Лекции по английскому языку для изучающих банковское и финансовое дело. Лекции по английскому языку для изучающих банковское и финансов. Составитель Н. А. Самуэльян
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Verb | Noun |
to move to exchange to convert | supplier dealer, dealings restriction |
to permit to instruct | establishment disappearance |
4 1619
Collocation. Find the nouns which are qualified in the text
by these adjectives and write one. noun to each adjective:
convertible international
current local
domestic ordinary
external partial
financial unrestricted
Combine the. words listed below into meaningful two or
three word expressions as possible. Some are used in Hie
text (capital movement, foreign exchange dealings).
business foreign
bank money
capital movement
currency market
dealings notes
dealer regulation
exchange two-tier
Eurodollar world
For each of the following phrases find the expression in the text which it explains and note, that expression.
International trade and international money and capital
Extra money held by a bank.
Money used within a country.
Money in circulation abroad.
Funds, bills, cheques held with banks abroad in foreign
currency and payable abroad.
A currency that can be changed freely into any other
Money coming from the sale of goods and services.
Complete the following sentences in English:
If a bank wants to place excess funds in the Eurodollar
Foreign bank notes can become foreign exchange provided
A currency is called convertible if \
Sterling funds are partially convertible because only
In Belgium, France and Italy a distinclio\i is drawn be
tween \
Demonstrate the meaning of each of the following expressions in sentences of your own:
to conclude the transactions ,-— '" ' '
to place excess funds [
to buy dollars against local currency
to convert into
to remit the proceeds abroad
to export capital
to be subject to a restriction
to be fully (partially) convertible
In the sentences of this text every sixth word has been left out. Write in the word that fits best:
The Foreign-Exchange market is market which has
no central place, but operates through the offices of
the banks concerned overseas trade. The main preoccu-
pation the foreign-exchange dealers is secure sup
plies of foreign currency required lo finance interna
tional trade price of foreign currencies, like prices,
is determined by the for that currency and the of it.
The demand for currency depends on the demand
that country's goods and services foreigners, and the
supply of currency depends on how many goods and
services its home wish to buy. Capital movements
also affect the exchange rale making supplies of a cur
rency on lorig-lerm loans or
Unit Ten
Banks and the Foreign Exchange Market
Active Vocabulary
arbitrage assets
cross rate
foreign exchange market
forward rale
forward transaction
market rate
spot rate
spol transaction supply
имущество, средства, активы,
капитал, фонды
валютный рынок
форвардный валютный курс
форвардная (срочная) сделка
непрерывно, постоянно
посредник /-^
посредник \
курс "енот", курс, но кассовым
сделка на наличный товар
— предложение .
Banks and the Foreign Exchange Market
The banks are the natural intermediary between foreign exchange supply and demand. The.main task of a bank's foreign exchange department is to enable its commercial or financial customers to convert assets held in one cvirrency into funds of another currency. This conversion can take the form of a spot transaction or a forward operation. Banking activities in the foreign exchange field tend inevitably to establish a uniform price range for a particular currency
throughout the financial centres of the world. If at a given moment the market rate in one centre deviates too far from the average, a balance will soon be restored by "arbitrage", which is the process of taking advantage of price differences in different places. It can be seen that foreign exchange business acts as a very important regulator in a free monetary system.
Only the big banks and a number of local banks specializing in this kind of business have a foreign exchange department with qualified dealers. Banks which merely carry out their customers' instructions and do no business on their own account do not really require the services of a foreign exchange expert. For these it will be sufficient to have someone with a general knowledge of the subject because his role in practice will be that of an intermediary between the customer and a bank professionally in the market.
A foreign exchange dealer acquires his professional skill largely through experience. Here we should point out how important close cooperation is among a team of dealers. The group can work together smoothly only if each member is able to shed his individuality. We must not forget that, almost incessantly, all the dealers are doing business simultaneously on different telephones and when large transactions are completed the rates may change, whereupon the other dealers must be brought up-to-date immediately. It is essential for a dealer to have the knack of doing two things at once so that he can do business on the telephone and at the same time take note of the new prices announced by his colleagues.
Professional foreign exchange dealing requires advanced technical equipment. Business is done by telephone (with many direct lines to important names) and teleprinter depending on distance and convenience. Spot and forward rates of the most important currencies and money market rates are displayed on a big rate board, remote-controlled by the chief dealers. Electronic data processing equipment is em-
ployed to keep track instantly of the exchange positions and for the administrative handling of the business done. Cross rates are figured out with the help of electronic table calculators.
I -----------------
Using the words in brackets as a guide, explain the meaning of the following terms and phrases: j
foreign exchange supply (the total amount of, available,
at a given price) •
foreign exchange demand (the total amount of, required)
foreign exchange (foreign bank notes, placed without re
strictions, to the credit of, abroad)
spot transaction (are traded, goods or securities, for im
mediate delivery)
forward transaction (in the future, at fixed dates, at fixed
prices, to supply currencies)
market rate (a fixed ratio between)
Find the proper answer:v .
1. "to convert into":
to supply,
to carry out,
to change into.
2. "to establish a uniform price range 'r :
to set the limits within which the price varies,
to take advantage of price differences,
to differentiate prices.
3. "to deviate from the market rate":
to announce new market rates,
to turn away from the market rate,
to differ from the market rate.
4. "to restore a balance":
to bring back into a former position,
to take advantage of price differences,
to rebuild the economy.
5. "to do business on your own account":
not to cooperate with a team of dealers,
to settle accounts on your own,
to do business for one's own profit or advantage.
6J "dealers must be brought up-to-date":
acquainted with the recent methods of marketing,
notified immediately about any changes in market rales,
alarmed by any changes in market rales.
7. "to have a knack of doing Iwo Ihings al a lime":
lo be able to do two Ihings simultaneously,
lo conducl Iransaclion by lelephone or cable,
lo get in touch with two people at a time.
8. "tokeeplrackof":
lo use advanced lechnical equipmenl,
lo keep in louch with,
lo figure oul cross rales.