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  • Exercise 4. Translate into English.

  • Exercise 5. Translate into English. I.

  • The perfect continuous tense-forms THE PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE Exercise 1. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Perfect Continuous.

  • Exercise 2. Translate into English using the Present Perfect Continuous.

  • Exercise 3. Use the Present Continuous or the Present Perfect Continuous.

  • Exercise 5. Choose the appropriate tense form.

  • Exercise 6. Write two sentences, one with the Present Perfect and one with the Present Perfect Continuous. Example

  • Exercise 7. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.

  • Exercise 8. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.

  • Exercise 9. Complete each mini-dialogue in the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.

  • Exercise 10. Translate into English.

  • Exercise 11. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Continuous, the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.

  • Методичка the Verb. The indefinite tenseforms the Present Indefinite Tense

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    Exercise 3. Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.


    Dear Ann,

    I (to write) to you because I hope that you (to help) me. If you (to answer) my letter as soon as you can I (to be) grateful to you.

    A strange thing (to happen) to me yesterday. You of course know my friend Bob. He (to move) to a new flat recently. We (to meet) in 1996 and (to be) friends ever since.

    He (to invite) me to his housewarming party a few days ago. The thing is that when I (to speak) to him on the phone, the doorbell (to ring). I (to hang) up and when I returned the paper with his address on it (to disappear). So I don’t know where he (to live). Maybe you can help me.


    An interesting thing (to happen) to me last night. I (to sit) in my room reading, when the phone (to ring). Usually I (not to run) to the phone so quickly. But this time I (to know) it was something important.

    The voice on the phone (to belong) to an old friend of mine from whom I (not to hear) for eight years. I said, “Let’s meet tomorrow after I (to finish) my work. I can’t wait to see what you (to look) like now. I wonder if you (to change).” But suddenly our talk was interrupted. In vain I hoped he would ring back.


    This (to happen) in Australia during a water-polo game. It was the end of the game and the players (to move) very slowly. Suddenly one of the players jumped out of the water saying that one of the forwards of the opposite team (to bite) him in the leg under the water. The judge (to call) the forward out of the water but he (to refuse) to admit it. In some minutes another player jumped out of the water and cried: “If you (not to stop) the game I (not to go) back into the pool.” The players went to their dressing-room where they (to find) a letter that read: “I (to be) a water-polo fan for many years. Today’s game is very slow, so I (to decide) to make the players move faster, I (to hope) that my little crocodile (to do) it better.”
    Exercise 4. Translate into English.

    1. К счастью, дождь перестал, когда мы вышли. 2. В одиннадцать часов мы еще работали. 3. Я не приду. Я буду писать сочинение весь вечер. 4. Где ты был с прошлой пятницы? 5. Только когда она была в поезде, она вспомнила, что оставила книгу дома. 6. Что ты будешь делать завтра в восемь часов? – Завтра к восьми часам я уже закончу все свои уроки, и в восемь часов буду играть с друзьями во дворе. 7. Наступила зима, и теперь мы опять часто будем ходить на каток. 8. Когда Том вышел из дома, все ребята играли в футбол, а Бил и Джон считали круглые камешки, которые они принесли с реки. 9. Она была удивлена: она еще никогда не видела столько цветов. 10. Когда я проснулся, мама уже встала и готовила чай. 11. Он был болен уже два дня, когда они послали за доктором. 12. Я никогда его не встречала и не знаю, как он выглядит. 13. А теперь мне надо укладываться, мы уезжаем рано утром. 14. Они не отъехали и тридцати километров, как погода изменилась. 15. Вот увидите, через минуту она будет рассказывать вам о своих болезнях, посещениях врача и так далее. 16. Было уже темно, когда мы подошли к дому; дул сильный ветер и становилось все холоднее и холоднее.
    Exercise 5. Translate into English.


    1. Летом она ездила во Францию. Она уже вернулась в Москву. 2. Ты читал поэмы Байрона? – Да, мы читали их в прошлом году. 3. Ты играешь на пианино? Послушай, Джон играет. Он всегда играет хорошо. 4. Какую книгу ты сейчас читаешь? – Я не читаю книг, я люблю газеты и журналы. 5. Я не видел его в последнее время. – А я только что встретил его. Он шел в библиотеку. 6. Ты часто ходишь в кино? – Нет, я не была в кино с лета. 7. Я купила это платье три года назад. Оно было очень дешевое. Цены сейчас растут. 8. Тебе купить билеты в театр? – Нет, спасибо. Мама уже купила. Мы идем в театр завтра. 9. Ты сейчас делаешь эту работу? – Да, но я только что ее начал. 10. Ты ездил за город в эти выходные? – Нет, мы были очень заняты. Мы убирали дом. 11. Что вы здесь делаете? – Я жду своего друга. Он работает в этом университете. 12. Дождь еще не прекратился, когда мы вышли из дома. 13. Вы поедете в Москву на следующей неделе? – Я еще не знаю. 14. Не приходите завтра в 2: я буду стирать. 15. В Англии часто идет дождь? – Да, когда мы приехали шел дождь.


