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ЛГ Практикум. Практикум по английскому языку для студентов медицинских вузов Воронеж 2009 удк 881. 111 Ббк 81. 423. 1

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НазваниеПрактикум по английскому языку для студентов медицинских вузов Воронеж 2009 удк 881. 111 Ббк 81. 423. 1
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Test 5
1 Complete the questions

1. __Do___ you have a rash on your back?

2. ________ the headaches worse at night?

3. ________ I going to die?

4. ________ you feeling better today?

5. ________ the sleeping tablet work last night?

6. ________ your husband coming to take you home ?

7. ________ you going home tomorrow?

8. ________ the consultant seen you yet?

9. ________ you move your fingers ?

10. _________ your arm feel any better this morning?

2 Add a question tag to the statements to make questions.

  1. He's stopped coughing, __hasn't he___ ?

  2. We finish our shift at eight o'clock, __________ ?

  3. Those painkillers are very effective, __________ ?

  4. He isn't any better, __________ ?

  5. You don't drink tea or coffee, __________ ?

  1. I have to give him this medication twice a day, _____________ ?

  2. There's not much improvement, ____________ ?

  3. You can see the swelling, ____________ ?

3 Complete the questions in the dialogue

Nurse When did the symptoms first appear? 1 (the symptoms / first appear)

Patient About a year ago.

Nurse Why 2 (you / not come) to see me?

Patient At the time I wasn't very worried.

Nurse And_____ 3(the symptoms / get worse)?

Patient Yes, they started to get worse about a month ago.

Nurse I see, and 4 (you take) medication since then?

Patient I went to see a homeopath and he prescribed these pills.

Nurse I see. 5 (you / can open) your mouth wide and say 'ah'?

Patient Ah.

Nurse Good, and _ 6 (what / happen) when you took the pills ?

Patient This rash appeared. 7 (you / can see) it on my back?

Nurse Yes, I see. So, 8 (there was) any improvement when you took the pills?

Patient No.

Nurse I see. And 9 (you still have) stomach aches?

Patient Yes.

Nurse 10 (you still taking) the homeopathic medicine?

Patient No, I stopped when the rash appeared.
Test 6

1 Match the beginnings and ends of these sentences

  1. Will Mrs Andrews

  2. What will you do if

  3. This will only lower your blood pressure

  4. Don't worry-

  5. Mr Wahid has cancelled his appointment, so

  6. Miss Fontana will need

  7. Dr Zappa is on his rounds

  8. I'll collect Mum in the car

a and will look at you as soon as he can.

b if you diet and take exercise.

с I'm sure everything will be OK.

d the treatment doesn't work?

e when she's discharged.

f go to room three please?

g a new dressing every two days.

h he won't be seeing you this afternoon.

2 Reorder the words to write sentences
1 will / he / arrives / you / when / see / the / doctor
The doctor will see you when he arrives.

2 be / think / soon / able / you / to / again / I / walk / 'll


3 you / hold / arm / won't / if / fall / my / you


4 you / food / with / shall / your I I Ihelp ?


5 see / difference / first / any / you / won't / at


6 will / bed / hand / me / please / a / with / you / give / this ?

3 Use these verbs with will, won't, or shall to complete the sentences. Use short form

need know take speak see die make give

  1. We feel sure your father __will make a full recovery.

  2. I'm afraid I don't think your father _________________ your name.

  3. I think he _____________ a new pair of spectacles soon.

  4. I _______________ you back to the wards now.

5 _______________ Dr Thompson ______________ Mrs DeToit this afternoon?

6 I __________________ you anymore of these tablets.

7 __________________ I ________________ to the doctor for you?

