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Практическая работа по грамматике включает в себя выполнение упражнений на закрепление грамматических правил с использованием активной лексики по теме. Контрольная работа является обобщающим материалом по теме

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Practical training #10.

  1. Translate the abstract from English into Russian.

The menu is a listing of the items the food service establishment has for sale. The menu is an important component of food service operations. Without a menu the customers will not know what their choice is for dishes to order. The menu creates an image of the establishment. It should be in harmony with the type of the food service establishment. For example, fast-food or quick-service restaurants offer a limited number of menu items but they sell these items in large quantities. Their customers are served at a sales counter that is why separate menus are not needed. Customers are familiar with standardized menu and do not need its description. Fast-food restaurants simply post names and prices of their products near the sales counter. The menu planning is organized on the basis of the available food products and kitchen staff. The service transfers the menu items from the kitchen staff to the customers. In order to properly serve customers, the servers should be ready to answer their questions. They should know what items are on the menu, the portion sizes offered, how the items are prepared. Service should also know the meaning of all terms used on the menu so they can explain them to any customers.

  1. Find the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Предприятия общественного питания, важный компонент обслуживания, создает представление (имидж), ресторан быстрого обслуживания, ограниченное количество блюд в меню, традиционный ресторан с обслуживанием столов, детальное описание, привлечь внимание, блюдо дня, имеющиеся в распоряжении продукты питания, работники кухни, чтобы надлежащим образом обслуживать гостей, шеф-повар разрабатывает меню, обслуживающий персонал.

  1. Translate from Russian into English

Меню – это перечень наименований блюд, предлагаемых предприятием общественного питания. 2. Рестораны быстрого питания предлагают ограниченное количество блюд. 3. Гости не нуждаются в описании блюд, так как они хорошо знакомы с меню. 4. Чтобы привлечь внимание гостей к фирменным блюдам, некоторые рестораны пишут их названия на доске около входа. 5. Меню планируется на базе имеющихся в наличии продуктов и персонала кухни. 6. Официанты должны уметь объяснить гостям состав каждого блюда. 7. Меню разрабатывается шеф-поваром ресторана. 8. Шеф-повар обычно начинает планирование меню с основного блюда.

  1. Make up dialogues for the following situations.

а) Между официантом и гостем ресторана, желающим заказать диетические и вегетарианские блюда;

б) между гостями ресторана, выбирающими детские и фирменные блюда на обед;

в) между двумя гостями ресторана, выбирающими десерт.

  1. Make up a full menu card for the restaurant.

Practical training # 11.

  1. Give the negative and positive answers to the questions.


Have you ever been to London? – Yes, I have been to London this year. No, I have never been to London.

Have you ever eaten the oysters? 2. Have you ever drunk the French campaign? 3. Have you ever cooked the polenta? 4. Have you ever tasted the lobster? 5. Have you ever made the charlotte? 6. Have you ever tried the doner kebab?

  1. Put the verbs that are given in brackets into Past Simple or Present Perfect.

I already (to cook) the dinner. 2. I (to cook) it an hour ago. 3. He (not to eat) today. 4. He (not to eat) yesterday. 5. Look at the cake! I (to make) it myself. 6. Last Sunday I (to make) an apple pie. 7. Mother (to prepare) a wonderful dinner last Sunday. 8. I just (to have lunch) with my friends. 9. ... you ever (to eat) salted watermelons? 10. We (to have dinner) at the French restaurant yesterday.

  1. Answer the questions.


Have you finished the work yet? – No, I haven’t finished it yet. Yes, i have already finished it.

Have you eaten at the new French restaurant yet? 2. Have you bought the foodstuff for the dinner yet? 3. Have you washed the dishes yet? 4. Have you warmed up the soup yet? 5. Has he cooked the meat yet? 6. Has she served the guests yet? 7. Have they laid the table yet? 8. Have you had dinner yet?

  1. Answer the questions using Future Perfect:


Have you done your homework? – Not yet. But I shall have done it by 3 o’clock.

Have you boiled the vegetables? (by 2 o’clock) 2. Have you laid the table? (by the time the guests come). 3. Have you translated the text? (by 5 o’clock tomorrow) 4. Has he finished reading my book? (by tomorrow)

  1. Add the sentences using Past Perfect:


Kate had laid the table before the guests came.

  1. ... before it began to rain. 2. ... before her mother came home. 3. ... by 5 o’clock. 4. I didn’t want to go to the cinema because ... .

