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  • IX. Fire on the Laconia.

  • Exercise 36. Translate the story from Russian into English, paying special attention to the italicized words. Совет врача

  • REVISION Use the most suitable tense-form of the verbs in brackets. Text 1The farmer and the boy

  • The new teacher

  • A powerful king

  • My night of the dolphins

  • The contents

  • Методичка the Verb. The indefinite tenseforms the Present Indefinite Tense

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    VIII. A Letter.

    Dear David, I (write) this letter to you to keep you updated as to what we (do). When we (speak) last month I was working at Mountain bell. Since then I (start) my own business. Basically, this is why I am writing. I (excite) about the growth that we (experience). In fact, we (expand) this programme since the very beginning and we (reach) 20,000 dollars per month. David, I have no idea if you (satisfy) with your standard of living. I also (not know) if you (pay) at present what you are worth, but this opportunity (give) us everything we ever (dream) about. I fully (understand) that this opportunity (not be) for everyone. But you (be) just the person to work in this program. Please, study the information we already (send) to you and the details we (send) in this letter. Please, give us a call so that we can answer any questions that you (have) after you have studied everything. If we didn’t think of you as of an ideal candidate for this programme, we wouldn’t have sent you this information. We (look) forward to hearing from you in the nearest future. All the best, Chris Edersberg.
    IX. Fire on the Laconia.

    On December 19th, 1963, the cruise ship LACONIA (leave) Southampton docks. It was a big ship with about 650 passengers and a crew of about 300 on board. People who (book) for the cruise (tell) by the adverts that this (be) “a holiday you never (forget)”. Three days after the cruise (begin), at half past eleven in the evening, the passengers (hear) the news that the ship was on fire, but that was nothing serious. At first nobody (panic), but people on the decks soon saw that the members of the crew (unfasten) life boats for an emergency. At half past twelve the passengers (instruct) to leave their cabins and get in the lifeboats quickly. People (terrify). Some fell into the sea as the crowded boats (hit) the sides of the ship on their way down. All through the night they (ride) on the 15-foot waves of the rough Atlantic until they (pick up) next morning by helicopters and rescue boats. If the cruise manager hadn’t ordered the passengers to get into the lifeboats in time, 128 people would have died.
    Exercise 36. Translate the story from Russian into English, paying special attention to the italicized words.

    Совет врача

    Медсестра спросила меня, ожидаю ли я доктора Грея, и пригласила меня к нему в кабинет.

    Доктор Грей улыбнулся мне и спросил, что меня беспокоит. Я сказал, что ужасно переутомлен (be run down). Он спросил меня, поздно ли я ложусь спать (stay up late), и я сказал, что нет. Он поинтересовался, почему я не соблюдаю нормальный режим (keep regular hours), и я объяснил, что почти каждый вечер я встречаюсь с друзьями. Доктор захотел узнать, как я провожу время, и я сказал, что в основном я хожу на вечеринки. Доктор спросил меня, удаётся ли (have the chance) мне отдохнуть (to recover) в выходные дни, но я вынужден был признать, что в выходные дни наши вечеринки длятся всю ночь.

    Он спросил меня, курю ли я, и когда я сказал, что курю, доктор спросил меня, сколько сигарет в день я выкуриваю. Он был поражён, когда услышал мой ответ. Тогда врач спросил меня, занимаюсь (take) ли я гимнастикой для поддержания своего здоровья (to keep fit).

    Я ответил, что для этого у меня нет времени.

    «Вы поджигаете свечу (burn the candle) с обоих концов», сказал доктор Грей и добавил, «но я завидую вам, что вы так весело проводите время».
    Use the most suitable tense-form of the verbs in brackets.
    Text 1

    The farmer and the boy

    One morning a farmer met a boy and asked him if the latter wanted a job. The boy (to answer) that he (to do). The farmer (to want) to know if the boy (can) give him a good character. The boy said that he (can) and (to add) that it (to be) from Mr. Muggs, the shopkeeper, his previous master.

