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  • Exercise 4. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Indefinite, the Future Indefinite or the Future Continuous.

  • Exercise 5. Translate into English.

  • REVISION: The Indefinite and Continuous TENSE-Forms Exercise 1. Open the brackets, using the appropriate tense forms.

  • Exercise 2. Translate into English.

  • THE PERFECT TENSE-FORMS The Present Perfect Tense Exercise 1. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Indefinite or the Present Perfect.

  • Exercise 2. Open the brackets using Present Continuous or Present Perfect.

  • Exercise 3. Put in been or gone .

  • Exercise 4. Translate the questions and the answers.

  • Exercise 6. Choose the correct tense.

  • Exercise 7. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect or the Past Indefinite.

  • Exercise 8. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form, the Present Perfect or the Past Indefinite.

  • Exercise 9. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the present perfect or past indefinite tense forms.

  • Методичка the Verb. The indefinite tenseforms the Present Indefinite Tense

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    Exercise 2. Turn the following into politer questions about future intensions by using the Future Continuous Tense.

    Pattern: When are you going to have your next lesson?

    When will you be having your next lesson?

    Is he going to meet us at the station?

    Will he be meeting us at the station?

    1. Are you going to stay here long? 2. When are you coming again? 3. When are you going to post your letters? 4. What time are they planning to get up? 5. Are you going to visit him? 6. How do they intend to travel to work? 7. How are you going to pay?
    Exercise 3. Open the brackets. Use the Future Indefinite if the action is permanent, repeated or it is a one-time action. Use the Future Continuous if the action is temporary, taking place at a given moment in the future.

    1. You (know) her. She (stand) at the news-stand. She (wear) a scarlet rain coat. 2. I (tell) her everything and I (show) her the papers. I promise you she (not / smile) this time. 3. There (not / be) anyone in when we come. The secretary (have) lunch. 4. It (rain) when we get there. 5. Go straight up the street. The car (wait) for you at the entrance to the department store. 6. We are much too early. There (be) no one there. 7. Of course, I (be) still here when you return. I (mark) the papers. 8. Come and speak to me about it in your lunch hour. I (type) your stuff. 9. I don’t think she (be) there at that time. She (sketch) somewhere along the coast. 10. No one (see) us come. They (have) tea on the terrace. 11. At this time she (do) her shopping. 12. When you come to Athens I (cross) the border.
    Exercise 4. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Indefinite, the Future Indefinite or the Future Continuous.

    1. When I (get) home, my animals (sit) at the door waiting for me. 2. It (be) the middle of June. They (come) soon. 3. If you (want) to see us, come to Tom’s on Sunday. We (wait) for you there at midday. 4. At this time next week they (board) the plane to London. 5. They (have) English from nine to ten in this room. 6. I (wait) for you when you (come). 7. “I (call) for her at eight.” – “No, don’t; she still (sleep).” 8. They are so angry. A few more words and they (quarrel) again.
    Exercise 5. Translate into English.

    1. Мы не должны опаздывать. Они будут беспокоиться. 2. Мы сегодня идем в кино. Вы будете сидеть рядом со мной. 3. Нам нужно вернуться в 10 часов. Мама будет ждать нас. 4. «Вы будете обедать со мной в понедельник?» – «Я бы очень хотел, но боюсь, что в это время я буду сдавать экзамен.» 5. «Что они будут делать, когда мы приедем домой?» – «Я думаю, они будут читать.» 6. «Я недостаточно хорошо себя чувствую, чтобы ехать в аэропорт и встречать Элис.» – «Я встречу ее. Скажите, как я ее узнаю?» – «На ней будет ярко-зеленый костюм.» 7. Интересно, что мы будем делать через год и будем ли мы еще встречаться друг с другом. 8. «Мой сын в будущем году будет в девятом классе.» – «Значит, моя мама будет учить его английскому языку.» 9. Не говорите ей об этом, через минуту она будет плакать. 10. «Что вы будете делать в это время в следующую пятницу?» – «Как всегда буду работать в саду.»
    REVISION: The Indefinite and Continuous TENSE-Forms
    Exercise 1. Open the brackets, using the appropriate tense forms.

