Пособие по обучению практике устной и письменной речи (начальный этап) на английском языке Под ред. О. В. Серкиной
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Date of expiry _______________________________________________Exit visa number ________________________________________ Date of issue ___________________________________________ Period of validity ________________________________________ Reentry visa number _____________________________________ Date of issue ____________________________________________ Date of expiry ___________________________________________ I declare the above to be a full and true statement.Date ___________________________________________ Personal signature_________________________________ 3.42. Write a 350-word essay on one of the topics below.
3.43. Fill in the following reservation form. RESERVATION FORM Hotel Golden Beach Star has following accommodation possibilities: double room category A ($ 150), category B ($ 110) single room category A ($ 200), category B ($ 180) Prices are for accommodation with breakfast (service and tax included). As the number of single rooms is very limited, sharing a room by two persons may be necessary. Deadline for reservation – 10 days. I order a room from _____________________ to ____________________ number of nights ______________________________________________ double room category A ________________________________________ double room category B ________________________________________ single room category A _________________________________________ single room category B _________________________________________ age _____________________________ (when sharing a room with someone about my age is preferred Yes / No). Name ___________________________ I will arrive by private car (Yes / No) If booking cannot be made at the required price, please reserve in the next available (higher/ lower) category. Date ______________________ Signature _____________________________3.44. Render the text in English. Американцев научат этикету Американское правительство, озаботившись негативным отношением в мире к США, решило привлечь к формированию положительного имиджа Америки простых граждан, выезжающих за рубеж не только на работу, но и на отдых. Учить американцев правильно вести себя за границей будут под лозунгом: «Помоги имиджу своей страны, путешествуя в интересах своей компании». «Репутация «уродливого американца» за границей - не только жесткий стереотип, но и, согласно американскому правительству, некоторое беспокойство для властей», - пишет сегодня британская Daily Telegraph. Чиновники из госдепа решили, что пора привлекать «неформальных послов», которые, работая или путешествуя за границей, помогут в формировании положительного имиджа Соединенных Штатов. Для этого Госдепартамент разработало специальную брошюру «Мировой гид гражданина», размером с обыкновенный паспорт, где даны 16 «подсказок» правил этикета. Например: «Думайте так же много, как вы любите много разговаривать». «Во многих странах любую форму хвастовства считают очень грубой. Говоря о богатстве, власти или статусе - корпоративном или личном, – вы можете вызвать негодование», - поясняют американские чиновники. Следующая «заповедь» американского туриста гласит: «Слушайте столько же, сколько говорите сами». При этом чиновники советуют обязательно не только вставить в разговор фразу «об Америке и своей личной жизни на родине», но и «поинтересоваться у собеседника о его образе жизни». Говорить следует «ниже и медленнее», так как «громкий голос часто воспринимается как хвастовство, а быстро говорящий может быть принят как агрессивный и угрожающий». Помимо этого американцам советуют не касаться тем религии (это считается личным и не всегда достойно предмета обсуждения), а в разговоре о политике – идти на компромисс: «Избегайте аргументов об американской политике, даже если кто-то критикует американских политических деятелей или политику. Лучше согласиться не согласившись». И вообще американцам за рубежом следует сбавить ритм жизни – «мы говорим быстро, едим быстро, ходим быстро, прожигаем жизнь. Многие нации этого не делают». «Проведенные исследования показывают, что американцы рассматриваются в мире как высокомерные, нечувствительные, сверхматериалистические и неосведомленные о местных ценностях люди. Это является изображением «уродливого американца» за границей, и мы хотим изменить это», - заявил британскому изданию один из авторов проекта Кит Рейнхард. Помимо советов о том, как себя вести и о чем говорить, а о чем лучше помолчать, гид также предлагает подсказки о том, как вести себя в нестандартных ситуациях. Американцам настойчиво советуют выучить несколько фраз на «местном языке» и ручные жесты, принятые в стране нахождения. Кит Рейнхард уверен, что простые американцы могут сделать в этом направлении не меньше официальных чиновников. Такие «неформальные послы» смогут «изменить отношение к США, что это земля возможностей, свободы и разнообразия», тем самым «повысив желание больше узнать о Соединенных Штатах». О том, что Америку в мире не любят, американцы узнали еще в 2002 году. Опрос общественного мнения, проведенный службой Gallup в девяти странах Ближнего