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Практическая работа по грамматике включает в себя выполнение упражнений на закрепление грамматических правил с использованием активной лексики по теме. Контрольная работа является обобщающим материалом по теме

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Практические работы по английскому языку

Специальность: Технология продукции общественного питания

Практические работы включают в себя повторение активной лексики по заданной теме в рамках выбранного грамматического материала

Практические работы предназначены для 2-4 курса специальности «Технология продукции общественного питания». Материал включает в себя 15 практических работ и 8 контрольных работ по темам “Shopping”, “At the restaurant”, “Meals in the USA and Great Britain”, “Russian cuisine”, “Cooking”, “Service”, “My profession is a cook”, “Healthy food”. На закрепление каждой темы отводится 2 практические работы (лексическая и грамматическая) и 1 контрольная работа. Лексическая практическая работа объединяет в себе повторение активного словаря посредством выполнения упражнений англо-русского и русско-английского переводов, а так же написания мини-сочинений по предложенной теме. Практическая работа по грамматике включает в себя выполнение упражнений на закрепление грамматических правил с использованием активной лексики по теме. Контрольная работа является обобщающим материалом по теме.
Для выполнения практических и контрольных работ необходимо:

- владеть лексикой урока;

-уметь применять пройденные грамматические правила с использованием активной лексики;

- уметь строить предложения;

- уметь грамотно высказывать свои мысли по предложенной теме с использованием активной лексики.

Формирование иноязычных компетенций необходимых специалисту в сфере профессиональной коммуникации, то есть формирование современного специалиста, владеющего профессионально значимой лексикой на английском языке и умеющего общаться на английском языке на профессиональные темы, а также способного к самосовершенствованию в изучении английского языка.

- Усовершенствовать навыки применения активной профессиональной лексики в чтении и письме;

- Обеспечить практическое владение профессионально-направленной терминологией;

- Научиться применять правила по грамматике в конкретных текстах;

- Научиться составлять мини-тексты по предложенным темам с использованием активной лексики урока.

Practical training # 1.

  1. Translate the abstract from English into Russian.

In the meat aisle the customers can buy beef, pork, mutton, veal, poultry and game. At the bread counter you take loaves of brown (rye) or white (wheat) bread, rusks, rolls and buns. After buying all necessary products, you come-up to the cashier’s desk to pay the money. Sometimes there are a lot of customers in the shop and you have to get in line, but most often it doesn’t take much time. If you are smart shopper, you compare prices, pick out foodstuffs, always look at the date on the labels of perishable foods, check the change and look for bargains. As the English say, “A penny saved is a penny earned”.

Today we are going to the oriental market for shopping. You’ll taste cheese, home-baked bread and smoked pork. Everything is cooked fresh, daily, and the quality of produce is superb. You’ll find fresh herbs as well as some more exotic vegetables. The meat of sausages content is very high and usually crushed coriander, hot peppers and other spices are added. Let’s stop at one of the mobile baking stands on our way out. There is fresh, seed coated bread, buns full of black olives, mint and onion sesame paste, tasty pastries and sausages rolls in these stands. You are always welcome at the oriental market!

  1. Find the Russian equivalents.

Shops catering for needs of the population, regular customer, to put all the products you buy, tinned fish, all kinds of cereals, ready packets, a big choice of items, all year round, it doesn’t take much time, to compare prices.

Home-baked bread, smoked pork, a huge variety of food, fresh black-eyed beans, a lot of slithering silver fish, self- respecting cook, slightly gamy flavor, depending on where it is made, before being smoked, one of the mobile baking stands, honey soaked doughnuts in syrup.

  1. Translate from Russian into English using your active vocabulary.

  1. В супермаркетах продают не только продукты питания. 2. Большой современный супермаркет недавно открыли недалеко от моего дома. 3. Здесь вы можете купить все необходимые продукты питания. 4. Там всегда большой выбор рыбы. 5. Все продается в готовых упаковках. 6. Яйца часто также продают в молочном отделе. 7. Дальше – прилавок с деликатесами. 8. Торговый ряд с овощами и фруктами выглядит очень привлекательно. 9. Сделав покупки, вы подходите к кассе, чтобы заплатить деньги. 10. Иногда в магазине много покупателей и вы вынуждены стоять в очереди.

  2. Это будет замечательное путешествие. 2. Качество продуктов превосходное. 3. Только взгляните на помидоры, зрелые и такие ароматные. 4. Вы всегда купите там свежую зелень, такую как петрушка и кинза. 5. Обилие отливающей серебром скользкой рыбы придает рынку привлекательный вид.6. не пропустите вкусный и зеленый инжир. 7. Вы найдете там осьминогов, кальмаров, каракатиц. 8. Направляясь к мясным рядам, вы увидите огромное количество красных туш. 9. Вы можете легко заметить разницу в аромате. 10. Перед копчением колбасы вымачивают в красном вине. 11. Пора покидать рынок. 12. Давайте перед уходом с рынка остановимся около одной из тележек с выпечкой.

