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  • 2. JОВ HUNTING Researching yourself

  • Positive characteristics  Negative characteristics

  • Highlighting your skills Employers will ask for transferable skills and competencies

  • Job 1

  • Speaker

  • The Importance of Career Networking

  • Trainee Finance Recruitment Consultant – £30 – £35K OTE. Queen careers Your Profile

  • If it sounds like the career for you please email Elizabeth@Queencareers.com or call 0870 12341234

  • Media Assistant. Media X

  • Proficiency in


  • 7нн. Методические указания и задания к занятиям семинарского типа, контрольной и самостоятельной работе по дисциплине

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    Filling a vacancy

    Lead-in. When a company needs to recruit or employ new people, it may decide to advertise the job or position in the appointment section of a newspaper. People who are interested can then apply for the job by sending in a letter of application or covering letter (US cover letter) and a curriculum vitae or CV (US resume) containing details of their education and experience. A company may also ask candidates to complete a standard application form. The company’s Human Resources department will then select the most suitable applications and prepare a short list of candidates or applicants, who are invited to attend an interview. Another way for a company to hire is by using the services of a recruitment agency (US search firm) who will provide them with a list of suitable candidates.

    Vocabulary. Insert the following words in the gaps in the text below:

    applicant application application form apply candidate

    curriculum vitae (CV) or resume employment agencies interview job description job vacancies references short-listed

    Many people looking for work read the (1) _____________ advertised in newspapers by companies and (2) _____________. To reply to an advertisement is to (3) _____________ for a job. You become a (4) _____________ or an (5) _____________. You write an (6) _____________, or fill in the company’s (7) _____________, and send it, along with your (8) _____________ and a covering letter. You often have to give the names of two people who are prepared to write (9) _____________ for you. If your qualifications and abilities match the (10) _____________, you might be (11) _____________, i.e. selected to attend an (12) _____________.

    Discussion. When employees give notice, i.e. inform their employer that they will be leaving the company (as soon as their contract allows), in what order should the company carry out the following steps?

    Either hire a job agency (or for a senior post, a firm of headhunters), or advertise the vacancy.

    Establish whether there is an internal candidate who could be promoted (or moved sideways).

    Examine the job description for the post, to see whether it needs to be changed (or indeed, whether the post needs to be filled).

    Follow up the references of candidates who seem to be interesting.

    Invite the shot-listed candidates for an interview.

    Make a final selection.

    Receive applications, curricula vitae and covering letters, and make a preliminary selection (a short list).

    Try to discover why the person has resigned.

    Write to all the other candidates to inform them that they have been unsuccessful.


    Researching yourself

    Before you look for the perfect job, write a CV or apply for a job, you need to do some research. Researching yourself is the key to finding the job that is right for you.

    The first thing you need to do when starting the job-hunting process is a self-assessment of your own strengths and weaknesses. The process will help you identify the skills, qualifications, experience, knowledge and personal characteristics that employers are looking for. It’s very useful to produce a “mind map” to highlight your strengths and weaknesses.

    Draw a mind mapshowing your strengths and weaknesses. Add as many bubbles as you like.

    Speaking about your personal characteristics, observe the table below:

    Positive characteristics

    Negative characteristics

    I am… (creative, reliable, etc.)

    I try to be … (flexible)

    I can sometimes be… (impatient)

    Occasionally I am… (moody)

    I can be a little bit… (disorganized)

    You might want to use the following qualities:

































    Try to use the following phrases as well:

    I am good at

    I am excellent at

    I am able (to+infinitive)

    I am capable of

    I have experience in

    I am responsible enough (to+infinitive)

    I am interested in

    I enjoy

    I don’t mind

    I never complain about

    I have difficulty in

    I am not very good at

    I could be better at

    I would like to be able (to+infinitive)

    manage my time effectively

    work under pressure

    take responsibility for my own works

    solve problems

    make decisions

    prioritise my work

    meet deadlines

    work unsupervised

    work effectively within a team

    work on my own initiative

    get things done in time

    motivate others to achieve their goals

    delegate effectively

    deal with unexpected problems

    work with people

    use computers

    come up with new ideas

    organize things

    plan ahead successfully

    communicating with people

    managing people

    Highlighting your skills

    Employers will ask for transferable skills and competencies – the skills, knowledge and behavior they consider necessary for a particular job.

    Match the transferable skills (1-8) with the examples of professional behavior (a-h).

    1.Analytical skills


    I have a justified belief in my ability to do this job.

    I am able to express my opinion or provide advice when necessary. I am good at making decisions.

    2. Creativity


    I actively seek feedback on my performance and carefully consider feedback.

    I demonstrate all interest in and understanding of my own and other cultures.

    I understand my own strengths and limitations.



