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Раздел 2. В ресторане.

Содержание учебного материала

Лексика: Слова, клише и выражения по темам:

Тема 2.1 Рестораны, бары и кафе.

Тема 2.2 В столовой колледжа.

Грамматика: Past Simple Tense. Модальные глаголы. Повелительное наклонение. Местоимения (количественные).

Фонетика: Ударение (словесное, фразовое, логическое.

Методические указания по изучению раздела 2.
Прочитайте и устно переведите текст на русский язык.

Eating out in Moscow

Some years ago it was rather difficult to find a place for eating in Moscow. There were few canteens, cafes and restaurants where people could have lunch, dinner or a snack. But Moscow has changed. Now­adays there are a lot of different places here where we can eat decent food at reasonable price and take someone for lunch on business.

If you want to eat on the run, you should go to a fast-food restaurant: McDonalds, "Russian Bistro" or Pizza Hut. They are very popular now. The first Russian-Canadian restaurant McDonalds was opened in 1990. Nowadays there are a lot of them in our city and everyone has experienced the dishes there. The service is quick: you enter the restaurant, come up to the counter, make your choice, pay the money, take the tray with your dishes and occupy any vacant table. The menu card offers you single or double hamburgers, cheeseburgers, fillet of fish, fried crisp potatoes. For a drink, you can order cooling beverages — "Coca-Cola", "Fanta", "Sprite", tea or coffee.

If you are in a hurry, you can have a snack in a bar. There are many kinds of bars in Moscow: snack bars, express bars, milk bars, beer bars. Besides, if you are hungry but have too little time for eating, you can take a quick bite in a cafe "Russian Bistro" or "Russian Bliny".

But if you seek the gastronomical experience of your life, you should go somewhere else. There are hundreds of restaurants in Moscow to satisfy everyone's taste — from traditional Russian food to the finest of French wines and delicacies of the Far East.

The Russian people have always been gourmets. Moscow famous restaurants were reborn in our time. One can again visit "Yar" or "Metropol". Many new restaurants keep the old traditions of the Russian cuisine and hospitality. Each restaurant has its specialties of the house.

In European, American and oriental restaurants of Moscow you can order international dishes although each restaurant as a rule specializes in one of the national cuisines.

The French cuisine has had the leading role in Moscow homes and restaurants since Peter the Great's times. In today's Moscow you can find a classical choice of French dishes at the art restaurant "Nostalgie". The restaurant has a vast wine list and a sommelier to help you make the right choice.

Italian cuisine in Moscow is one of the most popular. Speaking about Italian cuisine, it is impossible not to mention the beloved pasta and the internationally popular pizza. Best Moscow restaurants, "Pizza Express" for example, offer you a great choice of pasta with different sauces as well as many pizzas — Neapolitana, 4 Seasons, Margarita, which became Muscovites' favourites.

North America cuisine is also very popular in Moscow. The main food for modern Americans and Canadians is vegetables and fruit salads. Steak-house restaurants are proud of meat dishes. The leading dish here is American steak.

If you are interested in the culinary arts of Indochina, you have to visit popular Chinese, Japanese or Korean restaurants. The people of Indochina eat practically every kind of food, but in the culinary art they don't use European dairy products. They almost never use salt but they use soya sauce, rice wine, sesame oil and starch diluted in water as dressings.

It is impossible to describe all the variety of delicious dishes of dif­ferent countries. Our advice is to visit these restaurants and taste everything yourself.

Словарь к тексту

canteen столовая

snack легкая закуска

decent приличный

reasonable разумный, умеренный

to experience пробовать

tray поднос

to occupy занимать

vacant свободный

fillet филе

cooling beverage прохладительный напиток

to satisfy удовлетворять

delicacy деликатес

gourmet гурман

to be reborn возрождаться

cuisine кухня (блюда)

hospitality гостеприимство

specialty (of the house) фирменное блюдо

sommelier сомелье

to mention упоминать

pasta паста (макаронные изделия)

pizza пицца

steak стейк

culinary кулинарный

starch крахмал

to dilute разбавлять

dressing приправа, соус

Лексические упражнения

1. Запомните следующие выражения и составьте с ними предложения:

to eat decent food at reasonable price — прилично поесть по разумной цене

to take someone for lunch on business — пригласить кого-либо на бизнес-ланч

to eat on the run — поесть на бегу

to experience the dishes — попробовать блюда

to be in a hurry — спешить

to have a snack — перекусить

to take a quick bite — перекусить

to satisfy one's taste — удовлетворить чей-либо вкус

to keep the old traditions — хранить старые традиции

2. Найдите в тексте следующие слова и выражения:

