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Практическая работа по грамматике включает в себя выполнение упражнений на закрепление грамматических правил с использованием активной лексики по теме. Контрольная работа является обобщающим материалом по теме

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НазваниеПрактическая работа по грамматике включает в себя выполнение упражнений на закрепление грамматических правил с использованием активной лексики по теме. Контрольная работа является обобщающим материалом по теме
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Ask all possible questions to each sentence.

  1. They had a snack in a bar. 2. She paid for dinner herself. 3. Strawberry cost too expensive last summer. 4. I ate too much at breakfast.

  1. Insert the pronoun many, much, a lot of

  1. There are ... plates on the table. 2. Please don’t put ... pepper on the meat. 3. I never eat ... bread with soup. 4. Don’t eat so ... ice cream. You can catch a cold. 5. Do you drink ... coffee? 6. There was ... food at the party, but I didn’t eat ... .

  1. Insert the pronoun little, a little, few, a few.

  1. He is very thin because he eats ... . 2. We have ... bread, so you needn’t go to the shop. 3. Granny brought us ... fresh pears and we were happy. 4. It was hot and there were ... people in the cafe. There was too stuffy. 5. I don’t like this restaurant, there are always ... people inside. 6. The menu card of that cafe was not too rich, but it had ... tasty dishes.

  1. Insert the appropriate modal verb. May, Must, Need

  1. ... we do it all today? – No, you ... not, you ... do it tomorrow. 2. You ... come and see me any time you like. 3. ... we go home now, we have done everything? – Yes, you ... . 4. ... you go right now? – No, I ... not. 5. ... I have the menu card? 6. They ... be at home in the evening. They have guests tonight.

  1. Insert the appropriate modal verb. May, can.

  1. Do you think you ... do it? 2. ... we come and see you tomorrow? 3. ... I use your spoon? 4. ... help you? 5. You ... take this dish: I have already tasted. 6. ... you tell me how to get to the supermarket?

  1. Translate from Russian into English.

  1. Передайте мне сахар, пожалуйста. 2. Не курите, пожалуйста, за столом. 3. Не опаздывайте к обеду. 4. Выпейте чашку чая, пожалуйста. 5. Возьмите мое меню. Я уже сделала свой заказ. 6. Пойдемте в кафе! 7. Давайте пообедаем где-нибудь. 8. Принесите мне что-нибудь поесть, пожалуйста. 9. Не ешьте так много хлеба! 10. Давайте сделаем это сейчас!

Test # 2

Match the words with the pictures









A cup of tea


Ice cream


Fill the gaps with the words from the box. Each word can be used only once. Translate the text.

Does, alcohol, traffic, quickly, the, for, attention, drinking, slower, poor

Alcohol is perhaps _____ (1) most widely used drug in our society. Unlike food, alcohol ____ (2) not have to be digested. It affects a person very ____ (3). It slows the brain and affects memory, self-control and ____ (4). Body movements become _____ (5) and muscle coordination is ___ (6).

The widespread use of ____ (7) has caused special problems not only ____ (8) people who use it, but for society as well. About half of all the people killed in ____ (9) accidents each year die because someone was driving after ____ (10) too much.
Practical training #4.

  1. Translate the abstract from English into Russian.

There are various ethnic food, health food, fast food and traditional home-cooked food in the USA. Mexican food is the favorite of many Americans, but they love spaghetti, pizza and other types of Italian food. Chinese food has been popular with them for years. Now they often prefer fast food like hamburgers hot-dogs and French fries. Many years the American people liked traditional big breakfast and diet of meat and potatoes. Usually they eat three times a day. There are many fast-food restaurants all over the country where people can have lunch during their short lunch break. Maybe the Americans have more time for dinner, but they don’t often have enough time for grocery shopping, cooking and washing dishes. Often instead of asking, “What’s for dinner?” they ask: “Where are we going for dinner?” 60 per cent of the Americans (children and adults) are overweight. And nowadays the American people begin to think seriously about their physical wellbeing. So health food becomes more popular. It doesn’t contain chemicals and preservatives. Health food is fresh and natural. American doctors recommend to eat a well-balanced diet daily.

  1. Find Russian equivalents to the following word combinations.

Various ethnic food, traditional home-cooked food, different kinds of cereal, wheat cream, with croutons and dressing, mashed potatoes, the main ingredient, food in cans, cream soup, less bread, physical well-being, a well-balanced diet.

  1. Translate from Russian into English, using your active vocabulary.

  1. Мексиканская пища – самая любимая для многих американцев. 2. Многие годы американцы любили традиционный обильный завтрак и рацион из мяса и картофеля. 3. По всей стране много ресторанов быстрого питания. 4. На обед они всегда едят салат из различных овощей, смешанных с гренками и заправкой. 5. Американцы не едят селедку и редко едят суп. 6. В общем, американцы едят много, особенно в выходные дни. 7. Здоровая пища не содержит химических продуктов и консервантов.

