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  • Remember!

  • Example

  • Speaking. Read the dialogues. Which of the items above (1–4) did the guest do Ask and answer questions: Example

  • Describing a hotel  Reading.

  • On your own

  • Role play

  • 7нн. Методические указания и задания к занятиям семинарского типа, контрольной и самостоятельной работе по дисциплине

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    City bus tour

    Work in pairs. Think of five difficulties tour guides have at work.

    Listening. Jenny is a bus tour guide in Barcelona. Listen and tick the difficulties she has.

    1. The tourists asked her a lot of questions.

    1. She forgot or didn’t know some of the information.

    1. One of the tourists didn’t hear her.

    1. The tourists didn’t want to pay for the fountain show.

    1. A thief stole a woman’s handbag.

    1. A child wanted to go swimming in the fountains.

    Match these question words with the answers:

    Where When What How long How much Why Who

    1. Where are the magic Fountains?

    2. _________ did the Magic Fountains show first start?

    3. _________ does the fountain show last?

    4. _________ does the Fountain show cost?

    5. _________ do the tourists have to be careful?

    6. _________ time do the tourists have to be back in the bus?

    7. _________ wants to go swimming in the fountains?

    Complete the information from Jenny’s tour with words from the box.

    opposite over there near from in on up straight ahead in

    1. On your left you can see the sculpture.

    2. Our next stop _______ Barcelona is the famous Magic Fountains in Plaça d’Espanya, that’s ‘Spain Square’, _____ the National Palace.

    3. Did you say the Olympic stadium is ________ here?

    4. The sports stadium we visited this afternoon is further _____the hill.

    5. You can see the fountains now, ________.

    6. If you would like to video the show, the best place is _____ the footbridge.

    7. I’m afraid you can’t swim _____the fountains.

    8. There’s a café ______.

    Speaking. Work in groups. Prepare a short guided tour for part of your town or city. Use pictures and draw a map of the route. Consider the following points.

    • Places of interest in the area.

    • Factual information (opening and closing times, prices).

    • Historical information.

    • Any other interesting facts.


    When giving a guided tour always remember PIE:

    • Politeness, especially when answering questions.

    • Give clear and accurate information.

    • Show enthusiasm.

    Listen to the bus tours of the other people in your class and ask questions about the places of interest.

    Example: What time does it open/close? How much does it cost?

    How long does the tour last?

    Unit 7


    Match the types of accommodation and their definitions.

    1. a hotel

    1. an organized center near the sea for family holidays where people live in tents or in small wooden houses

    1. a hostel

    1. a building where meals and rooms are provided for travelers

    1. a motel

    1. a private house which provides meals and rooms

    1. a guest house

    1. board and lodging are provided for students

    1. a camping site

    1. you usually stay there when you travel by car (there are a parking place and a service station)

    1. B&B

    1. a small hotel which provides bed and breakfast

    Checking In at a Hotel

    When people travel they almost always stay at hotels or guest-houses. It is necessary to remember the following:

    1. The first thing to do is to book a room in advance by letter, telephone or telegram.

    2. On arrival at the hotel go to the reception desk, confirm your reservation and fill in the reservation form.

    3. At large hotels you may ask for any service by telephone. You tell the telephone operator if you want to be called at a certain time; you call room service when you want a meal or drinks; if you need something (say, a suit or a dress cleaned or pressed).

    4. Let the hotel manager know in advance the day and the time of your departure.


    Read the dialogues. Which of the items above (1–4) did the guest do? Ask and answer questions:

    Example: Did the guest book a room in advance?

    DESK CLERK: Good evening, sir, may I help you?

    GUEST: Good evening. My name is Rensky, Alexander Rensky. I believe you have a room reserved for me.

    CLERK: Just a moment, sir. Let's see. When did you make the reservation?

    GUEST: On the 15th.

    CLERK: Oh, yes. Here is the entry. Single room with a bath, number 503 on the fifth floor. Would you like to fill out this card, please?