1. Я знаю хороший ресторан недалеко от нашего офиса, куда ты можешь пригласить своего гостя на бизнес-ланч. 2. В этом кафе вы можете прилично поесть по разумной цене. 3. У меня никогда нет времени на обед, я всегда ем на бегу. 4. Если вы спешите, то можете пообедать в ресторане быстрого питания. 5. Если вы хотите пополнить свой гастрономический опыт, то должны пообедать в ресторане русской кухни. 6. В Москве сейчас много ресторанов, которые хранят традиции русской кухни. 7. В каждом ресторане есть свое фирменное блюдо. 8. В Москве есть также много ресторанов, которые специализируются на какой-либо национальной кухне. 9. Народы Индокитая используют вместо соли соевый соус. 10. Невозможно описать все многообразие национальных блюд разных стран.

3. Прочитайте диалоги по ролям и переведите, используя лексику раздела:

Eating out

Ann: Hello!

John: Hi! How are you?

Ann: Ok! Thank you. And you?

John : Not bad, thanks.

Ann: I've had a long day and I'm too tired to cook.

John: Me too! Let's go out.

Ann: How about Chinese food? I know a nice restaurant not far from our place.

John: Well, but I don't really like Chinese food.

Ann: I know! Let's go to Maxim's.

John: It's too expensive. What about pizza?

Ann: That sounds good, but McDonalds is closer.

John: You're right. It's cheaper too.

At the Self-service Cafe

— Do we help ourselves?

— Sure, it's self-service here.

— What would you recommend?

— Have you ever tried ... ? It's particularly good here.

— All right. I'll try that.

Грамматические упражнения

1. Задайте к предложениям общие вопросы и дайте краткие ответы:

Образец: The girl drank a glass of juice.

Did the girl drink a glass of juice? — Yes, she did. / No, she didn't.

1. I work at the restaurant. 2. My mother seldom cooks dinner. 3. They help their friends. 4. I often fry fish. 5. My grandmother dries apples in summer. 6. He does shopping on Monday. 7. We have lunch at 12. 8. She tins meat herself. 9. I bake delicious apple pies. 10. They usually take a table by the window. 11. We order fish and chips in this snack bar. 12. He eats too much. 13. I drink a glass of juice every morning. 14. We buy dairy products every day. 15. This waiter serves this table. 16. I am in a hurry.

2. Вставьте местоимение much (a lot of) или many (a lot оf):

Грамматическая справка. Местоимения much, many, a lot of имеют одинаковые значения «много». Выражение a lot of употребляется как с исчисляемыми, так и с неисчисляемыми существительными только в утвердительных предложениях. Местоимения much, many уотребляются только в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях. Местоимение much употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными. Местоимение many употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными.

1. There are ... plates on the table. 2. Please don't put ... pepper on the meat. 3. 1 never eat ... bread with soup. 4. Don't eat so ... ice cream. You can catch a cold. 5. ... of these students can speak English well. 6. Do you drink ... coffee? 7. How ... money have you got? 8. He hasn't got ... friends. 9. Do you watch TV ... ? — No, not .... 10. There is ... food in the fridge. 11. They haven't got ... money, but they have got ... friends. 12. There was ... food at the party, but I didn't eat ....

3. Вставьте местоимения little, a little, few, a few.

Грамматическая справка. Местоимения little, few имеют одинаковые значения «мало». Местоимения a little, a few имеют одинаковые значения «несколько, немного». Местоимения little, a little употребляются с неисчисляемыми существительными. Местоимения few, a few употребляются с исчисляемыми существительными.

    1. He is very thin because he eats ... . 2. It was dark and there were ... people in the park. 3. We have ... bread, so you needn't go to the shop. 4. I'm not happy here, I've got... friends. 5. They have ... money. They are poor. 6. Granny brought us ... nice toys and we were happy. 7. I have ... money, so we can go to the cinema. 8. Her wardrobe is not very rich, but she has got ... nice dresses.