    The farmer agreed. The farmer told the boy to go and ask Mr. Muggs to come there and speak to him. He said that he (to wait) there for some time. Twenty minutes (to pass) and then forty minutes (to pass), but Mr. Muggs (not to come).

    Later in the afternoon the farmer (to see) the boy again and he said that Mr. Muggs (not to come) with the boy’s character. The boy (not to be) surprised to hear it. He said he (not to ask) Mr. Muggs to come there.

    The farmer asked why the boy (not to do) it. The boy (to answer) that he (to tell) his old master who (to want) the character. The farmer not (to understand). Then the boy (to explain) that his old master (to tell) him the character of the farmer.
    Text 2

    The new teacher

    The school in Pine Clearing was new and fine. The people (to be) proud of it, аs well as of the schoolmistress, a young widow, who was clever and had a good education.

    One day when she (to leave) the school the chairman of the school board (to come) up to her “Mrs. Martin, we would like you to have an assistant as the school (to get) too large for one little woman. I (to go) to meet him now”. At that moment a coach (to stop) at the gate and they (to see) a young man jump out of it. He (to look) strong and active. His eyes (to be) blue, his hair (to be) short; but his face (to have) no expression, it was like а mask. Не (to introduce) himself to everybody as Charles Twing, the new assistant. The Chairman (to think) that he never (to see) such an expressionless face before; he was sure that as soon as Mrs. Martin (to look) at him she (to send) him away. Mrs. Martin asked Mr. Twing if he (to be) at college, and if he ever (to teach) at school. It turned out that he never (to do) such things. The schoolmistress (not to say) anything to this. She said she (to expect) him to come to the school early the next day.

    The next morning when Mrs. Martin came to the school the new assistant (not to come) yet. But soon he appeared with a crowd of children. They (to laugh) and (to look) very happy. Mrs. Martin (to get) angry, but Mr. Twing promised that he (to listen) and (to learn) very quickly.

    A month passed. All (to go) well in the school. Mrs. Martin (to begin) to like her new assistant and they (to become) good friends. She never (to ask) him what he (to do) before he (to become) a teacher.

    One day a piano (to bring) to the school as the children (to be) going to give a concert. Mrs. Martin wanted Mr. Twing to do something too and he (to decide) to recite a poem. While he (to do) it at the concert a voice from the audience shouted: “Bravo, Johnny Walker!” Mr. Twing’s face (to become) white and he (to go) away quickly. After the concert Mrs. Martin (to find) him in a little room. He (to tell) her that he (to be) a clown before he (to come) to the school.
    Text 3

    A powerful king

    Once there (to rule) a powerful king over the island of Samos. He was rich and prosperous, and at last his prosperity (to rise) to such a height that he (to begin) to be afraid that the gods (can) be jealous of his happiness. So, some messengers (to send) to consult an oracle in another country. They (to tell) to bring the answer as soon as they (to get) it. When they (to reach) the oracle they (to receive) the answer: “Tell the King that if he (to want) to escape the anger of the Gods, he must throw into the sea that which he (to hold) to be the dearest of all his possessions. The messengers returned and the King (to tell) what the oracle (to say). The King therefore (to take) a boat and (to go) out to sea, and (to throw) away a ring which he (to value) greatly because it (to give) to him by his dead wife. That night he (to think) over what he (to do) that day and wondered if the gods (to keep) him safe from harm. When he (to wake) up in the morning he (to sit) down to breakfast. Imagine his surprise when he (to open) a fish that (to prepare) for him and (to see) the ring he (to throw) away the day before! A fisherman (to catch) the fish that morning and (to bring) it to the palace, not knowing what (to be) inside it. The king then (to understand) that the gods (to refuse) his sacrifice. He soon (to begin) to lose his power and (to die) in great misery. This story is a warning to us not to flatter ourselves that our happiness (to be) enduring, unless we (to depend) more upon ourselves than upon what we (to have).
    Text 4

    The keys

    One day Sarah and her little son Ben (to drive) home from London. The weather (to be) fine and warm though it (to rain) since morning. They (not to be) to their place for a long time and they (can) sее some changes. “Mum, look, a new house (to build) in our street near our cottage.” Sarah’s cottage was a nice little place. It was theirs though in fact they (not to pay) all the money for it yet. As soon as they (to arrive) and (to come) into the house Sarah (to take) оff her bag from her shoulders and (to put) it on the stairs in the hall.

