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  • Exercise 2. Choose the right variant.

  • Exercise 3. Choose the correct form (simple present or present continuous).

  • Exercise 4. Translate into English.

  • Exercise 5. Correct the mistakes if necessary.

  • Exercise 6. Put the verb into the correct form, the Present Continuous or the Present Indefinite.

  • Exercise 7. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous.

  • Exercise 8. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form, the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous.

  • Exercise 9. Open the brackets using the Present Simple or the Present Continuous tense-forms

  • Exercise 10. Translate into English.

  • The Past Continuous Tense Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Continuous. Comment on the use of the Past Continuous.

  • Exercise 2. Put in the correct tenses (Present or Past Continuous).

  • Методичка the Verb. The indefinite tenseforms the Present Indefinite Tense

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    The Present Continuous Tense
    Exercise 1. Put the verbs into the Present Continuous Tense. Comment on the use of the Present Continuous.

    1. Please, be quiet. I (try) to concentrate. 2. Let’s go out now. It (not / rain) any more. 3. Listen to those people. What language they (speak)? 4. Look! It (snow). 5. Why you (look) at me like that? 6. You (make) a lot of noise. Can you be a bit quieter? 7. Excuse me, I (look) for a phone box. Is there one near here? 8. I (fly) to Moscow next week. 9. Can you hear those people next door? They (shout) at each other again. 10. Why you (wear) your coat today? It’s very warm. 11. I (not / work) this week. I’m on holiday. 12. I want to lose weight. I (not / eat) anything today. 13. Please, don’t make so much noise. I (study). 14. Why you (leave) so soon? 15. What’s that smell? – Something (burn). 16. You always (grumble). I am so tired of it.
    Exercise 2. Choose the right variant.

    1. I (see / am seeing) Becky on Monday. 2. She (weighs / is weighing) 100 kilos. She eats too much. 3. Don’t disturb me. I (listen / am listening) to music. 4. You (look / are looking) great. 5. I (think / am thinking) he can drive a car. 6. Laura (has / is having) two cars. 7. I (come / am coming) from Spain. 8. She (tastes / is tasting) vanilla ice cream. It’s delicious. 9. He (is / is being) a very polite person. 10. Why (do you smell / are you smelling) these cakes? – They (smell / are smelling) strange. 11. I haven’t decided yet what profession to choose. But I (think about it / am thinking about it). 12. What’s the matter? Why (do you look / are you looking) at me like that? 13. Terry is in bed. He (has / is having) flu. 14. (Do you realize / Are you realizing) that we’ve got a test tomorrow? 15. He (has / is having) a mobile phone now. 16. If you (don’t watch / are not watching) the news, I’d change the channel. 17. You can borrow my dictionary. I (don’t need / am not needing) it at the moment. 18. George says that he has a note from the doctor but I (don’t believe / am not believing) him. 19. I can’t come to the meeting because I (see / am seeing) my tutor at 3 o’clock. 20. Why (do you feel / are you feeling) your pockets? Have you lost anything. 21. I know your mind is made up but I (feel / am feeling) you are making a big mistake. 22. You (are / are being) really curious today! Why (do you want / are you wanting) to know all details?
    Exercise 3. Choose the correct form (simple present or present continuous).

    1. I (have) a great time. 2. She (have) plenty of money just now. 3. Why you (look) at this man like that? 4. It (look) as if it’s going to rain. 5. He (appear) at the Fortune Theatre next week. 6. She (appear) to have a problem. 7. I (see) what you are trying to say. 8. I (see) the manager this afternoon. 9. I (think) you are right. 10. What you (think) about? 11. I (feel) very tired today. 12. I (feel) she is making a mistake.
    Exercise 4. Translate into English.