    1. Я еще не приготовила обед. – Тебе помочь? – Да, спасибо. Гости приходят в семь. 2. Где ты был вчера? Мы искали тебя весь вечер. 3. Вы когда-нибудь бывали в Париже? – Да, я был там в прошлом году. 4. Когда уехала Мэри? – Она уехала до того, как вы позвонили. 5. Мы уже встречались. – Когда мы встречались? – Я не помню. По-моему, мы встречались 3 года назад. 6. Мы обедали, когда Джон пришел. Он не хотел обедать с нами. Он сказал, что уже пообедал. 7. Чем он занимается? – Он играет в теннис. Он играет очень хорошо. Сейчас он играет во Франции. 8. Вчера, когда я вышел из офиса, шел дождь. У меня не было зонта. Я не заметил, что начался дождь. 9. Он закончил работу до того, как мы пришли. 10. Эксперимент будет закончен к концу следующей недели. 11. Вы поедете в Крым? – Нет, сейчас я много работаю. 12. Ты был вчера на стадионе? – Да, там было много народу. 13. Завтра в это же время мы будем плыть на пароходе. 14. Вы уже видели этот фильм? – Да, я видела его на прошлой неделе. 15. Я уже выполнил всю работу, когда он пришел.
    The perfect continuous tense-forms
    Exercise 1. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Perfect Continuous.

    1. I (work) on this problem for two months. 2. Barbara (stand) here since 7 o’clock. 3. She (sleep) all this time? 4. You are out of breath. You (run)? 5. You (talk) this nonsense all day long. 6. How long your sister (learn) Chinese? 7. We (study) English for 6 years. 8. It started raining last Monday and it (rain) ever since. 9. “Mark isn’t working now.” – “He (not / work) for years.” 10. She hasn’t got any money left. She (to shop).
    Exercise 2. Translate into English using the Present Perfect Continuous.

    1. Отец ищет тебя с самого утра. 2. Сколько времени вы живете в этом городе? – Я живу здесь с 1997 года. 3. Он уже полчаса ждет, чтобы ему кто-нибудь помог. 4. Они обсуждают этот план уже два часа. 5. Ты давно ждешь? 6. Вы опять дрались? 7. Он занимается уже три часа. 8. Как давно у вас болит нога? 9. Я учу испанский с октября. 10. Диана ищет работу шесть месяцев. 11. Мои родители работают в Манчестере с 1 марта. 12. Какой глубокий снег! Сколько времени шел снег? 13. Мой брат курит десять лет. 14. У тебя красные глаза. Ты плакала? 15. Долго ваш босс разговаривает с покупательницей?
    Exercise 3. Use the Present Continuous or the Present Perfect Continuous.

    1. What you (to do) here? 2. Christopher (to do) his lessons since after lunch. 3. “Where’s Brian?” – “He (to work) in the garden. He (to plant) rose bushes since dawn.” 4. All things in the living-room are out of place. The children (to play) hide-and-seek! 5. We (to stay) at this hotel; won’t you come and see us? 6. He had barely entered the room when his secretary said: “Somebody (to ring) for you for the last ten minutes.” 7. “What the children (to do)?” – “They (to play) games all morning and now they (to learn) to tell time by the position of the sun.” 8. “What you (to think) about?” – “I (not to think), I (to count) the birds in the sky.” 9. It (to snow) for two hours. 10. They still (to watch) TV. They (to watch) television since 2 o’clock. 11. What you (to look) at? – I (to look) at that picture over there. I (to look) at it for almost half an hour and I still cannot understand what it is. 12. What Mary (to do)? – She (to practise) the piano. She (to play) since 12 I think she must have a rest. 13. Here you are at last. I (to look) for you everywhere. 14. Why you (to smile), Robert? – I (to watch) your kitten. What a playful little thing it is! 15. I see you (to write) letters all the morning. Is it the last letter you (to write) now? 16. You (to sit) here for a long time. You (to wait) for anybody? 17. How long you (to study) English? – For 3 years already. 18. I (to work) at my report since Monday. Now I (to write) a conclusion. 19. Mary’s mother (to rest) in the garden all day because she is ill. 20. She (to sleep) for 10 hours! You must wake her! 21. David (to repair) the TV set. He (to work) at it for an hour or so. 22. David (to wash) his hands. He just (to repair) the TV set. 23. Why you all (to laugh)? Jim (to tell) you his anecdotes? 24. It’s 6 o’clock. I (to wait) for Ann for half an hour. I must be off now.
    Exercise 4. Translate into English.