8 No, Mrs Fitzpatrick, you're fine – you _______________ tonight.
Test 7

1 Read each sentence. If it is correct, write a tick (). If there is a mistake, correct it

  1. This boy should having aBMI of 23. ____have_____

  2. You don't should worry about your weight.

  3. She should tries a low fat diet.

  4. We should all to do more exercise.

  5. You shouldn't eat so much.

  6. Your blood pressure's should fall if you lose some weight.

  7. You shouldn't allow your son to have too many sweets.

2 Complete the sentences with should / shouldn't and one of the verbs below








cut down

be prepared





  1. You shouldn't eatjust before you go to bed.

  2. You __________ your behaviour and way of thinking.

  3. You ___________ yourself goals, but they ___________ impossible goals.

  4. You ___________ only healthy food, and you _______fast food in your kitchen.

  5. You ___________ to see huge results overnight, and you ______ for hard work.

  6. You ___________ to eat something from each main food group at every main meal.

  7. You ___________ your fat intake.

  8. You ___________ between meals.

  9. You ___________ every day to burn up carbohydrates and fat.

  10. You ___________ plenty of water to fill yourself up.

3 Write two pieces of advice for each of these problems. They can be negative or positive

1 I think I'm addicted to fast food.

You should buy your favourite healthy food instead.________________________

You shouldn 't get a takeaway every day. _____________________________

2 I need to lose weight, but I hate jogging..



3 I'm overweight, and sometimes I feel dizzy and faint.



4 My children are getting fat.



5 I am worried about my husband's health. He drinks and smokes too much.


Test 8

1 Choose the correct expression to complete the sentences

1 We will be doing a stool test make a


a in order to

b so that

с the reason for

6 Your symptoms are __________ a food allergy.

a resulting in

b a result of

с which results

2 An abdominal angiogram is recommended _____________ we need to know about blood flow to the abdomen.

a so that

b since

с due to

7 We want to do an abdominal ultrasound ___________ we can get an image of your abdominal organs.

a in order to

b since

с so that

3 The smell of food our salivary glands

secreting an enzyme.

a which results

b resulting in

с results in

8 We're going to do a biopsy we can check for any abnormalities.

a so

b as

с because of

4 Inflammatory bowel disease can be

growth problems in children.

a the reason for

b due to

с a result of

9 Gastroenteritis is ________ a lot of time off work.

a as a result of

b the cause of

с because of

5 The dehydration is ___________ the patient's diarrhea.

a resulting in

b since

с due to

10 ________ a lack of nursing staff, the clinic is now closed on Friday afternoon.

a Owing to

b Because

c Since

2 Complete the answers to the questions using the information in brackets


Why shouldn't I give the patient this medication?

(allergic to it) because You

shouldn't give the patient this medication because he is allergic to it.

1 Why are you doing a colonoscopy? (the pain hasn't gone away) Since _______________ ____________

2 What causes ulcers? (bacteria) __________ due to _____________

3 Why are you moving me? (you will be more comfortable)

so that

4 Why do babies get colic (we don't know)
_________ the reason

5 Why do I have high blood pressure? (diet has been bad for many years)

resulting in

6 Why is he ill? (lack of proper nutrition)

_________ the reason __________

Test 9

1 Underline the correct form of the verb in each sentence

  1. If we do / 'll do a blood test, we'll find out what's wrong with you.

  2. We'll tell you the results of the test when you phone / 'll phone.

  3. When you arrive / 'll arrive at the hospital, we'll give you a blood test.

  4. If we won't have /don't have the right blood for a transfusion, the patient will die.

  5. If the bleeding will stop / stops, he won't need / doesn't need a transfusion.

  6. The treatment doesn't work /won't work unless she stops smoking.

  7. We give / 'll give Mr Perry a blood test when he comes / 'll come tomorrow.

  8. If you won't feel / don't feel better tomorrow, we do / 'll do some more tests.

  9. He dies / will die if we give / 'll give him the wrong blood.

10 Unless the patient gives / will give up alcohol, he doesn't get / won't get better.
2 Match the beginnings and endings of these Zero Conditional sentences, and complete them with the verbs below in the correct form

clump be use bleed

drop give show keep

  1. If the patient smokes,

  2. When blood loss is severe,

  3. If you cut an artery,

  4. If a patient is in shock,

  5. When we don't have the patient's blood type,

  6. If you mix different blood types,

  7. There is a risk of disease

  8. When heart rate decreases,

a it _________ more heavily than a vein.

b blood pressure ____________.

c if you ____________ dirty needles.

d a transfusion __________ necessary.

e it ___shows__ in the blood test.

f you need to _________ their blood pressure up.

g we ________ them type O.

h they ____________.

