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  • Exercise 2. Use the Future Perfect Continuous or the Future Perfect.

  • Exercise 3. Use the verbs in the Future Perfect or the Future Perfect Continuous Tense.

  • Exercise 4. Use the Future Perfect Continuous or the Future Perfect.

  • Exercise 5. Translate into English.

  • Exercise 6. Put the verbs into the Present Indefinite or the Future Indefinite, the Present Perfect or the Future Perfect, the Future Continuous or the Future Perfect Continuous tense.

  • Exercise 7. Use an appropriate Future tense where necessary.

  • Exercise 8. Open the brackets using an appropriate Future tense where necessary.

  • REVISION: THE ACTIVE VOICE Exercise 1. Translate into English. I.

  • Exercise 2. Use the most suitable tense of the verbs in brackets. Text 1Bad luck

  • Методичка the Verb. The indefinite tenseforms the Present Indefinite Tense

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    Exercise 1. Use the Future Perfect Continuous.

    1. By next year we (live) in this city for twenty-five years. 2. By the end of this month we (learn) this language for ten years. 3. By this time next week, he (work) on this book for a year. 4. When my daughter goes to school we (live) here for over five years. 5. Do you realize that on September 15, you (repair) our car for three months? 6. If nobody stops him, he (grumble) for hours. 7. We (fly) non-stop for three hours before we get to London tomorrow. 8. I (write) my course paper for two months before I defend it. 9. The children (play) out of doors the whole evening till their parents return home. 10. We (admire) the beauty of Italy for two weeks before we come home. 11. By the time he arrives, I (pick) apples in our garden for two hours. 12. My mother (sit) in front of the TV-set for the whole evening till I come home. 13. By the end of this year I (live) in England for three years. 14. I (cook) for a few hours before the guests arrive. 15. The children (decorate) the New-Year tree for the whole evening before they go to bed.

    Exercise 2. Use the Future Perfect Continuous or the Future Perfect.

    1. By the end of March he (live) here for three years. 2. They will be tired when they get there. They (travel) all day. 3. They (have) lunch by the time we arrive. 4. I (work) for this company for thirty years by the end of October. 5. They (stay) here for five weeks by Monday. 6. By tea time she (play) tennis for three hours. 7. By next June Ann (study) in London for a year. 8. The children (sleep) for eight hours by breakfast time. 9. How long you (study) in this group by February? 10. I (write) my homework by six o’clock. 11. They (complete) the new bridge by the end of the year. 12. By the end of this week, I (wait) for three months for my car to be repaired. 13. I hope I (finish) this report by the end of the day. 14. She (leave) for work before the children get home from school. 15. He (work) in the North for two years by the time he retires. 16. By the end of the year he (climb) 10 mountains. He (climb) for ten years by that time. 17. By the end of this month I (save) for three years, and I hope I (buy) a new car by my wife’s birthday.

    Exercise 3. Use the verbs in the Future Perfect or the Future Perfect Continuous Tense.

    1. By the end of next week my wife (do) her spring-cleaning and we will all be able to relax again. 2. I usually make a lot of apple jam in summer. I (make) about 200 kilos by the end of the summer. 3. In two months’ time he (finish) his preliminary training and will be starting his work. 4. He spends all his spare time planting trees. He says by the end of next year he (plant) 2,000. 5. I will be back again at the end of next month. I hope I (pass) my driving test by then. If I have, I will meet your train. 6. Come back in an hour. I (do) my packing by then and we will be able to have a talk. 7. When he reaches the lake he (walk) for 6 hours. 8. He is only 35 but he has started losing his hair already. He (lose) it all by the time he is 50. 9. By the end of next year I (work) for the firm for 15 years. 10. Our committee is trying to raise money to buy a new lifeboat. By the end of the year, we (send) out 5,000 letters asking for contributions. 11. By the time the polls close, how many people, do you think, (vote) in this election? 12. On 11 October the Pattersons (live) here for ten years. 13. The company (build) 500 houses by the end of the decade. 14. Between now and Christmas the doctor (treat) at least 500 patients. 15. Scientists claim that the sea level (rise) three centimetres before the year of 2015.

    Exercise 4. Use the Future Perfect Continuous or the Future Perfect.










    Do you know, Joan, next month I (live) in this house for 25 years?

    Yes, and my family and yours (be) neighbours for 25 years, too. The (have) 25 years together without any quarrels or trouble.

    Yes, and how long your family (be) in this town?

    Well, my father was born here, so in March, when he has his birthday, he (complete) 48 years here.

    How is your father’s work getting on?

