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Методические указания для студентов первого курса всех технических специальностей новосибирск 2008 ббк 81. 432. 1923 а 647

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НазваниеМетодические указания для студентов первого курса всех технических специальностей новосибирск 2008 ббк 81. 432. 1923 а 647
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Unit 3

Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU)

3.1. Прочитайте и изучите следующие слова и словосочетания.

attend [ə`tend] (v) – посещать

e.g. attend courses

campus [`kæmpəs] (n) – студенческий городок,

территория университета

course [`kכ:s] (n) – курс

e.g. paid courses

extra courses

education [,edju`keι∫n] (n) – oбразование

еducational [,edju`keι∫nl] (adj) – образовательный

e.g. educational center

educational projects

faculty [`fækəltι] (n) – факультет

gain [`ցeιn] (v) – приобретать, получать,

e. g. gain a status – выигрывать

obtain [əb`teιn] v) – получать, приобретать

e.g. obtain knowledge

obtain a degree

residential university – университет,

предоставляющий общежитие
science [`saιəns] (n) – наука

scientific [,saιən’tιfιk] (adj) – научный

e.g. scientific center

scientific work

semester [sι`mestə] (n) = term [tə:m] (n) – ceместр

e.g spring semester

autumn term

specialist [`spe∫əlιst] (n) – специалист

specialize [`spe∫əlaιz] (v) ( in the field of…) – специализироваться

(в области)

train [`treιn] (v) – обучать, тренировать

e.g. train specialists

training [`treιnιŋ] (n) – обучение, тренировка

e.g. distance training

3.2. Прочтите следующие слова вслух, обращая внимание на их произношение.

1. foreign [`fכrιn] Bachelor [`bæt∫ələ]

technical [`teknιkl] knowledge [`nכlιdჳ]

ski [`skι] engineering [,endჳι`nιərιŋ]

mechanical [mι`kænιkl]
2. education [,edju`keι∫n] – educational [,edju`keι∫nl]

science [`saιəns] – scientific [,saιən’tιfιk]

specialist [`spe∫əlιst] – specialize [`spe∫əlaιz]

study [`stΛdι] – student [`stju:dənt]

3.3. Выберите правильный ответ.

1. NSTU was founded …

a) in 1945.

b) in 1950.

c) in 1953.

2. NSTU gained the status of a university …

a) in 1985.

b) in 1992.

c) in 1993.
3. There are …

a) 8 faculties in NSTU.

b) 11 faculties in NSTU.

c) 15 faculties in NSTU.

4. NSTU has its own …

a) hostels.

b) bank.

c) airport.

5. Students … study at NSTU.

a) from Russia

b) from China

c) from Russia and other countries

3.4. Прочитайте текст, скажите, правильны ли ваши ответы на задание упр. 3.3.

Novosibirsk State Technical University

NSTU is one of the top ten universities in Russia. It is not only a great educational but also a scientific center of Siberia and the Far East.

To start with let’s mention some facts from the history of NSTU. It was founded in 1953 and got the name of Novosibirsk Institute of Electrical Engineering. The same year it opened the doors of two faculties to school leavers of Russia. The name of Professor Georgy Lyshchinsky, the rector of the institute from 1955 till 1990, is well-known not only in Novosibirsk. He did a lot for the development of high level of education and science at the institute. In 1992 the institute gained the status of a university.

At present NSTU trains specialists at 11 faculties: Radio Engineering, Power Engineering, Physical Engineering, Aircraft, Business, Electromechanical Engineering, Humanities and others.

So today more than 22 000 students from Russia and such foreign states as China and Korea, African countries and Republics of the former Soviet Union study at our university. The number of academic staff is nearly 1000.

Tuition period lasts up to 6 years and depends on the qualification: Bachelor of Science – 4 years, Engineer – 5 years, Master of Science –
6 years.

NSTU trains students on a full-time and a part-time basis. It also offers distance training.

The first- and second-year students obtain knowledge in fundamental subjects. From the third year students take part in scientific work and specialize in some field.