  1. Translate from Russian into English:

  1. Ты когда-нибудь был в Нью-Йорке? 2. Я только что пришел. 3. Он никогда не ел устриц. 4. Вы уже сделали домашнее задание? – Нет, еще не сделали. 5. Мой друг купил машину в этом году. 6. Мы накрыли на стол до того, как пришли гости. 7. Я сделаю эту работу завтра к 5 часам. 8. Когда я пришла домой, мама уже ушла на работу. 9. Ты уже помыла посуду? – Нет еще. 10. Они никогда не были в итальянском ресторане. 11. Билл уже приготовил обед, когда родители вернулись домой.

Test # 6.

Match the words with the pictures





Frying pan


Rolling pin

Plate rack

Cruet set


Fill the gaps with the words from the box. Each word can be used only once. Translate the text.

put, soup spoons, tablecloth, dessert, in, cooks, cutlery, ready, forks, plates

Receiving guests.
When we have visitors ____ (1) our house, I usually lay the table and mother _____ (2) dinner. First, I spread the _____ (3). I take out of the cupboard all the _____ (4) – knives, forks and spoons.

I put the knives and the _____ (5) on the right-hand side and the _____ (6) on the left, except the spoons and forks for _____ (7), which I put across the top.

Before each guest I ____ (8) the service plate. On the left of each guest I put wine glasses. Then I put the napkins to the left of the service _____ (9) and I am _____ (10) for the guests to come in.

Practical training #12.

  1. Translate the abstract from English into Russian.

Every school year we do practice work for 2-3 months. This year our group have done their practice at the Golden Palace restaurant. This is a large restaurant, which is open 24 hours a day since it is the restaurant by the casino with the same name. There are three departments within the main shop there – a cold shop, a hot shop and a pastry-cook’s shop. Salads, snacks, sandwiches, cuts of cold meat and desserts are made in the cold shop. Soups, hot meat and fish dishes and sauces are prepared in the hot shop. In the pastry-cook’s shop they make tarts, patties, fancy cakes, etc. All day we had to carry out cooks’ instructions. The kitchen staff is very experienced there. The chef is a very skilled cook too. At the end of our practice time we had to take the examination. We had to prepare three courses: soup, a main course and dessert. This practice certainly gave us much information, and more importantly, valuable experience in preparing new dishes.

  1. Find the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Работники кухни, украшать зеленью, поручить приготовить соус для десерта, очень опытный повар, планировать меню, в форме звездочек, ценный опыт.

  1. Translate the Text # “Food safety” in writing form.

  1. Find the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Вести борьбу с заболеваниями, связанными с отравлением пищей, отравиться пищей, уберечь клиентов от заболеваний, связанных с пищевыми отравлениями, план безопасного питания, быть нарушенным, рабочее место, нарушение санитарных норм, симптомы, скрытые высокими дозами медицинских препаратов против простуды и гриппа, правила хранения продуктов, принуждать поваров, подхватить пищевое отравление, страдать от пищевого отравления, испытать пищевое отравление, чтобы предотвратить опасность пищевого отравления, должны быть ознакомлены, гигиена служащих, техника уборки и санитарной обработки.

  1. Write a composition about your practice at the cafe or restaurant. Use the following questions as a plan.

  1. What is your future profession?

  2. Have you done practice this year?

  3. Where have you done your practice?

  4. In what shop (cafe? Restaurant) did you work?

  5. What dishes did you prepare?

  6. When did you begin your work?

  7. How many hours a day did you have to work?

  8. When did the kitchen staff begin their work?

  9. What kind of work did you do?

  10. Was the kitchen staff experienced there?

  11. Was a chef a skilled cook?

  12. What were the duties of the chef?

  13. Was he a good manager?

  14. Who organized your work?

  15. Did you have to take your examination at the end of practice?

  16. What did you have to cook?

  17. Do you think you made the right choice of profession?

  18. Where would you like to work after graduating from college?

  19. Do you like your future profession? Why?

  20. How do you think to develop your career?

  1. Translate the Text # “Working his way up” in writing form.

  1. Find the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Хорошо выполнять свою работу, получить повышение по службе, начать учиться на официанта, упорный труд, терпение и решительность, вверх по лестнице успеха, получать самые большие чаевые, получить должность помощника шеф-повара.

Practical training # 13.

  1. Translate into Russian, paying your attention to the Infinitive.

She helped me to lay the table for the party. 2. To live is to work. 3. The text to be read at home is not difficult. 4. To read is to know a lot. 5. Mother told him not to go out that day. 6. He went to London to learn English. 7. We stopped for the minute to rest. 8. She is the only woman to understand me. 9. This dish is easy to cook. 10. There’s nothing to cook. 11. You have a lot of work to cook. 12. The tea is too hot to drink. 13. He is clever enough to understand the situation. 14. Children need friends to play with. 15. He entered the Culinary school to become a catering specialist.

