, the meaning becomes clearer.

  • 6. What is the meaning of the structure to have (get) something done

  • 7. What participial constructions do the participles build Exercise 7 A

  • Model

  • Revision Exercise 1 Find a mistake if any and give the right variant.

  • ответы английский. Методические рекомендации для преподавателя к учебнику английский язык экономика и финансы environment часть 3

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    Change the Infinitive in brackets for Perfect Participle (active or passive). Translate the sentences into Russian.

    Model 1: (To receive) the money he left for London.

    Having received the money, he left for London.

      1. Having received an enquiry from the Abracan government John Martin decided to wait until the order was definite.

      2. Having quoted in local currency they wished to be protected if the Abracan currency devalued in relation to sterling.

      3. Having booked their representative into a hotel, the firm also put a car at his disposal.

      4. Having sent an invoice to the customer, the firm submits an account, which shows the total amount due at the end of the month.

      5. Having received long credit from its suppliers any company would like to give short credit to its customers.

    Model 2: (To pay) the money for the goods the seller left for London.

    Having been paid the money for the goods, the seller left Rome.

      1. Having been supplied with goods the firm has become insolvent and cannot pay.

      2. Harper & Grant mainly do business on wholesale terms: Having been given credit, shops or stores can have the goods they want and defer payment

      3. Having been provided with information about the financial situation in the company, suppliers can judge whether they are a good credit risk.

      4. Having been packed and marked the goods were ready for shipment.

      5. Having been deliverd the order, the export manager requested his assistant to check prices.


    Choose and fill in the necessary form of the Participle. Define the function of the Participle in the sentence. Translate the sentences into Russian.

    1. The following table shows the position of each of the London clearing banks in August on the date (having indicated / indicated)

    2. Show me the catalogues (receiving / received) yesterday.

    3. The figures (mentioned / having been mentioned) in his report are (publishing / published) in this journal.

    4. (Having been read / having read) much on this matter he could make an interesting report.

    5. The guarantee (presenting / presented) by the firm is (signed / signing) by the bank manager.

    6. The quality of goods is in accordance with the specification (enclosing / enclosed).

    7. They were reluctant to fill out the forms (describing / described) the expenses (made / having made).

    8. He didn`t usually utter a word unless (speaking to / spoken to).

    9. The meeting of the Board (calling / called) by Jim Gardner two days later was a particularly strong one.

    10. With some show of reluctance I made Tom (requiring/required) promise.

    11. She sat (having done / done / doing) nothing at all, neither (reading / being read) nor (sewing / being sewed).

    12. (Having examined/examined) the goods the client signed the bill.


    Do it in English

    1. Не будучи предупрежденным об аудиторской проверке, он не представил ежеквартальный отчет. Not being warned about the audit, he did not submit the quarterly statement.

    2. Тарифы и субсидии, применяемые в общегосударственном масштабе, важны для обороны страны. Tariffs and subsidies applied on the nation-wide scale are important for national defense.

    3. Будучи введены, все ограничительные меры держат мировую торговлю в определенных пределах (лимитируют), снижая общее количество произведенных товаров и услуг. Being introduced, all restrictive measures limit world trade, reducing the total number of produced goods and services.

    4. Реанимировав когда-то успешную, но забытую торговую марку, компания потратила меньше, чем на создание нового продукта. Having revived a once successful, but forgotten brand, the company spent less than creating of a new brand.

    5. Услышав закрытую информацию о надвигающейся отставке чиновника, курирующего продажу акций, они немедленно избавились от своих ценных бумаг. Having heard insider information about the pending retirement of an important officer in charge of selling shares, they got rid of their securities immediately.

    6. Послав клиенту счет-фактуру, поставщик информирует его об общей сумме, подлежащей оплате в конце месяца. Having sent an invoice to the customer, the supplier informs him about the total amount to be paid.

    5 What do we call misrelated participles?

    Exercise 5

    Correct the sentences with misrelated participles. Sometimes only a change of order is required.


    Incorrect form:

    Reading the letter a second time, the meaning becomes clearer.

    Correct form:

    When I read the letter a second time, the meaning becomes clearer.

    1. When paying by cheque, a bank card should be shown. one should show a bank card.

    2. Misunderstanding the question, the wrong answer was sent in. they sent in the wrong answer.

    3. When driving carelessly it is easy to one can easily have an accident.

    4. Leaving the cinema, When he was leaving the cinema, it seemed to him that the film had been exceptionally bad.

    5. Written in large letters They read the words “No entry”, written in large letters.

    6. Wondering When I was wondering where to go, an advertisement caught my eye.

    7. Falling from such a height, We thought he would never survive, falling from such a height.

    8. Writing When I was writing my name in the hotel register, a familiar voice attracted my attention.

    9. Having After I have paid my taxes, the amount left in the bank is hardly worth mentioning.

    10. Weakened Since he was weakened by his last illness, I felt sure that another winter in this country would kill him.

    11. Looking When Hector Grant had looked through the actual expenditures against the budget, the amount spent turned out rather high. (about Hector Grant)

    6. What is the meaning of the structure to have (get) something done?

    Exercise 6


    Complete these sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets if possible if possible. Translate the sentences into Russian. Follow the model.


