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110302_мет._проф_2018.docx1. Методические указания к практическим занятиям по дисциплине Иностранный язык в профессиональной сфере для студентов направления подготовки

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НазваниеМетодические указания к практическим занятиям по дисциплине Иностранный язык в профессиональной сфере для студентов направления подготовки
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Task 2. Indicate the paragraph where the following ideas are found in the text.

Задание 2.Найдитеи в тексте следующие предложения.
1. If a TV company has necessary equipment it can act as an Internet provider.

2. A lot of people soon switch from dial-up they use at the beginning to other types of connection.

3. If it’s allowed by provider, DSL can transmit both voice and data.

4. Satellite Internet service depends on the weather conditions.

5. With cable Internet service your computer is always connected to the Internet.

6. One of the cheapest ways to share Internet connection is LAN.

Task 3. Match up the words that are opposite in meaning.

Задание3.Найдите антонимы.

always-on relaxing

outlying insecure

challenging favourable

feasible unstable

reliable close

adverse unsuitable
Task 4. Fill in the blanks choosing from the variants given.

Задание4.Выберите правильный вариант.
1. With a dial-up connection, a modem … the signals from your computer into signals that can be carried over the phone lines.

a) converts b) passes c) spreads

2. Using a satellite Internet service you can meet with … delays of a second or more.

a) established b) latency c) elapsed

3. When a modem changes the characteristics of a signal it means that … is carried out.

a) transformation b) modulation c) conversion

4. If you choose cable Internet service you should remember that it provides an always-on connection that makes your PC … to viruses and hackers.

a) protected b) unseen c) vulnerable

5. In a dial-up connection, modem places a call to your ISP and you are remained connected with it for the … of you call.

a) duration b) whole c) most part

6. One of the most popular options to have high-speed Internet access is ADSL. In it … speed is slower then … speed.

a) downstream a) upstream

b) initial b) downstream

c) upstream c) terminal
Task 5. Make three-word combinations using the words in columns and then fill in the gaps in the following sentences.

Задание 5. Составьте из данных слов выражения и заполните пропуски в предложениях.

A: wireless B: communication C: speed

home terminal circuit

suitable Internet LANs

established connection adapter

SDN based access

provide dedicated link
1. Satellite Internet service is one of the options of getting … .

2. If you like to play online computer game it’s advisable for you to get fixed wireless Internet service since it can offer … for online gaming.

3. Recently … have become one of the most popular way of getting Internet access.

4. With a dial-up connection, when the computer of ISP ”answers” the call of your computer’s modem, you get so called … between you and ISP.

5. To translate the computer’s digital signal into signals that can travel over the ISDN connection you need a device called … .

6. An established dedicated circuit is used to … that caries data between the subscriber’s computer and ISP.
Task 6. Fill in the gaps in the text.

Задание 6. Заполните пропуски в предложениях.

A cable modem provides Internet access over the TV cables that carry television signals from the cable company’s ___ to your home. With this connection two issues become significant: security and ___.

With ___ connections, such as DSL and cable, the ___ can enter the Internet any time his computer is turned on. ___ Internet service provides another high-speed Internet access method, but it has higher latency ___.

Nowadays you can get Internet access through LANs. Besides, LAN is considered to be really ___ way to share one Internet connection among several computers.
Task 7. Discuss the following questions.

Задание7. Обсудите следующие вопросы.

1.How does a modem work?

2.What is the significance of becoming part of a “neighborhood network”?

3.What is DSL?

4.What are options for wireless Internet access?

5.What are the pros and cons of satellite Internet service

Методическая литература

1. Методические указания к практическим занятиям по дисциплине «Английский язык»: аннотирование и реферирование, для студентов вторых курсов технических специальностей. Ставрополь2015 г.

2.Учебное пособие. Английский язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации для студентов института информационных технологий и телекоммуникаций. Ставрополь 2018 г.

3.Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации: методические рекомендации по организации самостоятельной работы студентов направления 11.03.02.Инфокоммуникационные технологии и системы связи. Профиль подготовки - Сети связи и системы коммутации (английский) / сост. ; ФГАОУ ВО Сев.-Кав. федер. ун-т. - Ставрополь: СКФУ, 2017. - с., экземпляров неограниченно. http://catalog.ncfu.ru/catalog/ncfu

Ресурсы информационно-телекоммуникационной сети «Интернет»

        1. http://www.sil.org/linguistics/GlossaryOfLinguisticTerms/   глоссарий.содержащий более 950 лингвистических терминов с перекрестными ссылками и списком источников (SIL International). Ред. Е. Е. Loos, S.Anderson. D.H.Day Jr., P.C.Jourdan, J.D.Wingate.