Now some words about international activity of NSTU. It has international relations with 12 universities of Korea, China, Great Britain and the USA. NSTU also participates in joint educational and scientific projects.

The university has its own campus. There are 8 teaching blocks, 7 hostels, a hospital, two sports centers, a swimming pool and a ski center.

High level of education is provided by well-equipped research labs, multi-media classes, rich libraries, computerized information resource centers.

It is also necessary to say a few words about foreign language study at our university. The students study English, German or French for at least one year. At some faculties such as Business, Physical Engineering, Humanities students are offered two or more years of foreign language studies. The best students can take an extra course in the language for three years more. Those who want to study English as a second language can attend paid courses, organized by Foreign Languages Department of Technical Faculties.

In conclusion we can say that NSTU graduates are mainly highly-qualified specialists and some of them are brilliant scientists known in many countries.

3.5. Выберите правильный вариант перевода данных словосочетаний по образцу: 1-а.

1. научный центр a) scientific center, b) educational

center, c) sport center.

2. выпускники школ a) schoolchildren, b) school leavers,

c) students.

3. образовательные проекты a) scientific works, b) international

relations, c) educational projects.

4. период обучения a) distance learning, b) tuition

period, c) fundamental subject.

5. получать знания a) to have an idea, b) to take an

exam, c) to obtain knowledge.

6. дополнительный курс a) extra course, b) basic course,

c) paid course.

7. дистанционное обучение a) full-time study, b) distance

learning, c) part-time course.
3.6. Составьте словосочетания, используя слова из колонок А и В.


train language

obtain part

sports specialists

teaching block

take knowledge

foreign classes

multi-media camp

3.7. Подберите соответствующий вариант перевода названия каждого факультета.

1. Radio Engineering Faculty a) факультет летательных аппаратов

2. Power Engineering Faculty b) факультет энергетики

3. Aircraft Faculty с) факультет гуманитарных наук

4. Physical Engineering Faculty d) электромеханический факультет

5. Faculty of Humanities е) физико-технический факультет

6. Electromechanical Faculty f) факультет радиоэлектроники

3.8. Выберите подходящее по смыслу слово или словосочетание и дополните предложения.

1 2 3 4 5 6

a) students faculties universities hostels years subjects
1. At present more than 22 000 ________ study at NSTU.

2. Tuition period lasts up to 6 _______.

3. NSTU has 11 _______.

4. The university campus has 7 _________.

5. The first- and second-year students obtain knowledge in fundamental _______.

6. NSTU has international relations with 12 ________ in other countries.
1 2 3 4 5

b) gained educational institutions qualification well-equipped campus


1. In our city there are many _____ where people can get knowledge and skills in different spheres.

2. Tom graduated from the university last year. And he has a _____ of Bachelor of Science.

3. Last year our institute _____ the status of a university.

4. In the university we have a chance of working in _____ classrooms with modern facilities.

5. Students from other cities usually live in hostels which are situated in the place called ____.

6. The university _____ teaching blocks, hostels, sport centers and a ski center.

3.9. Замените выделенные слова синонимами из предложенного списка.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

educational participates study gained degree semester blocks
1. NSTU takes part in different international programs.

2. The university got its status in 1992.

3. NSTU has 8 teaching buildings.

4. Our university is a large teaching center.

5. After 4 years of study students get a qualification of a Bachelor.

6. At the end of each term students take exams.

7. Many students of NSTU learn foreign languages.

3.10. Скажите, соответствуют ли следующие высказывания содержанию текста. Сделайте необходимые дополнения и поправки.

1. NSTU is one of the top ten universities in Novosibirsk.

2. NSTU offers only full-time education.

3. Students from many countries study at NSTU.

4. After graduation from the university students get only Bachelor’s Degrees.

5. NSTU is a residential university.

6. There were 10 faculties in 1953 at the Institute.

7. The students study a foreign language only for one year.

8. The first name of NSTU was Novosibirsk Institute of Electrical Engineering.

3.11. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What is the year of the foundation of NSTU?

