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Translate from Russian into English

Суп – это часть обеда в русской кухне. 2. Щи – это традиционный русский суп, приготовленный из мяса и капусты. 3. Петровские щи готовятся из судака и свежей капусты. 4. В русской кухне нет двух одинаковых рецептов щей и борща. 5. Многие способы нарезки и приготовления мяса заимствованы из французской кухни. 6. Жареный молочный поросенок – традиционное праздничное блюдо русской кухни. 7. В деревнях Сибири существует целая церемония приготовления пельменей. 8. Женщины делают тесто и рубят мясо, мужчины лепят пельмени. 9. Русское слово «каша» обозначает почти все способы приготовления круп. 10. Как говорится в пословице, «кашу маслом не испортишь». 11. Сметана – это универсальная приправа в русской кухне. 12. Русская кухня знаменита различными пирожками. 13. Русские люди очень гостеприимны; они приглашают к столу каждого, кто входит в дом. 14. Гостеприимство – типичная черта русского характера. 15. Сбитень – это старинный русский напиток, который готовят из кваса, коньяка или водки, меда, чая и специй.

  1. Make a dialogue about Russian cuisine, using the following questions as a plan.

  1. What is the name of the popular Russian dish made of meat cut into strips and cooked in sour-cream sauce?

  2. What is the name of the highly seasoned soup made of beetroot and cabbage and served with sour cream?

  3. What is the name of the Russian fermented beverage made of rye?

  4. What are the names of the most popular Russian yoghourt – type beverages of fermented cow’s milk?

  5. What is the name of the Russian national dish made of cooked grain?

  6. What is the name of the classic chicken dish invented in Russian in the Soviet period?

  7. What is the name of a many-layed Russian pie?

  8. What is the name of the Russian Easter cake?

  9. What is the Russian counterpart of Italian ravioli?

  10. What is the name of the urn the Russians use to boil water for tea and which literally means “self-boiler”?

  11. What is the name of the Russian cottage cheese?

  12. What are the French terms for some Russian meat dishes?

  13. What is the name of open-topped pies with curd stuffing?

  14. What does a meal begin with according to Russian tradition?

  15. What does vinaigrette (Russian salad) consist of?

  16. What are pancakes made of?

  17. What Russian desserts do you know?

  18. What is the most typical trait of the Russian character?

  1. Name the following dishes.

  1. This soup is served cold and has dark red color.

  2. It’s a sort of dry granulated cream cheese.

  3. They are small ring-shaped crackers.

  4. This soup is served cold, its base is kvas.

  5. This sour-milk product is made from baked milk.

  6. They are made from dough and different kinds of filling and are cooked in boiling water.

  7. It’s a many-layered cooked semolina with layers of jam and baked-milk skin.

  8. You can’t spoil it with butter.

  1. Using your active vocabulary, create a menu card of a cafe or restaurant of national Russian cuisine.

Practical training # 7.

  1. Write the verbs in Past Simple and Past Participle.

tell, show, ask, answer, send, give, help, forget, invite, call, serve

  1. Translate from English into Russian.

I was asked to bake a cherry pie. 2. The guests were offered lamb chops, beef stew and fried chicken as a main course. 3. The waiter was told to serve all the guests. 4. Samovar was used to boil water for tea. 5. Kefir is made of fermented cow’s milk. 6. Customers were informed of the new prices. 7. Okroshka will be served on hot weather. 8. The dishes were washed by my mother. 9. Cheese is cut with a special knife. 10. This soup is prepared of kidneys and salted cucumbers.

  1. Translate from Russian into English.

Это блюдо готовят из мяса и овощей. 2. Мою маму попросили испечь яблочный пирог. 3. Лимон режется тонкими ломтиками (in thin slices). 4. К этому блюду подают жареный картофель. 5. Стол был накрыт до прихода гостей. 6. Обед был заказан вчера. 7. Чай был подан в красивых чашках. 8. Обед будет приготовлен лучшими поварами. 9. Начинка из яблок будет использоваться для этого пирога. 10. Мы были приглашены на вечеринку нашими друзьями.

  1. Combine 2 sentences, using either ... or, neither ... nor

I would like some chocolate ice cream. I would like some vanilla ice cream. 2. We can order fish salad. We can order vegetable salad. 3. You don’t want any mushroom soup. You don’t want any noodle soup. 4. They went to the cafe. They went to the bar. 5. He is not a cook. He is not a waiter.

  1. Insert the prepositions at, in, to, where it is necessary

  1. We usually eat okroshka ___ summer. 2. My father’s birthday is ____ September. 3. He can’t sleep ___ night. 4. We always go to the Chinese restaurant _____ weekends. 5. ____ last year I visited the Browns, where I tasted a very delicious English national dishes.

Test # 4.

Match the words with the pictures












Fill the gaps with the words from the box. Each word can be used only once. Translate the text.