Востока, включая даже таких союзников США, как Турция, Саудовская Аравия и Иордания, показал, что только 22% граждан этих стран относятся к Америке положительно, в то время как 53% не питают к США никаких симпатий. А исследовательский центр Pew Research выяснил, что одной из главных причин является неприятие американской силы и мощи. Об этом заявили 66% опрошенных в Западной Европе, 64% – в Восточной Европе и России, 58% – в Латинской Америке, 38% – в Азии, 54% – на Ближнем Востоке. Unit 4. The things I like and Dislike. My Health and Fitness. A blessing that money cannot buy. Izaak Walton. The sound body is a product of the sound mind. George Bernard Shaw Recommended grammar: Conditionals and “wish’-clauses. BUILDING-UP YOUR VOCABULARY 4.1. Read the text and pick up the main threats to our health that modern life poses and say whether you agree with the opinion expressed in the text or not. Think of other threats to add to the list. Health, physical and mental, is a very important aspect of life and as much energy as we give, it can never be wasted, really. In the 20th century’s way of life, for many, physical exertion has been cut down to a minimum. Much of technology seems to be intended to minimize people actually doing anything with their body, for instance in most tall buildings nowadays there are lifts instead of stairs, and very little walking is involved in city life as there are so many forms of transport we can utilize. We never have to go out to carry wood and to chop it into pieces in order to heat ourselves, as we are surrounded by electricity and gas, which does all of this for us. Even those involved in agriculture don’t have to do so much digging these days as they have machines to do everything for them. Also the modern diet can be very damaging to one’s health. So much food, especially in Western Europe and in America seems to come from packets - dehydrated food – which can’t really have very much real life energy or proteins which can be used for growing. Also, out food today is very greasy and oily. Of course, people are becoming aware of the damaging effects of a high level of cholesterol in the food and of eating large amounts of very bad quality meat and excessive quantities of sugar. All of these things contribute to a deterioration of one’s health, but not to reinforcing one’s physical functions. 4.2. Study the topical vocabulary for discussing health issues. Use a Dictionary if necessary. Human body: trunk, limbs (upper, lower), head, neck, throat, shoulder, armpit, chest, breast, back, waist, stomach, hip, finger, arm, hand, fist, elbow, wrist, palm, leg, thigh, knee, calf, ankle, shin/shank, foot (feet), heel, instep, sole, toe; The skeleton: bones, skull, collar-bone, shoulder-blade, breastbone, forearm, backbone/spine/ vertebral column, hip-bone, kneecap, rib; The face: eye (eyeball, eyebrow, eyelid, eyelash, pupil, iris), nose, ear, mouth, jaw, tooth (teeth), lip (upper, lower), tongue, cheek, chin, temple, forehead,; The internal organs: brain, windpipe, vein, artery, heart, blood circulation, blood pressure, nervous system, bronchus, lungs, liver, gullet, intestines, kidneys, bladder, muscles, muscular system; Health: healthy, to be in good health; to feel well/be fine/all right; to be in good shape /fit, hurt/ injured/ wounded, to be sick/ ill/ low/ to feel ill, to go down (with) (with the pronoun ‘I’ you should say “come down with”, not ‘go down with”), to be in poor/ ill health/ to be in a bad /poor shape/ state/ to be off-colour/ to feel under the weather/ out of sorts, cripple/ disabled person/ handicapped person, hypochondriac, blood type (There are four types of blood in the ABO system: A (II), B (III), AB (IV), and O(I)); to catch a disease, to take a turn for the worse, to get worse, to deteriorate, one's health gave way, (not) to last more than, to feign illness; to get better/ to get over/ to be on the mend (coll.)/ to recover (from)/ to fight off, marked improvement in one's condition, to be out of danger; Complaints/ symptoms: Nouns: ‘ache’ is used with the following: toothache, a stomach-ache (upset stomach), backache, earache and a headache. I'm all ache. For other parts of the body ‘pain’ is used: to have a pain in the stomach/ in the neck: e.g. I woke up in the night with a terrible pain in my chest. disorder (sleep disorder, liver disorder), disturbance (visual disturbance), fever (to have a fever/ high temperature), high blood pressure, rash, itch, spots, splinter, blister, cut, boil, inflammation, bruise, a black eye, dislocation, sprain, fracture, twist, bad digestion, constipation, bleeding, cramps, stiff neck, insomnia, heartburn sneezing, runny/ running nose/cold in the head, cough/ bad cough/ fits of coughing, nausea/ vomiting, dizziness, anxiety, fatigue, attack, bout/ fit (of cough/ depression), lump/ swelling, blind/ blindness, near-sighted, far-sighted, dumb/ dumbness, deaf/ deafness, injury/ wound (a wound and injury are both used to describe damage to the body, but a wound is generally caused by a weapon (e.g. gun or knife) and it is usually intentional), diarrhea, hangover, cuts and bruises (minor injuries); He shot the man in the