    1. На кого вы сейчас смотрите? – Я смотрю на эту старую даму. 2. С кем разговаривает ваш друг? – Он разговаривает с нашим преподавателем. 3. О чем вы рассказываете своим друзьям? – Я рассказываю им о своем отпуске. 4. Вы сейчас пишите диктант? – Нет, мы делаем упражнение 9. 5. Куда вы идете вечером? – Мы идем в цирк. 6. Когда они приезжают в Москву? – Они приезжают утром. 7. Мы уезжаем в Минск. 8. Эти студенты делают упражнение или переписывают текст? 9. Кого встречают эти студенты? – Они встречают иностранных студентов. 10. Куда вы идете? – Я иду на фотовыставку. 11. Не выходи на улицу: идет сильный дождь. 12. Послушайте! Кто-то поет в соседней комнате. 13. Моя сестра помогает сейчас маме на кухне. 14. Сегодня хорошая погода. Тепло, светит солнце, дует мягкий ветерок. 15. Посмотри на небо! Облака медленно плывут, солнце появляется из-за туч, становится тепло. 16. Послушай! Кто играет на пианино в соседней комнате? 17. Твои родители пьют чай? 18. Нина и Анна моют пол. 19. Почему ты смеёшься? 20. Что несут эти мальчики?
    Exercise 5. Correct the mistakes if necessary.

    1. I’m busy at the moment. I talk over the phone. 2. I’m not knowing where he is. 3. I look at the pictures at the moment. 4. What do you read, Freddy? I don’t read. I write. 5. They are picking the apples in September. 6. Tom is looking well. 7. They have dinner now. 8. The train is arriving at 7.30. 9. He is drinking coffee in the morning. 10. Our English friends come to our place on Monday.
    Exercise 6. Put the verb into the correct form, the Present Continuous or the Present Indefinite.

    1. These things (not / belong) to my parents. 2. Look! He (come). I (want) to speak to him. 3. This stream (flow) to the lake at the bottom of the valley. 4. Today the river (flow) much faster than usual. 5. It ever (rain) on Madeira? 6. They usually (grow) vegetables in their garden but this year they (not / grow) any. 7. Can you ride a bicycle? – No, but I (learn). My brother (teach) me. 8. You can borrow my dictionary. I (not / need) it at the moment. 9. I usually (enjoy) music but I (not / enjoy) this record very much. 10. I (not / believe) this man’s story. 11. My brother (live) in Cardiff. Where your sister (live)? 12. She (look) for a new flat at the moment.
    Exercise 7. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous.

    1. Mr. Smith (teach) us at present. He (substitute) for Mr. Reese, who (be) our regular teacher. 2. “I (go) to visit Peter tonight. He (leave) tomorrow morning.” – “He (come) back the same day?” – “I (not / know). 3. John (stay) in a hotel when he (come) to town, but tonight he (stay) with us.” 4. We (go) to meet in the club-room today. 5. “Nick (leave) today.” – “What train he (take) for his journey?” – “He (catch) the 5.50 train.” 6. The mechanic (repair) my car today. So I must go to work by the underground. 7. John (say) he (leave) for Chicago on the fifteenth. 8. I (go) to the seaside on my holiday. 9. My brother (come) to see me next week. 10. Whenever I (call) at the Smiths’ home, they (play) cards. I really (think) they (play) every night. 11. You (watch) TV? – No, you can turn it off. 12. Tom (watch) TV very often? – No, half an hour a day. 13. What she (do)? – She is an economist. But she (not work) at the moment. 14. I’m afraid I’ve lost my key again. – Oh, no! You always (lose) your keys! 15. They are in Florida now. They (enjoy) their holiday greatly. 16. Dan (think) of buying a new car. The one he has is very old. 17. I (think) Dan shouldn’t sell his car. It’s quite new and very comfortable. 18. What language they (speak)? – It (sound) like French. 19. How many languages she (speak)? – English and German I think. 20. You always (listen) to music. You should do something more useful. 21. Kate (be) very generous to me at the moment. I wonder why. 22. Don’t put the scissors away, please. I (need) them now. 23. Can I borrow this calculator? Or you (use) it now? 24. Hello, Ann. What you (do) in this part of the city? 25. He (laugh) best, who (laugh) last. 26. Scientists say that pollution (get) worse every day. 27. She (think) you are right and she (take) your part.
    Exercise 8. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form, the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous.