    1. I wondered why he (laugh). I could see nothing funny in what (go on). 2. What you two (talk) about? You (discuss) his plan? 3. You (leave) the town early this summer? 4. When you (speak) to her about her lessons? 5. She (wear) dark spectacles. They are not just sun spectacles. She (not / see) well. 6. Why you (wear) sun glasses on a gray day like this? 7. He (live) with his parents now. I think, he (look) for a job. 8. I could not see his face, he (sit) so that his face was in shadow. 9. When I (see) her last she (try) on hats at Angela’s. 10. We (walk) for some time. The road (get) worse, just a narrow goat trail. 11. You (leave) us soon. It (get) colder every day. 12. We were friendly at school. I still (see) him from time to time. 13. You (hear) from me one of these days. 14. Phone as late as you can. I (be) up. I (watch) the football game on TV. It’s the semi-finals today. 15. The rain (start) when I (wait) for my bus. 16. I hate the place in autumn. It always (rain) there. It (rain) when we came and it (rain) when we left. 17. If I (find) the book I (give) it to you. 18. She (phone) us if she (have) any problem. 19. I (give) the children their dinner before he (come) home. 20. As soon as she (learn) to type I (get) her a job. 21. I (not buy) tomatoes till the price (come) down. 22. If you (go) to the library, I (come) with you. 23. She (not be) happy if she (not get) that new job. 24. If it (rain) we (stay) at home. 25. I (meet) you at the station if you (come) by train. 26. What you (do) if you (not find) your keys? 27. I (live) in London, though I (stay) in Minsk at the moment. 28. The car isn’t here today because Sheila (use) it. She generally (use) the bus, but the drivers are on strike. 29. Not many planes (fly) faster than sound. 30. You (hear) the wind? It (blow) very strongly today. 31. What (happen) in golf if you lose the ball? 32. Look at that crowd. I (wonder) what they (wait) for. 33. While he (have) a swim somebody (come) and (take) away his clothes. 34. You (be) in Rome in 1988? What you (do) there? 35. When the professor (see) Eliza for the first time, she (sell) flowers. 36. What you (do) in that house? – I (look) for my old friend there. 37. She (feel) that something strange (happen). 38. When the sun (rise), everybody (be) still sleeping. 39. We (not hear) from him for some time. – He (be) in Panama. 40. I (work) at home tomorrow. You can call me there. 41. I (not be able) to lend you a car tomorrow. I (use) it all night. 42. I (see) the sales manager at the marketing meeting on Monday and I’m sure she (give) me the figures then.
    Exercise 2. Translate into English.