2. When did it gain the status of a university?

3. What can you say about Georgy Lyshchinsky?

4. How long do students study to get a Master’s Degree?

5. What do the first- and second - year students study?

6. What provides the high level of education?

7. What foreign languages do the students of NSTU study?

8. How many years can you study foreign languages at the university?

3.12. Расставьте названия частей текста по порядку в соответствии с содержанием текста.

Range of NSTU students.

The campus.

Some facts from the history of NSTU.

The faculties of NSTU.


Tuition at NSTU.

Scientific degrees.

International activity of the university.

Foreign language study.

3.12.A. Расскажите о своём университете, используя план упр. 3.12.

3.13. Прочитайте и переведите следующий диалог.

A: Hello!

B: Hi! What is your name?

A: Mike. And what is your name?

B: Julia. You know, I have just entered NSTU.

A: Really?! I have entered NSTU too.

B: What faculty?

A: Power Engineering Faculty.

B: It’s funny! I also wanted to enter this faculty. And just before the entrance exams I decided to choose Electromechanical Faculty.

A: Why?

B: Because my father graduated from it 20 years ago.

A: I have practically the same situation. My brother graduated from NSTU last year. He studied at the Faculty of Power Engineering. By the way, where are you from?

B: I am from Novosibirsk. And you?

A: I am from Kazakhstan. As I noticed, a lot of foreign students study at NSTU.

B: You are right. That is why I want to study English here. May be it will help me to communicate with foreign students.

A: Good idea. Let’s study English together.

B: Great! Well, I need to go now. See you later.

A: OK. Bye-bye.

B: Bye.

3.14. Побеседуйте друг с другом об университете, используя следующие ситуации как основу для диалога, либо придумайте свою ситуацию:

а) выпускник университете проводит экскурсию по университету для студентов-первокурсников;

б) вы хотите поступить в НГТУ, а ваш друг уже учится там; расспросите его об университете;

в) вы поступили в НГТУ и ваши друзья интересуются особенностями университета.

3.15. Напишите письмо своему другу и расскажите о вашей жизни в университете (120 – 150 слов).

Unit 4

Higher Education in Great Britain

4.1. Прочитайте и изучите следующие слова и словосочетания.

ancient [`eιn∫ənt] (adj) – древний, старинный

e.g. an ancient university

be founded in … – – быть основанным в…

college [`kכlιdჳ] (n) – колледж

e.g. a college of higher education

сurriculum [kə`rιkjələm] (n) (мн.ч. curricula) – учебный план

external student – студент-заочник

fee [`fi:] (n) – плата, оплата

e.g. tuition fee

higher school = higher educational institution – ВУЗ ( высшее учебное


internal student – студент, обучающийся


polytechnic [,pכli `teknιk] (n) – политехникум

private [`praιvət] (adj) – частный

e.g. a private university

tuition [tju:`ι∫n] (n) – обучение

tutor [`tju:tə] (n) – преподаватель,


tutorial [tju:`tכ:riəl] (n ) – консультация, семинар

e.g. a tutorial on history

attend a tutorial

4.2. Выберите однокоренные слова.

Study, tuition, college, teach, tutor, student, education, tutorial, educate, teacher, collegiate, educational, coeducation.

4.3. Выскажите своё мнение, выбрав правильный, на ваш взгляд, вариант ответа.

    1. There are …in Great Britain.

  1. many types of higher educational institutions

  2. no higher educational institutions

  3. two types of higher educational institutions

2. There are … in Great Britain.

      1. 60 universities

      2. 80 universities

      3. 90 universities

3. One of the oldest universities in Great Britain is …

  1. London University.

  2. Oxford University.

  3. Manchester University.

4. British students study …for a Bachelor’s degree.

a) 2 years

b) 3 years

c) 5 years

4.4. Прочитайте следующие интернациональные слова.

academic [,ækə`demιk] program [`prəuցræm ]

college [`kכlιdჳ] revolution [,revə`lu:∫n ]

collegiate [kə`lι:dჳiət] seminar [`semιnα:]

Doctor [ `dכktə] specialist [`spe∫əlιst]

industrial [ιn`dΛstriəl] test [`test ]

material [mə`tιəriəl] tradition [ trə`dι∫n ]

period [pι`ri:əd] type [` taιp ]

4.5. Прочитайте текст и проверьте свои ответы из задания 4.3.