4. Вставьте модальный глагол may или can:

Грамматическая справка. Глагол may употребляется для разрешения что-то сделать или выражения просьбы о чём-либо. Глагол can употребляется для выражения физической или умственной способности что-то сделать.

1. Do you think you ... do that? 2.... we come and see you tomorrow? 3. ... I use your pen? 4. ... I help you? 5. You ... take this book: I have already read it. 6. ... you tell me how to get to the supermarket? 7. ... I take the apple? 8. He ... swim well.

5. Вставьте модальный глагол may, must или need:

Грамматическая справка. Глагол may употребляется для разрешения что-то сделать или выражения просьбы о чём-либо. Глагол must употребляется для выражения обязанности что-то сделать. Глагол need употребляется для выражения необходимости что-то сделать.

1. ... we do it all today? — No, you ... not, you ... do it tomorrow. 2. You ... come and see me any time you like. 3. ... we go home now, we have done everything? — Yes, you .... 4. ... you go right now? — No, I ... not. 5. ... I have the menu card? 6. They ... be at home in the evening. They have guests tonight. 7. You ... not go to the shop. We have a lot of food. 8. It is late. The children ... go to bed.

6. Замените глагол should на ought to:


You should drink a lot of fruit juice. – You ought to drink a lot of fruit juice.
1. Bill should drive carefully. He is too tired. 2. You should stop smoking. 3. It's a very good film. You should see it. 4. He shouldn't eat so much chocolate. 5. She shouldn't work so hard. She looks tired. 6.1 think we should do something to help her. 7. You should order this dish. It is very tasty. 8. They should have a rest after such a busy week. 9. You look ill. You should go to the doctor. 10. They shouldn't eat junk food. 11. He should go to bed earlier. 12. You shouldn't speak in a loud voice. The child is sleeping.

7. Составьте с данными ниже глаголами предложения в повелительном наклонении.

Образец: to slice — Slice potato, please.

to open — Don’t open the window.

to wash, to dry, to salt, to cook, to fry, to boil, to roast, to stew, to tin, to bake, to smoke, to serve, to cut, to slice, to wait, to put
Вопросы для самопроверки к разделу 2.

  1. Как образуется время Past Simple?

  2. Какой вспомогательный глагол в этом времени?

  3. В каких предложениях требуется вспомогательный глагол в этом времени?

  4. В каких случаях у глагола в этом времени появляется окончание -ed?

  5. В каких случаях окончание y меняется на i?

  6. Что такое неправильные глаголы?

  7. Какие действия обозначает глагол во времени Past Simple?

  8. С помощью каких глаголов выражают разрешение?

  9. С помощью каких глаголов выражают отказ?

  10. С помощью каких глаголов выражают обязанность?

  11. С помощью каких глаголов выражают отсутствие обязанности?

  12. С помощью каких глаголов выражают возможность?

  13. С помощью каких глаголов дают совет?

  14. Как образуется повелительное наклонение?

  15. Назовите вспомогательный глагол, образующий отрицательную форму в повелительном наклонении.

  16. Перечислите количественные местоимения, употребляемые с неисчисляемыми существительными.

  17. Перечислите количественные местоимения, употребляемые с исчисляемыми существительными.

  18. Перечислите количественные местоимения, употребляемые и с исчисляемыми и с неисчисляемыми существительными.

Раздел 3. Британская и американская кухни.

Содержание учебного материала

Лексика: Слова, клише и выражения по темам:

Тема 3.1 Британская кухня

Тема 3.2 Американская кухня.

Грамматика: Future Simple Tense. Конструкция to be going to. Степени сравнения прилагательных. Многозначность глаголов: shall, will, would.

Фонетика: Закрепление основных интонационных моделей предложения.
Методические указания по изучению раздела 3.

Прочитайте и устно переведите текст на русский язык.

British Cuisine

There is no cuisine in the world about which there are as many jokes as there are about British cooking. Particularly the French are great in making jokes about British cuisine. For example, according to one French comic, hell is a place where the cooks are British.

Or do you know why the British serve mint sauce with lamb? Ac­cording to French food critics, mint must be the only plant not eaten by sheep.

Of course, these all are exaggerations. The British bear them with their superior sense of humour.

British cuisine cannot present so many internationally renowned dishes as French cuisine does. But British cuisine has contributed a lot to the world's steak culture, and there are a number of inventions in British cuisine which are even adopted by the French — as for example the creation of sandwiches.