    I am good at getting a good deal.

    I am good at developing and managing relationships with others.

    I am able to persuade, convince and gain support from others.

    4. Communication skills


    I am able to formulate new ideas to solve problems.

    I am able to think ahead to spot or create opportunities.

    I set aside thinking time to come up with alternative ways of getting things done more efficiently.

    5. Independence


    I can work with sustained energy and determination on my own.

    I can find ways to overcome obstacles to set myself achievable goals.

    I strive towards my own targets and refuse to settle for second best.

    6.Iinterpersonal skills


    I am good at data analysis.

    I am excellent at interpreting data to see cause and effect and I am able to use this information

    I make effective decisions.

    7. Negotiation skills


    I am able to express myself efficiently.

    I am able to make my opinions totally clear and rarely misunderstood.

    I produce clear, well-written reports that can be easily understood.

    8. Self-awareness


    I am good at working cooperatively.

    I am good at working and communicating within a team to achieved shared goals. I am a good listener.

    Identify three transferable skills of your own, which you have used at work or university. In pairs, tell each other about your skills, giving examples of your behavior.

    In pairs, discuss the following question:

    • What general skills and knowledge do most employers look for in job applicants?

    Skill Rank

    These are the top ten skills most valued by employers in today’s job market according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers Job Outlook 2008.

    Rank the skills from 1 to 10 (1=Most Important and 10=Least Important) based on how important you think each one is. Explain your choice.


    Computer Skills


    Teamwork Skills

    Communication Skills

    Organizational Skills

    Analytical Skills

    Strong Work Ethic


    Interpersonal Skills

    What Skills are most valued by Employers?

    In pairs, compare Employer’s rankings below with your rankings. Are any of them the same? Are any different? Why do you think this might be?

    Employer’s Rankings


    Communication Skills


    Strong Work Ethic


    Computer Skills






    Organizational Skills


    Teamwork Skills




    Interpersonal Skills


    Analytical Skills

    Think of three different jobs and list two transferable skills that are essential to each job. Explain.

    Job 1 ___________

    Skill 1 __________

    Skill 2 __________

    Job 2 _____________

    Skill 1 ____________

    Skill 2 ____________

    Job 3 _____________

    Skill 1 _____________

    Skill 2 _____________


    Finding a job

    Once you know yourself, it’s time to start researching the market – finding out more about the type of job you want and the companies and organizations that have similar posts. This will help you make a short list of the places where you’d like to work.

    In pairs, discuss the following question:

    • Where would you start looking for a job? Make a list of possible ways to find job vacancies.

    Now read the opinions of 5 people discussing job-hunting. Match job-hunting methods (a-e) with their descriptions (1-5):

    a) job agencies/headhunters

    d) networking

    b) newspapers and magazines

    e) the Internet

    c) cold calling/mailing

    Speaker : This is easily the best way of finding a job. It’s simply the biggest resource available. You can search through thousands of jobs and send your CV and cover letter to employers all over the world in minutes. You can even post your own CV online and help employers and headhunters find you. There are hundreds of networks, groups and special interest forums that you can sign up to, which can offer you advice and tell you about any job opportunities. 

    Speaker : Nothing beats word of mouth and a personal recommendation. As the old saying goes, it’s not what you know, it’s who you know. If you want to get ahead and get the job you really want, then you’ve got to get to know someone who already works in the industry, someone who can recommend you for a job, or let you know of any openings. It might take time and effort, but if you want to be really successful, the best way to do it is by meeting the right people. Tell everyone you know you are looking for a job, tell them what area of work you are interested in and ask them to let you know if they can help you in any way. 

    Speaker : Professional knowledge and advice can really improve your chances of getting a job. I’ve used this method throughout my entire career to help me find the best jobs possible. Having an experienced consultant was especially useful when I moved abroad for work, as they really knew the legalities of the recruitment process in the country I was looking for work in. Of course, I had to pay for these services, but in some cases the employers themselves pay for the service. You’ve got to make sure you choose a well-established, reputable company as there are a lot of cowboys waiting to take your money. 

    Speaker : Along with the Internet this is by far the most common way people hunt for job vacancies. Almost all publications have a weekly jobs section or supplement that provides a large selection of available jobs. It’s also worth going back and looking at old editions as many jobs are often left unfilled. 

    Speaker : Although this method takes courage, as you might often be faced with rejection, with the right approach this can also be a highly effective way of finding a job. It is also an excellent way of finding out more information about companies, job details and so on. Companies themselves are often very willing to let the public know all about what they do, who they employ and what work they carry out, but are rarely contacted directly as a resource. Calling a company to enquire about vacancies and offer your services can be a highly effective way of getting them interested in you enough to want to know more about you. 