    1. “Where is Andy?” – “Mary (read) her a bed-time story.” 2. Modern trains (go) very fast. 3. “I’m afraid I must go now.” – “Where you (go)?” – “I (go) to have lunch with my partner.” 4. It (be) the early bird that (catch) the worm. 5. Every cloud (have) a silver lining. 6. “Why you (laugh)?” – she cried. “Because you (talk) nonsense.” 7. He (laugh) best, who (laugh) last. 8. Actions (speak) louder than words. 9. Eric (speak) to the dean, and they both (smile). 10. “I’ve got a headache,” Milly moaned. “Get me some painkiller. My head (split).” 11. That’s the way she always (react). 12. I’m so careless. I always (forget) my keys. 13. They (be) in the cafeteria. They (have) their breakfast. 14. Every week I (attend) additional classes to improve my English. 15. It’s time to review grammar. It (get) more difficult every day. 16. How many languages Tom (speak)? 17. I can see from what you say that your mornings are very busy! What you (do) this afternoon? 18. This workbook (include) grammar, but it (not/include) vocabulary. 19. I (give away) this dictionary. Do you want to have it? 20. Please, don’t make so much noise. The girls (study) in the next room. 21. What exactly the book lists (involve)? 22. Please be quiet! You continually (interrupt). 23. Girls (not/share) changing rooms with boys. 24. More and more young people (come) from village schools to study at University. 25. Each person (be) a unique individual. 26. Water (boil) at 100 degrees Centigrade. 27. We (meet) twice a week. 28. He (take) his English lesson: he always (take) his lessons in the morning. 29. Where is John? He (prepare) his lessons; he usually (prepare) them at that time. 30. I (not understand) your remark. 31. You (know) that we need hundreds of thousands and even millions of skilled workers. 32. Can you hear what I (say)? 33. After a whole week of clear weather, it (begin) to rain in earnest. 34. Down by the pine wood they (lay) a new road. 35. They (ask) for you on the telephone. 36. How you (feel)? 37. I (see) what you mean. 38. I (see) just my friend off. 39. It was freezing as it only (freeze) in December. 40. This thermometer (register) rises in temperature accurately enough. 41. Somebody (knock) at the door. 42. I often (spend) my summer vacation at the sea-side. 43. I cannot go out because it (rain). 44. What (be) the title of the book you (read)? 45. Look, smoke (come) out of that window. 46. The sun (set). What a glorious sight it is! 47. The clock (strike), it is time to go home.
    Exercise 9. Open the brackets using the Present Simple or the Present Continuous tense-forms

