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ЛГ Практикум. Практикум по английскому языку для студентов медицинских вузов Воронеж 2009 удк 881. 111 Ббк 81. 423. 1

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Part 1 Mr Gumley

For questions 1 - 4 you will have to decide whether the statement is true or false

and put T or F in you answer sheet next to the number of the question

1. The patient will need to get his chest X-rayed. _____

2. Bronchoscopy is an investigation which involves looking down the lungs

through a tube. _____

3. The patient will not have any anaesthetic during bronchoscopy. _____

4. The patient should have breakfast before bronchoscopy. _____
Part 2 Mrs Emma Sharp

For questions 5 - 9 you will have to decide which words suit the gaps and write

them down in your answer sheet

5. Because of your heavy periods, Mrs Sharp, we must find out if you've become anaemic so I'll have to take a test.

6. It will also be necessary for you to have a D&C done in hospital. It's a very ______ procedure…

7. We’ll find out why your periods are so_______.

8. It will also give us a better chance to______ you under the anaesthetic.

9. Ultrasonograph is a very simple test which takes a special picture of the lower end of your abdomen to see if the womb is _________.
Part 3 Miss Grace Donaldson

For question 10 you have to choose A B C or D and put the letter in your answer


10. Miss Grace Donaldson has symptoms of overactive__________

A lymphatic gland B salivary gland C thyroid gland D parotid gland

Part 4 Mr Pritt

For questions 11- 14 you will have to decide whether the statement is true or false

and put T or F in your answer sheet next to the number of the question

11. Mr Pritt has been having troubles with stomach pain _____

12. He may have stones in his gall bladder _____

13. Cholecystogram is a special X-ray which involves the patient taking some tablets

before attending the X-ray department. _____

14. Ultrasonograph is a way of examining your abdomen using a special machine

which can show us pictures of your heart and lungs using sound signals. ______
Part 5 Barry Scott

For question 15 you have to choose A B C or D and put the letter in your answer


15. What disease does the patient suffer from ?

A. measles B. German measles C. chickenpox D. mumps

Part 6 Mrs Mary Lock

For questions 16 - 20 you will have to decide which words suit the gaps and write

them down in your answer sheet.

Mrs Lock, I think it's possible that you have a 16_______ called glaucoma which is

caused by increased 17_______ inside the eye. In order to prove this it will be

necessary for you to have the pressure inside your eyes measured. We use a small

instrument with 18 ____ on it to measure the pressure. We'll put a few drops

of local 19___________on your eye so you shouldn't feel anything. The test only

takes a few 20____________.
Exercise B. You will hear seven recordings in which doctors explain patients diagnosis of their diseases. Read the questions and complete the tasks. You will hear the recordings twice.
Part 1 A 33-year-old salesman suffering from a duodenal ulcer

For questions 1-3 you will have to choose the correct letter A B C or D that fits the


1. The patient’s stomach has been producing too much _____

A. fluid B. gas C. acid D. sugar

2. The inflamed area is in the patient’s ________

A. small intestine B. bowel C. mouth D. lung

3. The effective treatment doesn’t involve _______

A. surgery B. medication C. bed regimen D. herbs
Part 2 A 6-year-old boy with Perthes' disease, accompanied by his parents

For questions 4-6 you will have to decide whether the statement is true or false and

put T or F in your answer sheet next to the number of the question

4. The Perthe’s disease is caused by a disturbance of oxygen supply to the growing bone. _____

5. As a result the bone softens. _____

6. This problem is quite common with young boys. _____
Part 3 A 21-year-old professional footballer with a torn meniscus of the right knee

For questions 7-8 you will have to put a tick ۷ in the correct box

7. The footballer needs to do the following tests

 an MRI scan and an arthroscopy.

 lumbar puncture

 ECG and X-ray

8. The disease will have treatment with




Part 4 A 43-year-old teacher with fibroids

For questions 9-10 you will have to decide which words suit the gaps and write

them own in your answer sheet

The patient’s heavy periods are caused by fibroids, which are quite common in

women. owever, as the patient has become 9 _____________, the best treatment for

her is an 10____________.
Part 5 An 82-year-old retired nurse suffering from dementia, accompanied by her son and daughter

For questions 11-13 you will have to choose the correct letter A B C or D that fits the space

11. Dementia is a condition of the brain when ______

A. older people lose memory B. younger people lose memory

C. older people lose hearing C. younger people lose eye-sight

12. Sometimes people with dementia also have ______

A. hallucinations B. delusions C. palpitation D. illusions

13. At this stage the patient ______

A. should be admitted to hospital B. can stay at home with some help

C. should go to a care home D. can stay on her own
Part 6 A 2-week-old baby with tetralogy of Fallot, accompanied by her parents

For questions 14-16 you will have to decide whether the statement is true or false

and put T or F in your answer sheet next to the number of the question

14. The baby’s heart defect developed in the prenatal condition. _____

15. The abnormal blood flow results in the difficulty in breathing. _____

16. A therapeutic treatment for this condition is very successful. _____
Part 7 A 35-year-old receptionist suffering from hypothyroidism

For questions 17-20 you will have to decide which words suit the gaps and

write them down in your answer sheet

The thyroid 17 ________which is situated here in the patient’s neck is the cause of

the problem. If it isn’t working properly, many things can 18___________ wrong. Its

19_____________ affect all areas of the body and may cause weight gain or hair 20______.This is a common condition and the treatment is simple.
Exercise C. You will hear seven recordings in which doctors talk to patients about their diseases and future treatment. Read the questions and complete the tasks. You will hear the recordings twice.
Part 1. A hypertensive 50-year-old director of a small company

For questions 1-4 you will have to decide which words suit the gaps and write

them down in your answer sheet

The patient’s condition requires control to prevent damage to the blood 1 ________.