As for steaks, that has in the past been so British that British elite troops were called Beefeaters. And the term porterhouse for a special large kind of steak cuts has nothing to do with porters or luggage carriers but originates from British pubs where a special brand of dark beer, Porterbeer, was served, and where a snack consisted of a steak some 900 grams by weight — a single portion for a single man.

It's a character trait of the British not to be proud of their cuisine too much. In case of their foods and drinks, the British learnt a lot from the colonies conquered by the beefeaters all around the world. From East Asia (China) they adopted tea (and reexported the habit to India), and from India they adopted curry-style spicing.

However, they didn't just copy these food and drink habits but com­bined them with their own foodstuffs: tea with milk and curry with pastry (to make curried pies).

Словарь к тексту

hell ад

exaggeration преувеличение

renowned известный

adopt перенимать заимствовать

creation создание

elite элитный

troop войско

Beefeaters бифитеры, «мясоеды» (прозвище

дворцовой стражи или стражников лондонского Тауэра)

porterhouse стейк из говядины высокого качества

cut вырезка, филе

pub пивная, трактир, таверна

brand сорт

porter крепкое темное горькое пиво

trait черта (характера)

conquered завоеванный, захваченный

habit привычка

curry карри (острая индийская приправа из

куркумы и др. пряностей), блюдо, приправленное карри

Лексические упражнения

1. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты к следующим словам и словосочетаниям:

шутить; единственное растение; превосходное чувство юмора; блюда, признанные во всем мире; изобретение; элитные войска; весом 900 граммов; характерная черта; они заимствовали чай; не только переняли эти привычки

2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

    1. What did one French comic say about British cuisine?

    2. Why do you think the British serve mint sauce with lamb?

    3. There are a lot of jokes about British cuisine. How do they bear them?

    4. Do you know inventions of British cuisine?

    5. British cuisine has contributed a lot to the world steak culture, hasn't it?

    6. Can you translate the word beefeater?

    7. Are the British proud of their cuisine?

    8. What did the British adopt from East Asia (China)?

    9. Where did the British adopt curry-style spicing from?

10. The British didn't just copy food and drink habits from other countries, did they?

3. Прочитайте диалоги по ролям и переведите, используя лексику раздела:
English Breakfast

Sergey: Tania, have you had breakfast yet?

Tania: Oh yes. Mary cooks an English breakfast every morning.

Sergey : What has she done for breakfast today?

Tania: We have had boiled eggs, toasts, bread and butter, marmalade and tea.

Everything was delicious. I think there is nothing like an English breakfast.

Sergey: My breakfast at the hotel is always rolls and coffee.

Tania: Do you like English coffee?

Sergey: Oh no! English people can't make good coffee.

Tania: Yes, I enjoy English breakfast but their coffee is bad.

Sergey: Did you get used to English tea with milk?

Tania: Yes, and I prefer it to coffee.

Going to the Pub

Mary: John is going to take you out tonight.

Sergey: Where are we going to?

Mary : Would you like to go to a pub?

Sergey: To a pub? What's that?

Mary: Oh, you don't know what English pubs are? Pubs have been part of the

British way of life for years. We go to a pub to meet friends and have a chat.

Sergey: Is it like a cafe?

Mary: No, the cafe is a place where people go for a meal or a quick cup of tea. But

when you want to relax after a day's work and have your usual drink, you go to the


Sergey : Do they buy food?

Mary: Yes, you can also buy food in some pubs: they serve hot sausages, pork pie,

sandwiches or a ploughman's1 lunch, consisting of bread, cheese and pickles2.

Sergey: That's very interesting. Let's go to a pub.

Грамматические упражнения

1. Образуйте Future Simple из следующих предложений, внося необходимые изме­нения и дополняя их словамиtomorrow, nextSunday, nextmonth и т.п.:

Образец: Nick goes to the pool. – Nick will go to the pool tomorrow.

1. Henry invites many guests to his parties. 2. They travel in summer. 3.1 take my dog for a walk two times a day. 4. Mother cooks nice dinners. 5. We often discuss our plans. 6. She buys a new dress every month. 7. He goes shopping on Sunday. 8. I drink coffee. 9. In other cities we always visit interesting places. 10. My parents get up early.
2. Преобразуйте предложения в отрицательные:


Nick will go to the pool tomorrow. – Nick won’t go to the pool tomorrow.