    1. Have you got a light? – Sorry, I (not/smoke). 2. My wife has never been to France. She (plan) to go there next summer. 3. Your car is so clean. How often you (wash) it? 4. Students often (think) that exams (be) a nuisance. 5. Peter seldom (tell) the truth. You can’t believe everything he (say). 6. You (understand) what he (talk) about? 7. Nancy (look) like her father. 8. What you (do)? – I’m an engineer. 9. The soup (taste) good. 10. Your brother (be) a student now? – Yes, he (study) at university. 11. Ann (play) the piano better than Susan. And who (play) now? – I (think) it (be) Susan. 12. What you (do) tomorrow evening? – I (go) to the theatre. 13. I usually (not/have) breakfast before I (go) to work. 14. She often (take) my dictionary but seldom (remember) to bring it back. If tomorrow she (ask) for the dictionary again, I shan’t give it to her. 15. What a beautiful dress you (wear)! When did you buy it? 16. He is a night watchman. He (work) at night and (sleep) in the daytime. 17. She (be) a dietician. She (help) people to choose the right food. 18. They (say) if you (see) a black cat, you (not/have) good luck. 19. Jane (be) in Paris now. She (learn) French there. 20. If Peter (continue) to drive his car carelessly, he’ll get into a traffic accident. 21. You (hear) this noise downstairs? What can it be? 22. Have you heard about Tom? He (build) a new house now. 23. You’ll have to put on your rubber boots if it (not/stop) raining in a minute. 24. If I (have) some time in the evening, I’ll repair your bicycle. 25. Excuse me, but you (stand) on my foot. 26. She (give) two concerts in London next week. 27. What time the children (come) out of school, as a rule? 28. Why you (smell) the meat? It (not/ be) fresh? 29. She always (let) me down! 30. You (believe) in God? 31. You always (complain) about the weather! 32. Take the saucepan off the cooker! The water (boil). 33. I’m afraid you can’t see my daughter at the moment. She (have) a music lesson. She always (have) it on Friday mornings. 34. She (be) still ill, but she (get) better now. 35. It often (rain) here at this time of the year? 36. Don’t interrupt me while I (talk) to somebody else. 37. He’s a doctor, but he (not/practise) at the moment. 38. What he (do)? – He (try) to get the car started. 39. In Britain most shops (close) at 5.30 p.m. 40. I’m sorry it’s so noisy, but we (move) the furniture. 41. Where you (come) from? – I (come) from Russia. 42. Flowers always (make) a good present. 43. Alice never (go) to work by bus. She (walk) through the park, as a rule. 44. What he (mean) by saying this? It (sound) strange. 45. I (write) to my parents twice a month. 46. She always (be late) for classes! 47. I (write) this letter to you while the children (play) on the beach. Actually, they (play) there every day. 48. If we (start) at nine, we’ll have plenty of time for the shops. We (be) free till half past four. 49. They always (tell) him everything. So I (think), he (know) about it already. 50. This carpet (cost) 30 dollars. Why not buy it? 51. He still (try) to find a job but there (not / be) much work available at present. 52. Believe me, I (think) about you all the time. 53. I (not/know) how they (make) both ends meet. They (have) six children and (not/earn) very much. 54. My mother (think) that hitch-hiking (be) dangerous. 55. The police (look) into the matter now. 56. People (like) stability in life. 57. They (open) a new McDonald’s tomorrow. 58. The English (believe) that their home (be) their castle. 59. Mike (arrive) in three days. We can’t wait until he (come). Everyone (look forward) to seeing him. 60. What a wonderful day we (have) today! 61. When he (have) a problem to solve he will work at it until he (find) an answer. 62. The equator (run) round the middle of the earth. 63. Jack and Helen (live) in the Hague. At the moment they (travel) round Britain. 64. When snakes (lose) their skins? 65. The English (like) coalfires even though they (not/produce) much heat. 66. My brother (not/be) very much what he (look) like. 67. She always (lose) her temper! 68. A hot-air balloon (float) because hot air (be) lighter than cool air. A hot air balloon (consist) of a basket in which the pilot and the crew (stand), a gas burner and a large balloon. 69. As soon as doctors (find) an answer to AIDS, they will be able to cure people. 70. You (look) great after your holiday! – Yes, I (feel) wonderful! 71. You can borrow my Walkman unless you (lose) it. 72. Have I told you about how Ann (get on) at college? 73. He (be) intelligent but he (lack) common sense. 74. The house (be) in good condition but it (need) to be repainted. 75. He (waste) his time looking for a job there, they (not/take) any staff on now. 76. The man who (live) opposite us sometimes (come) over for a cup of coffee. 77. She (dislike) asking people for favours. 78. If I (have) a headache I generally (take) an aspirin. 79. In England it always (rain) and the wind constantly (blow)! 80. If you (heat) ice, it (melt). 81. Don’t take the newspaper away! I still (read) it. 82. How I (look) in this dress? It (suit) me? 83. Much of eastern England (have) soil that (produce) crops of a very high yield. 84. Let’s sit for a while. My feet (ache) me. 85. I (see) no way of avoiding the problem. 86. At the moment the company (reorganize) its departments. 87. I (leave) for Minsk tomorrow morning. 88. Scotland (occupy) the northern part of Great Britain, (not/do) it? 89. Good news! Sue and Paul (come) to stay with us. 90. Can you close the window? It (freeze) in here. 91. My cousin (attend) a university in Midwest which (specialize) in astronomy. 92. Every time cigarettes (go) up in price, many people (try) to stop smoking. 93. The food that Mother (cook) in the kitchen (smell) delicious. 94. Whenever it (rain) very hard, the stream (overflow). 95. No wonder the house (be) so cold! You always (leave) the doors open! 96. The film (be) very confusing. You (understand) what (go) on?
    Exercise 10. Translate into English.

