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  • Exercise 4. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Indefinite or the Past Continuous.

  • Exercise 5. Open the brackets. Use the Past Indefinite or the Past Continuous.

  • Exercise 6. Open the brackets putting the verbs into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous tense-forms.

  • Exercise 7. Open the brackets using Past Simple or Past Continuous.

  • Exercise 8. Translate into English.

  • Exercise 9. Use Present, Past Simple, Present, Past Continuous.

  • Exercise 10. Use Present, Past, Future Simple, Present, Past Continuous.

  • The Future Continuous Tense Exercise 1. Answer the questions in the Future Continuous Tense, using the given suggestions.

  • Методичка the Verb. The indefinite tenseforms the Present Indefinite Tense

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    Exercise 3. Put in the correct tenses (Past Indefinite or Past Continuous).

    1. At six o’clock this morning I (have) a wonderful dream, but then the alarm (go) off. 2. This time yesterday I (lie) on the beach. 3. When I walked in they all (talk) about babies. 4. She (meet) her husband while she (travel) in Egypt. 5. While I (talk) to Mrs. Singleton somebody (walk) into my office and (steal) the computer. 6. When Jake (come) in everybody (stop) talking. 7. I (look) out of the window and (see) that we (fly) over the mountains. 8. I (wake) up to find that water (pour) through the bedroom ceiling. 9. He (break) his leg while he (play) football. 10. Carol (make) dinner when the telephone (ring). 11. I (do) the shopping when I (see) Jane. We (stop) and (have) a chat. 12. We (be) stuck in a traffic jam. We (not know) what to do. 13. Susan (have) the feeling that everyone (look) at her. 14. He (lie) down on the sofa, (open) the book and (begin) to read. 15. The boys (enjoy) the film, when suddenly the electricity (go) off. 16. While Dick (try) to get his car started the police car (stop) and the driver (offer) his help. It (be) very nice of him. 17. The kids (make) so much noise that I couldn’t hear what he (say) and (ask) him to repeat. 18. He (stand) at the bus stop. I asked him what bus he (wait) for. 19. When I (hear) the doorbell, I (run) downstairs.
    Exercise 4. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Indefinite or the Past Continuous.

    1. Mary (play) the piano, John (read), my wife (sew) when suddenly we all (hear) a shout. 2. When the doctor (leave) the hospital, he (catch) a glimpse of himself in the glass front door. 3. When her father (come) in she (sit) before a red tea-table, finishing a very good tea. 4. Next day, while he (shave) he (cut) himself slightly. 5. The door of his room (be) open; his mother still (stand) at the window. 6. And, smiling to himself, he (begin) to make plans, fantastic plans for the future. He still (smile) when he (walk) up the rock-cut steps. 7. I (sleep) soundly when the phone (ring). 8. We (sit) on our front porch when Mr. Smith (drive) up in his new car. 9. Crosby (cross) the street when the car (strike) him. 10. It (drizzle) when they (come) out of the house. 11. When the World War (break), John (live) in Holland. 12. It (get) dark and I (suggest) that we should go down. 13. John (come) in, (look) at the fire, (stand) a moment, (turn) and (go) away. 14. As I (walk) home yesterday, I (meet) a beggar who (ask) me for some money. 15. We (come) into the dining-room while our parents (eat) supper. 16. She (run) down the stairs and (go) to the library, where her husband (stand) with his mother. 17. Mike (lift) his eyes from the book and (look) out of the window. It still (snow). 18. We (drive) at about forty miles an hour when the accident (happen). 19. You (have) a good time at those parties? 20. A fortnight later Holt (fall) and (hurt) himself when he (ride) his motorcycle. 21. He (go) to the kitchen and (get) himself a cup of coffee. 22. Eric (go) into the library and (sit) down to read the letter. The fire (crackle) merrily in the fireplace, and outside the wind (howl). 23. He (take) a cushion, (put) it behind and (lean) back. 24. At half past four I (turn) on the lights. 25. When I (be) a boy, I (want) to be an actor. 26. While he (wait) to cross Fifth Avenue, a man standing beside him (cough) painfully. 27. She (draw) aside the curtains and (look) out into the Square. Two cats (stand) in the light of a lamp. 28. When I (hear) his knock I (go) to the door and (open) it, but I (not / recognize) him at first because I (not / wear) my glasses. 29. Your telegram (come) just as I (leave) home. 30. John (talk) with his boss when I last (see) him.
    Exercise 5. Open the brackets. Use the Past Indefinite or the Past Continuous.

