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    «Lean» logistics strategy
    Dynamic logistics strategy
    Efficiency of operations
    Flexible operations that meet demand
    Elimination of wasteful resources
    Consumer satisfaction
    Limiting resource
    Customer service
    Level of service
    The third type of basic logistics strategy is a strategy that is based on alliances or partnerships aimed at increasing the efficiency of the supply chain.
    Companies resort to this strategy in cases where customer service is at a high level, and the costs are low. Also, companies have a high degree of flexibility and lack of desire to invest in risky projects. Partnerships and alliances are often created between transport companies, which usually use contract providers.
    There are many types of additional logistics strategies, some of which are presented below.

    There are logistics strategies based on time parameters. The main purpose of such strategies is to ensure the rapid delivery of goods. Developing and applying strategies of this type, the company can:

    reduce costs;

    improve cash flow,

    reduce the number of order cancellations, order changes;

    simplify operations by eliminating delays in the execution of orders.
    An example of a strategy based on time parameters, is a strategy, which is based on the investments for the development of relations with suppliers. The goal of the strategy is to create a strategic alliance with suppliers of goods and services
    Another example of the strategy is the compression of time, which is similar to the «lean» strategy. In this case, the strategy focuses on unnecessary time in the supply chain. The goal of the "time compression" strategy is to eliminate all time periods but the value is not added to the product. There are ways to eliminate time intervals without the addition of product value (table. 2).
    Table 2 – Ways to eliminate time costs in the supply chain [24]
    Simplification or selection of more simple operations
    Improving the flow of information and materials
    Application of standard procedures and materials
    Simultaneous execution of operations
    The transition to the procedures in parallel
    Control of deviations
    Elimination of unnecessary costs and guarantee of high quality of work
    To increase efficiency and productivity
    Resource planning
    The elimination of bottlenecks and ensure the smooth material flow
    There is another type of logistics strategy which is similar to the «lean» strategy. This is a strategy of increased productivity in the implementation of which the emphasis is on the use of available resources to the maximum. For example, warehouses, being large structures, have high fixed costs. Warehouse space, namely the ability to allocate and store more units, allows you to allocate these costs. Therefore, filling the free space of the warehouse, the company can

    95 reduce the delivery cost. If the company did not work at full capacity, then within the «lean» strategy, the company would begin to look for ways to remove the free capacity, and then would continue to look for ways to reduce all the used resources. A higher productivity strategy would define a different action plan, in which the company maintained its previous capacity, but began to look for alternatives. For example, a part of the warehouse can be leased, or free vehicles can transport materials to other companies.
    As part of the cost leadership strategy, companies can maintain a leading position in the market by reducing logistics costs. The strategy can be implemented if the following happens:

    tocut costs in the individual functions of logistics;

    tooptimize inventory levels;

    to choose the best options for ―warehousing – transportation‖;

    touse the services of logistics providers.
    The strategies for differentiation, focus and diversification in logistics are presented below.
    The differentiation strategy will allow the company to become unique in the field of logistics. The concept of customer service differentiation distinguishes the level of customer service according to the profitability of the customer segments. If there are competing customer orders, the orders are prioritized according to the importance of the customer. Orders with a higher customer priority are processed first. It is important to note that in this concept the production function is untouched.
    The focus strategy is aimed at meeting the needs of the consumer of the selected target segment, within which the strategy can be based on both differentiation and cost leadership. The advantage of the strategy is to get a large share in the target segment. The disadvantage is the probability of a small market share in the whole market.
    The diversification strategy allows to avoid dependence on one functional strategic unit. The types of diversification include:


    horizontal diversification, which involves the expansion of the company's activities in relation to its traditional consumer groups using existing promotion channels;

    expansion of the product range by adding to it new types of products, as well as the expansion of the enterprise to new market segments;

    vertical diversification, which involves expanding its activities to the previous or subsequent stages of the production and distribution process;