  1. Write a composition on subject “How I’m going shopping” or “the supermarket of the 21 century”

Practical training #2.

  1. Insert the articles where it needs.

  1. Do you want ... cup of coffee? 2. There is ... bottle of milk in ... refrigerator. 3. Do you like ... cheese? 4. My daughter likes ... chocolate. I’ll give her ... bar of chocolate. 5. Where do you usually have ... dinner? 6. Bring me ... glass of water, please? 7. Buy ... loaf of ... white bread, please.

  1. Make the nouns plural.

A store, a product, a bakery, an item, a basket, a mouse, an aisle, a customer, a tooth, a counter, a man, a woman, a roll, a pear, an avocado, a sheep.

  1. Translate into Russian paying attention to the prepositions.

  1. We eat soup with a spoon. 2. I usually buy fresh fruits and vegetables. 3. He invited our teacher to his birthday party yesterday. 4. This cake was cooked by my mother. 5. I’ll try to explain the advantages of vegetarianism. 6. You can be proud of your dish. 7. Do you know the way to that supermarket?

  1. Transform the verbs in brackets in Present Simple:

  1. He (to drink) coffee in the morning. 2. They (to like) dairy products. 3. We (not to like) meat dishes. 4. My mother (to go) shopping on Sundays. 5. Mike usually (to have lunch) at 12 o’clock. 6. You (to cook) well? 7. We always (to eat) healthy food?

  1. Make the sentences negative. Ask all the possible questions.

  1. I like to cook. 2. We go to the restaurant at 9 o’clock. 3. My sister makes good coffee. 4. She washes up after supper.

  1. Insert the verb to be in Present Simple.

  1. ... you a vegetarian? – No, I ... not. 2. My father ... a cook. 3. They ... at the restaurant. 4. Where ... the apples? – They ... on the table.

  1. Make the sentence plural, negative and interrogative.

  1. There is a plate on the table. 2. There is an apple on the plate. 3. There is a man in the restaurant hall. 4. There is a pie for lunch.

  1. Ask the tag question to the sentences.

  1. Bill is a good cook. 2. The forks are on the table. 3. Your mother cooks well. 4. There are so many people in the shop. 5. The restaurant is small. 6. We have lunch at 12. 6. He doesn’t eat too much. 7. They don’t buy products at this supermarket. 8. Those pancakes are tasty. 9. There are no shops in this street. 10. Your parents like to eat out.

  1. Ask general question to the sentences. Make the sentences negative.

  1. There is some bread on the table. 2. I want some milk in my coffee. 3. I have got some fresh meat in my fridge. 4. She buys some products in the shop. 5. Mother gives the children some bread and butter.

  1. Translate into Russian.

  1. To know everything is to know nothing. 2. Everybody’s business is nobody’s business. 3. Can you see anything? – Nothing at all. 4. She never gives anything to anybody. 5. Somewhere someone is crying. 6. She has nowhere to live. 7. I can’t remember anything. 8. Nothing new under the sun. 9. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 10. It is never too late to learn. 11. They must be somewhere near here. 12. She hasn’t got anybody to talk to. 13. They never go anywhere in the evening. 14. He never reads anything except newspapers. 15. Can you smell anything? – yes, something burning.

Test #1.
Match the words with the pictures

a bar of, a bottle of, a tin of, a packet of, a loaf of, a joint of, a dozen of, a jar of, half a pound of, a tube of, a box of

Fill the gaps with the words from the box. Translate the text.

bargains, buy, ones, prices, are offer, money, line, there, supermarkets, spend, different

Shopping in the USA.
Americans love to shop. If they shop for small items like coffee and tea or big ___ (1) like furniture, they ____ (2) a lot of time and ____ (3) in different stores. Many of them are smart shoppers; they compare _____ (4), check the sales and look for _____ (5). As they say, “a penny saved is a penny earned”.

In the USA you can do shopping at many _____ (6) places.

Food is more expensive at the convenience stores, they are open 24 hours a day and you can shop there quickly. Usually you make your purchase without having to wait in _____ (7). Many people do their weekly shopping at the large ____ (8) near their home.

Supermarkets ____(9) a wide variety of goods and services. You can get flowers, food, cosmetics, auto supplies, household items and even stamps ____ (10).

The oriental markets contain foodstuffs and delicacies that are unavailable at the supermarkets.

Some people buy most of the groceries at the oriental markets. You can get Vietnamese, Korean and other specialties there.

Some Americans often ____ (11) fruit at the farmers markets. Farmers bring their fresh fruit and vegetables to this open-air markets several times a week. The prices ____ (12) fairly reasonable and the produce is fresh.

Practical training #3.