3 Complete these First and Zero Conditional sentences with the verbs given in the correct form. They are not always given in the correct order

  1. (stop, not live) You_won't live_long unless you __stop___ taking drugs.

  2. (give up, feel) She better if she________ smoking.

  3. (happen, lose) What _________ if a patient ___________ a lot of blood?

  4. (help, give) You __________ to save lives when you ___________ blood.

  5. (stop, hold) If you ________ the wound for a few minutes, the bleeding ________.

  6. (call,find) I __________ you if I _____________ something wrong.

  7. (need, rise) Unless her blood pressure __________, she _________ a transfusion.

  8. (ask, arrive) We ________ the doctor what he thinks when he _____________ .

  9. (show, need) I ___________ you what to do if you ____________ help.

  10. (ask, not know) You ___________ what to do unless you ________ somebody.

Test 10

1 Read each sentence. If it is correct, tick (). If there is a mistake, correct it

  1. If she doesn't come out of the coma soon, she would die.

  2. If the brain is damaged, hyperventilation may occur.

  3. When the CPP decreases, blood pressure rises.

  4. We are doing better if we had a neurosurgeon in the hospital.

  5. If the patient was younger, she survives.

  6. What will you do if the patient will make no response?

  7. If a patient has bipolar disorder, there may will be something wrong with their brain.

  8. If the treatment is going to work, it must be started immediately.

2 Complete the sentences by choosing a, b, or с

1 If we disconnect life support, he _____.

a died

b is dying

с will die
2 If he could speak, he ___________ happened to him.

a would tell us

b will say

с told
3 Unless you do something really fast, he. ____________.

a is going to die

b has died

с is dead
4 There ___________ great danger if the ICP rises any further.

a would

b is

с has been

5 Lower her blood pressure and we ________ her life.

a saved

b are saving

с may save
6 What do without antibiotics ?

a to

b would we

с are we
7 Even if we had the best equipment in the world, we still ___________ save her.

a would

b could

с couldn't

3 Complete these sentences using the correct forms of the verbs in brackets

1 (have, see) Should you ____headaches, or feel dizzy, ______ a doctor immediately.

2 (help, be able) It would ________ if you __________ remember the accident.

3 (be) In a perfect world, there ________ no illness.

4 (not suffer, love) If I __________ from epilepsy, I _______ to be a pilot.

5 (not work, try) If these tablets _________, tomorrow we _________ beta-blockers.

6 (see, be) I _________ a doctor if I _________ you.

Test 11

1 Reorder the words to write sentences

1 discomfort / may / a / little / feel / you
You may feel a little discomfort ______________________