        2. http:// biblioclub.ru – Университетская библиотека онлайн/

        3. http://www.ldc.upenn.edu/   LinguisticDataConsortium: лингвистический сайт университета Пенсильвании;

        4. http://orlapubs.org/ORLAPTJBS-L/L81.html  электронные учебные материалы по отдельным вопросам лингвистики и грамматики.

        5. http://www.cal.org/ericcll/faqs/RGOs/linguistics.html   сайт Центра прикладной лингвистики (the ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Lingu-stics, the Center for Applied Linguistics). Предоставляет материалы для изучающих иностранные языки и теорию языка.

        6. http://www.rsl.ru – Российская государственная библиотека.


Task 1. Match the meaning of the following English words and their Russian equivalents.

Задание 1.Соотнесите значения следующих английских слов с их русскими эквивалентами.

  1. Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

  2. Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

  3. Web-Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

  4. hypertext link

  5. “Surfing” (the Internet)

  6. Browser

  7. File Transport Protocol (FTP)

  8. E-mail server

  9. Web site

  10. HTML-tags

    1. протокол передачи файлов;

    2. браузер, программа просмотра сайтов (Web);

    3. <<путешествие>> по сайтам (сёрфинг);

    4. Web-узел (сайт–разг.) страница, отображающаяся в браузере;

    5. унифицированный указатель информационного ресурса;

    6. язык гипертекстовой разметки;

    7. сервер электронной почты;

    8. <<тэг>> – элемент кода разметки документа;

    9. протокол передачи гипертекста;

    10. гипертекстовая ссылка;

Task 2. Read the text and try to guess the meaning of the words in bold. Check your variants in the dictionary.

Задание 2. Прочтите текст и постарайтесь понять значение выделенных слов.
The World Wide Web began in 1989 as a project by high-energy physics researchers in Switzerland to distribute research Internet to fellow physicists. Since then, the Web has rapidly moved into the forefront of Internet technologies. More people use the Web on the Internet than all other technologies on the Net combined. To most of the general public, the Web is synonymous with the Internet itself and is, in fact, thought by many to have played the dominant role in moving the Internet from an academic research tool to a household word.

The Web is an abstract (imaginary) space of information. On the Web, you find documents, sounds, videos, and information. On the Web connections are hypertextlinks. The Web uses a writing technology called hypertext. A hypertext is a group of unlinked files. Hypertext is a key concept for understanding today’s Web, but the idea of hypertext originated much earlier than the Web or even the Internet. Two of the most important elements of the Web-Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) – contain “hypertext” in their names.

HTTP is a protocol that works with TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) to get Web resources to your desktop. A web resource can be defined as any chunk of data that has a URL, such as an HTML document, a graphic, or a sound file. HTTP includes commands called “methods” that help your browser communicate with web servers. GET is the most frequently used HTTP method. The GET method is typically used to retrieve the text and graphics files necessary for displaying a Web page. This method can also be used to pass a searchquery to a file server. HTTP transports your browser’s requests for a Web resource to a Web server. Next, it transports the Web server’s response back to your browser.

HTML is a set of specifications for creating HTML documents that a browser can display as a Web page. HTML is called a markup language because authors mark up their documents by inserting special instructions, called HTML tags, that specify how the document should appear when displayed on a computer screen or printed.

On today’s Web, many aspects of hypertext have become a reality. A typical Web page is based on a document stored in a file and identified by a unique address called a URL (UniformResourceLocator). To access any one of these documents, you can type its URL. You can also click an underline word or phrase called a hypertext link (or simply a “link”) to access related Web pages.

HTTP and HTML are two of the major ingredients that define the Web. If you add URLs, browsers, and Web servers to this recipe, you’ll have a pretty complete menu of the basic technologies that make the Web work.

A webserver stores data from Web pages that form a Web site. One way to store data for a Web page is as a file called an HTML document – a plain text, document with embedded HTML tags. Some of these tags specify how the document is to be displayed when viewed in a browser. Other tags contain links to related document, graphics, sound, and video files that are stored on Web servers.

As an alternative to HTML documents, Web servers can store Web page data in other types of files, such as databases. Data from product databases, college course schedules, and music catalogues can be assembled into HTML format “on the fly” in response to Web requests.