Otherwise, it can lead to serious illnesses such as heart attack or 2____________ .

The treatment includes tablets or 3 __________ The patient will also have to

modify his habits and must stop 4 __________.
Part 2. An insulin-dependent 11-year-old girl accompanied by her parents

For questions 4-6 you will have to decide whether the statement is true or false and

put T or F in your answer sheet next to the number of the question

4. The patient’s conditions is characterised by the lack of substance to control sugar

in the blood. _____

5. The patient will need injections which she’ll be doing herself _____

6. Even younger children can suffer from this disease. _____
Part 3. A 65-year-old schoolteacher with osteoarthritis of the left hip

For questions 7-10 you will have to choose the correct letter A B C or D that fits the


7. The doctor compares the disease to the wear and tear of a ____

A. wing B. inch C. hinge D. ring

8. The joint’s stiffness and painfulness is cause by _____

A. inspiration B. inhalation C. animation D. inflammation

9. The doctor’s prescription _____

A. will cure the disease B will relieve the pain C. won’t help

D. will modify the patient’s life

10. In future the patient might need ______

A. an operation B. physiotherapy C blood test D. X-ray
Part 4 A 23-year-old sales representative affected by epilepsy

For questions 11-12 you will have to put a tick ۷ in the correct box. There may be

more than one correct answer

11. The epilepsy is caused by

 abnormal mechanical activity in the brain

 paranormal electrical activity in the brain

 abnormal electrical activity in the brain

12. The patient must not

 drive for a year

tell anybody about his disease

 forget to take the tablets regularly
Part 5 A 52-year-old cook with carcinoma of the bowel

For questions 13- 14 will have to choose the correct letter A B C or D that fits the


13. The patient’s nasty growth in the bowel has to be ______

A. replaced B revealed C removed D reconstructed

14. The exact type of operation will depend on________

A. the patient B. the surgeon C. the findings in the operation D. the anaesthetics

15. The opening which the patient may have after the operation will only be

A permanent B temporary C temperate D persistent
Part 6.A 27-year-old teacher of handicapped children suffering from a depressive illness

For questions 16-18 you will have to decide which words suit the gaps and write

them down in your answer sheet
The patient suffers from the illness called 16 ____________. The treatment involves

17____________ and drugs. It is not quick and may take weeks to feel 18_______.

Part 7. A 6-month-old baby boy suffering from atopic eczema, accompanied by his parents

For questions 19-20 you will have to decide whether the statement is true or false

and put T or F in your answer sheet next to the number of the question.

19. The baby suffers from an infectious disease ________

20 . The disease may run in the family ________
Exercise D You will hear four different conversations
Part 1 A helpline call

You will hear a phone conversation between a mother and a helpline operator.

For questions 1-6 you will have to fill in the helpline operator’s notes. You can use no more than two words.

Call № 46 8.15 p.m.

Patient’s Age


Patient’s Sex


Present complaint : The patient 3 and 4 when he breathes in.

Sometimes he 5

The temperature is 6

Part 2 Blood types

You will hear a talk between an instructor and a student nurse about blood types.

For questions 7- 10 you will have to decide whether the statement is true or false and

put T or F in your answer sheet next to the number of the question.
7. A patient with blood type AB can receive a blood type A ____

8. “Clumping” means the red blood cells’ joining together,

which is fatal for the patient ____

9. A patient with blood type B can receive a blood type A. _____

10. In an emergency we usually use a blood type A _____
Part 3 A Diabetic Patient

You will hear a conversation between a student nurse and a nutritionist. For questions

11-15 you will have to decide whether the statement is true or false and put T or F in

your answer sheet next to the number of the question.
11. The new patient has had diabetes since the age of eighteen. _____

12. Type one diabetes is not connected with obesity _____

13. It is true that diabetics shouldn’t eat sweet things _____

14. Diabetic patients must eat regularly during the day. _____

15. Hypoglycaemia means insufficient amount of sugar in the blood. _____
Part 4 A blood test

You will hear a conversation between a nurse and a patient. For questions 16-20 you

will have to fill in one word or number into each space.
The results of the patient blood test show that she is a bit 16 ________, which means

that her red blood cell count is a little on the low side. A normal count is about 4.2 to

5.4 million red blood cells per microlitre of blood while the patient’s was 17

_________. As soon as she starts taking iron supplements, her red cell count will go


The cells are 18 __________ in size and shape, but the 19__________ cells are

a little high due to the sore throat. This is a sign that the patient’s body is fighting the

20 ___________. And platelets are normal.

  1. Glendinning E.H., Holmstrom B.A.S. English in Medicine / Eric H. Glendinning, Beverly A.S. Holmstrom. – Cambridge: CUP, 2005. – 150 p.

  2. Grice T., Nursing 1. Teacher’s Resource Book. / Tony Grice. – Oxford: OUP, 2007. – 104 p.

  3. Grice T., Greenan J. Nursing 2 Teacher’s Resource Book. / Tony Grice, James Greenan. - Oxford: OUP, 2008. – 104 p.

  4. Milner M. English for Health Sciences / Martin Milner. – USA: Thomson, 2006. – 106 p.

  5. http:// kidshealth.org

  6. http: // innerbody.com

  7. http://www.ivillagehealth.com

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