    lateral diversification-inclusion in the production program of the enterprise of products that do not have a direct connection with the former sphere of activity of the enterprise.
    The next logistics strategy is the strategy to minimize investments in logistics infrastructure, which is implemented through the following solutions:

    direct delivery of goods to consumers without intermediaries;

    use of the common areas warehouses or consignment warehouses;

    optimal placement of warehouses, shops or manufacturing enterprises
    Another logistics strategy is aimed at improving the service in logistics,it involves improving the quality of logistics operations and functions. In this case, the limiting factor is the logistics costs which are growing with the use of new technologies to improve the quality of logistics services.
    Logistics outsourcing strategy. Logistics outsourcing is understood as the purposeful involvement of a partner-logistics intermediary, operator or provider to provide certain logistics services [33]. It is aimed at addressing the following issues:

    definition of core competencies and focusing on them to the enterprise resource;

    optimization of the selection of sources of external resources;

    identification of criteria for selection of logistics service providers;

    transfer to external execution of non-core competencies;

    use of investments and innovations of logistics providers.

    Growth strategy. There are several pathways leading to growth, either through acquisition of rivals, expansion of served geographical areas, the development of a larger number of logistics activities, moving different types of materials or simply increase market share.
    Strategy based on the protection of the environment. Companies that use this strategy are committed to reduce negative impacts on the environment.
    The main elements of the company's strategy are:
    Quality. The goal is to ensure continuous improvement of product quality, purchase of raw materials and components of a higher quality, which will reduce production costs and costs associated with internal quality control. Also, the goal is the creation and subsequent certification of the company's product quality management system.
    Inventory management. It is an analysis of operational information on stocks of all important items of the range of raw materials, finished products, taking into account partnership agreements with key suppliers.
    Logistics technology supply. It is an electronic data exchange with key suppliers to facilitate transactions and accelerate interaction.
    Innovations. It is an offer to the customer innovative technical solutions and high-quality equipment.
    Purchase of material resources.It is a purchase of raw materials under own brand.
    Purchase of finished products.The finished products are taken from domestic manufacturersand this allow having a full range of products to meet the needs of the main clientele and making profit [19].
    The logistics strategy of the company is to provide high quality logistics service in the supply of optimization of prices for purchased material resources and finished products under the influence of market conditions.
    The following tasks for implementing the company's strategy must be solved:
    1. Developing relationships with suppliers:


    Reasonable consideration of mutual corporate interests between suppliers and companies.

    Establishing partnerships with suppliers.

    Providing well-established information channels of communication with suppliers.

    Steady flow of accurate information about the required supplies. Use of various logistics technologies (VMI and JIT).
    2. Optimization of inventory levels in the warehouse system while ensuring the required level of customer service.

    Reduction of stocks.

    Management procedures-orders.

    Ensuring high quality customer service with minimum insurance reserves.

    Production inventory management [7].
    The reasons for the lack of logistics strategy are:
    1) Managers of enterprises misunderstand the purpose of logistics as the integrated tool of management for optimizing material and financial resources of firm;
    2) insufficient number of qualified specialists in the field of logistics [16].
    The development of the logistics strategy is preceded by two stages: forecasting and planning of logistics activities. The forecast of logistics activities is a probabilistic representation of the appearance of events in the future, based on observations and theoretical positions, a reasonable judgment about the probability of occurrence of one or more events or possible states of the process
    (phenomenon), a judgment about the future period of time. Forecasting is used as a preliminary stage in the development of plans.
    Strategic logistics planning consists of a number of objectives, processes, structures, elements, systems, etc. When designing a logistics strategy, all its structural elements can be represented in the form of the logistic plan. This plan is consonant with the strategic planning outline. It can be divided into separate stages