    Have you had your statements ……checked…. recently? (to check)

    1. Your preliminary desk research sounds dreadful. You ought to have it rewritten.

    2. This Dangerous Goods Note is so important. I’m going to have it checked by an expert.

    3. I’d like to have the statistical difference between these sources balanced by an entry entitled “Net Errors and Omissions”. I would like you to comment upon an increase as well as a decrease in the nation’s reserves.

    4. We can’t take more than a specified amount of money with us when we travel abroad as the nation is having its invisible trade expenditures limited at the moment. They are going to have capital for investments abroadrestricted by requiring government approval for any new foreign investments.

    5. If other measures are insufficient, a country may haveits currencydevalued.

    6. Can we get devaluation combined with other effective measures to balance the economy?


    Do it in English. Use the construction to have something done in each sentence.

    1. Мы можем добиться, чтобы эти ограничения были отменены? Can we have these restrictions canceled?

    2. Когда им предоставят эти доверенности? When will they have these proxies provided?

    3. Соединенные Штаты хотели бы, чтобы японцами была введена пошлина в 6-8 % на запчасти к автомобилям. The US would like to have the 6-8% tariffs on car spare parts introduced by the Japanese.

    4. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы мои распоряжения выполнялись. I would like to have my orders followed.

    5. По поручению Кристофера Торна компании Буш и Грин послали пару достаточно жестких писем. Christopher Thorn had Bush & Green sent a couple of quite strict letters.

    6. Им могут отложить платеж до конца месяца. They may have the payment delayed till the end of the month.

    7. Пусть вам приготовят счет сразу же. Get the bill prepared at once.

    8. Проследите, чтобы документ был напечатан в двух экземплярах. Get the document typed in duplicate.

    9. Пусть бухгалтеру-стажеру напомнят о долгах, давно подлежащих погашению. Get the accountant trainee reminded about the long outstanding debts.

    10. Импортные автомобили были проверены для них по-отдельности. They had imported cars checked separately.

    11. Когда вам пришлют извещение о доставке? When will you have the delivery note sent?

    12. Когда мы приехали, все торговые ограничения были уже сняты. When we came they had all the trade restrictions canceled.

    13. Мы должны рассмотреть этот вопрос в понедельник. We must have this question considered on Monday.

    14. Как часто им предоставляют перечень товаров? How often do they have the quotation submitted?

    15. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы была избрана рабочая группа из 3-5 человек для того, чтобы выработать и записать все возможные аргументы «за» и «против». I’d like to have the panel of from 3 to 5 people elected in order to have all the possible pro & cons worked out and put down.

    7. What participial constructions do the participles build?

    Exercise 7


    Change the given sentences using the verbs in brackets into sentences with the Complex Object. Mind the verbs to have” and “to get”.
    Model: We heard him … speaking over the phone. (to speak)

    But: You cangetthese statements … checked … . (to check)

    1. We could hear John Martin discussing with Peter Wiles an article about the discovery of oil in Abraca.

    2. Businessmen consider him actively involved with the project.

    3. That morning we found a Transport Manager Bruce Hill seeing off a load of office desks and chairs for a new liner in Scotland.

    4. He saw Mrs. Margaret Wiles, who rarely attended Board meetings, sitting among the Board members.

    5. At the Board meeting the directors had budgeting control discussed.

    6. The company has quarterly accounts drawn up every three months in a financial year.

    7. Peter watched Christopher studying invoices in the Accounts Department.

    8. It is difficult to get the lorries fully emplyed, and you’ve got to calculate depreciation.

    9. I stopped talking and observed the auditors leaving the building.

    10. You can have a mahogany desk made by Bob Hardiman, who is a master craftsman of the old school.


    Paraphrase these sentences using the Subjective Participial Construction. Use the verb in brackets.
    Model: She was opening a current account. (to see)

    She was seen opening a current account.

    1. Hector Grant was seen giving recommendations to the Sales Manager, asking him to book accommodation for the representative of the Ministry of Works.

    2. The Company Secretary William Buckhurst was heard discussing the problem of Wentworth & Company with Hector Grant.

    3. FMA shares listed on the New York Stock Exchange were noticed falling five and a half points.

    4. Rosco Heyward was noticed smiling when Alex Vandervoort insisted on defining reasonable and excessive profit.

    5. They were heard discussing an irrevocable letter of credit as a method of payment.

    6. The secretary was seen opening the letter with the enclosed shipping documents.

    7. The client was heard speaking over the telephone with the Manager.

    8. The customs officer was noticed examining the goods. (to notice)


    Translate the sentences into Russian. Note the Absolute Participial Construction.