    1. Вы сегодня пойдете на лекцию по истории языка? 2. Нина пишет что-нибудь? 3. Вы долго ждали его вчера? 4. Почему вы в свитере и брюках? У вас сегодня урок ходьбы на лыжах? 5. Обычно он ждет меня у входа в метро, и мы едем домой вместе. 6. Вечно ты возражаешь! 7. Я не могу с вами встретиться, завтра приезжает моя мама. 8. Ты что, целую библиотеку несешь в портфеле? Он очень тяжелый. 9. У нее обычно пять или шесть книг в сумке, поэтому она такая тяжелая. 10. День был очень холодный. На мне был свитер и лыжная куртка, и все же мне было холодно. 11. Ты увидишь ее сегодня в университете? 12. Звонок раздался, когда я заканчивала писать сочинение. 13. Он вошел в комнату, где его ждал экзаменатор. 14. Кто-нибудь читает эту газету? Я хочу ее взять. 15. Где он сейчас работает? 16. Приходи сегодня, я буду ждать. 17. В какое время ты обычно завтракаешь? 18. Ты был вчера в театре? – Нет. 19. Обычно он делает много ошибок в диктантах. 20. Он сломал ногу, когда играл в теннис. 21. Жена моего брата не работает, она смотрит за детьми. 22. Я буду еще работать, когда вы вернетесь. 23. Она не всегда убирает квартиру сама. 24. Куда ты ходишь чаще: в кино или на концерты? 25. Мой брат купил эту книгу два дня назад. 26. Она попросила вас подождать, не так ли? 27. Не ходи к ней завтра. Она будет переводить очень сложную статью. 28. Я видела этот фильм на прошлой неделе. Он мне не понравился. 29. Он вернулся из США 2 недели назад. 30. Если она не будет упорно работать, она не сдаст экзамены. 31. Оставайся здесь, пока я тебе не позвоню. 32. Никто не знает, где живет Виктор. 33. Если мы навестим ее, она будет очень рада. 34. Интересно, узнаю ли я ее, когда увижу? 35. Если он поможет нам, мы закончим работу вовремя. 36. Мне не нравится такая погода. Идет дождь и очень холодно. 37. Когда они приезжают в Бостон? – Они приезжают утром. 38. Становится холоднее. Идем быстрее домой. 39. Где Анна? – Она разговаривает по телефону. 40. Они сейчас смотрят ТВ или слушают музыку? 41. Погода была ужасная. Весь день шел дождь. 42. С кем ты разговаривал, когда я вошла? 43. Какая книга произвела на вас самое большое впечатление? 44. Я спешил в университет, когда встретил своего школьного друга. 45. Становилось холоднее и мы вернулись в дом. 46. Завтра весь вечер я буду смотреть ТВ.
    The Present Perfect Tense
    Exercise 1. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Indefinite or the Present Perfect.

    1. Look! They (stop). 2. I (want) to see you. I (not / see) you for ages! 3. “What (be) your name?” – “My name (be) always Cole.” 4. “You (read) this book?” – “Yes.” – “What you (think) of it?” 5. I (not / be) to a zoo before. It (be) a nice feeling to go somewhere you never (be) before. 6. “You (know) Nick?” – “Yes.” – “How long you (know) him?” – “I (know) him for 10 years.” 7. You (realize) we (know) each other for quite a period of time now? And this (be) the first occasion you (ask) me to come with you. 8. Come in, I (be) awake since sun-up. 9. It’ll be good to see him again. How long he (be) away? 10. I (know) you nearly all my life, but I never (see) you so excited about anything.
    Exercise 2. Open the brackets using Present Continuous or Present Perfect.

    1. What you (to talk) about? 2. We just (to talk) about it. 3. He just (to say) something about it. 4. He (to tell) us nothing about it. 5. We (to have) 5 lessons today. 6. They (to have) a meeting now. 7. She (not to speak) yet. 8. They (to ask) me several questions. 9. He already (to learn) the rule. 10. I (to write) an exercise now. 11. What he (to do)? – He (to read) a newspaper. 12. You (to read) any stories by London? 13. What you (to do) here? – I (to write) a letter to my friend. 14. What language you (to study)? 15. We already (to learn) a lot of English words. 16. You (to find) the book? 17. What you (to look) for here?
    Exercise 3. Put in been or gone.

    1. Where’s Paul? – He has … to the library. 2. We’ve … to the country today. Look, we’ve brought some flowers. 3. Where have you spent your holidays? – I’ve … to Italy. 4. Are you going to the shops? – No, I’ve just … to the shops. 5. Is Alex at home? – No, he’s … to the park. 6. Are they both out? – Yes, they’ve both … to the market.
    Exercise 4. Translate the questions and the answers.

    1. Когда ты в последний раз видел Аню? – Я не видел ее с мая. 2. Когда в последний раз шел дождь? – Дождя не было уже целую вечность. 3. Когда они навещали вас в последний раз? – Они не навещали нас с июня. 4. Когда ты в последний раз играл в теннис? – Я уже давно не играл в теннис. 5. Когда ты в последний раз ела кокос? – Я никогда не ела кокос. 6. Когда ты в последний раз водил машину? – Я не водил машину много месяцев. 7. Когда ты в последний раз ездил в Канаду. – Я никогда не ездил в Канаду. 8. Когда она тебе писала в последний раз? – Она не писала с прошлого лета.
    Exercise 5. Translate into English.