    99 or stages in relation to the logistics strategy. Logistics strategy is one of the stages of the logistics planning.
    At the fourth stage of logistics, the planning is determined by the logistics strategy. It is the way in which logistics, as a whole, can achieve its goals by minimizing costs, improving customer service, optimizing time parameters, improving the quality and range of products, flexibility of the volume of products offered, improving technology, more convenient location, optimizing the balance of resource opportunities, costs and financial indicators, the formation of a business strategy.
    The logistics strategy describes long-term solutions, plans, techniques and culture of logistics implementation in general. It is a functional strategy that shows how logistics will contribute to the success of the organization. Many aspects of logistics may be relevant. The focus of the strategy shows what this organization considers to be the most important.
    The development of the enterprise logistics strategy involves the effective functioning of its activities in the future, being a part of the corporate or functional strategy of the enterprise, regardless of changes in the environment.
    The purpose of developing a strategy for the development of any system is to identify the main directions of its further functioning on the basis of maximum use of scientific, technical, production, human resources and with the most complete consideration of the impact of the micro – and macro-environment [27].
    When developing a logistics strategy, three factors must be taken into account: a higher-level strategy, the environment in which the business is conducted and the special competence of the organization.
    Higher-level strategies set the goals of the organization and context in which all logistics decisions are made. The mission defines common goals, and corporate and business strategies show how they are planned to be achieved. The logistics strategy should work to support a higher level strategy. For example, if a business strategy provides for a higher quality of customer service, the logistics strategy should show how logistics will perform.

    The environment in which the business is conducted includes factors that affect logistics, but which logistics cannot manage. This includes:
    1) consumers – their expectations, attitudes, demographic characteristics;
    2) market conditions – size, location, stability;
    3) technology– currently available, probable directions of development, pace of innovation;
    4) economic climate – gross domestic product, growth rate, inflation rate;
    5) legal restrictions – professional restrictions, legal liability and employment laws;
    6) competitors– number, ease of entering the market, strengths;
    7) shareholders – their target approach to investments, goals, required profit;
    8) stakeholder groups – their goals, strengths, level of support;
    9) social conditions – different lifestyles of consumers, the changing needs, is clearly expressed tendency;
    10) political conditions – stability, the scope of control by the authorities, relations with the authorities.
    All competing organizations operate in the same business environment.
    Each of them can succeed, if it has a clearly expressed competence allowing it to stand out from the opponents. These competencies are determined by the factors that can be managed and used by an organization to distinguish itself from others.
    The special competence is built on the assets of the organization, which include:
    1) consumers– their requests, loyalty, relationships with them;
    2) employees– their qualification, experience, loyalty;
    3) finance– capital, debts, cash flows;
    4) organization– structure, relationships, flexibility;
    5) products– quality, reputation, innovation;
    6) facilities– capacity, age, reliability;
    7) technology– currently used, planned, special varieties;

    101 8) processes– structures, technology used, flexibility;
    9) marketing– experience, reputation;
    10) suppliers– services, flexibility, partnership;
    11) other assets– knowledge, innovation, patents.
    At its core, the environment in which the business is conducted, and special competencies show what position the organization currently occupies, and strategies of a higher level – what it wants to occupy in the future. As for the logistics strategy, it shows how the organization will move from the current situation in logistics activities to the future [12].
    A logistics audit can precede the development of a logistics strategy. The logistics audit should be understood as a comprehensive test of the effectiveness of logistics subsystems. The role of logistics audit in choosing a logistics strategy is to identify «problem areas». The results that are announced after conducting the procedure such as audit of logistic systems are usually said about the appropriateness of certain projects associated with the following items:

    Development of strategy in terms of the logistics component of the structure.

    Formation of the system related to the regulation of logistics business processes.

    Re-engineering of the system or subsystem logistics.
    There is no standard logistics strategy applied to any company, as the diversity of companies and the difference in their working conditions require an individual approach to each development. However, there are methodology and approaches that can be used to develop a logistics strategy of the company, taking into account its features and specifics.
    In the domestic scientific literature, a lot of attention is paid to the theory of logisticsat the moment, while such an aspect as a strategy that allows to create new competitive advantages of a trading enterprise.

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