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  • Exercise 2. Change the form of the verbs in the sentences from the passive into the active voice. Think of new subjects in the sentences.

  • Exercise 3. Make the sentences passive. Use by … only if it is necessary to say who does/did the action.

  • Exercise 4. Read a sentence and then write another sentence with the same meaning.

  • Exercise 5. Correct any verb forms which are impossible or inappropriate.

  • Exercise 6. Open the brackets, using the necessary tenses in the Passive Voice.

  • Exercise 7. Use the verb in brackets in the appropriate form.

  • Exercise 8. Supply appropriate prepositions.

  • Exercise 9. Supply the required passive forms of the verbs in brackets.

  • Exercise 10. Translate into English.

  • Exercise 11. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form in the Active or in the Passive Voice.

  • Exercise 12. Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.

  • Exercise 13. Translate into English.

  • Exercise 14. Translate the following sentences into English. Mind the tense and voice forms of the verbs.

  • Методичка the Verb. The indefinite tenseforms the Present Indefinite Tense

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    The Passive Voice
    Exercise 1. Change the form of the verbs in the sentences from the active into the passive voice.

    1. We turn on the light when it’s dark. 2. The students finished their translation in time. 3. Helen washed the dishes. 4. Betty often took Benny to the park. 5. Mother has made some coffee. 6. Have you ironed your dress yet? 7. Nina mispronounced the word. 8. We pronounce the consonant with aspiration. 9. We form the Present Perfect Tense with the help of the auxiliary verb ‘to have’. 10. They told her the truth. 11. She promised me a book. 12. She’s cooked the cake very well. 13. One uses chalk for writing on the blackboard. 14. I’ll finish my work at about seven. 15. Somebody is cleaning the room at the moment. 16. Someone has opened the door. 17. One of my friends took me to the pictures last week. 18. They’ll meet me at the station. 19. Mother was cleaning the room when I arrived. 20. We shall finish this work in time. 21. They didn’t invite me to the birthday party because they didn’t know I was in Moscow. 22. She’s given me an English book. 23. They didn’t turn off the light. 24. Have you written the letter yet? 25. Suddenly I heard footsteps behind me. The boy was following me. 26. You should open the wine about three hours before you use it. 27. You must not hammer nails into the walls without permission. 28. They are pulling down the old building. 29. The organizers will exhibit the paintings till the end of August. 30. The judge gave him a month in which to pay the fine. 31. They feed the tigers at the zoo twice a day. 32. The author has written a special edition for women. 33. Did the idea interest you? 34. Previous climbers had cut steps in the rock. 35. Someone will serve coffee. 36. Members may keep books for three weeks. After that they must return them. 37. I’ve bought a piano. They are delivering it now. 38. Who wrote it? 39. He expected us to offer him the position. 40. They will say nothing more about the matter if someone returns the stolen gun.
    Exercise 2. Change the form of the verbs in the sentences from the passive into the active voice. Think of new subjects in the sentences.

    1. The light has not been switched off. 2. The boy was punished for something. 3. The dictation was written without mistakes. 4. His work had been finished by 3 o’clock yesterday. 5. Her dress was washed and ironed. 6. I was not invited to the party. 7. The work wasn’t finished in time. 8. This house was built last year. 9. Excuse the mess: the house is being painted. 10. The letter has just been sent. 11. This article will be translated. 12. When will this book be read? 13. The room was cleaned and aired. 14. Have all these books been read? 15. I felt I was being watched. 16. She showed me the article which had been translated by her brother. 17. I shan’t be allowed to go there. 18. Everything will have been done by Tuesday. 19. English is spoken here. 20. He’s been told everything. 21. A great deal of property is destroyed by tornadoes every year. 22. A lot of buildings were ruined by the hurricane. 23. Several new proposals were being considered by the MPs. 24. Some new equipment has been ordered by the company. 25. These papers should be signed by Mr. Ritz. 26. The works of art have been examined by the experts. 27. The papers will have been received by Daniel by tomorrow. 28. My girl-friend is being interviewed on TV now. 29. Our bags were being carried by Bob and Jack. 30. Is the service charge included?
    Exercise 3. Make the sentences passive. Use by… only if it is necessary to say who does/did the action.

    1. Shakespeare wrote ‘Hamlet’. 2. They have arrested her for shoplifting. 3. They are repairing your car now. 4. People in Chile speak Spanish. 5. Has anybody asked Peter? 6. My mother made this ring. 7. Electricity drives this car. 8. Somebody will tell you where to go. 9. A drunken motorist knocked her down. 10. The Chinese invented paper. 11. They don’t sell stamps in bookshops. 12. The directors are still considering your application.
    Exercise 4. Read a sentence and then write another sentence with the same meaning.