    1. «Куда ты так торопишься?» – «Мама ждет меня у метро уже десять минут.» 2. Вы читаете эту газету? 3. «Которая из девушек Катя?» – «На ней красное платье.» 4. Я ношу эти туфли уже три года. Они очень удобные. 5. Кого вы ждете? 6. Давно вы его ждете? 7. Она преподает английский с прошлого года. 8. Твой брат ищет тебя весь вечер. 9. Я проявлял наши летние фотографии весь день. 10. Кому ты машешь (рукой)? 11. Кого вы ждёте? – Петра. Я жду его уже около часа. Интересно, что с ним случилось. 12. Весь день идёт снег. Мы давно не имели так много снега. 13. Сколько времени вы здесь живёте? – Около пяти лет. 14. Что вы сегодня делали с утра? – Я переводил одну очень важную статью. 15. Сколько времени они обсуждают этот вопрос? – Более получаса. 16. Температура понижается с утра. Боюсь, что вечером она упадёт до -30 градусов по Цельсию.
    Exercise 5. Choose the appropriate tense form.

    1. The price of petrol has risen / has been rising by 15 % over the past year. 2. No wonder you are overweight! You have eaten / have been eating chocolates all day long! 3. I have read / have been reading “Gone with the wind” this morning. 4. Doesn’t the room look better? I have whitewashed / have been whitewashing the ceiling. 5. Who has worn / has been wearing my scarf? 6. Nicholas has asked / has been asking for a pay-rise three times this year. 7. Someone has eaten / has been eating all my chocolates. The box is empty. 8. Have you decided / Have you been deciding where to go? – Not yet. We have thought / have been thinking about it for the whole week. 9. I remember meeting your sister last month, but I haven’t seen / haven’t been seeing her this month. What has she done / has she been doing since then? 10. Oh, David, I have looked / have been looking for you.
    Exercise 6. Write two sentences, one with the Present Perfect and one with the Present Perfect Continuous.

    Example: (He / read for two hours) – He has been reading for two hours.

    (He / read / 53 pages so far) = He has read 53 pages so far.

    1. (She / travel / around Europe for three months); (She / visit / six countries so far). 2. (He / play tennis since he was 11); (He / win /the national championship six times). 3. (I / read / Pushkin’s prose / in the garden); (I / read / three of London’s stories). 4. (Mother / sew / since lunch); (She / make / a ball dress for me). 5. (They / make ten films since they left college); (They / make films since they left college). 6. (Father / write /children poems since he retired); (He / write / four books). 7. (She / clean / the flat for three hours); (She / do / two rooms so far).
    Exercise 7. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.

    1. How long you (learn) Italian? – For 2 months already. 2. It’s a shame, I never (learn) to swim. 3. I feel so tired. My mother & I (garden) all afternoon. 4. The girl (stand) looking at the top windows for the last 10 minutes. 5. Who’s that young man? – I never (see) him here before. 6. My uncle only (farm) for 2 years but he is doing quite well. 7. We only (hear) twice from Sally since she went away to Denmark. 8. How many times you (see) this film? – This is the second time I (see) it. 9. My sister & I (make) biscuits for the party since early morning. 10. Someone (eat) all the chocolates. There aren’t any left. 11. The rooms are in a terrible mess. What you (do)?
    Exercise 8. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.