  1. Translate into English.

Чтобы приготовить это блюдо, тебе нужны овощи и растительное масло. 2. Наш долг – приходить на работу вовремя. 3. Найти хорошую работу – моя цель в данный момент. 4. Я надеюсь, что найду партнера для этого дела. 5. Для того чтобы пользоваться этим прибором (device), вы должны внимательно прочесть инструкцию. 6. Он единственный человек, который меня понимает. 7. У меня есть работа, которую я должен сделать сегодня. 8. Вы слишком молоды, чтобы понять меня. 9. Менеджер попросил накрыть стол на 8 персон. 10. Слайсер – это устройство для резки овощей.

  1. Translate into Russian, paying your attention to the Gerund.

My sister enjoys being alone. 2. Kate likes cooking, but she hates washing up. 3. I hate getting up early. 4. He doesn’t mind working on Sunday. 5. It started raining. 6. The soup was very hot and I was afraid of burning my tongue. 7. The vegetables need washing and peeling. 8. This knife is only for cutting bread. 9. I translated the text without dictionary. 10. Nick is very good in cooking. 11. I’m hungry. I’m looking forward to having lunch. 12. Ann didn’t succeed in passing the exams. 13. The guests thanked the waiter for serving them so quickly. 14. I insist on your coming to my party. 15. They gave up the idea of finding a job in this town. 16. Instead of eating at home we went to a restaurant. 17. Bill left without finishing his dinner. 18. Speaking English is easier than reading it. 19. It’s no use crying over spilt milk. 20. Forgive my interrupting you.

  1. Add the sentences using the word combinations that are given in the frame changing the Infinitive into Gerund.

to wait for my friends, to smoke here, to go to the theatre, to cook meat dishes, to fry food, to make cakes, to open the window, to have coffee, to eat more vegetables, to travel, to learn foreign languages.

  1. I enjoy ... . 2. They finished ... . 3. She started ... . 4. They need ... . 5. I don’t mind ... . 6. Go on ... ! 7. He didn’t stop ... . 8. Do you mind ... ? 9. My mother likes ... . 10. I avoid ... . 11. My sister hates ... .

Test # 7.

Match the words with the pictures

Hot dog







Cray fish




Fill the gaps with the words from the box. Each word can be used only once. Translate the text.

Some, fat, ingredients, taste, contains, low, heart, butter, blended, milk, contain

What’s the difference between margarine and butter?
Margarine is a solid emulsion of water in a single oil, or ____ (1) oils, usually of vegetable origin, it also may ____ (2) a percentage of milk. It has a ____ (3) content of not less than 80 and not more than 90 per cent. Butter is made from ____ (4) and contains about the same amount of fat. Spreads contain less fat and more water – some are specifically marketed as ____ (5) – fat, while others are made from specific ____ (6), such as Olivio made from olive oil, or Utterly Butterly made from “pure buttermilk”.

The main advantage of ____ (7) is that it is essentially natural. The main disadvantage is that it ____ (8) a high proportion of saturated fat that cause ____ (9) disease.

Many butters also have ____ (10) salt. But if you like the ____ (11) of butter, there is no need to feel guilty.

Practical training #14.

  1. Translate the abstract from English into Russian.

Your health and general wellbeing is very much determined by what you eat and how even a minor change in your diet can help to strengthen your resistance to many illnesses. What many people fail to recognize is that their bodies have more than just one signal. Tiredness, aches and pains, stress, even chronic disease – all these can be indications of a diet that is lacking nutrition. Scientists now know that food and its affects are as complex as our own bodies. Of the thousands of chemicals, minerals and vitamins found in a single food, many are potential life-savers or hazards of health, depending on how much is consumed over time. By matching your diet to your lifestyle and developing better eating habits both at home and when you eat out, you can keep yourself in the best of health.

While a meatless diet is growing more and more popular, particularly with the young, researchers discover the health benefits of meat-free eating. What is a vegetarian? By the definition, vegetarianism prohibits the consumption of meat or fish, but some diets are more restrictive than other.

  1. Find the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Брать на себя большую ответственность, влиять на наше здоровье, улучшение образа жизни, в большой степени определяется, увеличить сопротивление многим болезням, сигнал тревоги, испытывать недостаток в питательных веществах, плохое питание, состояние организма, тесно связанный, регулировать прием пищи, приспосабливать свой режим питания к образу жизни.

  1. Find the Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Reduced stress, general wellbeing, a minor change, built-inn alarm signal, “fuel for the body”, choosy, body sugar, people fail to recognize, bodily health, eating habit, social pleasures.

A meatless diet, health benefits, meat-free eating, by definition, consumption of meat or fish, ovo-lacto-vegetarians, lacto-vegetarians, exclude pulses and cereals, healthy eating guidelines, wholegrain cereals, good sources of beta carotene, antioxidant nutrients, the risk of heart disease, regular meat-eaters.

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