  1. Read the sentences and say “true” or “false”

  1. Most Americans prefer having home-cooked lunch.

  2. Chinese food is not popular with the Americans.

  3. The Americans often prefer fast food: hamburgers, hot dogs, French fries.

  4. The Americans never have salad for dinner.

  5. American women like cooking and washing dishes.

  6. The Americans like to have herring and soup for dinner.

  7. They drink different kinds of gas water during any meal.

  8. When the Americans go for a picnic, they often bake potatoes in the open-air fire.

  1. Make a report on subject “How do the Americans eat?”

Practical training #5.

  1. Translate the abstract from English into Russian.

What do the English eat? One’s daily diet depends (probably as everywhere) on taste, income and pattern of everyday life. For breakfast, those who works grab a cup of tea or coffee and a piece of toast and marmalade or just buy a coffee and croissant en route, but on weekends it consists of fried bacon, eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms, sausages, baked beans and fried bread. Lunch for them would be a sandwich with brown, whole meal bread, a banana, occasionally soup and/or fruit juice – most people eat their main meal in the evening, because of work, and for preference. Traditional English food is fish and chips with peas, steak and kidney pie, sausage and mashed potatoes, but people also eat Indian or Chinese food, pasta with a meat or vegetable sauce, with the usual Mediterranean herbs, such as basil, oregano, plus olives, Pesto sauce, sprinkled with Parmesan cheese.

There is no cuisine in the world about which there are as many jokes as there are about British cooking. For example, according to one French comic, hell is a place where the cooks are British. Or do you know why the British serve mint sauce with lamb? Because mint must be the only plant not eaten by sheep. Of course, these are all exaggerations. British cuisine has contributed a lot to the world’s steak culture, and there are the number of inventions in British cuisine which are even adopted by the French – as for example the creation of sandwiches. It’s a character trait of the British not to be proud of their cuisine too much. In case of their foods and drinks, the British learnt a lot from the colonies conquered by the beefeaters all around the world. However, they didn’t just copy these food and drink habits but combined them with their own foodstuffs: tea with milk and curry with pastry to make curried pies).

  1. Translate from Russian into English.

  1. Ежедневный рацион англичанина зависит от его предпочтений, дохода и образа жизни. 2. «Большой английский завтрак» состоит из бекона, яиц, помидоров, грибов, консервированной фасоли в томатном соусе и тостов. 3. Те, кто заботиться о своем здоровье, предпочитают на завтрак мюсли, фруктовый сок, тосты с апельсиновым джемом. 4. Традиционная английская еда – рыба с картофелем во фритюре, зеленый горошек, слоеный пирог с мясом и почками, колбаса, картофельное пюре. 5. Ужин в современном дорогом ресторане с европейской, средиземноморской или индийской кухней обойдется в 100-150 фунтов на двоих.

  1. Find the right English equivalents to the following words and word combinations

Шутить; единственное растение; превосходное чувство юмора; блюда, признанные во всем мире; изобретение; элитные войска; весом 900 граммов; характерная черта; они заимствовали чай; не только переняли эти привычки.

  1. Make a report about British cuisine. Use the following questions as a plan.

  1. How many meals a day do the English generally have?

  2. How many courses do these meals consist of?

  3. Do the English eat out a lot? Who can afford it?

  4. What are your views on English food?

  5. Can you describe a typical English breakfast?

  6. What are the most famous dishes in Great Britain?

  7. Which English dishes would you like to try and why?

  8. Are English dishes well known in our country?

  9. Which Russian dishes would you recommend to an English visitor?

Practical training # 6.

  1. Transform the following sentences in Future Simple, making all necessary changes.

Henry invites many guests to his party. 2. Mother cooks very nice dinner. 3. We often have a talk during our lunch. 4. I drink coffee. 5. In other cities we always visit expensive restaurants.

  1. Make the sentences negative

I’ll buy provisions on my birthday party. 2. My mother will make a holiday supper. 3. They will go to the restaurant tomorrow. 4. We’ll go shopping next weekend. 5. Tomorrow I will have my dinner at home.

  1. Ask all possible questions to each sentence.

Kate will be a cook in some months. 2. They are going to visit the restaurant of Indochina cuisine. 3. We would prefer English tea with milk to coffee. 4. John will go to the pub to meet his friends and have a chat. 5. Mary will cook several national dishes.

  1. Choose the right form of adjectives that are given in brackets.

This dish in this restaurant is the (expensive). 2. To fry meat on open-air fire is (dangerous) than in gas-stove. 3. The smell of my mom’s dinner is the (appetizing) smell I’ve ever felt. 4. Vegetables and fruits are (healthy) than steak or French fries. 5. This bread is (dry) than that one I bought yesterday.