    1. Они построили новый дом. Ты его видел? 2. Ты показал маме свою картину? – Нет, она еще не готова. 3. Я посмотрел этот фильм. А ты? – Да. Это интересный фильм. 4. Я звоню тебе уже третий раз за вечер. 5. Ты был в Лондонском зоопарке? – Да. 6. Отец только что вернулся с моря. 7. Возьмите эти журналы. Я уже прочитал их. 8. Ты опоздала уже второй раз на этой недели. 9. Вы были когда-нибудь в Греции? – Да, это очень красивая страна. 10. Мы еще не сделали опыт. 11. Она никогда не переводила такие трудные статьи. 12. Машина ломается уже третий раз за месяц. 13. Я звонил ему уже три раза сегодня. 14. Сегодня он уехал в Нью-Йорк. 15. Ты видел директора сегодня? – Нет. 16. Я выпила уже пятую чашку кофе за вечер.
    Exercise 6. Choose the correct tense.

    1. I (haven’t seen / didn’t see) much of him lately. 2. ‘Who is she?’ ‘I (have never seen / never saw) her before.’ 3. I (‘ve done / did) a lot of stupid things in my life. 4. She (has left / left) school last year. 5. When (have you got / did you get) married? 6. I’m sorry. I (haven’t finished / didn’t finish) yet. 7. I (‘ve often wondered / often wondered) what he does for a living. 8. He (has caught / caught) the plane at eight this morning. 9. I (‘ve read / read) a lot of her books when I was at school. 10. (Have you seen / Did you see) any good films recently?
    Exercise 7. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect or the Past Indefinite.

    1. I (play) a lot of tennis this year. 2. She (have) six different jobs since she left school. 3. He (run) away from school three times when he was fourteen. 4. How many cups of coffee you (drink) today? 5. In those days, Andrew (come) to stay with us most weekends. 6. Shakespeare (write) poems as well as plays. 7. Since my brother lost his job, he (write) two books. 8. I’m not cooking today. I (cook) all the meals yesterday. In fact, I (cook) most of the meals this week. 9. Would you believe I (make) twenty-three phone calls today? 10. Our team are rubbish. They just (lose) eight games one after the other. 11. This scientist (write) a lot of books. He (write) his first one in 2001. 12. You ever (see) a documentary as good as that? 13. I never (travel) to the USA. What about you? When you (go) there? 14. He (live) in Manchester for eight years, and he wants to move to another place. 15. She (live) in Manchester for two years, and then in 2003 she (move) to London. 16. We (meet) Jane and Alan two years ago. How long you (know) them? 17. We (not know) that you (know) Mr. Black. How long you (know) him? – I (know) him for 2 years. 18. Ben (say) that he would phone me this morning, but it is now 8.20 & he (not phone) yet. 19. We just (receive) a letter saying that we (not pay) the bills for electricity & gas last month. 20. You (hear) the noise in the street at midnight? – No, nothing woke me up. 21. Betsy (have) bad luck all her life. But still she is always in a good mood. 22. Simon (be) ill & (spend) 10 days in hospital not long ago. 23. Jack has no work. He (be) unemployed ever since he left school. 24. The town (change) a lot since we (come) to live here.
    Exercise 8. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form, the Present Perfect or the Past Indefinite.