    Ben (to run) into the sitting-room, (to turn) on the television though his mother (to forbid) him to do it. The boy made the TV work very noisily. Sarah (to leave) the house to take the food box from the car. At that moment their dog (to push) the door and it (to lock). Sarah (cannot) get inside. The keys (to be) in the bag, the windows and the back door (to close) and Веn (not to hear) her shout.

    Sarah (to hear) the music playing and some voices speaking. She (to understand) that if she (not to shout) at the top of her voice, the boy (never to come) to the door. So she (to do). Ben (to come), (to push) the keys through the letter-box and Sarah (to be) able to open the door. Ben (to give) the keys, the dog (to tell) to sit quiet, and they both (to go out) to take the food. While Sarah (to take) the box out of the car Ben (to lock) the door and (to push) the keys into the house through the letter-box. How do you like that?
    TEXT 5

    My night of the dolphins

    As I 1) (to prepare) for bed that chilly Sunday night in January 1989, I happened to glance out through the sliding glass doors of my beachfront apartment. I saw a Jeep with its lights on, and two men, who 2) (to kick) at something in the surf. As the men drove away, I 3) (to continue) looking curious.

    Then, in the dim light of stars and the glow from city lights, I 4) (to see) them, two dark shapes at the edge of the foaming surf. I 5) (to know) the shapes had to be dolphins – beached and in trouble.

    Pulling on warm slacks and a sweater, I 6) (to race) out into the 40-degree night, and (to try) to remember evening I 7) (to learn) about dolphins. How strange, I 8) (to think), that only a day earlier I 9) (to discuss) dolphins with the scientist. A friend 10) (to invite) me to a party for Dr. John Lilly a world’s foremost dolphin research authority. Although I 11) (to be) a real estate agent, I 12) always (to love) animals. I 13) (to pray) for guidance because I 14) (to want) to live a more meaningful life.

    I 15) (to find) the mother and the baby lying side by side. I 16) (to approach) the two cautiously. In a soft voice I 17) (to try) to communicate love. “Hello, I 18) (to want) to help you. 19) (to be) you OK?” I 20) (to sense) they 21) (to understand) me.

    I gently 22) (to place) my hand on the larger dolphin’s cold, sleek side. She 23) (to flap) her tail as through trying to swim away from me. I 24) (to jump) back. I 25) (to keep) on talking to them, and soon both 26) (to calm) down. I 27) (to remember) Doctor Lilly telling me how particularly sensitive dolphins 28) (to be) to humans; in many cases they 29) (to show) incredible compassion in rescuing people. I 30) (to decide) to shake hands, relying on the information I 31) (to learn), that dolphin flippers 32) (to be) very much like human hands and every bit as sensitive. I 33) (to touch) and (to massage) their flippers. Warmth 34) to seem to come from the mother, as if she 35) (to acknowledge) my concern. I 36) (to rush) to my apartment and (to cal)l the Coast Guard. They said to me “Forget it, lady. Beach dolphins 37) (to have) zero chance of survival. There’s nothing anybody 38) (can) do for them.” I 39) (to be) outraged. I quickly 40) (to grab) my largest cooking pot and (to run) back to the beach. Wading into the surf, I 41) (to collect) full pots of seawater and periodically (to pour) them over the dolphins to keep them moist. I gently 42) (to massage) their long, cold bodies and (to pat) them loving. I also 43) (to lie) down next to them on the sand with my arms around them. Both 44) (to emit) high-pitched squeaks. I 45) (to see) that they 46) (to try) to tell me something. When I 47) (to brush) my hand over the mother’s snout, she 48) (to open) her mouth as if to show me that she 49) (to trust) me. I felt I 50) (to accept). As the surf crashed and ebbed around us, I 51) (to feel) that however long these two 52) (to stay), the three of us 53) (to find) a way of communicating. We 54) (to have) trust and friendship.

