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ЛГ Практикум. Практикум по английскому языку для студентов медицинских вузов Воронеж 2009 удк 881. 111 Ббк 81. 423. 1

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e. Open the brackets using the correct verb form

Why Do I Need to Wash My Hands?

"you 1(wash) your hands?"

How many times you 2 (hear) that today? Probably a lot. But why are adults so hung up on hand washing? Why 3(be) they so in love with washing hands?

Washing your hands is the best way to stop germs from spreading. Think about all of the things that you 4 (touch) today - from the telephone to the toilet. Maybe you 5(blow) your nose in a tissue and then 6(go) outside to dig around the dirt. Whatever you 7(do) today, you 8(come) into contact with germs. It's easy for a germ on your hand to end up in your mouth. Think about how many foods you 9(eat) with your hands.

You can't wear rubber gloves all day long, but you can wash your hands so those germs 10 (not get) a chance to make you or someone else sick. When germs go down the drain, they can't make anyone sick.

f. Open the brackets using the correct verb form

Emotion Location

With all the other things it 1(do), it isn’t any surprise that the brain 2(run) your emotions? Maybe you got the exact toy you 3(want) for your birthday and you 4(be) really happy. Or your friend is sick and you feel sad. Or your little brother 5(mess up) your room, so you're really angry! Where those feelings 6(come) from? Your brain, of course.

Your brain 7(have) a little bunch of cells on each side called the amygdala .The word amygdala is Latin for almond, and that's what this area 8(look) like. Scientists 9(believe) that the amygdala is responsible for emotion. It's normal to feel all different kinds of emotions, good and bad. Sometimes you might 10(feel) a little sad, and other times you might feel scared, or silly, or glad.

g. Open the brackets using the correct verb form

Your Ribs

Your heart, lungs, and liver 1(be) all very important, and luckily you've got ribs to keep them safe. Ribs 2(act) like a cage of bones around your chest. It's easy to feel the bottom of this cage by running your fingers along the sides and front of your body, a few inches below your heart. If you 3(breathe) in deeply, you can easily 4(feel) your ribs right in the front of your body, too. Some thin kids can even see a few of their ribs right through their skin.

Your ribs come in pairs, and the left and right sides of each pair 5(be) exactly the same. Most people 6(have) 12 pairs of ribs, but some people 7(bear) with one or more extra ribs, and some people might have one pair less.

The very last two sets of ribs 8(call) floating ribs because they 9 ( not connect) to the sternum or the ribs above them. But don’t worry, these ribs can't ever float away. Like the rest of the ribs, they securely 10 (attach) to the spine in the back.

h. Open the brackets using the correct verb form

Taking Care of Bones

Your bones 1(help) you out every day so make sure you 2(take) care of them. Here 3(be) some tips:

Protect those skull bones (and your brain inside!) by wearing a helmet for bike riding and other sports. When you 4(use) a skateboard, in-line skates, or a scooter, be sure to add wrist supports and elbow and knee pads. Your bones in these places 5(thank) you if you 6 (have) a fall!

If you play sports like football, soccer, lacrosse, or ice hockey, always wear all the right equipment.
Never play on a trampoline. Many kids end up with broken bones from jumping on them. Broken bones can eventually 7(heal), but it 8(take) a long time and 9(not be) much fun while you wait.

Strengthen your skeleton by drinking milk and eating other dairy products (like low-fat cheese or frozen yogurt). They all contain calcium, which 10 (help) bones harden and become strong.

Be active! Another way to strengthen your bones is through exercise like running, jumping, dancing, and playing sports.
i. Open the brackets using the correct verb form

How Bones Grow

When you 1(be) a baby, you 2(have) tiny hands, tiny feet, and tiny everything!

Slowly, as you 3(grow) older, everything (4become) a bit bigger, including your bones.

A baby's body 5(have) about 300 bones at birth. These eventually 6(fuse) (grow together) to form the 206 bones that adults have. Some of a baby's bones are made entirely of a special material called cartilage. Other bones in a baby are partly made of cartilage. This cartilage 7(be) soft and flexible. During childhood, as you 8(develop), the cartilage grows and is slowly replaced by bone, with help from calcium.

