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  • 3.14. Many people have to travel not because they like it but because they

  • 3.15. a) Complete the gaps with one of the words or expressions from the

  • 3.16. Read the sentences below with the idioms in bold containing words on


  • Пособие по обучению практике устной и письменной речи (начальный этап) на английском языке Под ред. О. В. Серкиной

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    НазваниеПособие по обучению практике устной и письменной речи (начальный этап) на английском языке Под ред. О. В. Серкиной
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    Arrivals Information

    Departures Lost and Found

    Car Rent /Rental First Class Only

    In the City or on the Road

    Attention Do Not Litter

    $ 50 Fine Bus Stop

    Tow-away Zone Public Parking

    Don’t Walk/ Walk (at the traffic lights) Private Property

    Don’t Trespass / No Trespassing Police Station

    Exit to Bus Detour

    No passing Railroad Crossing

    Traffic Circle No Parking

    Auto Repair Car Wash

    Slow: Children Speed Limit: 55

    3.14. Many people have to travel not because they like it but because they

    are forced to for a number of reasons. Complete the sentences with a

    suitable word or expression from the list below. What problems

    mentioned in the sentences are present in modern Russia?

    deported expatriates internally displaced repatriated immigration emigration culture shock refugees

    persona non grata economic migrants

    UNHCR (UN Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees – Управление верховного комиссара ООН по делам беженцев)
    1. At the beginning of the war, thousands of _______fled over the border to the next country.

    2. Since the civil war began, almost a million people have been forced to move to another part of the country. These ______ persons are now without food or shelter.

    3. Nineteenth-century governments encouraged __________ to the colonies.

    4. The government is encouraging ________ because of the shortage of workers in key industries.

    5. Going from California to live with hill tribes in India was something of a _____.

    6. Thousands of British ______ live in Singapore, where many of them have high-powered jobs.

    7. The ________ is under a lot of pressure owing to the huge number of displaced persons around the world.

    8. He was _______ from the country when his visa expired.

    9. Because he had a criminal record, the government didn’t want him to enter the country, declared him _________ and asked him to leave immediately.

    10. After the economy collapsed in the east, thousands of _______headed west in the hope of finding a good job.

    11. He didn’t want to be _______, but nevertheless was put on a plane back home.

    3.15. a) Complete the gaps with one of the words or expressions from the

    list below.

    b) What is the main idea of the text? Do you agree with it? Discuss

    your points of view in class.

    persona non grata eco-tourism package tour visas

    all-inclusive expatriates mass tourism immigration

    independent travelers deported checking in economic migrants internally displaced check in economy class culture shock

    travel agency disembark refugees excursion
    Travel: the Other Side of the Coin

    Most of us have, at some point in our lives, experienced the joys of travel. We go to the (1) _____ to pick up our brochures. We book a two-week (2) _______with flights and accommodation included (or if we are (3) ______, we make our own way to the country and travel around from place to place with a rucksack on our back). We make sure we have all the right currency, our passport and any (4) _______ that are necessary to get us into the country. We go to the airport and (5) ______. We strap ourselves into our tiny (6) _______aircraft seats and a few hours later we (7) _____ from the aircraft, strange new sights, smells and sounds greeting us. Nowadays, it seems, the whole world goes on holiday at once: the age of (8) _________ is in full swing!

    But for the great majority of people around the world, travel for them is done in the face of great adversity and hardship. They never get to indulge in an (9) _______ holiday in a luxury hotel with all meals and drinks included. They never get to explore the lush Amazon rain forest or the frozen wastes of the Arctic on an (10) _______ holiday. For them, travel is a matter of life and death, I refer, of course, to all the (11) _______ escaping from their own countries, or the (12) _______, moved from one part of their country to another by an uncaring government, or (13) ________ forced to find a job and seek a living wherever they can.

    Can you imagine anything worse than the misery these people must face? Let’s not confuse them with those (14) _________, who choose to live in another country and often have nice houses and high salaries. These people are simply desperate to survive. As well as losing their homes because of war or famine or other natural disasters, they must come to terms with their new environment: for many, the (15) _______ can be too great. And while many countries with an open policy on (16) _______ will welcome them in with open arms, others will simply turn them away. These people become (17) _______, unwanted and unwelcome. Even if they manage to get into a country, they will often be (18) _______or repatriated. Their future is uncertain.

    Something to think about, perhaps, the next time you are (19) ________to your five-star hotel by a palm-fringed beach or sitting in a coach on an (20) _______ to a pretty castle in the countryside.

    3.16. Read the sentences below with the idioms in bold containing words on

    traveling. Translate them in Russian and be ready to explain their

    meaning in class. Are there any ‘travelling’ idioms in Russian? Try

    to convey their meaning in English.

    1. She paid her mother a flying visit before she went back to university.

    2. “We might have fine weather for our holiday!” – “Yes, and pigs might fly.”

    3. He passed his exam with flying colours.

    4. Time flies.

    5. This business is driving me up the wall!

    6. I’ve burnt my boats by resigning, and I haven’t got another job.

    7. We’re all in the same boat as far as low wages are concerned.

    8. We were all very well until he began rocking the boat by asking if our actions were legal.

    9. I meant to send her a birthday card, but I missed the boat – her birthday was last week.

    10. Our holiday plans are still up in the air.

    11. She’s walking on air since he asked her to marry him.


    3.17. Work with a partner. Read the dialogues and using them as a model

    make up similar dialogues.

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