    1. The bill includes the service. The service … in the bill. 2. People don’t use this road very often. This road … . 3. They cancelled all flights because of fog. All flights … . 4. Somebody accused me of stealing the money. I … . 5. They are building a new ring-road round the city. A new ring-road … . 6. I didn’t realize that someone was recording our conversation. I didn’t realize that our conversation … . 7. They have changed the date of the meeting. The date of the meeting … . 8. Brian told me that somebody had attacked and robbed him in the street. Brian told me that … . 9. They didn’t offer Ann the job. Ann … . 10. We will send you your examination results as soon as they are ready. Your examination results … to you as soon as they are ready.
    Exercise 5. Correct any verb forms which are impossible or inappropriate.

    1. A lot of homes in the area have been being broken into by burglars. 2. As I drove south, I could see that the old road was rebuilding. 3. I suppose the letter will have been delivered by now. 4. Jim was been given the sack from his new job. 5. Somehow without my noticing my wallet had been disappeared. 6. The new shopping center has been being opened by the local MP. 7. Harry is been questioned by the police about the accident now. 8. A lot of meetings have been held, but nothing has being decided yet. 9. Last week it is decided not to have an office party after all. 10. The letter was being sent by post on the 21st of last month.
    Exercise 6. Open the brackets, using the necessary tenses in the Passive Voice.

    1. Dictionaries may not (use) at the examination. 2. I’m not wearing my black shoes today. They (mend). 3. This room (use) only on special occasions. 4. Bicycles must not (leave) in the hall. 5. He (take) to hospital this afternoon, and (operate) on tomorrow morning. 6. The damaged buildings (reconstruct) now, the reconstruction (finish) by the end of the year. 7. The paintings (exhibit) till the end of the month. 8. She heard footsteps, she thought she (follow). 9. Normally this street (sweep) every day, but it (not sweep) yesterday. 10. Thousands of new houses (build) every year. 11. Why don’t you use your car? – It (repair) now, I had a bad accident a week ago. – Anybody (hurt)? 12. My keys (return) to me yesterday; they (pick) up in the street. 13. The living-room (sweep), (mop) and (dust). It is clean now. 14. We (tell) to wait because the man (question) in the room. 15. If he comes in you (find) looking through his papers. 16. The boxes (not pack) yet. 17. Your food still (prepare). 18. Luckily by the time we got there the painting (not sell). 19. We had to go on holiday because our house (decorate). 20. I’m afraid that next week’s meeting (cancel). 21. If we don’t hurry, all the tickets (sell) by the time we get there. 22. All main courses (serve) with vegetables or salad. 23. The cathedral (build) in the fourteenth century. 24. Nothing (see) of Pauline since her car (find) abandoned near Newbury last week. 25. The Tower of London formerly (use) as a prison.
    Exercise 7. Use the verb in brackets in the appropriate form.

    1. For the first two minutes he (occupy) with eating; then as his appetite (quiet), he took his time. 2. Why nothing (do) about it at the time? 3. You can’t go in. She (interview) for the TV. 4. I had a most unpleasant feeling that I (watch). 5. She looked a different girl. Her face (wash), her hair (comb). 6. We could still see the tracks where the car (drag) off the road. 7. You can’t use the office at the moment, it (redecorate). 8. A new metro line (construct) now. One of its stations (build) in our street. 9. Like many medieval cities, Moscow developed round the walls of a stronghold. First a brick wall (build) around the merchants’ quarter which (know) as Kitaigorod, then, in the 16th century, a new wall (erect) round the so-called Bely Gorod. 10. Maize (use) by many peoples of the world to make their bread. 11. The house (lock) up before they set off. 12. Wherever I went I found evidence that the camp (leave) only a short time before we arrived. 13. The place looked wonderful. Everything (prepare) for the ball. 14. Evidently the tea (sweeten) before I put sugar into it. 15. The student (ask) to tell the story again. 16. Progress (make) every day in the world of science. 17. He saw that the table (push) into the corner. 18. Empty bottles must (throw) away, the sooner the better. 19. Photographs (take) after the ceremony. 20. I never (speak) to like that before. 21. In some countries women still (deny) the right to vote. 22. My uncle recently (make) a captain. 23. We (suppose) to take your remark seriously? 24. The newspaper (deliver) before I got up this morning. 25. Smoking (not allow) in this part of the building. 26. I phoned the police when I found out that my passport (steal). 27. The National Gallery (restore) at the moment. 28. When I entered the room Richard still (examine). 29. We can’t take the car yet: it still (repair). 30. The windows are really dirty: they (not clean) for years.
    Exercise 8. Supply appropriate prepositions.