    The dark hours 55) (to pass). I 56) (to continue) sitting with my friends in the frigid salt air, often lying next to them with my arms around them, praying for them. About every half hour or so, when my body 57) (to become) numb with cold, I 58) (to run) home, to gulp some hot tea and change into dry clothes. Every time I 59) (to return), they 60) (to look) up as if to say “So glad you 61) (to be) back.” But about 3:00 am the dolphins weakened. The poof-poofing through their blowholes 62) (to show) considerably. Before long they 63) (to gasp). “Oh, please don’t die,” I 64) (to cry). By about eight o’clock the animals 65) (to appear) to be comatose. They 66) (to lie) quiet, eyes closed, their limp tails sloshing in the knee-deep surf. I 67) (to lean) over their whisper of air. After pouring hundreds of buckets of water over them and massaging them until my hands 68) (to be) raw, I felt I 69) (to lose) the battle.

    By nine o’clock the beach 70) (to be) a circus. Crowds 71) (to mill), helicopters circling and television crews dashing about. Everyone 72) (to seem) to be waiting for the moment of death. The tide 73) (to roll) in, and I 74) (not to be able) to reach the dolphins as well as before. Five or six biologists 75) (to decide) to try and float the dolphins in order to take pressure off their lungs, which 76) (to compress) by the weights of their bodies. Then a man from Sea Shepard, a marine wildlife conservation group, 77) (to come) up in his wet suit. He gently 78) (to take) the baby and 79) to float it. Placing his hand under her and rubbing her belly soft, he 80) (to keep) on encouraging her. Suddenly a shudder 81) (to run) through her body, as if she 82) (to shake) herself awake. She 83) (to open) her eyes, (to look) up at him for a long moment, then 84) (to turn) and (to glide) out into the ocean.

    Next they floated the other in the surf. She 85) (to orient) herself for about 30 seconds, then 86) (to shoot off) through the sea to follow her calf! I couldn’t contain my emotions. I 87) (to laugh), (to cry). “Thank You, God, for helping me,” I said. But I 88) (to worry) if they 89) (to be live) after their long ordeal? I wished they 90) (to let) me know in some way that they 91) (to be) all right. “The crowd 92) (to roar) and I (to look) up in astonishment. Out in the open sea, mother and baby 93) (to leap) out of the water, their sleek gray bodies arching high in the air. It was as if they 94) (to let) us know they 95) (to be) all right.

    Later that day the Coast Guard 96) (to report) spotting a pod of dolphins about a mile and a half offshore – probably the family of the mother and calf. I 97) never (to see) them again, but out of that experience I 98) (to give) new direction to my life. I 99) (to learn) there are a lot of need to be met. Too often our good intentions end at our front door, when all we have to do is look outward, as I 100) (to do) that Sunday night.
    The contents
    The Indefinite Tense-forms ……………………………………………………

    The Continuous Tense-forms ………………………………………………….

    Revision: The Indefinite and Continuous Tense-forms ……………………….

    The Perfect Tense-forms ………………………………………………………

    Revision: The Indefinite, Continuous and Perfect Tense-forms ………………

    The Perfect Continuous Tense-forms ………………………………………….

    Revision: The Active Voice ……………………………………………………

    The Passive Voice ……………………………………………………………..

    Revision: The Active / Passive Voice …………………………………………

    The Sequence of Tenses ……………………………………………………….

    Revision ………………………………………………………………………..
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