    When he has finished the house he is building now, he (build) six houses this year.

    That’s good. When he (finish) this house?

    By the end of November, probably. He (work) on it for two and a half months by then. By the end of this year he (build) houses for twenty years.

    My father (be) a doctor for sixteen years next June, and he (work) in this town for eight years next January.

    You (finish) your medical studies by 2016?

    I (graduate) from the University, I hope; but I (not do) my hospital work yet. By the summer of 2016 I (study) medicine for five years.

    Well, by that time I (finish) my studies and I (work) as a teacher for a year, I hope.

    Exercise 5. Translate into English.

    1. К тому времени, как он закончит университет, его родители проработают в Южной Африке два года. 2. Мы будем рекламировать эти товары несколько месяцев к тому времени, как они появятся на рынке. 3. На будущий год к этому времени она будет изучать немецкий уже два года. 4. К тому времени, когда она приедет, я уже буду жить здесь в течение двух лет. 5. К тому времени, как ты вернешься, я буду писать портрет уже два месяца. 6. Сколько времени они будут показывать этот фильм, пока ты не привезешь новый? 7. К пяти часам я буду разгадывать этот кроссворд уже два часа. 8. К тому времени, когда он приедет в Лондон, он будет ехать пять часов без остановки. 9. К следующему году моя мама будет преподавать английский двадцать лет. 10. Я уверена, что мы будем жить в этом старом доме много лет, пока мы не купим новый.

    Exercise 6. Put the verbs into the Present Indefinite or the Future Indefinite, the Present Perfect or the Future Perfect, the Future Continuous or the Future Perfect Continuous tense.

    1. I think she (hear) all about it by the time I (see) her. 2. I promise, I (finish) this book by the weekend and then I (give) it to you. 3. The children (be) hungry when they (get) in because they (run) about all afternoon. 4. This government (be) in power for eight years soon but I don’t think they (win) the next election. 5. You (have) breakfast yet? If not, I (make) you something. 6. Don’t phone them now. They (not get) home yet. They probably (get) back at about half past eight. 7. I think they (finish) building the house by the time the winter (come) and then we (move) in by the New Year. 8. I expect they (be) tired when you (see) them because they (work) all day. 9. If I (come) and (see) the film with you on Saturday, I (see) it six times. But it’s the best film I ever (see). I think you (love) it. 10. Why don’t you come round at 9 o’clock? The children (go) to bed by that time so it (be) nice and peaceful. 11. They might be tired when you see them because they (work) hard since morning. 12. We hope that life in this region (return) to normal within a couple of months, although it (take) many years before they (repair) the structural and emotional damage of the war. 13. You (lend) me your season ticket? – I (not lend) it to you because it’s against the law. 14. When I (get) home, my dog (sit) at the door waiting for me. I (feed) the dog before I (go) to bed. 15. You (have) lunch with me tomorrow? – I’d love to, but I’m afraid I (do) my exam at that time. 16. He spends all his spare time planting trees. He says that by the end of next year he (plant) more than one thousand. 17. I hope they (repair) this road by the time we (come) here next summer. 18. I’m going to Hyde Park to hear the people making speeches. – By the time you (get) there they (finish) their speeches and everybody (go) home. 19. In the future more and more people (use) mobile telephones. It’s the first time I (use) this telephone today. 20. I hope you (inform) me as soon as the director (sign) my application. – Don’t worry I think he (sign) it by tomorrow.

    Exercise 7. Use an appropriate Future tense where necessary.

    1. What you (say) if you see her? 2. We (work) at this problem for a month when you visit us a second time. 3. The Stones (be) married for thirty years in May. 4. By the end of the month she (work) in this company for three years. 5. Why don’t you come with us? We (go) to have a lot of fun. 6. The children (be) really hungry when they (get) home because they (run) around all afternoon without any food. 7. I (not go) to speak to her until she (apologize). 8. You (be) sick if you eat more chocolate. 9. By the time you (get) back, all the food (go). 10. You (not be) able to enter the building if you (not have) your identity card. 11. When I (learn) a thousand English words, I (be) able to read a newspaper? 12. The film (not finish) until midnight. 13. She (cook) dinner for us by the time we (get) home. 14. I (hope) you (not forget) your promise by tomorrow. 15. By Christmas I (work) in this office for ten years. 16. A new video shop (open) today. I (meet) my friends there this afternoon.

    Exercise 8. Open the brackets using an appropriate Future tense where necessary.