    In pairs, discuss the following questions:

    1. Do you agree with the advice the speaker give?

    2. Have you used these methods in the past? Would you try any of these methods?

    3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each method?

    4. Can you think of any other job-hunting methods?

    The Importance of Career Networking

    Read the text and answer the questions.

    1. Explain what career network is.

    2. Why is it important to have an active career network?

    3. How can you benefit from it?

    4. How can you create and maintain your career network?

    The importance of career networking shouldn't be discounted when you are in the midst of a job search. Since you never know when you might need it, it makes sense to have an active career network, even if you don't need it today. Your career network should include anyone who can assist you with a job search or career move. It can include past and present co-workers, bosses, friends with similar interests, colleagues from business associations, alumni from your university, or acquaintances you have met via online networking services. Your network can also include family, neighbors, and anyone who might have a connection that will help.

    Over 80% of job seekers say that their network has helped with their job search. Networking contacts can provide referrals to or insider information about companies. They can provide information on career fields you might want to explore or what the job market is like on the other side of the country. Your network can give you advice on where to look for jobs or review your resume. The possibilities are endless.

    Don't just contact those who can help when you have just been laid-off from your job or decide you want to look for a new position. Keep in touch with your network regularly - even if it's just a brief email to say hello and to ask how they are doing.

    Networking in person works too. If you belong to a professional association, attend a meeting or a mixer. You'll find that many of the participants have the same goals you do and will be glad to exchange business cards. If your college alma mater holds alumni networking events (many schools hold them at locations across the country), be sure to attend.

    Here are few examples of how career networking can help. Can you give more examples?

    • Susan noticed a help-wanted ad for a job at a local veterinary clinic. She called a friend who happened to use that vet. Her friend called the vet and recommended Susan. Susan got an interview and got the job. The vet was glad to hire someone who came highly recommended by a good client.

    • John was interested in pursuing a career in medicine. He mentioned his interest to a family friend who happened to be a doctor. The doctor arranged for John to spend a day shadowing him at the hospital and provided an excellent recommendation for medical school.

    • Angela was interested in changing careers and moving from public relations to publishing. Even though she graduated more than a few years ago, she tapped her college career network and came up with a contact at a top New York publishing firm. In addition to being sent new job postings, her resume was hand-delivered to Human Resources when she found a position she wanted to apply for.

    • In casual conversation at the orthodontist’s office, Jeannie, the assistant, just happened to mention to a patient's mom that she was interested in horses and in a part-time job working with them. The mom had horses and a bunch of contacts. Jeannie had a part-time job working on a local horse farm by the end of the week!


    A good job advertisement is designed to attract the most suitably qualified applicants. It’s not just applicants that are competing with each other for jobs; employers are also competing with each other to attract the best candidates for their vacancies.

    In pairs, discuss the following questions:

    1. What information would you expect to find in a well-written advertisement?

    2. What makes a good job advertisement?

    Employers usually try to squeeze as much information into their job advertisement as possible. However, because advertising is expensive and space limited, they tend to use abbreviations to describe roles in as few words as possible.

    Write the full meanings of the following abbreviations using the words in the box.

    Agency annum clean current curriculum driving earrings experience license of on per point sale target vitae week

    1. CCDL current clean driving license

    5. OTE ___________________

    2. CV _______________________

    6. PA ____________________

    3. EXP ______________________

    7. PW ____________________

    4. AGY ______________________


    Read the two advertisements below and answer the following questions. Underline the parts of the advertisements that support your answers.

    1. For which job is a university degree essential?

    2. Which job places more emphasis on being flexible and adoptable?

    3. Which job offers a higher salary?

    4. What should you do if you wish to apply for the Media Assistant position?

    5. How will you know that media X is interested in your application?

    Trainee Finance Recruitment Consultant – £30 – £35K OTE.

    Queen careers

    Your Profile: Are you a graduate or of graduate caliber with a track record of success? You will have a minimum of two years’ solid sales experience and the hunger to succeed! For a trainee finance recruitment consultant no two days are the same, and you must be a great multitasker with the ability to push yourself further and further all the time. The right candidate will be target-driven, articulate, determined and overall 100% focused on a career in recruitment.

    The Role: The role of a trainee recruitment consultant is varied from day to day. One day you could be sourcing and screening candidates for your current roles and the next everything from cold-calling new clients to negotiating contracts. You will be working on the secretarial and support team liaising with high-flying candidates and well-established companies in the investment banking sector, so your presentation skills should be second-to-none.

    The company: Very well-established and situated in a fantastic central London location, this is an opportunity to work for a market-leading worldwide specialist in investment banking and financial recruitment consultancy. Professional and consultative in approach, they offer second-to-none training from ground level upwards with bonuses, incentives and fun along the way.

