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  • Questions 14-16: Which THREE of the following activities does Music 103 involve Choose THREE

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    Task 1. You will hear part of a radio programme on which a reviewer talks about a newly published book about a woman called Natalie Hardcastle. For questions 1-10, complete the sentences.
    Natalie Hardcastle and her sons lived in a house which had no running water or 1

    Natalie's childhood dreams of Olympic fame were ended by a 2

    When she met Tony Hardcastle, he was a rich 3 and a racing driver.

    Tony's risky business deals led to financial 4 … leaving Natalie and her family penniless.He went to 5 to try to become a racing driver again.Natalie then decided to start a traveling 6…. and beauty parlour in the back of a van. At weekends, Natalie traveled to small outback towns in the van, taking 7…. with her. When Tony returned and made her give up her business, she soon ran out of 8 Tony died suddenly in a 9 and left huge debts. The book made the reviewer think more positively of her own 10
    Task 2. Listen and answer question 11-20.

    Questions 11-13: According to Josie, which THREE things are necessary for Music 103? Choose THREE letters A-H in any order.

    11 …

    12 …

    13 …

    A ability to read music B ability to sing

    C computer skills

    D ability to play a musical instrument

    E good maths

    F independent learning skills

    G membership of the music department H working experience in entertainment

    Questions 14-16: Which THREE of the following activities does Music 103 involve? Choose THREE letters A-H in any order.

    14 …

    15 …


    A designing a software programme

    B writing and playing your own music C writing music for films

    D attending lectures at the university

    E listening to examples from the internet F going on study tours abroad

    G comparing modern and classical music H provides internship in orchestra
    Questions 17-18: List TWO more things a student's computer needs for Music 103. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/ OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    • 17 … megabytes of RAM

    • CD-ROM

    - 18
    1   ...   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24

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