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  • Questions on the dialogue: i Parti. \

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  • Vocabulary Exercises I

  • Лекции по английскому языку для изучающих банковское и финансовое дело. Лекции по английскому языку для изучающих банковское и финансов. Составитель Н. А. Самуэльян

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    Part II. Granting the Loan on an Open Note

    Builder: 1 received your notice that my note is due. 1 can pay it off now, but there is a piece of land right next to my property that I'd like to buy.

    Banker: 1 don't remember your situation exactly. Are your present holdings free of encumbrance?

    Bu.: My real estate is clear. But there's a chattel mort­gage on my construction equipment.


    it a

    Ba. Ви.

    Has this land you want to buy been appraised?

    Ва.. Ви.. Ва..

    Yes. It belongs to an estate and was appraised by|
    order of the court. They estimated its value all
    $20,000. *1

    Can it be bought for that figure!

    I think so. I'd like to make them that offer.

    Would you consider giving us a trust deed lo se­cure your present note plus the additional funds

    you'll need?


    Ва.: Ви.: Ва.:

    I might. But I'd thought that my net worth is high
    enough that I could borrow the amount on my open
    note. j

    Well, in that case, would your wife agree to bej
    a co-signer? \

    I'm sure she would, because title to the properly! will be in both our names.

    Well, it seems lo me that you have enough equity in your property for us lo make Ihe loan on an орел nole.

    Questions on the dialogue: i

    Parti. \


    1. What is the customer applying for?

    2. Has Ihe banker decided whelher lo granl the credit yet
      or not?

    1. What sorl of information is the banker interested in?

    2. How does the banker wanl lo secure the bank's credil?

    3. How is Ihe company going lo use ils currcnl assels?
      Part II.

    4. Why is the builder asking for Ihe exlension of his note?

    5. Whal is his presenl financial standing?

    6. Has Ihe land he wan Is lo buy been appraised?

    9. Whal sorl of guarantee does Ihe banker insist on
    secure the funds the builder will need?

    10. What made Ihe builder Ihink lhal he could borrow the
    amoun on an open note?

    1. Who will hold the lille lo Ihe properly purchased?

    1. Why has Ihe banker agreed lo granl the loan on an
      open note?


    Banks make their profits by lending Ihe money which cus-loiners deposil wilh them to olhers who need il for personal or business reasons. Mosl people need more money lhan Ihey have currently available al some time in their lives.

    To be a borrower you must be a customer of the bank be­cause Ihe money will be lent lo you Ihrough a bank account. There are Iwo ways in which you may borrow. The first, and easy, is to spend more money than you have in your current accounl — lo overdraw. The second, and the normal way of borrowing larger amoun Is or for a long period of lime is Ihe loan.

    If a manager permils an overdraft on currenl accounl he is likely lo sel a limit lo Ihe size of Ihe overdraft and may stipu­late a dale by which Ihe accounl is back in credil. Businesses whose payments and rcceipls are often irregular will fre-quenlly need lo use overdraft facilities and Ihey are often granted lo private customers as well particularly when Ihe manager knows lhal regular payments are made directly into the account.

    If a loan is granted il will be a fixed sum immediately avail­able for a fixed period of time. The principal and Ihe inleresl on it may all become due for paymenl at the end of lhal pe­riod bul for personal loans il is common lo arrange lhat the loan and interest are repaid in equal regular instalment over the period of the loan. A separate account is opened lo record Ihe repayments as Ihey are made.

    Whether you are seeking money for business or personal reasons there are a number of Ihings lhal Ihe manager will




    want to know before he is prepared to grant your request. The obvious facts will be the amount that you seek and the arrangements for re-payment that you are able to suggest. You need to tell him something about the purpose of the loan, a business loan is likely to help you make profits out of which the loan can be repaid with interest and he will wish to judge for himself whether or not this is likely. Personal loans usu­ally have to be repaid out of an income which will not get any bigger and the manager will be particularly anxious to ensure that you are not being loo optimistic. In deciding this he will be considerably assisted by his knowledge of you and his esti­mate of your character.