    1. Though the question had been discussed for a long time no decision was arrived …. 2. The visit of this delegation is widely commented … in the newspapers. 3. He left for Australia five years ago and hasn’t been heard … since. 4. I’m sure your idea of spending the week-end in town will be strongly objected …. 5. Unfortunately our work was constantly interfered …. 6. His presence at the meeting will be insisted …. 7. Don’t say foolish things. You will be laughed …. 8. Mr. Brown is such an experienced lecturer. I’m sure he will be listened … with great attention when he gives his lecture on Modern Art. 9. I felt I was being looked … and turned around. 10. The children should be looked … better. They look so grubby. 11. The key has been looked … since morning but it’s nowhere to be found. 12. A shop was broken … last night. A man was seen leaving it. 13. He was knocked … by a bus and taken to hospital. 14. The roof was blown … by a gust of wind. 15. The matter will be dealt … as soon as possible. 16. Nobody likes to be shouted …. 17. Mr. Sakson has been sent … and he will soon come. 18. This newspaper article is often referred …. 19. He can never be relied …. Whenever he makes a promise he always breaks it. 20. There was a road accident last night. An elderly man was run … by a car and was badly injured. 21. Where have you been all this time? You have been asked … more than once. 22. When they realized that the child was running a high temperature the doctor was sent … immediately.
    Exercise 9. Supply the required passive forms of the verbs in brackets.

    1. Meg (look) upon as a perfect wife for a clergyman. 2. After his brother’s departure Paul sat for a long time thinking about what (say). 3. “I’m not prepared,” my father said, “to listen to your suggestions that you never (treat) fairly at school.” 4. “Remember, I (pay) by an hour,” grumbled the driver. 5. But there were signs that order (restore) in the town. 6. Well, what (do) about it, Ted? 7. He went into the bedroom. The bed (turn) down for the night by the maid many hours before. 8. Please, find out if our father (see) to leave. 9. She could have gone to Cambridge if she had wanted, she (offer) a scholarship. 10. On Friday she (give) two weeks’ notice at the Works. 11. I found the idea of going to Hereford very upsetting because I (promise) a very nice job a couple of weeks before. 12. Not far away she noticed the film manager in whose office she once (make) to feel so ridiculous. 13. “You must be very prosperous, Eustace, to own a car like that.” – “This car (lend) to me by an American woman.” 14. I wondered to what extent she (influence) by his name to accept his offer. 15. Such are matters that (deal) with in Mr. Burrough’s book.
    Exercise 10. Translate into English.

    1. На этой фабрике делают очень красивые сумки. 2. Ее отправили в больницу два дня тому назад. 3. Это упражнение можно написать карандашом. 4. Все ваши сочинения будут возвращены на следующей неделе. 5. Тебя ищут. Иди домой. 6. Почему над ним всегда смеются? 7. Лекции этого знаменитого профессора всегда слушают с большим интересом. 8. Эти письма просмотрены. Их можно отправлять. 9. Эти книги используются для работы? 10. Когда читали новый рассказ, кто-то постучал в дверь. 11. Вас уже пригласили на вечер? 12. Когда мама пришла, обед был уже сварен. 13. Статья будет переведена к пяти часам. 14. Где сейчас ваш брат? – Его послали во Францию. 15. Этот мост еще строится. Он строился, когда я его увидел в первый раз. 16. Эти цветы только что сорвали. 16. К тому времени, как он приехал, письмо было уже получено. 17. Лучшие новости всегда печатаются в утренних газетах. 18. Этот кинотеатр был построен до того, как мы приехали сюда. 19. Обед готовили, когда я пришел домой. 20. Когда я вернусь домой, все мои чемоданы будут уже уложены.
    Exercise 11. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form in the Active or in the Passive Voice.

    1. Each of the children (receive) a due share of Mrs. Gerhardt’s attention. 2. From the clink of dishes one could tell the supper (prepare). 3. The front door of his house (unlock) as he (leave) it. 4. Mrs. Fripp (come) to inform her that dinner already (serve). 5. His phrase (greet) by a strange laugh from a student who (sit) near the wall. 6. A note (bring) in, addressed to Eleanor, and (put) on the table to await her 7. When the door (close), old Jolyon (drop) his paper, and (stare) long and anxiously in front of him. 8. To his knowing eyes the scene below easily (explain). 9. The door (shut) behind him. 10. Finally, his name (call), and the boy (push) forward to her. 11. Finally, he (persuade) by Bass to go away. 12. But when autumn (come) the cows (drive) home from the grass. 13. “Will you work on this new job all your life?” The question (ask) with sincere interest. 14. She (tap) on the door. John (open) it. 15. Look! There’s nothing here. Everything (take) away.
    Exercise 12. Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.