    1. I (collect) coins since I graduated from the University. Now I (collect) enough to organize an interesting exhibition. 2. She (read) a fairy tale to the children since breakfast. They (not / finish) yet. 3. Those people (wait) for a tram for the last fifteen minutes. I’m afraid, they don’t know that the electricity (go) out. 4. What (happen) to Mary? John (ring) her up the whole evening and nobody (answer). 5. So, you (arrive). We just (speak) of you. 6. The secretary (type) the letters you gave her but she (not / finish) them yet. 7. There’s sufficient light, you (waste) electricity for nearly an hour. 8. Look! The children (fall) asleep! 9. We (meet) before? 10. She (study) French for two years and (learn) a lot of words and expressions. 11. I (not / hear) of her since yesterday. 12. I (look) for Jack since I finished my lesson but I (not / find) him. I (be) to his office and to the laboratory but he isn’t there. 13. I really don’t know what you (do) there all this time. 14. They (struggle) with this problem for about a week and they (solve) it at last. 15. She (do) shaping since September and her figure (improve) remarkably. 16. You (pass) your exam in English literature? 17. I (try) to learn English for years but (not make) good progress yet. 18. That book (lie) on the table for weeks. You (not read) it yet? 19. I (wait) here for her since 7 o’clock and she (not come) yet. 20. I (read) “War and Peace” for the last three months. 21. I (think) about you all day. 22. He never (be) here before. 23. I can’t help being angry with you; you (sit) here all the time and (do) nothing. 24. There is nothing to be proud of; you (not get) a single excellent mark yet. 25. I (work) so hard this week that I (not have) time to go to the cinema. 26. The girls (talk) about their new dresses for half an hour already; it seems they have nothing else to talk about. 27. I just (talk) to him; he agrees to help us. 28. Some of our students (join) the English club to get a better command of the language. 29. I (know) her all my life and we always (be) good friends. 30. Jack (fail) his driving test three times because he doesn’t know how to park. 31. He (practise) for three hours every day for the past week, and I think he (make) a lot of improvement. 32. My brother (not pass) his driving test either. 33. He (worry) about this for two months. 34. I (study) the driver’s manual for hours every day, but I (not take) my test yet. 35. My father (help) me to review the questions. 36. My elder brother just (buy) a new stereo. 37. He (play) records since eight o’clock this morning, and he is driving me crazy. 38. My mom (talk) to my elder brother about it, but he (not obey) her yet. 39. I am especially annoyed because I am taking my final test this week. My elder brother (write) two tests already, and he (fail) both of them because he (not study). 40. I (think) about telling my dad about this, but I (not make) a definite decision yet.
    Exercise 9. Complete each mini-dialogue in the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.

    1. – How long you (know) about it?

    – I (know) about it all the time.

    2. – Why you (turn) off the music?

    – I (play) the records for hours; I’m tired now.

    3. – I (phone) home all day, but there’s no reply.

    – I expect your mother (go) shopping.

    4. – What’s the matter? You look exhausted.

    – I (study) all day, and I (not / finish) yet.

    5. – Where are the children?

    – They (fish) since morning and I’m sure they (catch) a lot of fish.

    6. – You are dirty. What you (do)?

    – I (fix) my bike.

    7. – That man (play) on the computer since early morning.

    – Oh, he (not / play). He (repair) our computer all day, but he (not / repair) it yet.

    8. – What (happen) to you? You are out of breath.

    – I (run).

    9. – Sorry, I’m late.

    – That’s all right. I (not / wait) long.

    10. – You (swim) long?

    – I (swim) since 10 o’clock.
    Exercise 10. Translate into English.

    1. Ты съел все конфеты? 2. Почему у тебя черные губы? – Я ела чернику. 3. Она сегодня делала покупки и наконец нашла себе летние туфли. 4. Ты знакома с Томом? – Я знаю его целую вечность. 5. Я все утро занимаюсь домашней работой и еще ничего не сделала. 6. Он переводит эту статью уже два часа, а перевел только половину. 7. Твой брат уехал работать в Англию? – Да. Он работает в Англии уже два месяца. 8. Он уже окончил университет? – Да, он уже два года работает. 9. Давно он читает эту книгу? – Неделю, хотя обычно он быстро читает книги. 10. Мы живем в этом городе пять лет. Город сильно изменился за это время. 11. Его сестра работает в библиотеке с тех пор, как окончила университет. 12. Сколько времени ты читаешь этот роман?

    Exercise 11. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Continuous, the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.

    1. – What you (look) for?

    – We (look) for school things. We (not / buy) everything yet.

    – I (buy) everything.

    2. – What you (do), Linda?

    – I (read).

    – What you (read) all this time?

    3. – You ever (work) as an interpreter?

    – Yes, that is what I (do) for five years.

    4. – Where is John?

    – He (work) in the garden.

    – He must be too tired. He (work) there all day.

    5. – She just (sell) three of her own pictures.

    – She’s lucky. I (paint) for four years and (not / sell) a single picture yet.

    6. – Who you (wait) for?

    – I (wait) for Peter. I (wait) for him since 12 o’clock.

    7. – They (stand) there for the last 20 minutes.

    – What they (talk) about all this time?

    8. – What you (think) of?

    – I (think) of our life together.

    9. – The girls (play) the piano in the sitting-room.

    – They (play) the piano since I walked in.

    10. – You (choose) any books to read from my library?

    – I (try) to choose something since you left me here, but it seems to me I (read) all of them.
    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   ...   14

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