    If it sounds like the career for you please email

    Elizabeth@Queencareers.com or call 0870 12341234

    Media Assistant. Media X

    Quote Ref: 007584 MX

    An excellent opportunity to work for a leading international education group in a small but lively media department.

    We are looking for a well-organised and motivated graduate to become part of an international marketing/ media team. The key objective of this role is to support the team in producing a range of print and online materials for worldwide marketing and sales teams. Tasks will include reporting to the media manager, managing fact files, accurate proof reading and editing, inputting content into our website CMS, coordinating and gathering information, warehouse and stock management and collating and writing newsletters.

    We are looking for a graduate with excellent communication skills, accurate written English, good attention to detail and some experience of working in a marketing environment.

    Proficiency in MS Office and excellent command of English language are essential; additional languages would be a plus.

    Training will be provided for Adobe Creative Suite and Tridion, although any working knowledge of either software package would be advantageous.

    Qualification Level: Undergraduate degree essential.

    Salary: circa £28K pro rata

    Email your CV and cover letter to colm@MediaX.com by May 23.

    Please note that due to the large volume of responses expected; only successful candidates will be contacted.

    Read the advertisements again and find expressions to match the following definitions.

    1. A Latin term meaning approximately used to talk about salaries. This term informs you that the salary is not fixed but may be around 10% higher or lower depending on your relevant experience and qualifications. _________

    2. A term used to inform you of the date by which the employer must have received your application; also sometimes called a deadline. _______

    3. An abbreviation meaning thousand. _______

    4. A term used to inform you that you must quote he reference number when you apply for the position. This number should be clearly marked on your envelope (if you apply by post) or the subject line of your email, as well as at the top of your cover letter. _______

    5. A Latin term meaning that your salary is calculated according to what proportion of a full-time job your hours make up. So, if the salary is quoted at ₤18,000 based on a full-time week of 40 hours and you are working 30 hours per week, you will be paid an annual salary of ₤13,500. __________

    In pairs, discuss the following questions:

    1. What are the main transferable skills required for each job?

    2. In which job would you expect to work under more pressure?

    3. Which job would you prefer to do and why?

     Many job advertisements request familiarity with certain tools, skills or languages that are relevant to the job. Consider the examples:

    Proficiency in MS Office and excellent command of English language are essential; additional languages are a plus.

    Training will be provided for Adobe Creative Suite and Tridion, although working knowledge of either software package would be advantageous.

    Write sentences about your own knowledge and experience using the following expressions:

    • I’m proficient in …

    • I have an excellent command of …

    • I have a good working knowledge of …

    Read the job advertisement below. Find words that mean someone who is:

    1. good at finding solutions to problems. ________________;

    2. able to speak a language without any noticeable mistakes or effort. ________________;

    3. flexible and able to work on different projects at the same time. ________________;

    4. good with computers. ________________;

    5. good at maths and dealing with numbers. ________________.

    Junior Consultant
    Organisation: FUTERRA

    Location: Central London

    Salary: ₤18,000 - ₤20, 000



    • Are you a great communicator?

    • Want to make a difference?

    • Talk to Futerra!

    Futerra is a communications agency that specializes in the environment and social change. We work with government, businesses and NGOs and have an exciting opportunity for a new junior team member.

    You’ll need to be resourceful and have fantastic research skills, common sense – and, of course, fluent English. You must be adaptable: there will be lots of desk-based research, but you may also find yourself hitting the phones or helping the events. You’ll also have to be computer literate and numerate. You’ll have a degree in a relevant discipline and a keen interest in communications, and be able to demonstrate a commitment to sustainability, whether through previous roles, internships or student activities. You’ll find us bright, passionate, committed and all-round fun people.

    • What skills and experience would you need to stand a good chance of being interviewed for the position? Do you have the transferable skills and experience required for the position at Futerra?


    You’ve researched yourself and identified your dream job. You’ve researched the market and found a vacancy. So how do you put together a CV that will guarantee you an interview?

    In pairs, discuss the following questions:

    1. What does CV stand for?

    2. What is a CV commonly called in American English?

    3. What is the main purpose of a CV?

    4. What are the key qualities of a successful CV?

    5. How many sections are there in a typical CV? What are they?

    6. What is the best way to structure the contents of your CV?

    Read the text below and check your answers.

    Writing a CV

    If you are looking for a job, then it is very important that you understand how to offer yourself in the best way to an employer. This is done by writing a 'CV' (curriculum vitae - Latin for 'life story'), called in some countries a 'resume'. You should send a CV to an employer when they ask for one in a job advert, or when you are enquiring if any jobs are available.

    Different countries may have different requirements and styles for CV resumes. So you must follow the correct practice for your culture and country. However, we will try to give you important principles and advice.
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