The System of Higher Education in Great Britain

There are 90 universities and 60 other higher educational institutions in Great Britain. Many big cities have a university and a college of higher education. There are also such higher institutions in Great Britain as polytechnics.

There are the following main types of universities in Great Britain: ancient, Redbrick and New. There is also Open University.

The first group is ancient universities: Oxford and Cambridge. They were founded in 12th and 13th centuries. They are the oldest and the most famous universities in Great Britain. They have a lot of rules and traditions. They have a collegiate system. It means that a university is a federation of colleges. Now Cambridge consists of 20 colleges and Oxford consists of 48 colleges. Each college is largely independent: it has its own staff of teachers, a separate building, its own financing and individual curricula. It organizes term exams, but university is responsible for final exams and for awarding degrees to college students. The next tradition is that some colleges are only for men and others – only for women students. There are also coeducational colleges. The third tradition is that the university tutors teach students one-to-one or in very small groups. Such lessons are called tutorials.

Most universities in Great Britain are national universities. That is UK government pays three quarters of tuition fee and a student pays only one quarter of it. If the student’s family income is low the government helps him (her) with the grant. There are also some private universities in Great Britain (for example, Westminster University). Education in such universities is very expensive.

Let’s speak about the second type of UK universities – Redbrick universities. The period of foundation of Redbrick universities is between 1850 and 1930.They have a name “Redbrick” because the material used for their construction was red brick. The most famous Redbrick university is London University. It is a federation of 44 schools and institutes. The number of its internal students is over 40 000 and it has also a great number of external students, who come to London only for examinations.

The next type is New Universities. New Universities were founded after the Second World War, as a result of Industrial Revolution. After the Second World War UK began to develop its industries very quickly. British plants and factories needed a lot of qualified specialists. That’s why a number of New Universities appeared in large industrial cities, such as Manchester, Liverpool, Glasgow and others.

Now a few words about Open University. It’s a very interesting type of university. It started in 1960 for people, who wanted to continue their education, but couldn’t attend classes because they worked full-time and studied only in free time. University provides its students with lecture materials and tests by e-mail, TV and radio programs. Such form of education is called distance training. Every year in October OU students take exams.

Now we shall say some words about the degrees you can get at British higher schools. After three or four years of study you can get a Bachelor’s Degree (usually BA=Bachelor of Arts or BS=Bachelor of Science). After one or two years of further study a student can get a Master’s Degree (MA or MS). If students wish to teach at university, they work for a higher degree, a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

4.6. Выберите верный вариант перевода данных словосочетаний.

Образец: 1 ­­- b.

1.высшее учебное заведение a) university, b) higher school,

c) college

2. консультация a) study, b) tutorial, c) rule

3. плата за обучение a) curricula, b) tuition fee, c) staff

of teachers

4. заочное обучение a) full-time education, b) part-time

education, c) distance training

5. дальнейшее обучение a) higher degree, b) further study,

c) period of study

4.7. Подберите пары слов или словосочетаний из колонок А и В, имеющие противоположное значение.


ancient before

lecture full-time study

after new

distance training tutorial

enter graduate from

4.8. Подберите пары слов, имеющиe сходное значение, из колонок А и В.


teacher tutorial

tuition higher educational institution

higher school semester

seminar study

term old

ancient tutor

4.9. Составьте словосочетания, используя слова из колонок А и В.


higher fee

tuition classes

attend degree

Master’s study

Doctor of school

further philosophy

4.10. Прочитайте текст ещё раз и скажите, соответствуют ли следующие утверждения содержанию текста. Используйте следующий образец: Yes, it is true. ( Если соответствует содержанию текста).