By the time you are about 25, this process 9(be) complete. After this 10(happen), there can be no more growth — the bones are as big as they will ever be. All of these bones make up a skeleton that is both very strong and very light.
j. Open the brackets using the correct verb form

A Case Study

The patient who ____________1 (die) last week ____________2 (be) a 75-year-old male. We ___________ 3 (admit) him into ICU two months ago when he __________ 4 (suffer) a major stroke. The patient _______________5 (have) a history of diabetes and cardiac failure. Before he was admitted to ICU, he ____________ б (already spend) two weeks on a general ward. In the first month he ____________7 (show) some improvement. He _____________8 (respond) well to medication when he suddenly ______________9 (acquire) a severe respiratory infection. Antibiotics ____________10 (not cope) with the infection and within three

days, he _____________12 (be) dead.

2. Grammar Tests
Test 1
1 Underline the correct form of the verbs

Ahmad is working /works1in the Pathology lab at City Hospital. Most days he is analysing /analyses2samples and carries /carrying3out tests on blood. He's testing/tests4blood to look for bacteria and parasites. He also is counting /counts5blood cells and is matching / matches6blood for transfusions. Today is different though. Today Ahmad is examining / examines7body fluids through a microscope and writes / writing8 a report for the Infectious Diseases department. Usually he enjoys / is enjoying9his work, even though sometimes he works / is working10night shifts and weekends. His wife says he works / is working ntoo hard.
2 Complete the conversation using the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. Use short forms (for example 'm, 're, 's, don't, etc.)

A Hello. You 're doing1 (do) the same course as me, aren't you?

B Yes. I______________2 (be) in my third year. And you?

A Second year. I _____________3 (work) on the wards at the moment.

B ___________ you 4 (enjoy) it?

A Yes, it's OK. I ____________5 (like) the practicals best.

B ______________ you _______________ 6 (study) for exams too?

A Yes. ______________ 7 (study) for three hours every night! And I _____________8 (start) work at 7.30, so it's hard. Anyway, how ____________ things ___________9 (go) with you?

B Busy! As well as exams and work, I ____________10 (apply) for jobs.

I ____________u (go) for an interview tomorrow.

A Really? Great! Well I suppose you ____________12 (not want) to come for a drink tonight, then. I__________13 (meet) my friend at seven.

B Well... OK then, but not late. I __________14 (get up) at five tomorrow morning.
3 Write the questions to these answers

  1. Who are you meeting tonight? I'm meeting Tony and Ana.

  2. Where __________________ My boyfriend works in the centre of town.

  3. How ____________________ Most people come to work by bus.

  4. What time ________________ The cafeteria opens at seven.

  5. Which ___________________ I'm working the night shift tomorrow.

  6. What ____________________ Lina's doing a placement at the moment.

  7. What time ________________ We're meeting at six.

  8. What ____________________ Those doctors are talking about football.

4. Read the case study and write answers in the same tense as the questions

Patient: female, 58 years

Reason for admission:

suffering chest pains & intermittent breathlessness for the past two days

Observations: VS indicate critical condition

Diagnosis by SHO on duty:

Cardiac failure

Action taken:

  1. Admission to ICU

  2. Immediate intubation & mechanical ventilation

Instructions to nurses:

Fit urinary catheter


Records of temperature and WBC in 'Vital Signs' file


Who was the patient?

The patient was a 58-year-old female.______________

1 Why did the patient come to hospital?

The patient to hospital because she _________ chest pains and breathlessness.

2 What did her vital signs indicate?

Her vital signs __that she was in a critical condition.

3 What was the diagnosis of the SHO on duty?

The SHO on duty cardiac failure and her to ICU.

4 What treatment has been given to the patient?

We intubation and mechanical ventilation.

  1. What further treatment is the patient going to have? We a urinary catheter.

  2. Where have you recorded her temperature and WBC? We records in the 'Vital signs' file.

Test 2
1 Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences

1 You'd better a use a cream for stretch marks.

2 It's always a good idea b to drink alcohol while you're pregnant.

3 I don't think you ought с monitor continuously to make sure the

4 I'd baby isn't distressed,

5 Try not to d get too stressed.

6 You may want to e to eat a balanced diet in pregnancy, f stop smoking if I were you.
2 Correct the mistakes in the sentences