    1. The local businessmen (like) something solid with their luncheon coffee. 2. I (glance) at the terrace below the balcony. He (sit) under one of the plane-trees, smoking. 3. I (open) the shutters and (look) out. The car (stand) where I had left it. 4. Suddenly I (realize) that they (not / pay) attention to me any longer. They (mutter) something and all (look) in the same direction. I (turn) my head and (look) where they all (look). A man (come) down a steep little street that (lead) uphill between the houses on my right. 5. On my left I (see) the lights of the first house of the village, and I (hurry) towards it through the wood when a sudden flash of light (make) me stop. 6. At that time I (look) for a job. 7. Miss Nobbs (not / see) him leave the office. At half past four she (make) herself a cup of tea in a small recess off the main corridor. 8. The idea first (occur) to me that afternoon as I (back) the car into the garage. 9. I probably (drop) the key when I (fish) for small change in my bag at the news-stand. 10. All through the night I (hear) them work, open drawers, drag cases over the floor. They (pack). 11. At this time yesterday I (sit) at the theatre. 12. He (come) back to St. Petersburg on the 15th of January. 13. I (go) to the University when I (see) him. 14. At this time yesterday we (have) dinner. 15. He (write) a letter when I (come) in. 16. He (make) a report when I (leave) the room. 17. Yesterday he (write) a letter to his friend. 18. When I (look) at them, they (to smile) at me. 19. What you (do) at 6 yesterday? 20. I (go) to bed at half past eleven. 21. Yesterday the lesson (begin) at 9. 22. The cat (take) a piece of fish and then (run) away. 23. He (read) a newspaper when I (come in). 24. Yesterday I (get up) at 7. 25. The train (start) at 15 minutes to 10. 26. He (to put) on his coat, (to open) the door and (to go) out.
    Exercise 6. Open the brackets putting the verbs into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous tense-forms.

    1. When the door-bell (ring) he (stand) up and (go) to the door. 2. It (rain) hard this morning when I (wake up). 3. While I (have) breakfast this morning, my sister (phone) from Mexico. 4. When I (see) his face, I (realize) my mistake. 5. I (take) my umbrella because it (rain). 6. Yesterday morning he (wake up) late and (miss) his breakfast. 7. When he (work) in the garden he (hurt) his knee. 8. Linda (wait) for the bus when I (see) her. 9. I (look) out of the window and (see) that it (snow) hard. 10. When the parents (come) from the theatre yesterday evening, the children (sleep). 11. When the guests (arrive) Mrs. Black still (cook) dinner. 12. Tom (not/want) to lend us the money at first but then he (agree). 13. The illness (get) worse and worse. In the end he (go) into hospital for an operation. 14. I (walk) along the road yesterday when I (meet) an old friend of mine. She (go) to the post-office. 15. We (see) an accident when we (wait) for the bus. 16. It was an amazing coincidence. Just as I (write) to Ann, she came to my house to see me. 17. I (go) to sleep at 3 o’clock this morning and (wake) up an hour later at 4 o’clock. 18. He (give) up his job as a journalist and (become) a teacher. 19. While we (be) on holiday, we (spend) most of our time swimming and sailing. 20. When my car (break) down I (phone) a garage. 21. When I (cook) I (cut) myself. 22. Ann (show) me a photograph and then (go) to the kitchen for some drinks. 23. Sally (lie) in bed when her mother (enter) the room. 24. This (use) to be a station and all the London trains (stop) here. But two years ago they (close) the station and (give) us a bus service instead. 25. I (go) to Jack’s house but (not/find) him in. His mother (say) that she (not/know) what he (do) but (think) he probably (play) football. 26. We (cycle) along the road when we (see) a huge lorry. 27. “What you (do) between 9.00 and 10.00 yesterday?” (ask) the detective. – “I (clean) my house”, said Mrs Jones. “I always clean my house on Saturday mornings.” 28. Although he (agree) with me on most points, there (remain) one to which he was unwilling to yield. 29. We (arrive) as they (leave). 30. She (weep) bitterly while she (tell) her story. 31. As Mary (get) out of the boat her foot (slip) and she (fall) into the water. 32. While I (wait) for the bus I (notice) a group of tourists who (listen) intently to guide. 33. I (try) to explain the situation to my parents, but they just (not / understand) what I (talk) about. 34. She (injure) her ankle while she (jog) in the park. 35. I (feel) rather worried. It (get) darker and colder, but there (be) still no sign of the rescue helicopter. 36. How often you (visit) your cousins when you (be) in the States last year? 37. John’s children (use) to be well-behaved but now they are quite naughty. 38. While I (row) across the lake I (lose) one oar. 39. At school I (dislike) the maths teacher because he always (pick) on me. 40. Nobody (watch), so the little boy (take) a packet of sweets from the shelf and (put) it into his pocket. 41. The plane (crash) into a bridge because it (fly) too low. 42. While I (try) to concentrate on my composition, a friend of mine (offer) to help me. 43. Last fall I (drive) along a free way when I (run) out of gas. Luckily a truck (stop) and (give) me a lift. 44. When they (walk) through the countryside one day they (come) across a ruined mansion. 45. While we (clean) the attic, we (come) across our grandmother’s old school books. 46. The driver (fall) asleep as he (drive) along. 47. I (not / understand) what (go on). Several people (shout) at me and one (wave) a newspaper in front of my face. 48. The article (say) that crime (grow) at a rapid rate, especially in urban areas. 49. At six o’clock this evening I (walk), but then the rain (start). 50. Laura (not / wear) her glasses at that time, so she (not / notice) what kind of car the man (drive). 51. We (not/go) to the skating rink, because it (freeze) hard. 52. While I (have) a shower someone (knock) at the door. 53. She said she (get) more forgetful as she (grow) older. 54. The only thing I disliked about him when we (study) at college was that he always (borrow) my things without asking. 55. While we (get) on the train, we (see) a robbery take place. 56. While the boys (skate) they (slip) on the thin ice and (fall) into the water. 57. The sun (shine) so brightly that Maria (have) to put on her sunglasses. 58. Bobby always (make) up excuses for being late when he studied at school.
    Exercise 7. Open the brackets using Past Simple or Past Continuous.