    1. By the end of the month I (work) for this firm for a year. 2. I don’t think I can join you because my aunt and uncle (stay) with us this weekend. 3. You don’t work in class! I (phone) your mother about this. 4. I (watch) television from eight o’clock to midnight. 5. When you (repair) my bike, Daddy? – I (do) it tomorrow if I have time. 6. It’s so crowded in here. I think, I (faint). – I (take) you outside for a while. 7. I don’t know when the concert (be) over. 8. I (live) there for five years next February. 9. By the end of the summer he (teach) me to work with the computer. 10. Have a good time in Italy! – Thanks. I (send) you a postcard. 11. I think you (like) Nick when you meet him. 12. I (cook) spaghetti in case you get hungry. 13. They (move) to a new flat next week. 14. This time tomorrow I (lie) on the beach. 15. If you ask I am sure he (offer) to help. 16. What you (do) tomorrow evening? 17. Either you keep quiet or I (have) to ask you to leave. 18. We both hope that your leg (be) better in a couple of weeks and you (be) able to come to the wedding. 19. If he doesn’t come I (be) upset. 20. I (take) my sun-glasses in case it is sunny. 21. The bus (leave) at eight o’clock on Monday morning. 22. As soon as I (hear) the results I (let) you know. 23. Look at the sun! It (go) to be a hot day tomorrow. 24. When the train (arrive) tomorrow night? 25. You (work) late tomorrow night? 26. This parcel looks heavy. I (take) it to the post office for you. 27. You (have) to stay at home until you (get) rid of your bad cough. 28. According to the weather forecast snow (fall) by the end of December. 29. They (not go) to the football match tomorrow, because they (work) at that time. 30. By the time you (get) back, Simon (leave).

    Exercise 1. Translate into English.


    1. В моей библиотеке так много прекрасных книг, но я прочитл только половину из них. 2. Экзамены приближаются, и я выучила почти весь материал. 3. Как только наступит осень, мы пойдем в лес собирать грибы и ягоды. 4. Аэропорт был закрыт, так как целую неделю шел сильный снег. 5. – Вы когда-нибудь работали с компьютерами? – Да, конечно, я интересуюсь ими. 6. Фрукты очень полезны, в них так много витаминов. 7. Служащий напомнил нам, что компания оплатила все счета. 8. Какие у меня замечательные студенты! Предполагаю, что они сделают большие успехи в английском языке. 9. Гости приезжают к нам завтра, а у нас мало хлеба, тебе придется пойти и купить немного. 10. В поезде было немного народу. Некоторые читали, другие спали, дети смотрели в окно. 11. – Какая сегодня погода? – Солнечно, такая погода заставляет людей чувствовать себя счастливыми. 12. Когда ты купила новые туфли? – О, я приобрела их в начале зимы. 13. – Вам придется подождать. Тестируют последнего студента. 14. Учитель рассмеялся и сказал, что он тоже получал плохие оценки в школе.


    1. Перед зданием нашего университета есть красивая церковь. Строители отреставрировали ее 5 лет назад. 2. – Мне так нравится твое кольцо! Оно у тебя давно? – О, оно у меня уже много лет. Я его купила, когда была в Индии. 3. Когда дети вышли из дома, то они вспомнили, что не выключили телевизор. 4. Я не могу взять эти деньги и потратить их. Я их не заработал. 5. Пока она гладила брюки, он слушал радио. Последние новости были интересными. 6. Нет ничего трудного в этой задаче. Тебе просто нужно немного подумать. 7. Я умираю от голода. Я с утра ничего не ел. 8. В моей жизни существует так много проблем, и я еще не решил, что делать. 9. Шел дождь, когда мы расстались, но когда мы подъехали к дому, он уже прекратился. 10. Туристы были довольны, так как их гид очень хорошо спланировал программу. 11. Учитель прокомментировал контрольные работы своих учеников и сказал, что трое из них получили высшие оценки. 12. Мы слышали, что он опубликовал новый роман год назад. Вы его читали? О чем он? 13. Мы слышали, как он громко разговаривал со своим шефом. Они опять спорили.


    1. Когда я пришел в университет, то обнаружил, что профессор заболел. 2. Сведения, которые он только что получил, интересуют всех. 3. Сегодня я не выходила из дома, так как идет дождь и у меня много дел. 4. Она считает, что он самый красивый, самый умный, самый лучший человек на свете. 5. – В слове «грамматика» две буквы «м»? – Да. – Какая досада! Я опять сделала ошибку. 6. – Мне позвонить врачу? – О, нет, не нужно. Мне уже гораздо лучше. 7. Ты не знаешь, где черная сумка? Я нигде не могу ее найти. 8. – Когда уезжает ваш брат? – Он планирует улететь завтра, если ничего не случится. 9. – У тебя есть деньги на обед? – Есть немного, но их не хватит даже на бутерброд. 10. Когда солнце встает в Париже, в Мексике еще ночь. 11. Он сказал, что ждет нас уже полтора часа. 12. Если пойдет дождь и будет ветрено, то старые люди опять будут плохо себя чувствовать. 13. Ты идешь с нами? Мы не можем ждать, у нас очень мало времени. 14. – У тебя есть билеты на концерт? – Нет еще, но я собираюсь попросить друга купить их.