  1. If your baby is becoming breathless, you'd better to phone a doctor.

  1. It's some good ideas to check small children often because they can get ill quickly.

  1. Try provide a peaceful sleeping place for your baby.

  2. You may want having the reassurance of a scan.

  1. I'd making sure that your baby gets his first vaccinations when he is two months old.

  1. You'd be better not bathe the baby until she is a day old at least.

  1. You should to avoid drinking coffee because the caffeine will pass through your breast milk.

  2. You can be letting your baby tell you when it needs feeding.

3 Complete the text with the connectors below

as in addition although despite

for this reason therefore also however
For pain relief in labour, Pethidine or gas and air are most commonly used. There is __________1an anaesthetic called an epidural. Bach has advantages; _________2, each has disadvantages as well.
_________3 Pethidine is similar to Morphine, in most places a midwife can give it without a prescription from a doctor. Pethidine has a stronger effect on small bodies than on large ones and _________4 smaller women usually receive a smaller than usual dose. __________5 the fact that Pethidine takes away a feeling of control, it does give excellent pain relief.
Gas and air gives extra help during labour, _________6 it is often used when contractions come fast. _________7, the oxygen is probably good for the baby. An epidural is also an effective method of pain control. An anaesthetist will administer an epidural 8 it requires a specialist to set up and start.

Test 3
1 Reorder the words to write sentences

1 gardening / he / collapsed / when / he / was

He collapsed when he was gardening__________________________.

2 nurse / assessed / the / injuries / triage / his


3 street / and / crossing / the / a / car / hit / her / she / was


4 when / he / taking / he / died / was / medication


5 operation / he / was / lot / of / pain / before / the / in / a


6 up / and / up / the / weather / admissions / in / went / hot / hospital


7 a / careful / the / made / after / examination / he / diagnosis


8 the / was / when / the / rang /1 / leaving / house / phone


9 normal / living / a / until / accident / the / she / life / was

2 Complete this GP's referral letter with the Past Simple or the Past Continuous form of the verbs in brackets

Last April, Mr Nesbitt ___________1 (move) furniture when he __________2 (sprain) his back. He __________3 (consult) me and said the pain _________4 (keep) him awake every night. I ________5 (tell) him to rest and ___________6 (prescribe) a painkiller. The following week he ___________7 (report) feeling better, but a month later he __________8 (come) in to see me again. He _________9 (say) his back was stiff and there __________10 (be) some pain, but it __________11 (get) better slowly.

Mr Nesbitt ___________12 (not take) regular medication before his injury and ____________ 13(keep) fairly well.
3 Write the answers Mr Nesbitt would give to these questions

1 What were you doing when you sprained your back?


2 How did you feel after spraining your back?


3 How was your back after taking painkillers?


4 What medication were you taking before the injury?


5 How were you before the injury?

Test 4

1 Write the comparative and superlative forms of these adjectives

  1. hard -harder-thehardest7 sensitive

  2. fast 8 sleepy

  3. weak 9 strong

  4. well 10 effective

  5. painful 11 bad

  6. frightening 12 intense

2 Read each sentence. If it is correct, write a tick (/). If there is a mistake, correct it

  1. The most worst pain many women experience is in childbirth. ___worst_____

  2. It more hurts than it did yesterday. ________

  3. Physiotherapy can sometimes be more effective for back pain that drugs._______

  4. These tests are less painfuler than others, because only a drop of blood is needed.


  1. Which drug will give the most effective pain relief? ___________

  1. The fingers are one of most sensitive parts of the body. ___________

  2. My legs ache less when I'm walking than when I'm standing still. ___________

  3. Kidney stones are one the most painful conditions you can have. ___________

  4. It's difficult to say where it hurts the more. ___________

3 Complete these sentences with the comparative or superlative forms of the adjectives in exercise 1

  1. Aspirin is the strongest(strong) painkiller we've got, I'm afraid.

  2. Can I do anything to make you feel _________ (well) ?

  3. Moving around is getting __________ (hard) to do.

  4. Injection is __________ (fast) way to administer pain relief.

  5. He is _____________ (weak) he was yesterday.

  6. For children, thinking about the injection is ________ (frightening) the pain itself.

  1. Your fingers are _______________ (sensitive) your shoulders.

  2. He is feeling _______________ (sleepy) now and the pain is decreasing

  3. I can't ignore the pain any more - it's just getting ________________ (bad).

  1. This is ______________________ (intense) pain I've ever felt.

  2. These pills are much _______________ (effective) than those.

  3. It was _____________ (painful) experience I have ever had.

1   2   3   4   5   6   7

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