    1. I just (call) him. 2. I (not / call) him yesterday, I was busy. 3. My parents just (go) away. 4. She already (answer) the letter. 5. She (answer) it on Tuesday. 6. My friends (go) away five minutes ago. 7. I (read) that book during the summer holidays. 8. The fisherman (sell) now all his fish. 9. He (sell) the last one half an hour ago. 10. I (not / see) him for three years. 11. I (meet) him last week. 12. The newspaper (come)? – Yes, Ann is reading it now. 13. You (wear) your hair long when you were at school? – Yes, my mother (insist) on it. 14. He (not / smoke) for three weeks. He is trying to give it up. 15. When he (arrive)? – He (arrive) at 2.00. 16. You (shut) the window? 17. I (read) his books when I was at school. I (enjoy) them very much. 18. You (be) here before? – Yes, I (spend) my holidays here last year. – You (have) a good time? – Yes, the sun never (stop) shining. 19. The lecture just (begin). You are a little late. 20. I can’t go out because I (not / finish) my work. 21. We (travel) around Europe last year. 22. My father knows so much because he (travel) a lot. 23. I (see) Pete today. 24. She (see) this film last Sunday. 25. Alex (meet) his friends 2 hours ago. 26. I just (meet) our teacher. 27. The children already (decide) what to do with the books. 28. Yesterday they (decide) to help their parents. 29. Helen speaks French so well because she (live) in France. 30. She (live) there last year. 31. The rain (stop) half an hour ago. 32. The rain (stop) and the sun is shining in the sky again. 33. Mary (buy) a new hat. 34. I (buy) a new pair of gloves yesterday. 35. The wind (blow) off the man’s hat and he cannot catch it. 36. The weather (change), and we can go for a walk. 37. The wind (change) in the morning. 38. I never (be) to New-York. 39. You ever (be) to Moscow? 40. What you (prepare) for today? 41. Look at this bird-house. Mike (make) it himself. He (make) it last Sunday. 42. When you (see) Mary? – I (see) her two days ago. 43. He is not at school today, he (fall) ill. When he (fall) ill? – He (fall) ill yesterday.
    Exercise 9. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the present perfect or past indefinite tense forms.

    1. At last I (to do) all my home work; now I shall go out. 2. The building of the house (to begin) early in April. 3. You (to enjoy) the week you spent at the sea-shore? 4. I hear that you (to give up) the idea of going there. 5. The rain (to stop) but an icy wind is still blowing. 6. We already (to settle) the matter. 7. He (to come) a moment ago. 8. I never (to speak) to him. 9. He just (to finish) his work. 10. You (to make) any spelling mistakes? 11. It (to be) bitterly cold yesterday. 12. When you (to meet) him? 13. I (not to see) him since 2008. 14. How many examinations you (to pass) up to now? 15. Where you (to put) the key? 16. They (to choose) him as their delegate. 17. The factory (to begin) opera­ting last year. 18. Where you (to buy) that book? 19. You (to do) all the exercises on this page? 20. This letter (to come in) the first mail this morning? 21. He deeply (to study) the problem. 22. The snows (to go) with a rush this year. 23. I (not to see) him since last June. 24. You (to get) any money about you? 25. A large whale (to be washed up) last week on the coast of Sark, and now a second one 30 feet long (to be washed up) on the other side of the island. 26. I (to see) you coming out of the library the other day with a sack of books. 27. I (not to read) the paper this morn­ing. 28. I (to be late) today. 29. The ferry (to stop) running; we must find someone to put us over. 30. I (to correct) that mis­take before, but you (to make) it again. 31. Why you (to put) these things in the wrong place? 32. How long you (to be) in Moscow? – A week yesterday. 33. They (to keep) you waiting long? – Oh, quite a long time. 34. Why you (to leave) the door open? You will catch cold sitting in the draught. 35. A week and a half (to pass) since I (to arrive) at this place, but we (to have) hardly a single fine day. 36. “We not (to see) each other for so long,” said I. – “Yes, and we both (to change) a great deal.” 37. What books you (to read) when you (to live) in the country? 38. They not yet (to come) from the South. 39. Since when she (to be) your friend? 40. How many times you (to be) to St. Petersburg? 41. He (to be) ill last week but now he (to recover). 42. At last I (to translate) this article; now I shall have a little rest. 43. We (to have) a picnic yesterday, but the rain (to spoil) the whole pleasure. 44. She (to be) chairman of our collective farm for many years.
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