    1. The goods having been unloaded, the workers left the port. Т.К. товары были разгружены, рабочие покинули порт.

    2. There being a hard day, he felt very tired. Он чувствовал себя уставшим, т.к. день был тяжелым. / День был тяжелым и он устал.

    3. We are not giving you any particulars, the enclosed letter containing the necessary information. Мы не предоставляем вам никаких подробностей, т.к. вся необходимая информация содержится в прилагаемом письме.

    4. There being not a single contract from Abraca, Hector Grant summoned the Sales Manager for an interview. Т.к. не было не одного контракта с Абракой, Гектор Грант вызвал менеджера по продажам на беседу.

    5. All this having been settled, the bank manager agreed to provide a personal loan. Когда все было урегулировоно , менеджер банка согласился предоставить персональный кредит

    6. Judging by the silence nobody being there, he left the office. Судя по тишине, в офисе никого не было и он его покинул.

    7. With Peter being on a business trip, John had to do his work. Питер был в командировке, и Джону приходилось выполнять его работу.

    8. The negotiations between the American and British representatives were conducted behind closed doors, measures having been taken that no correspondent should receive any information. Т.к. переговоры между американскими и британскими представителями проходили за закрытыми дверями, были приняты меры, чтобы ни один корреспондент не получил никакой информации.

    9. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Поскольку больше дел не было, заседание было отложено.

    10. With a buyer from Abraca visiting the factory, his hotel was booked for him and a car put at his disposal. Т.к. покупатель из Абраки приехал на фабрику, ему забронировали номер в отеле и предоставили в его распоряжение автомобиль.

    11. The contract quantity was 5.000 tons, the sellers having an option to deliver 2% more or less. Количество по контракту составляло 5.000 тонн, и продавцы имели возможность их поставить с разницей в плюс-минус 2%.

    12. The Board Meeting of directors discussed budgetary control with William Buckhurst having attended a course on the subject. Заседание Совета директоров обсудило бюджетный контроль, т.к. Уильям Бакхерст рошел курс обучения по этому вопросу.

    13. Having a look at the quarterly breakdown of overheads, his impression of the amount spent was not pleasant. Просмотрев ежеквартальную разбивку накладных расходов, он получил неприятное впечатление и потраченных суммах.

    14. Having increased sales by almost forty per cent, that was a very successful year for John Martin. Т.к. Джон Мартин увеличил продажи почти на 40 %, этот год для него был очень успешным.

    15. Owning so many shares, the election of Alfred Wentworth in the Board was inevitable. Поскольку Альфред Уэнтворт владел таким большим количеством акций, его избрание в Совет директоров было неизбежным.

    16. Requiring an irrevocable letter of credit confirmed on a London Bank, our quotation in local currency was conditional. Наши расценки в местной валюте были обусловлены нашим требованием оплаты безотзывным аккредитивом, подтвержденным лондонским банком.

    17. Not having anything his own way, while Harper was a chairman, everybody found Hector Grant a clever man and a strong personality. Все считали Гектора Гранта умным человеком и сильной личностью, но, пока Харпер был председателем правления, Гектор Грант ничего не мог делать по своему усмотрению.

    18. Being rather over-weighted with conservative members, there was the need for young forward-looking people in the Board. Поскольку в Правлении было явный перевес числа консервативных членов, была нужда в ( в привлечении) молодых перспективных членах.

    19. Being responsible for at least one cost centre, the forecast of the income and expenditure was required from each manager. Каждый менеджер отвечал по крайней мере за одну учетно-калькуляционную единицу, и от каждого менеджера требовался прогноз доходов и расходов.


    Exercise 1

    Find a mistake if any and give the right variant.

    1. Requiring goods can’t be shipped at the customer`s request. They

    A B C

    aren’t available now.


    2. The price having been mentioned was 5 per cent lower than the

    A B

    price paid by the previous contract.

    C D

    3. Even if posting now the letter can’t reach John till Monday.

    A B C D

    4. He didn`t usually utter a word unless speaking to.

    A B C D

    5. Being received the required information the sellers sent their order

    A B C D

    to the buyers.
    6. Payment will be executed against cable signing by the captain

    A B C

    of the vessel.


    7. The letter having been typed by the typist now should be sent

    A B

    as soon as it`s ready.

    C D

    8. We received a letter from the suppliers advised that they are ready

    A B

    to fulfil the order according to the terms stipulated.

    C D

    9. I hear him raise a big personal short-term loan. Frankly speaking he

    A B C

    agreed to offer his business as collateral required.

    10. But the Western leaders, though forced to give way on some questions,


    will stick to the policies which have brought about a fallen standard

    B C

    of living for working people.


    11. The Civil Service unions, represented more than a half-million

    A B

    government workers, demanded a 15-percent pay raise.

    C D

    12 We asked them to write immediately having advised the terms of

    A B C D

    payment and delivery.
    13. If the presented documents comply with the terms of the credit


    the buyer cannot refuse to pay on the grounds of the goods not

    B C

    corresponded to the order or contract.

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