To surf the Web, you use Web client software called a browser. When you type a URL into the browser’s Address box, you are requesting HTML data for a specific Web page. Your browser creates a request for the data by using the HTTP “GET” command.

A Web server is configured to include HTTP software. This software is always running when the server is “up” and ready to fulfill requests. One of the server’s ports is dedicated to listening for HTTP requests. When a request arrives, the server software analyzes it and takes whatever action is necessary to fulfill it.

The computer that runs Web software might have other software running on it as well. For example, a computer might operate as a Web server, as an e-mail server, and as an FTP (File Transport Protocol) server all at the same time! To efficiently handle these diverse duties, a computer devotes one port to HTTP requests, one port to handling e-mail, and another port to FTP requests.

A browser is a software program that on your computer and helps you access Web pages. Technically, a browser is the client half of the client/server software that facilitates communication between a personal computer and a Web server. The browser is installed on your computer, and Web server software is installed on servers connected to the Internet.

Your browser plays two key roles. First, it uses HTTP to send messages to a Web server – usually a request for a specific HTML document from Web server, your browser interprets the HTML tags to display requested Web page. Today’s popular browsers are Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome.

A Web site is a group of related Web pages. The Web site is the master address, and the individual Web pages are like subdirectories to that root directory. Many business are creating Web sites for their customers to use. These sites may include price list, information about products, and comparisons of product features with those of competing products. Many sites even allow customers to order products over the Web. Because your site is representing you on the Web, you will want the site to look impressive. For a professional-looking site, you may want to hire a firm that creates Web sites. Such firms employ HTML experts as well as graphic designers and marketing specialists.
Task 3. Answer the following questions.

Задание 3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

    1. Where does The World Wide Web have its origins?

    2. What does the hypertext consist of?what are the main elements of it?

    3. We use browser to surf the Net, aren’t we?

    4. What does HTTP software do?

    5. Name popular browsers mentioned in the text.

Task 3. Choose the ending for each sentence from the two versions given.

Задание 3. Закончите предложения, выбрав один из двух данных вариантов.

1. One way to store data for a web page is

a) a file called an HTML document.

b) a unique address called a URL.

2. Some of these tags specify how the document is

a) to be displayed when viewed in a browser.

b) to be identified by a unique address.

3. Business sites may include

a) price list, information about products and comparisons of product features with those of competing products.

b) related document, graphics, sound and video files.

4. HTTP is

a) a protocol that works with TCP/IP to get Web resources to your desktop.

b) a set of specifications for creating HTML documents that a browser can display as a Web page.

5. Your browser creates a request for the data by

a) using the HTTP “GET” command.

b) using Web pages.

6. The Get method can be used to

a) pass a search query to a file server.

b) listen for HTTP requests.

Task 4. Which word does not belong to the group?

Задание 4. Какое слово не принадлежит данной группе.

a) documents, specifications, protocols, commands;

b) file, database, data, directory;

c) screen, display, desktop, browser;

d) connections, links, addresses, sites;

e) query, request, response, port.
Task 5. Complete the sentences using one of the given endings.

Задание 5. Закончите предложения.

  1. The WWW began as

  2. HTTP is a protocol that works with

  3. HTML is called a markup language because

  4. A typical Web page is based on

  5. A browser is a software program that runs

  6. As an alternative to HTML documents, Web server can store

    1. Web page data in other types of files, such as databases.

    2. on your computer and helps you access Web pages.

    3. a document stored in a file and identified by a unique address called URL.

    4. authors mark up their documents by inserting special instructions, called HTML tags.

    5. TCP/IP to get Web resources to your desktop.

    6. a project by high-energy physics researches in Switzerland.

Task 6. Fill in the gaps choosing from the variants given.

Задание6. Выберите и заполните пропуски в предложениях правильным вариантом.

1) When you type a … into the browser’s address box, you are requesting HTML data from a specific Web page.

a) HTML b) URL c) HTTP d) TCP

2) A … is a software program that runs on your computer and helps you access Web pages.

a) Web server b) e-mail server c) FTP server d) browser

3) Your browser creates a … for the data by using the HTTP “GET” command.

a) response b) request c) message d) instruction

4) Technically, a browser is the client half of the client/server software that facilitates communication between a personal computer and a… .

a) Web server b) e-mail server c) FTP server d) web site

5) HTML is a set of specifications for creating … that a browser can display as a Web page.

a) HTML documents b) graphics c) sound d) video files
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