    GUEST: Well, now... name in full, place of permanent residence, passport number. Here you are. Is it OK?

    CLERK: Absolutely, sir, thank you! How are you going to pay, sir, cash or credit card?

    GUEST: Credit card.

    CLERK: May I have it?

    GUEST: Here it is.

    CLERK: How long do you intend to stay, Mr. Rensky?

    GUEST: I'm not sure. It all depends. I'm probably going to leave on Wednesday.

    CLERK: Would you tell us as soon as you know?

    GUEST: Yes, certainly. I'll let you know in advance. By the way, what's the check-out time in this hotel?

    CLERK: It's eleven o'clock. Here is the key, sir. The bellman will show you up to your room, sir. Just follow him.

    GUEST: Thanks.

    Now make up your own dialogues using the hints below. Make sure you understand the words in bold:

    1. Will you register your name, please?

    2. We have kept numbers 35 and 36 for you.

    3. Where is the floor manager?

    4. Sorry, but the hotel is full up.

    5. I do not need the room any longer.

    6. The travel bureau has arranged for rooms here for my friends and myself.

    7. Please have my entire luggage sent up.

    8. Kindly sign the hotel register.

    9. Shall I leave the key at the desk with the Hall Porter?

    10. When do you expect to be checking out?

    11. Can I book a double room from now until Friday next week?

    12. Have you got any vacancies for the week?

    Vocabulary. Hotel facilities

    What facilities are available in a good hotel? Look through a list of facilities and room appliances below. Add more to the list.

    Single/double rooms, twin rooms, suite, triple, non-smoking rooms, satellite TV, good transport links, city center location, free car parking, recreation facilities, leisure center, conference rooms, meeting rooms, direct dial telephone, Internet access, Wi-Fi hot spot, air conditioning, laundry service, dry cleaning, shoe-repair shop, beauty parlor, hairdresser’s, gym, sauna, car hire, childcare, swimming pool, trouser press, hairdryer, rollaways (collapsible beds on rollers), minibar.


    Listen to descriptions of three of the world’s most famous hotels and make a list of facilities for each one.

    The Chelsea Hotel

    The Oriental Hotel

    The Ice Hotel

    Answer the questions

    1. Where is the Chelsea Hotel located?

    2. How many rooms and suites are there?

    3. What’s the biggest suite in the Oriental Hotel?

    4. What country is the Ice Hotel situated in?

    5. Why is it different from others?

    6. When do people keep it open – all year round or only some months?

    7. What’s the only problem with the Ice Hotel?

    8. Which hotel would you choose to stay in? Why?

    Describing a hotel

    Reading. Read the hotel descriptions and match them to their star ratings.

    one star two star three star four star five star

     A degree of luxury is included at this level. Public areas and bedrooms are more spacious with quality furnishings and decor and satellite TV. The en suite bathrooms are fully equipped. A variety of services is provided, such as porter service, 24-hour room service, laundry and dry-cleaning. Staff will have very good technical and social skills, antici­pating and responding to guests' needs.

     Hotels in this category provide luxury and exceptional comfort. The restaurant has a high level of technical skill, producing dishes to the highest international standards. Staff are well trained in customer care and are especially attentive, efficient and courteous.

     Hotels in this category offer practical accommodation and are probably small with a family atmosphere. Facilities and meals are simple. Some bedrooms do not have an en suite bath or shower room, although maintenance, cleanliness and comfort need to be of an acceptable standard.

     In this classification hotels are typically small to medium sized and offer more extensive facilities than at the one-star level. Guests can find more comfortable and well-equipped accommodation, usually with an en suite bath / shower room and color TV. Hotel staff will offer a more professional service than at the one-star level.

     Hotels are usually larger and provide a greater quality and range of facilities than at the lower levels. All bedrooms have a complete en suite bath / shower room and offer a better standard of comfort and equipment, such as a direct-dial telephone, a hairdryer and toiletries in the bathroom. Room service is also provided and staff respond well to guests' needs.