Boiled, dish, dough, also, is, baked, are, marinated, filled, in, fish, served

Fish dishes.
The best-known and probably the most popular fish dish served ____ (1) a Russian restaurant is monastery-style sturgeon. Pieces of sturgeon are ___ (2) with mushrooms and sour cream. Another appetizing _____ (3) is sturgeon Tzar-style shashlik with tartar sauce, olives and green lemon. Before frying the sturgeon pices are ___(4) in white wine with onions and lemon. This makes the ____ (5) particularly tender.

Beyond all praise _____ (6) pike-perch rolls. Pieces of the fillet are first coated with salmon mousse and then wrapped in _____ (7) and baked. The rolls are ____ (8) with potatoes and cauliflower. Another way to prepare pike-perch ____ (9) to fry the pieces in beer dough.

The fish dishes also include ____ (10) sturgeon and horseradish in kvas, trout ____ (11) with mushrooms and cheese and carp baked with mushrooms. Fried or steamed salmon dishes are ____ (12) delicious.

Practical training #8.

  1. Translate the abstract from English into Russian.

There is so much to do for tonight’s party – a salad to be prepared, various pies and cakes to be baked, a goose to be roasted, and a lot of other things to be cooked. Please take the mincing machine and mince this bit of meat while I am scraping and slicing the carrots. Peel this potatoes and onions. I’ll make some potato chips and you set up the rest of the potatoes to boil. When they are soft, mash them with butter and milk. So, we’ll have mashed potatoes and vegetables with the meat. I think it’s time to get out the goose from the oven. Oh, what a perfect smell! It makes one’s mouth water just to look at it. Now we’ll bake a layer cake and a pie with jam filling. I’ll beat the eggs for the dough. The guests will come in an hour. We’ll be twelve altogether, so lay twelve places. Take the dishes for refreshments from the sideboard and put them on the table. Now fetch the wine glasses – one for each cover.

  1. Find the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Нужно так много приготовить для сегодняшнего обеда; остальной картофель; картофельное пюре; очистки; заправить майонезом; прекрасная золотистая корочка; слюнки текут; начинка из варенья; белки яиц; сахарная пудра; это пока все; заливная рыба; помочь накрыть на стол; мужская работа; приготовь штопор.

  1. Write a composition on subject “Preparing for the party”, using the following questions as a plan.

  1. What are you going to celebrate?

  2. What is to be prepared to the party?

  3. What food do you need for dishes you are planning to cook?

  4. How many guests are coming?

  5. What do you like to cook?

  6. Who will wash up after the festive dinner?

  1. Make three dialogues for the following situations.

  1. Хозяйка угощает гостя

  2. Две подруги (два друга) делятся секретами приготовления любимых блюд.

  3. Ваш друг (подруга) спрашивает о приготовлении какого-либо блюда, и вы даете рекомендации.

  1. Find the meaning to the words

1. to chop a. to cut up with a knife

2. ingredients b. to cook on low heat

3. recipe c. to cook until brown

4. seasoning d. something you add to make food taste better

5. to brown e. list of ingredients and directions to make a dish

6. to simmer f. items you combine to make a certain kind of food

  1. Make your own sentences using the following word combinations.

To baste the meat (поливать мясо подливкой), to bring to boil (доводить до кипения), to boil in plenty of water (варить в большом количестве воды), to boil potatoes in jackets (варить картофель в мундире), to chop the meat finely (мелко рубить мясо), to clear the meat from the bone (отделять мясо от кости), to cover (закрывать крышкой), to uncover (снимать крышку), to cut off the stalk from a beetroot, carrot (отрезать стебель у свеклы, моркови), to cut a potato into quarters (разрезать картофелину на 4 части), to form the meat into balls (делать фрикадельки), to fry the fish in oil, butter, drippings (жарить рыбу на растительном масле, сливочном масле, жире), to grate a potato/ to rub a potato through a grater (тереть картофель на терке), to mince the meat (делать мясной фарш), to peel potatoes, onions, carrots (очищать картофель, лук, морковь), to pepper (перчить), to pick out all the bones from the fish (удалять из рыбы все кости), to put in a little milk, water broth (добавлять немного молока, воды, бульона), to salt (солить), to season (приправлять), to skim it clean (снять всю пенку), to slice a potato thinly /thickly (нарезать картофель тонкими/толстыми ломтиками), to scrape new potatoes (скоблить/очищать от кожуры молодой картофель), to thicken something with flour (делать гуще, добавляя муку), to trim a cabbage (очищать кочан капусты от внешней кожуры), to turn over quickly (быстро переворачивать), to wash vegetables from dirt and dust (смывать с овощей грязь и пыль), Let it boil till the froth rises. (Пусть варится до появления пены.), Let them boil for ten minutes. (Пусть вариться в течение 10 минут.), Don’t let it over boil! (Не переварите!), The milk has boiled over. (Молоко убежало.) Have you peppered and salted the meat? (Вы поперчили и посолили мясо?)

Practical training # 9.