    1) When we were in the country last summer, I (to go) to the wood one day. In the wood I (to find) a little fox cub. I (to bring) it home. I (to decide) to tame the cub. Every day I (to feed) it and (to take) care of it. I (to tame) it the whole summer. Now the fox cub is quiet tame. It lives in my house.

    2) When I (to go) to school yesterday, I met Mike and Pete. They (to talk) and (to laugh). They told me a funny story. Soon I (to laugh) too. I still (to laugh) when we came to school. After school I (to tell) this story at home. My mother and father (to like) it very much.

    3) The sun (to go) down behind the hills when I (to reach) a village which (to be) only a few miles from the sea. The working day (to be) over, and the villagers (to come) home from the fields. Along the road two boys (to drive) cows and sheep in the direction of the village. I (to approach) a group of people standing near the road and (to ask) them, if I could find a place in the village to spend the night. An old man (to say) he would help me. He (to take) me to his small cottage at the far end of the street. A fire (to burn) in the stove when we (to enter) the house. One girl of about 18 (to prepare) supper in the kitchen while two other girls still (to do) something in the kitchen garden near the house. The old man (to invite) me to have supper with them. They all (to seem) to be nice people and we (to have) a friendly talk. After supper my new friends and I (to go) out into the garden. The moon (to shine) high in the sky, and the night (to be) warm and beautiful. That evening (to be) very pleasant and I shall remember it for a long time.
    Exercise 8. Translate into English.

    1. Я посидел на скамейке с полчаса, а потом начал читать книгу. 2. Я окончила университет, когда мне было 23 года. 3. «Когда вы были здесь последний раз?» – «Года полтора тому назад.» 4. Грэй кивнул головой и пошел наверх. 5. Я встретила Лену около трех лет назад благодаря своим родителям. 6. Он остановился и сорвал розу. 7. Я навещала их год тому назад. 8. Я видела его в Лондоне неделю назад. 9. Я не видел его, когда был в С.-Петербурге. 10. Что с вами случилось в тот вечер? 11. Они вернулись в дом, когда пошел дождь. 12. «Ты видел его этим утром?» – «Да, он стоял у машины.» 13. Он вошел и увидел Нелли, которая рисовала странную картину. 14. Он побежал к воротам, где стояла Анна. 15. Я взглянул на Дженни, которая все еще дрожала от холода. 16. Мы как раз говорили о нем, когда он вдруг вошел. 17. Они пришли в то время, когда я работала в саду. 18. Вчера в шесть часов она накрывала на стол. 19. Что ты играл, когда я вошла? 20. Вода в чайнике кипела, когда мои друзья вернулись в лагерь. 21. Когда я приехал, Елена, к сожалению, как раз уходила. 22. Он вдруг понял, что едет не в ту сторону. 23. Я сидела в саду вчера, когда пришел брат и принес щенка. 24. Когда я вошел, они сидели в гостиной. Старший брат решал кроссворд, мама вязала, остальные читали. 25. Когда она проснулась, в саду весело пели птицы. 26. «С кем вы разговаривали по телефону, когда я вошла?» – «Я разговаривала с сестрой.»
    Exercise 9. Use Present, Past Simple, Present, Past Continuous.