No, it is false. (Предложите правильный вариант).

1. There are not many universities in Great Britain.

2. There are no colleges in Great Britain.

3. Oxford and Cambridge are the oldest universities in Great Britain.

4. Redbrick universities were founded between 1750 and 1930.

5. London University is а Redbrick university.

6. New universities appeared before the First World War.

7. Open University offers a distance learning.

8. One can get a Bachelor’s Degree after two years of study.

9. Master’s Degree is the highest degree at universities in UK.

10. Students can get a Doctor’s Degree after seven or more years of scientific work at university.

4.11. Подберите к каждому вопросу в колонке А соответствующий вариант ответа из колонки В.


1. What types of higher schools a) New Universities were founded in

are there in Great Britain? large industrial cities.

2. What universities were founded b) The first degree is a Bachelor’s

in large industrial cities? Degree.

3. What university offers only c) Doctor of Philosophy is

distance learning? the highest degree in British

4. What is the first degree in British higher schools.

higher schools? d) Open University provides people

5. What is Doctor of Philosophy? with distance learning.

e) There are universities, colleges of

higher education and polytechnics

in Great Britain.

4.12. Закончите предложения из колонки А соответствующим вариантом из колонки В.


1. Oxford and Cambridge were a)…аncient, Redbrick, Open,

founded … New.

  1. The main types of universities b)… a result of Industrial Revolution.

in Great Britain are …

  1. New universities appeared as … c)… Bachelor, Master and Doctor.

  2. A student of British higher d)… in 12th and 13th centuries.

school can gеt a degree of a …

4.13. Заполните таблицу:

Type of a university

Main feature(characteristic)

1. Ancient ( old) universities

2. Redbrick universities

3. New universities

4. Open University

4.14. Расположите названия частей текста (4.5) в соответствии
с содержанием. Прочитайте каждую часть.

The degrees you can get in British universities.

New universities.

Ancient universities.

Higher educational institutions in Great Britain.

Redbrick universities.

Open University.

4.15. Составьте вопросы к каждой части текста и устно дайте на них ответы.

4.16. Выберите и поставьте вместо пропусков соответствующее местоимение (Personal Pronouns in Nominative or Objective Case, Possessive Pronouns). Переведите получившиеся предложения.

I – me – my

1. ______ favorite subject is mathematics.

2. ______ study mathematics.

3. Tell _____ about the exams.

We – us – our

1. _____ don’t pay for _____ education.

2._____ tutor told _____ to do all the tasks.

You – your

1. ____ test is not good.

2. ____ can get a Bachelor’s degree after three years of study in university.

3. Thank ____ for ____ help.

She – her

1. ____ mother is a teacher.

2. ____ was a student of Oxford University.

3. You can ask ____.

He – him – his

1. ____ passed ____ exams in October.

2._____ parents told ____ about tuition fees.

It – its

1. ____ is a very interesting type of a university.

2. University sends ____ students lecture materials and tasks.

3. Give ___ to your teacher.

They – them – their

1. ____ were founded between 1850 and 1930.

2. The material for ____ construction was red brick.

3. British government can help ____ with the grant.
4.17. Расскажите о высшем образовании в Великобритании, используя план упр.4.14.

4.18. Подготовьте рассказ об одном из университетов Великобритании или США, используя информацию приложения 1 (Appendix I).

4.19.Выполните следующие задания:

1. Прослушайте текст “Living at University”(Tapescript 1, Appendix 2) один раз и выберите правильный вариант ответа.

    1. What is a grant?

  1. money, paid by the parents for their children’s education;

  2. money from the local education authority*;

  3. money given to those students, who study well at the university.

    1. Where can students borrow** money from (for their education)?

  1. from the bank;

  2. from another student;

c) from the university.

3. What did students do during their holidays?

  1. have rest;

  2. study;

  3. work.


* authority (n) – власти, начальство

** borrow (v) – занимать, брать на время
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