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Пособие по обучению практике устной и письменной речи (начальный этап) на английском языке Под ред. О. В. Серкиной

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НазваниеПособие по обучению практике устной и письменной речи (начальный этап) на английском языке Под ред. О. В. Серкиной
АнкорLet’s Talk and Write English.doc
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This form must be completed in duplicate and two recent photographs attached. Full answers to all questions should be typed or clearly written in black ink.
It is recommended that applications be lodged at least two weeks before the proposed date of departure.
Country for which the visa is required ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­___________________________________

    1. Name of any sponsoring Ministry or Organization (or “Private”) _________


    1. Surname (in capital letters)_______________________________________

First name(s) _______________________________________________________

Patronymic, if any___________________________________________________

Full maiden name (in case of women who are or have been married) __________

Sate any other names you use or have used _______________________________

Day, month, year and place of birth _____________________________________

Present citizenship (give also former citizenship if different)__________________


Sate sex, and whether married, widowed, single or divorced __________________


What is your profession or rank? ________________________________________

Where are you employed (give exact address)? ____________________________


What type of work do you do? _________________________________________

    1. How long do you wish to stay in the United States of America?


    1. What is the purpose of your visit? __________________________________

Do you intend to seek (a) employment, (b) permanent residence? (answer both questions) __________________________________________________________

    1. If a business or professional visit, give names and addresses to be visited. If a large firm, give names of individuals, departments or sponsoring organization who are aware of your visit ____________________________________________

If a private visit give (a) name, (b) address, (c) occupation, (d) relationship of host(s). How long have they been residents? ______________________________ __________________________________________________________________

If staying in a hotel give the name and address _____________________________

6. Date of departure, rout and date of arrival in the United States? _____________

7. How much money is available for your visit (evidence of this may be required) __________________________________________________________________

8. Have you ever visited the United States? If so, give dates of visits and say in what capacity _______________________________________________________

9. If married, give the full name, date and place of birth of: ___________________

Husband / wife (as appropriate) ________________________________________

Any children _______________________________________________________

Which of them, if any, are accompanying you? ____________________________

10. Give the full names, date and place of birth of: _________________________

Your father_________________________________________________________


Your mother _______________________________________________________


What is their address? ________________________________________________


11. If you are not born in RF, when did you arrive and where did you live before? __________________________________________________________________

12. State your present address __________________________________________

Telephone number ___________________________________________________

Give your permanent address if different from above ________________________


13. Passport number _________________________________________________

Place and date of issue__________________________________________
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