  1. Translate from Russian into English, using the construction to be going to

  1. Завтра мы собираемся пообедать в ресторане. 2. Что ты собираешься делать в следующие выходные? 3. Я не собираюсь делать новый заказ в этом ресторане. 4. Я не хочу идти пешком за свежими булочками. Я собираюсь взять такси. 5. Он собирается пригласить гостей на свой день рождения. 6. Мама собирается приготовить жареное мясо к обеду. 7. Я так голодна. Я сейчас съем этот бутерброд. 8. Я не собираюсь готовить ужин сегодня. 9. Моя подруга собирается продать квартиру и машину и открыть свой ресторан китайской кухни в Лондоне. 10. Мы собираемся перекусить в кафе.

Test # 3.

Match the words with the pictures













Fill the gaps with the words from the box. Each word can be used only once. Translate the text.

Cook, of, and, also, drink, is, made, place, the, eat, are, wins, soup

Irish food.
Ireland ____ (1) on the edge of Europe, with the Atlantic Ocean to its west. In the southwest _____ (2) the island, the climate is influenced by the Gulf Stream.

Dublin is the home of Guinness and a very cool _____ (3) for a short break.

It has one of ____ (4) youngest population in Europe and one that is well-travelled so the culinary influences _____ (5) international. You can _____ (6) excellent cheese, Japanese and Mediterranean cuisine.

There are plenty of oysters, lobsters ____ (7) scallops from the West Coast, world-class beef and some of the sweetest lamb you’ve ever eaten.

Irish farmhouse cheese regularly _____ (8) awards internationally.

Bread is tasty. Soda bread (flour, salt, bread soda and buttermilk) is _____ (9) daily in many households. Wheaten bread – another name for brown soda bread – is ____ (10) favorite.

The Irish people make ____ (11) with garden vegetables or wild foods. They also like to ____ 912). Irish stew (based on neck of lamb) or a beef casserole, a hearty main course, served with potatoes. There are hundreds of places to eat and to ____ (13) a bottle of excellent wine and a cup of good coffee in the city of Dublin.

Practical training #6.

  1. Translate the abstract from English into Russian.

Russian cuisine is rich and varied. There is a big choice of appetizers, soups, hot and dessert dishes. Soup makes an important part of Russian meal. The traditional Russian soups are shchee, borsch, rassolnik, meat and fish solyanka, ukha, mushroom soup and soup in season – okroshka and cold beetroot soup. No two recipes are the same for borsch and shchee. Pelmeni is another specialty of Russian cookery. Nowadays there is a great number of recipes and verities of them. Russian cooking makes greater and more varied use of mushrooms than any other cuisine in the world. They are eaten raw, dressed with herbs, cooked into soups and pies, baked with cream. The other decoration of the Russian table is fish. It is serveв hot and cold, cold, in aspic or stuffed, fried, marinated and the like. And, of course, soft, pressed and red caviar is the hit of every festive table. The English ward “porridge” is no good for translating kasha, which covers almost all ways of cooking all grains in water, milk, stock and cream. The simplest and traditional way to serve Russian kasha is with plenty of good butter. There is also a large variety of milk products that are used in cooking. Such as granulated cream cheese tvorog, thick sour cream smetana and several types of sour-milk products of the yoghourt type. Russian cuisine is famouse for its pies, such as rasstegai, kulebyaka, vatrushki, krendeli, boubliki, baranki, sooshki, koolich. As for drinks, Russian cuisine offers you its original beverages: kvas and zbiten and a lot of different fruit and berry beverages.

Russian people are very hospitable and generous at the table. They invite everyone who enters their house to eat with them.

According to Russian tradition, a meal begins with the appetizers, for example a variety of salted, fermented and pickled cucumbers, cabbage and mushrooms, also soaked apples and cowberry to be followed by cold dishes. Also popular are soaked cranberry and marinated garlic. Vinaigrette, a Russian-style salad, is based on boiled beetroot diced. To this are added boiled carrots and potatoes, salted cucumbers, finely chopped onions and sauerkraut. The salad is dressed with mayonnaise or sunflower oil. Many Russian desserts are prepared with fruits and berries, for example, baked apples with vanilla and vodka sauce or apples baked with honey. Pancakes (blini) are a popular hot dish in Russia. They are made of wheat, buckwheat or millet and served with black and red caviar, cream butter, lightly-salted fish and sour cream. Pancakes come not only as appetizers but also as desserts with strawberries, jams or honey.

  1. Find the Russian equivalents to the following word combinations

Many types of cutting, with the head left on, was either French or French-trained, cut into strips, to make minced meat, in aspic, thick sour cream, yeast dough rolls, filled with curds, knot-shaped bread, water-fermented by yeast, a sign of respect, a typical trait of character.

  1. Find the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Соленые, квашеные и маринованные огурцы; моченые яблоки; характерная черта; приправленный майонезом; мелко порезанный лук; сделать блюдо более красивым и ароматным; нежный вкус; чем больше слоев и ингредиентов, тем вкуснее блюдо.
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