  1. Put the verbs in brackets in Present Simple or in Present Continuous.

Mother (to cook) very tasty soups. 2. Nick (to make) breakfast every morning. 3. I can’t speak to you now as I (to chop) the meat finely. 4. They (not to fry) fish in oil, they (to pick out) all the bones from the fish. 5. I usually (to have) dinner after work. 6. You (to cook) every day? 7. I (not to drink) coffee now. I (to wash up). 8. When my sister (to wash up) yesterday, she (to break) a cup. 9. Mother (to have) breakfast at 8 o’clock yesterday. 10. I (to have) dinner at the restaurant last Sunday. 11. When I (to prepare) breakfast in the morning, I (to cut) my finger. 12. I (to cook) meat soup last Monday. 13. When I (to open) the door, my friends (to sit) at table and (to have) dinner. 14. When Nick entered the bar, the barman (to stand) behind the counter and (to make) cocktails.

  1. Answer the questions, using Present Continuous

What were you doing?

  • At 10 o’clock yesterday?

  • When mother came home?

  • When I phoned you?

  • When father basted the meat?

  • When Granny entered the room?

  • When friends arrived?

  1. Make the following sentences negative. Ask all possible questions to each sentence.

My sister was washing up when I came into the kitchen. 2. We were having dinner at 2 o’clock. 3. She was scraping new potatoes yesterday all day long.

  1. Make the following sentences negative, and then translate them.

  1. I will be having dinner at the restaurant at that time. 2. When you come, I will be laying the table. 3. He will be preparing a festive dinner in the afternoon tomorrow.

  1. Form Participle I and Participle II from the following verbs

To cook – готовить, ... – готовящий, ... – приготовленный.

To boil – кипятить (кипеть), ... – кипящий, ... – прокипяченный.

To fry – жарить, ... – жарящий, ... – зажаренный.

To read – читать, ... – читающий, ... – прочитанный.

To order – заказывать, ... заказывающий, ... – заказанный.

To add – добавлять, ... – добавляющий, ... – добавленный.

To use – использовать, ... – использующий, ... – использованный.

To recommend – рекомендовать, ... – рекомендующий, ... – рекомендованный.

  1. Translate the sentences, using Participle I and Participle II.

  1. Я увидел на кухне сестру, готовящую обед. 2. Суп, приготовленный сестрой утром, был холодный. 3. Положите очищенные овощи в кипящую воду. 4. Девушка, заказывающая обед, попросила принести жареную осетрину. 5. Я предпочитаю отварное мясо. 6. Готовя это блюдо, я использовал говядину. 7. Официант, обслуживающий наших гостей, очень вежлив. 8. Он сидел у окна и смотрел на играющих детей. 9. Друзья обедали, обсуждая новости дня. 10. В комнате они увидели накрытый стол. 11. Продукты, купленные женой, он положил в холодильник. 12. Делая покупки, она никогда не забывала о сладостях для детей. 13. Чтобы приготовить этот салат, вам понадобятся соленые огурцы и отварные овощи. 14. В нашей семье все любят жареный картофель. 15. Копченую и вареную колбасу я обычно покупаю в специализированном магазине.

  1. Insert the pronouns each, every, all, everything, everybody/everyone:

Wash ... potato carefully. 2. We go out ... Sunday’s night. 3. ... looks tired today. 4. He does ... to help me. 5. ... my friends study at college. 6. ... of the cups has a different design. 7. ... time I see her she has a different dress on.

  1. Translate the sentences, paying your attention to the meaning of the pronouns one (ones).

To cross the street, one must wait for a green light. 2. What apples will you take? – The red ones. 3. This salad is better than the one we had yesterdays. 4. Don’t buy those potatoes. Buy the other ones. 5. I need one of these streets. 6. it’s one of the best shops in our town. 7. These spoons are dirty. Can we have some clean ones? 8. These chocolates are nice. Would you like one? 9. One can do it easily.

Test # 5.
Match the words with the pictures

















Fill the gaps with the words from the box. Each word can be used only once. Translate the text.

There, are, table, is, measurements, groceries, measured, a, gallon, sweets, weighs, pears

Weights and Measures.
English weights and measures are very difficult to ____ (1) foreigners.

For general use the smallest weight is 1 ounce (written oz), and there ____ (2) 16 ounces in a pound (written lb). The English buy ____ (3), tobacco and sometimes cigarettes by the ounce while most _____ (4) or fruit, such as apples, _____ (5), strawberries, by the pound, half-pound or quarter-pound.

Fourteen pounds ____ (6) 1 stone. The English always give people’s weight in stones and pounds. For example, a man ____ (7) 11 stones 9 lb (not 163 lbs).

112 lbs make up 1 hundredweight (written cwt) and ____ (8) are 20 hundredweights in a ton.

Liquids are _____ (9) in pints, quarts and gallons. There are 2 pints in a quart and 4 quarts in a _____ (10).

Finally, for length the principle _____ (11) are inches, feet, yards and miles.

The easiest way to remember them, perhaps, is a little ____ (12) like this:

12 inches

1 foot (ft)

3 feet

1 yard (yd)

1.760 yards

1 mile

1   2   3   4   5

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