chest. (= a bullet wound in the chest) He stabbed the boy in the back. (= a knife wound in the back) He got into a fight and got beaten up. He had a black eye and two broken ribs. Verbs: You can use ‘to ache’ for some things, e.g. my back aches; but ‘to hurt’ is more common to describe real pain, and it can be used with or without a direct object: She hurt (injured) her foot when she jumped off the bus and fell over. She hurt herself when she jumped off the bus and fell over. I hit my leg against the table and it really hurts. to feel pain / to suffer from pain, to have a sharp pain, to itch, to catch a cold, to limp, to feel stiff, to sweat, to shiver/ to feel shivery, to faint/ to collapse/ to lose consciousness, to come to oneself, to be clogged (about a nose), to be bunged up (about a stomach), be out of joint; Adjectives: painful, painless, sore (to have a sore back/ throat), dizzy, (to feel) sick (dizzy, breathless, shivery), stinging, throbbing, feverish, nauseous, trembling, pregnant; I've got a cold (a cough, a sore throat, a temperature, a stomach ache, chest pains, earache, a pain in my side, a rash on my chest, spots, a bruise on my leg, a black eye, a lump on my arm, indigestion/ diarrhea, painful joints, blisters, sunburn). I am depressed (constipated, tired) all the time. I've lost my appetite (voice). I can't sleep, my nose itches and my leg hurts. Diseases: sickness/ illness/ disease/ malady/ ailment, (non)communicable diseases, catching/ contagious, (in)curable, epidemic, inherited sickness, inborn disturbance, mild case, fatal illness, auto-suggestion; heart attack, appendicitis, bronchitis, cancer, whooping-cough, tuberculosis (TB), chickenpox, smallpox, measles, cholera, malaria, hepatitis, mumps, typhoid, scarlet fever, yellow fever, asthma, flu /influenza, pneumonia, rheumatism, an ulcer, a virus/ a bug, allergy/ hay fever, Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSS), quinsy, angina; Diagnosing and treatment: to go to the doctor, to consult a doctor, to call a doctor, to complain of smth., to take one’s temperature, to listen to one’s chest, to examine, to take one’s blood pressure, to feel one's pulse, to give/ make a diagnosis, to treat for/ to cure smb. of smth, to give recommendations, to operate (on), to write out a prescription, to write out a sick leave/ sick note/ sick list, to make out a medical certificate, to prescribe a diet, to heal (The wound healed slowly. It soon healed up.), medical check-up, X-ray, to do tests, cure / treatment for, to give/ administer the first aid, first aid kit; What is troubling (bothering) you? What disturbs you? to buy smth. from the chemist; Do you have health insurance? Have you ever had any operations? Are you taking any medication? Are you allergic to anything? to have the symptoms of, to take a treatment for, to do good, to do harm, to relieve the pain, to undergo an operation/ surgery, be operated on, to have smth. removed, to have after-effects/ complications, to be restricted to a diet, to stay in bed, to gargle, to sit quietly/ still, to breathe deeply, to strip to the waist, to bare one’s arm, to treat, to take care/ to look after; Prescriptions: Take one three times a day after meals. Take a teaspoonful last thing at night. Rub a little on before going to bed each night. We'll get the nurse to put a bandage on. You'll need to have some injections/ shots before you go. I'll ask the surgeon when he can fit you in for an operation. You'll have to have your leg put in plaster. I think you should have total bed rest for a week. Medicines: medical insurance, panacea/ cure-all, placebo, to make up a medicine/ drug; to take a medicine (for), chemist's/ drugstore, mixture, pills, powder, ointment, drops, a tablespoonful, a teaspoonful, three times a day, every two hours, on an empty stomach, painkiller/ antibiotics, for soothing the pain, for bringing down the temperature, to take for a headache/ cough/ a cold, to apply a mustard plaster, put on/ apply a dressing, to remove a dressing, sterile dressing, to remove the bandage, to give a shot / injection (of), to be inoculated (against), to put a hot-water bottle (to), to administer medications and treatments, for external/ internal use; The doctor: specialist, physician, general practitioner (GP), dentist, (plastic) surgeon, oncologist, neurologist, ophthalmologist/ eye doctor, nurse, to make an appointment with; Hospital: to take to hospital, to be admitted to a hospital, to be discharged from a hospital, patient (in-patient, out-patient), patients with appointments, urgent call, emergency case, an ambulance, stretcher; waiting room, ward, reception, patient's file/ medical record, health insurance /certificate, appointments book, examination couch, crutches, syringe, scales, height gauge, stethoscope, thermometer, cotton balls; health-resort, spa; At the dentist's: to make an appointment with the dentist for a check-up (for a dental care), drill, false teeth, dental bridge, crown, porcelain tooth, filling; to have one's tooth treated, to be loose (about a tooth), to fit on a crown (bridge), to pull out/ remove/ extract a tooth, to have one's tooth stopped/ filled; |