    1. Он предложил детям пойти в зоопарк, так как он не был там с детства. 2. Я знаю его хорошо. Я знаю его всю жизнь. 3. – В какое время люди обычно обедают в вашей стране? – Обычно от двух до четырех. 4. – Где вы были вчера в это время? – Я писал сочинение в библиотеке. 5. Я давно не видел своих старых друзей. 6. У моих соседей нет телевизора, и поэтому у них много времени для чтения и прогулок. 7. Какая великолепная сегодня погода! Давайте выйдем и прогуляемся по улицам. 8. Я просмотрела все журналы, но не нашла статью, которая меня интересует. 9. Критики сейчас так много говорят об этом режиссере. Он так талантлив! 10. Ты права! Ее волосы действительно очень красивы, они длинные и блестящие. 11. – Сколько вам требуется времени, чтобы добраться до станции метро? – Мне требуется 5 минут автобусом или полчаса пешком. 12. Он не самый лучший, но и не самый худший человек, кого я когда-либо встречал. 13. – Новости сегодня интересные? – Жаль, но никаких новостей еще не поступало. 14. – Ваш сын не много читает, не так ли? – К сожалению, не могу заставить его читать больше. 15. Мы приняли решение. Невозможно предпринять что-то, чтобы помочь им. 16. – Наконец мы прибыли в Лондон. Я так счастлив. Я всегда хотел посетить столицу Великобритании. – И я тоже. 17. Интересно, получили ли они письма, которые мы отправили в прошлый понедельник.

    Exercise 2. Use the most suitable tense of the verbs in brackets.

    Text 1

    Bad luck

    David Williams (to have) such a terrible time this year that he ought to be in the Guinness Book of Records. The trouble (to start) one morning last January when David (to find) that his cat (to go) from outside his house. He (not to see) it since. In March he (to buy) a new car, but he (not to have) it more than a week when someone (to crash) into the back of it. These disasters (to continue) right up to the present time. Two days ago David (to sit) on a bench that someone (to finish) painting only a few minutes before. He (to wear) a new suit he (to buy) only the previous week. The worst thing happened in August. David (to spend) 3 days of his holiday at the airport because of strikes. When he (to arrive) home finally, he (to discover) that someone (to break) into his house. His video-recorder and television (to disappear). David doesn’t know what he (to do) to deserve all this bad luck. He just (to hope) his luck will change soon.

    Text 2

    Invitation to dinner

    Dear Ann,

    You (to be) free to come to dinner here on Saturday next at 8.00? My brother Paul (to come) and (to bring) a friend of his called Tom Edwards. You (not to meet) Tom but I (to think) you (to like) him. He is an assistant stage manager at the Gate Theatre and (to be able) to tell you about the actors. Paul says Tom (not to receive) much salary and often (not to get) enough to eat, so he (to ask) me to have roast beef and Yorkshire pudding for diner. He proba­bly (to ring up) between now and Saturday to say that it (to be) a good idea to start with soup. I (to know) you usually (not to eat) such meals, but I hope you (to enjoy) the conversation. Anyway, come if you (to be able).

    Love, Mary

    Text 3

    A remarkable book

    Once, while I (to walk) in a park of London, I (to see) an old strange-looking man. He (to sit) on a bench holding a closed book in his hands. I (to sit) on the bench and (to look) at the book.

    I (to see) that the book (to be) of great interest. It (to be) a very old copy of early Byron’s works. I (to look) at the old man in surprise and (to understand) that he (to know) I (to sit) on the bench because of him and the book he (to hold) in his hands, I (to smile). “It is the last I (to have)” – he said and (to stretch) it out to me. I (to take) it with the words: “I (to be) a lover of old books”. I (to open) this small book and (to look) at the date. “Oh”, I said. “It (to be) a remarkable book”. “Yes”, he (to sigh). “I (to have) to sell it to buy the necessities of life. I (to have) a hard life and this book always (to be) a comfort to me”.

    I (to nod) and (to think) that I never (to see) such a remarkable book.
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