    Read the text again and find examples of the following:

    • room facilities

    • three adjectives used to describe hotel staff

    • hotel facilities

    • five adjectives used to describe hotels


    Listen to a tourist asking for information about hotels in Sydney and complete the dialogue.

    CALLER: Hello, is that the Sydney Tourist Office?

    ASSISTANT: Yes, can I help you?

    CALLER: Yes, can you recommend a hotel in Sydney, please?

    ASSISTANT: Yes, of course. There's the Mercury. It's a (1) ______ hotel.

    CALLER: Where is that?

    ASSISTANT: It's (2) _________________________.

    CALLER: Is it expensive?

    ASSISTANT: Yes, it's very expensive, but it's an excellent hotel. It has all sorts of facilities, a (3) __________, a (4) ________and a (5) ________

    CALLER: What about a (6) _________ hotel?

    ASSISTANT: Well, there's the Concorde.

    CALLER: Where is that?

    ASSISTANT: It’s (7) _________. There isn't a restaurant or swimming pool, or anything like that. It's good but it can be noisy. And then there's the Grand Hotel. It's situated (8) ______ and it's pleasant and quiet. It's only (9) ____ but there's a very good (10) ____. In fact, it's excellent. And the hotel's very comfortable.

    CALLER: OK.Thank you. Have you got the telephone number of the Concorde, please?

    ASSISTANT: Yes, of course. It's (11) _____________.
    On your own. Make a presentation of a hotel. You can either invent a hotel or choose a real one. Surf the Internet or look through newspapers and magazines to find necessary information.

    Listen to the presentations of the other people in your class. Choose a hotel you would recommend to:

    • a business traveler;

    • a just married couple;

    • a mother with children;

    • an individual travelling for pleasure;

    • a group of students;

    • you.

    Role play. Choosing where to stay

    Student A. You are going to stay in a town you have never visited before. Consult a travel agent to choose a suitable hotel. Invent who you are: age, personal preferences, purpose of your visit, your budget, etc.

    Student B. You are a travel agent. Use the information from the presentations to recommend a suitable hotel to Student A.

    Unit 8


    Vocabulary. How in English?

    1. How do you say these numbers: 1) 2%; 2) $200; 3) €27.50; 4) £1,500?

    2. How many ways of making a payment can you think of? Make a list.


    Match the extracts from the four conversations (a – d) with the places (1– 4).

    1. A travel agent’s

    1. A bar

    1. A currency exchange

    1. A hotel

    1. ____________________

    1. I’d like to change some Canadian dollars. Is the exchange rate the same as yesterday?

    2. Yes, it is.

    1. And what’s the commission?

    2. It’s two per cent.

    1. OK, can I change two hundred dollars, please?

    1. ____________________

    1. Good morning. I’d like to settle my bill now.

    2. Yes, sir. How would you like to pay?

    1. Do you take traveler’s cheques?

    2. I’m afraid not. We only take credit cards or cash.

    1. I’ll pay the credit card, then. Is Visa OK?

    2. Visa is fine. What’s your room number?

    1. _____________________

    1. Can we have the bill, please?

    2. Yes, that’s € 27.50 altogether.

    1. OK. Here’s fifty. Sorry, I don’t have anything smaller.

    2. No problem.

    1. Can I have a receipt, please?

    2. Sure. Here’s your change, and your receipt.

    1. _____________________

    1. So, the total price is £1,500 – that includes flights, hotel vouchers, and insurance

    2. That’s fine.

    1. I need to take a ten per cent deposit now. You can pay the balance later.

    2. OK, here’s my credit card.

    Complete the definitions (1–10) with the words in the box. They all appear and are underlined in the dialogues in previous exercise. Check back if you need.

    cash credit card traveler’s cheque change commission deposit exchange rate bill receipt insurance
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