7нн. Методические указания и задания к занятиям семинарского типа, контрольной и самостоятельной работе по дисциплине
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Номера заданий контрольной работы определяются согласно таблице, по двум последним цифрам личного дела (шифра) обучающегося. Выбор задания контрольной работы производится следующим образом: если шифр обучающегося оканчивается на 35, то пересечением Строки 3 и Столбца 5 определяются номера заданий – 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 155, 175, 195, 215. Таблица для определения номера задания контрольной работы
Контрольная работа №2 представлена в 20 вариантах. Она включает следующие типы заданий: 1. Работа с текстом. Здесь студент должен: сделать полный письменный перевод текста (Задание 1); выполнить задания на проверку общего понимания текста (Задание 2). Выполнить задания к тексту лексического характера (Задание 3). 2. Выполнить тестовые задания по изученным грамматическим темам (Задания 4-7). Данные задания заключаются в полном и адекватном переводе предложений, содержащих примеры сложных грамматических явлений. Для их успешного выполнения необходимо обязательного предварительно изучить теорию по следующим грамматическим явлениям:
Вариант Контрольной работы №2 определяется по последним цифрам личного дела (шифра) студента с учетом направления подготовки. Таблица для определения варианта контрольной работы
Все вопросы и просьбы по заданиям контрольной работы студенты могут направлять на кафедру иностранных языков по адресу: 630087, г. Новосибирск, пр. К. Маркса, 26. Телефон кафедры: 8(383) 346–18–10. Адрес электронной почты: foreign@sibupk.nsk.su. 4.2. Задания контрольной работыКонтрольная работа №1 1.Выполните работу с текстом. а). Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст. б). Составьте словарик к тексту. в). Сформулируйте основное содержание текста в нескольких предложениях. JOB HUNTING Before you look for the perfect job, write a CV or apply for a job, you need to do some research. Researching yourself is the key to finding the job that is right for you. The first thing you need to do when starting the job hunting process is a self-assessment of your own strengths and weaknesses. The process will help you identify the skills, qualifications, experience, knowledge and personal characteristics that employers are looking for. It’s very useful to produce a “mind map” to highlight your strengths and weaknesses. Once you know yourself, it’s time to start researching the market – finding out more about the type of job you want and the companies and organizations that have similar posts. This will help you make a short list of the places where you’d like to work. You will need to search online job search sites and utilize offline resources including networking, which is still the way most people find jobs. Online job search resources, including job search sites, job search engines, networking sites, resume posting, and ways to make sure you are using all the online job search resources available. Are you using the help wanted classified ads when you look for jobs? If not, you should be. Local and regional employers don't always post on the major jobs sites. Instead, they will advertise in their local newsletter to avoid being overwhelmed with applicants and, in many cases, because they are not interested in paying relocation costs. The next step in finding a job is to write a resume or prepare to complete a job application. Depending on the type of job you are searching for, you will need a resume, CV (curriculum vitae) and a cover letter or you will need to complete an application for employment. In most cases, you will need a resume to apply for full-time, professional job opportunities. If you are seeking a part-time job or work in a career field like hospitality or retail, for example, you will complete an application for employment. 2. Выполните работу с текстом. а). Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст. б). Составьте словарик к тексту. в). Сформулируйте основное содержание текста в нескольких предложениях. VALUE FOR MONEY Value for money is basically the relationship between how much something costs and how good or useful it is. In other words, the cheaper something is, and the higher its quality, the greater the value for money it represents. One of the main reasons why people choose well-known brands is that their names give a guarantee of quality at a fair price. The value for money they represent means that customers keep coming back to them. This doesn’t mean, however, that a brand can never be harmed. Even big brands are fragile and their reputation can be easily damaged. When the owner of a well-known British chain of jewellery shops said one of his products was rubbish, people stopped shopping at his stores and many branches had to close down. This proves that customers expect quality even for a ‘down market’ brand. Nowadays, all successful businesses focus on quality. They will even adopt the practices of their main rivals if it means they can improve their level of manufacturing or service. This commitment to quality has led to spectacular progress in many industries, for example, in the car industry. Three-year guarantees were once unheard of; now some manufacturers are so confident about the quality of their vehicles that they can offer five years. However, perhaps the search for zero defects can be taken too far. We can feel sorry for the staff of a well-known glossy magazine whose editor called a general meeting because she had found a small error at the end of one edition! 3. Выполните работу с текстом. а). Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст. б). Составьте словарик к тексту. в). Сформулируйте основное содержание текста в нескольких предложениях. EATING OUT IN NEW YORK CITY A wide variety of dining pleasures awaits a visitor to New York City, from luxuriating in the fanciest of French restaurants to grabbing a hot dog. With cuisines from every corner of the globe, New York City will feed you very well regardless of your budget. The least costly alternatives are those used by many natives at lunch time: street vendors, fast food places and delis. Street vendors' offerings — hot dogs for $ 2.00 or less — are fast, inexpensive and very "New York." Hot dogs are a kind of sausage placed inside a bun. They are often made from pork and can be steamed, boiled, or grilled. The fast food places, such as McDonald's and Burger King are much the same everywhere in the United States. They offer a pretty standard fare: hamburgers, French fries, and coke (Coca-Cola), at a pretty standard price. A meal will rarely exceed $ 4.00 per person. With so many people traveling in cars, fast food places can be found all along the highways. If you are in a hurry, you can drive round to a "drive through" window and pick up your food packed in a paper bag without leaving your car. Likewise, other fast food places may have "drive-in" facilities. A waiter will meet you in the restaurant's parking lot, take your order and deliver the food to your car, where you can eat in the relative comfort of the parking area. Another option, the delis (short for delicatessen) offer sandwiches and assorted salads. Americans eat a lot of sandwiches, especially for lunch. They are made with two pieces of bread and a filling. Some common fillings are: tuna fish, eggs, ham, chicken, turkey, roast beef, cheese, and peanut butter and jelly. Some places call themselves "family restaurants". This usually means home style cooking. The food is almost as reasonably priced as in delis or better cafeterias. In a cafeteria you walk through a line, choose your food, put it on a tray, pay at the end of the line, and carry your food to a table. 4. Выполните работу с текстом. а). Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст. б). Составьте словарик к тексту. в). Сформулируйте основное содержание текста в нескольких предложениях. NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION The way you move, sit, walk, stand up, hold your head and carry yourself communicates a lot of information. Gestures. We wave, point, beckon, and use our hands when we’re arguing or speaking animatedly. The meaning of gestures can be very different across cultures and regions, so it’s important to be careful to avoid misinterpretation. Very few gestures are universally understood and interpreted. What is perfectly acceptable in the United States may be rude, or even obscene, in other cultures. Facial expressionsfor happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, fear, and disgust are the same across cultures. Eye contact. The way you look at someone can communicate many things, including interest, affection, hostility, or attraction. In many Western societies, including the United States, a person who does not maintain 'good eye contact' is regarded as being slightly suspicious, or a 'shifty' character. Americans unconsciously associate people who avoid eye contact as unfriendly, insecure, untrustworthy, inattentive and impersonal. However, in contrast, Japanese children are taught in school to direct their gaze at the region of their teacher's Adam's apple or tie knot, and, as adults, Japanese lower their eyes when speaking to a superior, a gesture of respect. Latin American cultures, as well as some African cultures, such as Nigeria, have longer looking time, but prolonged eye contact from an individual of lower status is considered disrespectful. In the US, it is considered rude to stare - regardless of who is looking at whom. In contrast, the polite Englishman is taught to pay strict attention to a speaker, to listen carefully, and to blink his eyes to let the speaker know he or she has been understood as well as heard. Americans signal interest and comprehension by bobbing their heads or grunting. A widening of the eyes can also be interpreted differently, depending on circumstances and culture. Take, for instance, the case of an American and a Chinese discussing the terms of a proposed contract. Regardless of the language in which the proposed contract is carried out, the US negotiator may interpret a Chinese person's widened eyes as an expression of astonishment instead of as a danger signal (its true meaning) of politely expressed anger. 5. Выполните работу с текстом. а). Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст. б). Составьте словарик к тексту. в). Сформулируйте основное содержание текста в нескольких предложениях. STUDYING AT UNIVERSITY (in England and Wales) If you want to enter university, you must first pass examinations that most students take at the age of eighteen (called “A” levels). Most students take three “A” levels (three examinations in three different subjects) and they must do well in order to get a place at the university because the places are limited. Competition to get into one of Britain’s universities is fierce. At the moment, approximately 30% of young adults go to university in Britain. Until 1998, British students didn’t have to pay for university. Now they must pay about £ 1,000 a year as a tuition fee. Not all students study full-time at the university or college. Many of them combine their studies with work. Students at university are called undergraduates while they are studying for their first degree. Undergraduates go to large, formal lectures, but most of the work takes place in tutorials: lessons in groups of ten or more when the students discuss their work with the lecturer. Most university courses last three years, some courses last four years, and one or two courses, e.g. medicine, may be even longer. During this period students can say that they are doing/studying history, or doing/studying for a degree in history, for example. When they finish the course and pass their examinations, they receive a degree. This can be a BA (=Bachelor of Arts) or a BSc (=Bachelor of Science), e.g. “I have a friend who has a BA in history, and another who has a BSc in chemistry”. When you complete your first degree, you are a graduate. Some students then go on to do a second course or degree (postgraduate course / postgraduate degree). These students are then postgraduates. There are usually three possible degrees: MA (Master of Arts) or MSc (Master of Science) - usually one year; MPhil (Master of Philosophy) - usually two years; PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) - at least three years; Students can graduate with an ordinary degree or an honours degree which is better. When people study one subject in great detail, we say they are doing research. 6. Выполните работу с текстом. а). Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст. б). Составьте словарик к тексту. в). Сформулируйте основное содержание текста в нескольких предложениях. MAXIMIZE YOUR LEARNING! The most important thing is that you really have to want to learn the language – without that, you won’t get very far. You need to work hard, but at the same time you need to enjoy it and not get frustrated when you feel are not making much progress. You have to be realistic – learning a language takes time. Motivation is vital, you should really believe that you will be successful |