    The Bedes (to be) in their new house for twenty-two days when their first mail (to deliver). Three large envelopes (to bring) by the postman. There (to be) a letter from Gwen’s sister. Gwen (to think): “I (to read) it when the postman (to go) away.” One envelope (to address) to Mrs. Alison who (to live) next door at that time but she (to leave) somewhere on holiday. Gwen (to promise) to keep the letter until Mrs. Alison arrived. When Gwen’s husband returned from work he (to say): “Mrs. Alison (to come) back from her holiday. She (to come) to see us tonight.”
    Exercise 13. Translate into English.

    1. Дом был построен в 18 веке, но за ним так хорошо присматривают, что он выглядит замечательно. 2. Меня прервал Джон. 3. Его всегда любили, и ему всегда доверяли. 4. О ней заботятся ее друзья. 5. Дверь открыла пожилая женщина, и Джейн ввели в маленькую гостиную. 6. Кровать не была застелена, стул был сломан. 7. Об этом фильме много говорят. 8. Пока готовился завтрак, мать подошла к постели ребенка. 9. Ей дадут квартиру в этом доме. 10. «Где врач?» – прошептал он. – «За ним послали.» 11. К концу этой недели работа будет завершена. 12. Его давно не видели. 13. Около железнодорожного моста строятся два новых дома. 14. Детей часто водят в кино и театр. 15. Ей объявили, что поезд уже ушел. 16. Его попросили не вмешиваться. 17. Ей задали несколько вопросов и велели подождать. 18. Будет ли нам предоставлен отдельный номер в отеле? 19. Тогда как раз строилась школа. 20. Ну, что-нибудь уже решено? 21. Покажите мне, где в вашем городе строится новый театр. 22. Зимой свет зажигается рано. 23. За билеты давно уплачено. 24. Его можно было видеть в саду в любую погоду. 25. Нам в лагерь регулярно доставляют провизию и почту. 26. Жаль, что на конференции таких вопросов не касались. 27. Об этой книге уже написано много статей. 28. Над ним всегда смеялись, когда он был школьником. 29. Ничего удивительного, что все цветы завяли, их не поливали уже целую неделю. 30. После ланча я слышал, что за Чарльзом послали. 31. Посмотри! Разбили наше окно. 32. Я почувствовал, что ему уже задавали этот вопрос. 33. Интересно, что это строится в самом центре города? 34. Его никогда не приглашали на вечеринки. 35. Скоро даже самые отдаленные острова будут посещаться туристами.
    Exercise 14. Translate the following sentences into English. Mind the tense and voice forms of the verbs.

    1. Дай знать, если тебе понадобиться моя помощь. 2. Сейчас у меня каникулы, и я работаю в магазине продавцом. Надеюсь, что этот опыт поможет мне в будущей профессии. 3. Вдруг мы услышали шаги за спиной. За нами шли. 4. Как только вещи были уложены, послали за такси. 5. Нас всегда очень тепло принимают в этом доме. 6. Вы слышали новость? Мистера Грина назначили президентом компании! 7. Наша группа имеет задание закончить исследование к апрелю. А будет ли исследование закончено к середине марта? 8. Наш партнер считает, что, если корпорация улучшит качество товаров, она получит больше прибыли. 9. Прошлым летом мы ожидали увеличения прибыли после того, как увеличился выпуск товаров. 10. Я был очень занят с тех пор, как видел вас в последний раз. 11. Эти упражнения уже исправлены нашим преподавателем. 12. Кем была переведена эта статья? 13. Когда будет напечатана эта книга? 14. В этом районе строится большой завод. 15. Эта ра­бота должна быть закончена к шести часам. 16. Этот текст может быть напечатан на машинке. 17. Когда эта книга была переведена на русский язык? 18. Почему это письмо не было отправлено вчера? 19. Его пригласили присоединиться к нашей экскурсии. 20. Ему одолжили словарь. 21. Нам дали ключ от ее комнаты. 22. Говорят, что он будет завтра в городе. 23. Послали за глав­ным инженером. 24. Факты, на которые ссылались, были очень интересны. 25. Было указано на грубые ошибки в переводе. 26. Во время бури лодку угнало далеко в море, и вскоре она про­пала из виду. 27. Нам дали все нужные указания, которые следо­вало принять во внимание при составлении программы. 28. Счита­ют, что его последнее произведение – шедевр (masterpiece) искус­ства. 29. Кем эта книга была переведена на русский, и где она сейчас печатается? 30. Метод, на который ссылался докладчик, широко применяется в школе и дает хорошие результаты. 31. Но­вая программа как раз обсуждалась, когда я пришла на заседа­ние кафедры. 32. Когда я вышел из магазина, то обнаружил, что мой велосипед украли. 33. Мы не могли пересечь речку в этом месте. Новый мост через нее все еще строился.
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