    Sometimes people do nol ask for enough money because they are anxious about the burden of Ihc repayments. The manager will be wise enough to try and ensure thai you will have sufficient amount of money to do what you want to do. Finally he will consider whether or not you really will be able to repay and what kind of security you can offer against the possibility that you do not repay. In the ease of a business Ihe manager may well want to sec well prepared, relevant docu­ments such as profit and loss accounts and balance sheets for the most recent years. He would also ask about the expected return from the use of the money and want to see soine fig­ures upon which you have based your calculations. Fora busi­ness good security might be one or more of the assets of the business whilst personal loans are often secured by such things as life insurance policies on which the bank is making regular payment for you or the deeds of your house.

    Questions on the text:

    1. What two kinds of borrowings are possible?

    2. In what circumstances an overdraft on current account

    is permissible?

    3. How are personal loans usually repaid?

    4. Will you pay back more than you lx>rrowed? What will
    the difference be?

    1. What information will the manager require for a per­
      sonal loan?

    1. What information will he require for a business loan?

    2. What other things will he lake into account?

    1. What will he need from you to make the loan safer for

    1. What does a businessman mean by his expected rate of


    1. Why might this be important to the bank manager?

    2. What kind of things might you offer as collateral for
      a personal loan?

    Vocabulary Exercises I

    Find proper definitions:



    1. Mortgage

    a) anything owned that has financial value

    2. Collateral

    b) an asset, such as real estate, which can-


    not be readily changed into money

    3. Asset

    c) assets other than real estate which can

    be readily changed into money

    4. Open note

    d) to promise as security

    5. Current

    e) some security in addition to the main se-


    curity for money lent

    f ) an agreement to give up collateral which

    6. To pledge

    has been pledged if a debt is nol paid

    g) a note, the payment of which is nol guar-

    7. Fixed asset

    anteed by collateral security

    h) anything owned, especially real estate

    8. Real estate

    or land

    9. Chattel

    i) land including anything constructed on



    j) a mortgage on any personal or movable

    possesions such as furniture or equipment



    1. Deed

    2. Equity

    3. Property

    4. Principal

    5. Instalment

    6. Loan

    7. Repayments

    8. Balance sheet

    9. Profit and loss

    10. Real properly

    k) a document which proves legal own­ership of real estate 1) the value of the piece of property bc-yond any indebtedness held against it in) a statement of the assets and liabili­ties of a business which shows its posi­tion at a particular date n) a payment towards a larger sum usu­ally made at regular intervals o) the amount of the loan itself before any interest is added p) a statement which shows the calcu­lation of the results of doing business for a particular period of lime r) a fixed sum of money borrowed for a fixed period of time s) land or buildings t) amounts of money which are given to a creditor in settlement of a debl or a loan


    Using the words in brackets, explain the meaning of Ihe following terms and phrases:

    1. the morlgage is being amortized (regular payments on, the

    principal, the interest, make)

    1. obligation (must, indebtedness, repay)

    2. to retire present debts (current, pay off)

    3. to liquidate the liability (any official obligation, pay off)

    4. the land has been appraised (estimate, its value)

    5. an estate (a dead person, left by, the holdings and obliga­

    1. trust (the legal responsibility, in financial mailers, given
      to one party, to act for another)

    2. a trust deed (a deed lo, real estate, security for a loan,

    held as)

    9. lo make a loan on an open note (grant, the repayment, not

    guaranteed collateral security)

    1. to stipulate (insist upon, state, particular date)

    2. lo repay (give back, pay off)

    3. expected return (profits, earnings, income)

    1. security (ensure repayment, deeds, insurance, policy,
      reduce risk)


    Choose the right answer:

    1. "application for loan" means:

    1. granting loan,

    2. asking lo be granted loan,

    3. refusal to grant loan.