    1. В этой части света солнце садится рано. 2. Джойс едет в Лондон завтра, потому что ее дядя хочет ее видеть. 3. Некоторым людям больше всего нравится лето, некоторые любят весну или осень, а другие предпочитают зиму. 4. «Где Лиззи?» – «Она катается верхом на лошади.» 5. «Что делают дети?» – «Они слушают сказку и рисуют.» 6. Джейн прекрасно рисует. 7. Отец обычно ездит на работу поездом, но сегодня он на машине. 8. Каждый год он проводит каникулы в горах. 9. Я сижу у окна и смотрю на море. 10. «Когда он обычно приходит домой?» – «Он обычно приходит домой в 7 часов вечера.» 11. Каким поездом вы уезжаете в Петербург на следующей неделе? 12. В следующее воскресенье ко мне приезжают друзья из Шеффилда. 13. Алекс делает новую полку для книг. Он всю мебель для своей комнаты делает сам. 14. На ней сегодня шляпа и голубое платье. 15. Я не могу сейчас дать вам эту книгу, потому что я ее читаю. 16. «Вы много читаете?» – «Да, много.» – «Вы покупаете книги или берете их в библиотеке?» 17. «Что вы делаете под столом?» – «Я ищу иголку.» 18. «Что у вас обычно на завтрак?» – «Я обычно ем бутерброд и выпиваю чашку кофе.» 19. В следующее воскресенье я уезжаю в Данию.
    The Past Continuous Tense
    Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Continuous. Comment on the use of the Past Continuous.

    1. My granny (sew) in the drawing-room when I returned home. 2. The students (work) at the language laboratory all evening yesterday. 3. We (wait) for the examination results from five till six. 4. At eight o’clock yesterday the students (watch) a TV programme. 5. Mary always (lose) her gloves when she was a little girl! 6. While I (walk) in the garden I saw children who (make) their first steps in sport. 7. I noticed that little children (jump) and (dance) in the gym-hall. 8. The workers (do) morning exercises during their five minutes’ interval when I opened the door of the shop. 9. I (wait) for a friend of mine at 5 o’clock sharp. 10. I (write) a letter to my friend when Mum came. 11. She (watch) TV while her sister (read) an interesting book.
    Exercise 2. Put in the correct tenses (Present or Past Continuous).

    1. I … to a record at the phonetic laboratory when my friend came in and asked me to help him with the translation (to listen). 2. They … for Vladivostok on Thursday (to leave). 3. I … to programmes in English all day yesterday (to listen). 4. She … always … mistakes in her dictations (to make)! 5. My friend … the essay from 5 o’clock in the morning till one o’clock in the afternoon (to write). 6. When I entered the assembly-hall the dean … the difference in the curriculum to full-time and part-time students (to explain). 7. While some students … the texts on tape the others … their homework (to record, to answer). 8. I … an English exercise now. (to write) 9. I … an English exercise at this time yesterday. (to write) 10. My friends … their homework at 7 yesterday. (not to do) They … volley-ball. (to play) 11. You … ice-cream when I rang you up yesterday? (to eat) 12. What you … now? (to do) – I … tea. (to drink) 13. You … tea at this time yesterday? (to drink) – No, I … it, I … a banana. (not to do, to eat) 14. My sister is fond of reading. She … the whole evening yesterday, and now she … again. (to read, to read) 15. When I went out into the garden the sun … and birds … in the trees. (to shine, to sing)
    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   14

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