    1. I (phone) you some time ago but you (not answer). What you (do)? You (be) at home? 2. What Linda (do) in the evenings? – She usually (knit) something or (watch) TV. 3. Susan (make) a jacket for herself at the moment. She usually (make) all her clothes herself. 4. Which hotel they usually (stay) when they come here? 5. I won’t go out now as it (rain) & I (not have) an umbrella. 6. Ben (lie) in bed thinking about getting up when suddenly somebody (knock) at the door. 7. Jack (be) on holiday this week. He (stay) with his brother in Florida. He often (go) to the beach & (sunbathe). 8. Prices (rise) all the time. Everything (get) more & more expensive. The cost of living (seem) to go up every day. 9. Jane & Tom (not go) to school by bus. Most mornings Jane (walk) & Tom (go) by bicycle. 10. My sister (burn) her hand while she (make) doughnuts. 11. The President of the USA usually (live) & (work) in the White House. 12. It was a boring weekend. I (do not) anything & (stay) indoors. 13. How you (feel) now? Are you better? Shall I call a doctor? 14. What’s that noise? Why you (cry)? 15. Paul (be) very busy when we (go) to see him yesterday. He (revise) for his exams. 16. The plane you (look) at now (take off) for London. This flight usually (depart) at 6.45 but today it (be) late. 17. When Mary (hear) his knock she (rush) to the door & (open) it, but she (not recognize) him at first because she (not wear) her glasses & it (be) dark in the hall. 18. As Tom (cross) the street he (slip) on the ice & (fall) down. He still (lie) when he (see) a bus coming. Luckily the driver (see) him & (stop) the bus. Tom (stand up). He (feel) rather dizzy. 19. I (stay) with John for a few weeks until my flat’s ready. 20. Laure was very extravagant. She always (buy) herself new clothes. 21. Jim (leave) the house at 7.30. – Where he (go)? – I (not see) where he (go). 22. You (like) your last job in the bookshop? – I (like) it at first but then I (quarrel) with the manager & he (dismiss) me. – How long you (be) there? – I (work) there for 2 years. 23. They (show) a very interesting film on TV tonight. 24. They (not hear) the phone, because they (sit) in the garden. 25. She (open) the door when someone (hit) her from behind.
    Exercise 10. Use Present, Past, Future Simple, Present, Past Continuous.

    1. Nina (to celebrate) her birthday yesterday. Her room looked beautiful, there (to be) many flowers in it. When I (to come) in somebody (to play) the piano, two or three couples (to dance). 2. Listen! Somebody (to play) the piano. 3. I (to like) music very much. 4. When I (to look) out of the window it (to rain) heavily and people (to hurry) along the streets. 5. What you (to do) at 7 yesterday? – I (to have) supper. 6. When I (to come) home yesterday, I (to see) that all my family (to sit) around the table. Father (to read) a letter from my uncle who (to live) in Kiev. 7. Where you (to be) yesterday? – I (to be) at home the whole day. – How strange. I (to ring) you up at 2 o’clock, but nobody (to answer). 8. What you (to do) at 5 yesterday? – I (to work) in the library. – I (to be) there, but (not to see) you. 9. Yesterday I (to work) at my English from 5 till 7. 10. It (to rain) the whole day yesterday. 11. Where your sister (to be) now? – She (to be) in her room. She (to do) her homework. 12. Look at these children: they (to skate) very well. 13. You (to skate) last Sunday? – Yes, we (to skate) the whole day last Sunday. We (to skate) again next Sunday. 14. My brother can skate very well. He (to skate) every Sunday. 15. What you (to do) now? – I (to wash) the dishes. 16. What you (to do) at 3 yesterday? – I (to have) dinner. 17. You (to have) dinner now? 18. Where your brother (to work)? – He (to work) at a factory. 19. Your grandmother (to sleep) when you (to come) home yesterday? 20. What your brother (to do) tomorrow? 21. I (not to go) to the shop yesterday. I (to go) to the shop tomorrow. 22. Where Kate (to go) when you (to meet) her yesterday? 23. Everyday the boss (to enter) the office at 9. 24. Yesterday the boss (to enter) the office at half past nine. 25. When the secretary (to come) tomorrow? 26. At 6 yesterday we (to listen) to a very interesting lecture. 27. When I (to enter) the office, the secretary (to type) some letters. 28. My friend (to ring) me up at 8 yesterday.
    The Future Continuous Tense
    Exercise 1. Answer the questions in the Future Continuous Tense, using the given suggestions.

    1. What will you be doing at this time next week? (bathe in the Black Sea) 2. What will grandfather be doing when we arrive? (work in the garden) 3. What will they be doing at this time tomorrow? (fly to Kiev) 4. What will he be doing at the concert tonight? (sing Russian folk-songs) 5. What will he be doing at this time the day after tomorrow? (interview a foreign delegation) 6. What will she be doing on Sunday? (make a dress) 7. What will he be doing at the University for five years? (study law)
    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   14

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