2 benefit / the / therapy / might / from / patient


3 this / last / him / alive / see / time / be / the / could / I'll


4 will / work / we / maybe / think / that / drug / this


5 be / cured /I / don't / that / your / father / it's / can / possible / think


6 right / it / be / see / him / the / time / to / not / might


7 it / to / say / too / perhaps / early / is


8 to / use /I / may / Morphine / time / be / think / it

2 Underline the word or phrase that completes the sentence

  1. It could / couldn 't be that the illness will end in death, but I'm not certain.

  2. We can change the medication, but I'm sure it won't/ might not work.

  3. If you act too fast, you may/will probably make mistakes.

  4. It may /perhaps be possible to revive him.

  5. I could /might not still be here next year, but I hope so.

  6. Act too slowly and the patient may /will certainly die.

  7. It's possible /Perhaps that there will be a change in her condition.

  8. Is he dying? Maybe /May not.

3 Read each sentence. If it is correct, write a tick (). If there is a mistake, correct it

  1. The drugs might to have some side effects. ____to______

  2. The patient's emotional needs is may be more important than his physical needs. ____________

  3. Perhaps that depression affects a patient's decisions. _______________

  4. It's possible that the cancer will return. _____________

  5. Dealing with a dying patient maybe difficult. _____________

  6. I don't sure there is anything more we can do. _____________

  7. Perhaps you'll feel better if you eat more. _____________

  8. You're doing well - you might able to go home soon. _____________

  9. Dying is usually a sad time, but sometimes it is possibly to be very close to people. ______________

  10. When a patient dies, you could not be able to control your emotions. ___________

Test 12

1 Put the words in the correct order

  1. I the difficult surgeon will be asking some questions

  2. little bit probably hurt a this will

  3. not feel a going to you are thing

  4. up it will when you wake be over all

  5. be save his able to we might life

  6. am five I minutes leaving in about

2 Complete the sentences

  1. I'll give you an anaesthetic __________ you are in the operating theatre.

  2. I want to make sure he's all right ___________I go home.

  3. Are you going ___________scrub up first?

  4. Very __________ you will start to feel sleepy.

  5. I won't be able to tell you anything ____________ we get the results - and

even __________we may not know.
3 Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct tense using a future form

'I have made a decision,' the surgeon, Mr Grossman, said. 'I __________1 (not operate) tomorrow. I _________2 (do) it next Tuesday. We _________3 (use) skin from his abdomen and place it over the scars. Then I __________4 (inject) steroids to soften and flatten the tissue. I am hoping that the new skin ____________ 5 (stretch).'
' _________6 (be) painful?' the patient's mother asked.
Your son may _________7 (experience) some pain, yes, 'the surgeon replied.

'But that is only __________ 8 (be) expected. Pain is a natural part of the recovery process. Kids have remarkable powers of recovery, you know. Believe me, your son is __________9 (do) just fine.'
Test 13

1 Underline the correct form of the verb in these sentences

  1. Did you read /Have you readthe case notes yet?

  2. The first time we met / 've met was three years ago.

  3. I saw/ 've seen you six times this year.

  4. When have you started /did you start having these thoughts?

  5. I haven't had /didn't have hallucinations since last year.

  6. I just finished / 've just finished all the tablets you gave me.

  7. She had / 's had a breakdown in 2005.

  8. I didn't finish / haven't finished taking your pulse yet.

9 Have you taken /Did you take your medication yesterday?
10 I knew / 've known Mr Musel for over ten years now.
2 Read each sentence. If it is correct, write a tick (). If there is a mistake, correct it

  1. The patient has taken an overdose last Christmas. _____took____

  2. Have you ever had hallucinations ?

  3. I missed two doses so far this week. I need one now.

  4. How many different doctors have you saw?

  5. The patient appeared agitated when I first interviewed him.

  6. The first time she has heard voices was a year ago.

  7. She has visited many different therapists in her life.

  8. The doctor saw the same thing many times before.

3 Use the Past Simple or the Present Perfect to complete the conversation between a nurse and a patient.

Nurse How long have you felt(you, feel) this way?

Patient It _________ 1 (start) when I was a child. I _____________ 2 (be) a very quiet child.

Nurse ____________ you ever ___________3 (see) a psychiatrist?

Patient No, I ___________ 4 (never, see) a psychiatrist, but I ____________ 5 (talk) to my doctor many times.

Nurse I see. When _________you first 6 (talk) to your doctor?

Patient The first time ___________7 (be) two years ago. I _______________ 8 (go) to see him because I ____________ 9 (can't) think clearly.

Nurse ______________things _____________ 10 (get) worse since then?

Patient Well, they ____________11 (get) much worse after that. But recently things ____________ 12 (be) a little better.

Nurse Really-that's good. ___________you ever _____________13 (take) medication?

Patient Yes, I _____________ 14 (take) a lot of different things over the years. I _____________15 (take) a Nardil tablet first thing this morning.

Nurse _____________you __________16 (take) anything else today?