  1. Translate the abstract from English into Russian.

Some years ago it was rather difficult to find a place for eating in Moscow. There were few canteens, cafes and restaurants where people could have lunch, dinner or a snack. But Moscow has changed. Nowadays there are a lot of different places here where we can eat decent food at a reasonable price and take someone for lunch on business. If you want to eat on the run, you should go to a fast-food restaurant: McDonalds, “Russian Bistro” or Pizza Hut. If you are in a hurry, you can have a snack in a bar. But if you seek the gastronomical experience of your life, you should go somewhere else. There are hundreds of restaurants in Moscow to satisfy everyone’s taste. In European, American and oriental restaurants of Moscow you can order international dishes although each restaurant as a rule specializes in one of the national cuisines. It is impossible to describe all the variety of delicious dishes of different countries. Our advice is to visit these restaurants and taste everything yourself.

I spend a lot of time at the college that is why it’s necessary to have a snack time there. During the break I go to have lunch to our college canteen. It’s always full of people at this time. I go to the service counter and line up. There is self-service at our canteen. Sometimes it takes quite a lot of time to stand in the line and I have to gulp my lunch in five minutes. The choice of dishes in our canteen is rather rich, the quality of food is good and the prices are reasonable. You can take the first dish, the main course and the dessert. Then you go to the counter, pay for everything you’ve chosen and take your seat and enjoy your meal. Besides the kitchen staff and the cashier two or three students on duty help to clear the plates and cups off the tables and to keep order in the canteen.

  1. Make a dialogue, using the following words and word combinations.

To eat decent food at reasonable price – прилично поесть по разумной цене

To take someone for lunch on business – пригласить кого-либо на бизнес ланч

To eat on the run – поесть на бегу

To experience the dishes – попробовать блюда

To be in a hurry – спешить

To have a snack – перекусить

To take a quite bite – перекусить

To satisfy one’s taste – удовлетворить чей-либо вкус

To keep the old traditions – хранить старые традиции

Look through the menu card and make an order.

  1. Две порции селедки с луком, луковый суп, два антрекота.

  2. Гороховый суп, баранья отбивная, вишневое мороженое.

  3. Рыбное ассорти, тушеные овощи, минеральная вода.

  4. Для себя и своего друга: крабовый салат, утка с яблоками, кофе, мороженое.

  1. Translate the sentences, using your active vocabulary.

  1. Я знаю хороший ресторан недалеко от нашего офиса, куда ты можешь пригласить своего гостя на бизнес-ланч. 2. В этом кафе вы можете прилично поесть по разумной цене. 3. У меня никогда нет времени на обед, я всегда ем на бегу. 4. Если вы спешите, то можете пообедать в ресторане быстрого питания. 5. Если вы хотите пополнить свой гастрономический опят, то должны пообедать в ресторане быстрой кухни. 6. В Москве сейчас много ресторанов, которые хранят традиции русской кухни. 7. В каждом ресторане есть свое фирменное блюдо. 8. В Москве есть также много ресторанов, которые специализируются на какой-либо национальной кухне. 9. Народы Индокитая используют вместо соли соевый соус. 10. Невозможно описать все многообразие национальных блюд разных стран.

  1. Write a composition on subjects (by your choice) :

“McDonalds. I’m lovin it”,

“Coca-Cola. Enjoy Coca-Cola”,

“Famous Russian Restaurants”

“Famous European and American Restaurants. It’s worth to visit”

“Chinese and Indochinese restaurants. The most exotic dishes”

“Japanese restaurants. The atmosphere of East”

“The restaurant of my dream”

  1. Using the vocabulary of the lesson, create (paint, write, decorate) your own menu card for the restaurant. Don’t forget about the list of beverages and ales.

Practical Training # 4.

  1. Transform the Infinitive of the following verbs into Participle II. Translate them.

to wash, to dry, to salt, to cook, to fry, to boil, to roast, to stew, to tin, to bake, to smoke, to serve.

  1. Translate the word combinations from Russian into English.

приготовленный завтрак, копченая колбаса, жареное мясо, кипяченое молоко, отварная говядина, сушеные фрукты, поданная еда, испеченный пирог, копченая осетрина, соленая рыба.

  1. Transform sentences into Past Simple.

  1. I work at the restaurant. 2. My mother seldom cooks dinner. 3. I often fry fish. 4. My grandmother dries apples in summer. 5. She tins meat herself. 6. I bake delicious peach pie. 7. We order fish and chips in this snack bar. 8. I drink a glass of juice every morning. 9. This waiter serves this table. 10. We buy dairy products every morning.

  1. Ask the general question to the following sentences. Give short answers.

  1. Mother bought a cake for tea. 2. I had dinner with my family yesterday. 3. After dinner they were very thirsty. 4. He drank two cups of tea. 5. Granny liked to cook very much. 6. She recommended that restaurant to me. 7. I ate on the run in a fast-food restaurant two days ago.

  1.   1   2   3   4   5

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