      1. I'll get up early tomorrow. 2. We'll go shopping next weekend. 3. He'll come to work in time. 4. Mary will be late for the film. 5. I'll stay at home on Saturday. 6. They'll watch a new comedy on TV. 7. I'll buy provisions for my birthday party. 8. My mother will make a holiday dinner. 9. They will go to the restaurant tomorrow. 10. Ann will marry Bill in July.

3. Задайте к каждому предложению вопросы 4 типов:

Образец: Nick will go to the pool tomorrow. –

1)Will Nick go to the pool tomorrow?

2)Where will Nick go tomorrow?

3)Will Nick go to the pool or to the gym tomorrow?

4) Nick will go to the pool tomorrow, won’t he?

1. Kate will go to London next summer. 2. They will eat out tomorrow. 3. We would prefer English tea with milk to coffee. 4. John will go to the pub to meet his friends and have a chat. 5. Mary will cook several national dishes.

4. Преобразуйте предложения в вопросительные и отрицательные:

Образец: Nick is going to phone Liz.

Is Nick going to phone Liz? — No, Nick is not going to phone Liz.

1. My sister is going to have dinner out. 2. They are going to visit the Tretyakov Gallery. 3. I'm going to spend my summer holidays abroad. 4. We are going to discuss our plans tomorrow. 5. Mother is going to make breakfast at 8.

  1. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени следующих прилагательных:

а) Образец: a cold day a colder day the coldest day

a long nose, a clever child, an old man, a big shop, funny stories, a hot pie, warm dishes.

б) Образец: a beautiful girl a more beautiful girl the most beautiful girl

a handsome boy, an interesting book, wonderful days, an expensive restaurant, an intelligent woman, a difficult question.

в) Образец: a good student a better student the best student

bad food, good friends, a bad nut, a good day.

  1. Преобразуйте прилагательные в скобках в нужную форму:

1. The 22nd of December is the (short) day of the year. 2. Ann is the (good) student at our faculty. 3. My mother is (young) than my father. 4. The days in summer are (long) than in winter. 5. It is the (bad) day in my life. 6. She is a very (beautiful) girl. 7. The Ostankino Tower is the (high) tower in Europe. 8. It is (high) than Eiffel Tower. 9. Your car is (expensive) than mine. 10. This is the (clever) man I've ever known. 11. She is the (beautiful) woman I've ever seen. 12. The situation is even (bad) than I expected.

  1. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на многозначность

глаголовshall, would, will:

1. We shall phone him tomorrow. 2. It's warm in the room. Shall 1 open the window? 3. I'm going to the theatre tonight. What shall I wear? 4. I've got so many problems. What shall I do? 5. Will you open the window, please? 6. My father will leave for England next month. 7. Will you give me a pencil? 8. If you could come, I would be happy. 9. Would you like to have dinner with me on Saturday? — Yes, I'd love to. 10. Would you like a chocolate? — Yes, please. 11. Mother said she would come earlier tomorrow. 12. I'd like to ask a question. 13. Would you rather have dinner at home or in the restaurant? 14. Would you prefer meat or fish? 15. Shall we go out tonight? — Well, I'd rather stay at home. 16. You shall help him. 17. I'm thirsty. I'd like a drink.
Вопросы для самопроверки к разделу 3.

  1. Как образуется время Future Simple?

  2. Какой вспомогательный глагол в этом времени?

  3. В каких предложениях требуется вспомогательный глагол в этом времени?

  4. Какие действия обозначает глагол во времени Future Simple?

  5. В каких случаях употребляется конструкция to be going to?

  6. Сколько степеней сравнения прилагательных в английском языке? Назовите их.

  7. Как образуется сравнительная степень односложных, двусложных и трехсложных прилагательных?

  8. Как образуется превосходная степень односложных, двусложных и трехсложных прилагательных?

  9. Сколько объектов сравнивается в сравнительной степени?

  10. Сколько объектов сравнивается в превосходной степени?

  11. В какой степени употребляется слово than?

  12. В какой степени употребляется артикль the?

  13. Перечислите все значения глагола shall, will, would.

  14. Объясните, от чего зависит перевод глагола shall.

  15. Перечислите все значения глагола will.

  16. Объясните, от чего зависит перевод глагола will.

  17. Перечислите все значения глагола would.

  18. Объясните, от чего зависит перевод глагола would.

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