Patient Yes, I ________________ 17 (need) something before coming here, so I _______________18 (have) a Prozac tablet.
Test 14

1 Complete the sentences using the Present Passive. Use short forms

1 The dressings are changed(change) daily.

  1. Tumours __________ (show up) by a CT scan.

  2. Patients ___________ (not keep) waiting for too long.

  3. The information about blood pressure ___________ (not need) any more.

  4. The electrodes ___________ (place) on the patient's forehead.

  5. The patient's heart rate and blood pressure ___________ (monitor) at all times.

  6. Brain function __________ (record) on this chart.

  7. Anaesthetists have to ____________ very highly ___________ (train).

  8. A person with hypothermia must not ____________ (warm up) too quickly.

10 Staff can ____________ (contact) using your pager if there is an emergency.
2 Rewrite these Active sentences using the Past Passive

  1. We tested her blood yesterday. Her blood was tested yesterday._

  2. The tests indicated a dust allergy. __________________________

  3. A heart attack killed Mr Chung. __________________________

  4. The nurse did not understand the danger

signs. __________________________

  1. We sent sample tissue to the laboratory. __________________________

  2. Paramedics gave the man CPR. ___________________________

  3. They closed A&E because of lack of money.___________________________

  4. They recorded her heart rate at 18 bpm. ___________________________

  5. They refused the men entry to the hospital. ___________________________

10 They had to cancel the operation. ___________________________
3 Complete the case history with the words below, using the Present or Past Passive or Active forms of the verbs below. Some verbs can be used more than once

give take see (not) weigh identify

record start diagnose show
Patient's name Irene Garcia


This 60-year-old woman with a three-year history of diabetes __was seen___1 originally for worsening shortness of breath and a bad cough. When she was 55, she _________2 with chronic lung disease. According to records, Ms Garcia 3 an oral glucose tolerance test last year and diabetes ___________4 . Her diabetes is managed by diet and exercise and she ___________ 5 no medication. Her blood glucose ___________6 one month ago. It was 6.8% (normal 4-6%).

Today's date 7th April

The patient is admitted to Ward 7 for 72 hours of tests. Her glucose level _________7 but she _____________ 8 at this time. Insulin levels __________9 by tests to be very low and falling. Her blood pressure ____________10 at 130/70, pulse 120, respiratory rate 24. A chest x-ray __________ 11 damage to her lungs. The patient __________12 on a new course of medication.
Test 15

1 Correct the mistake in each sentence

  1. I'm work night shift next week. __working

  2. You're much better, so we sending you home.

  3. Who's is sitting with Mrs Benson tonight?

  4. Mr Timms has a fever, so he not going home tomorrow.

  5. Where the catering staff are having their party?

  6. How you getting home after your surgery? _______________

  7. We isn't meeting on Tuesday! We said Thursday!

  8. The new students they are starting next week.

  9. Is Mrs Singh is having her operation tomorrow?

10 Get ready - the ambulance's arriving in five minutes

2 Complete the sentences with be going to and the verbs below. Use short forms
give prescribe (not) be (not) operate hurt take wait fall

  1. I 'm going to give you a shot of morphine.

  2. I have given him 30 ml - now we and see.

  3. I've had a look at the scan and I antibiotics.

  4. You _________________ asleep. Count backwards from one hundred.

5 ________________ you __________ your tablets now or later?

6 _____________ this ____________ a lot, nurse ?

  1. Mr Barnes has passed his kidney stone, so they _______________ .

  2. The doctors _____________ happy if you start smoking again, Mrs Peak!

3 Complete the text using the Present Continuous or be going to form of the verbs in
brackets. Use short forms

Good morning, Mrs Thomas. How are you? Yes, the doctor _____________1(see) you later today - you're on his list. A new physiotherapist _____________2 (visit) you later as well because Sarah _____________3 (not work) this afternoon.

When the doctor comes, he _____________ 4 (try) you with a different medication - something that ______________5 (put) you to sleep. You ____________6 (see) a difference, I hope.

But first, this morning, you _____________7 (have) an x-ray. You _____________8

(go) to Radiology by wheelchair. I think a porter ______________9 (come) for you

with a trolley at about ten o'clock. He _______________10 (not bring) you back

though-I _______________11(do) that.