    2. "balance sheet" denotes:

    1. total profit,

    2. total revenues,

    3. a document which shows the state of a business al

    a particular moment

    3. "indebtedness" here means:

    1. repay men I,

    2. owing lhanks,

    3. debl, borrowing.

    4. "security" in Ihis sense is:

    1. tends, share certificates and other titles lo properly,

    2. safety,

    3. a guarantee of payment.

    5. "principal" here means:

    1. the most imporlanl information,

    2. Ihe amount of the original loan,




    с) the chief ilem or person. H. "my loan is due for repayment" means: a) my loan has reached maturity, h) my loan has been paid off, e) my loan has been extended.

    7. "holdings free of encumbrance" means:

    1. holdings heavily in debt,

    2. the encumbrance isn't very large,

    3. properly or security clear of indebtedness.

    8. "my net worth "means:

    1. the value of one's holdings after all obligations have
      been paid,

    2. any [>ersonal or movable possession,

    3. net earnings.

    9. "a co-signer" denotes:

    1. a person who holds a deed to the properly,

    2. a person who signs a document with another person
      and shares the obligation,

    3. a lawyer who prepares a trust deed.

    10. "title to properly" is:

    1. the record or proof of ownership of property,

    2. the name of the person who owns the properly,

    1. a word indicating a high financial rank.
      I I. "my expected return" means:

    a) when 1 expecl to come back, h) the amount of money 1 expecl to have to repay, c) the income 1 expecl to receive from doing business. 12. "deeds" are: a) actions,

    h) documents showing how well my business is doing, c) documents which prove that I own a parlicular piece of J real properly.


    Say whal is true and what is false. Correct the false, sen­tences:

    1. When a bank's manager considers an application for a
      loan, he usually requires some information aboul the items
      shown on the applicant's balance sheet.

    2. The manager is not concerned whethel- any of the
      applicant's assets have already been pledged as security.

    3. The bank often asks the applicant to pledge part of his
      assets as collateral security to the bank's loan.

    4. One cannot apply to a bank for an extension of a loan.

    5. To grant a loan the bank must be sure that the applicant
      can repay it.

    6. The bank will never wish to offer a larger loan than the
    applicant asks for.

    optimistic security character sufficient

    Find synonyms for: liability collateral repay debts


    1. Find the nouns which are qualified by these adjectives
    and ivrile one noun to each adjective:

    additional open

    collateral personal

    current present

    expected private

    financial real

    most recent semi-annual

    2. Combine the words listed below into meaningful two or
    lliree word expressions:

    asset equipment

    current fixЈd




    committee instalment

    deed loan

    discount net

    documents worth


    Explain the following:

    1. to promise as security

    2. to pay off debts

    3. to grant a permission to borrow money

    4. to make regular payments on the borrowed money

    5. to judge the value of something

    6. to guarantee the payment of the loan

    7. to give a mortgage on one's furniture and other movablfj


    1. to give a deed to the properly as security for the loan

    2. to sign with someone a document and share the obligalioi]

    1. valuable items handed over to reduce the risk of a loan

    2. to fix a dale by which something must he done

    1. lo lake more money out of your account than you have in


    Fill in the blanks:

    Last week Mr Auger went lo his bank lo apply for a as

    he wishes to purchase a piece of land righl lo his own. He

    applied for a and 'Ihe bank asked him for a stalemcnl

    of his business affairs including a account and a

    The bank manager was happy lo granl Ihe loan but wanted

    some form of from Mr Auger and asked him if he would

    offer one or more of his fixed as The bank was pre­
    pared to make the loan for ten years and expected Mr Auger

    to pay off the annual and some of each year in two

    equal every six months.


    Demonstrate the meaning of the following expressions in

    sentences of your own:

    1. lo amortize the mortgage on

    2. to pledge assets as

    3. to extend credit lo

    4. to settle a liability _>

    5. the instalment is due on

    6. to appraise the property

    7. lo hold the deed to property

    1. to estimate net worth of the property

    2. lo give somebody collateral

    10. to draw up a profit and loss account
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