By the way, did you know that you _____________12 (have) a visitor this evening? Your granddaughter ________________13 (come) to see you, and I think she's got some news. No, she ________________14 (not get) married - she's married already, don't you remember? No, she _____________15 (have) a baby in June.

You __________________16 (be) a great-grandmother!
Test 16

1 Reorder the words to write sentences. Add commas and full stops where necessary

1 healing / this / herb / for / wounds / is

This herb is for healing wounds.

  1. it / because / it / use / works /I


  1. I / stop / having / try / smoking / to / to / hypnotherapy / 'm


4 yoga /1 / relaxation / do / for


5 so / warm / uncomfortable / hands / my / they / 'll / feel /I / that / don't


6 a/ twice / she / for / a / prayer / goes / to / meditation / healer / week / and


  1. diagnosis / make / a / need / information / of / lot / homeopaths / to / a


8 I / the / pain / said / because / correctly / sit / back / have / chiropractor / don't /I

2 Complete the sentences using the words below

because for that's why so that so to

  1. I take these tablets _________ lower my blood pressure.

  2. I'm seeing a chiropractor ___________ the chronic pain in my joints.

  1. The therapy cured me, ______________ I'm not interested in your opinion.

  2. Homeopathy works ____________ patients believe it will work.

  3. I believe in God- _____________ I pray.

  4. Homeopaths ask a lot of questions _____________ they get to know you as a

whole person.

7 The herbs take a few hours to work, ____________ you won't notice anything


8 These needles are _______________ inserting into the body's meridians.
3 Complete these sentences to describe your use or opinion of alternative medicine. In each sentence, use one of the words below.

because for that's why so that so to

example Homeopathy...

Homeopathy has no scientific basis, so I wouldn't use it.

  1. I believe in... 5 I don't...

  2. I'd like to try... 6 I'm sceptical about...

  3. I'd never use... 7 Therapists...

  4. I sometimes... 8 Conventional medicine...

Test 17

1 Match the beginnings and ends of the sentences

  1. We used to a seeing the new doctor.

  2. I didn't always use b to children dying.

  3. Now we are used to с see her every week.

  4. You never get used d ill.

5 I have got used to being e to be so ill.

2 Complete the text with used to,(be) used to, or (get) used to in the correct form.

Nursing since the 1950s

When I was a student nurse, I quickly _________1 to the smell of medicinal alcohol. It was everywhere.

You see, equipment ____________ 2 be made of glass, not plastic, needles __________3 be sterilized in a flame, and thermometers kept in jars of alcohol. I remember that when disposable syringes appeared, I

couldn't _____________4 throwing them away. IV solution ____________5 come in glass bottles; we didn't _____________6 use plastic bags. In the 50s we didn't even ______________7 wear protective clothing. It was only when AIDS appeared that we _____________8 changing gloves all the time. These days, nurses ______________ 9 things like ICUs and computers. My daughter is a nurse and she ___________10 operating complicated equipment - something that seems to come easy to younger people. I have never been able _____________11to computers – they scare me.

I remember that we _______________12 do a lot more hands-on nursing than they do now. Student nurses these days just don't _______________13 making beds and cleaning floors during their training. All that's done by nursing assistants. In my day, if you wanted to be a nurse you had to _______________14 hard work, long hours, and low pay. My daughter insists that none of these things have changed.
3 Complete the sentences with get or got used to /used to/use to/didn't use to and the verbs below

give use see wear cry

1 Lots has changed - we ____________hundreds of patients with infectious diseases.

2 Lots has changed – we ____________ patients so many antibiotics.

3 I know it's a bit of a shock, but eventually you will ______________ people scream.

4 That's all right; we _______________ people ____________ us at the last minute to cancel appointments.

5 I've ____________one system, now I've got to _____________ a new one.

6 I just couldn't _______________ these patches.

7 I used to be tough - I never ______________ . Now, I often get upset.

Exercise A. You will hear six recordings in which doctors explain patients what investigations are necessary for them. Read the questions and complete the tasks. You will hear the recordings twice.
1   2   3   4   5   6   7

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