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  • В . Speak about

  • Text 11 С . New Hope for Energy

  • Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения со сложным дополнением.

  • Упражнение 2. Найдите инфинитив в предложениях, переведите.

  • Упражнение 4. Переведите предложения со сложным подлежащим.

  • Упражнение 5. Прочитайте, запомните выделенные слова.

  • «Neither

  • Упражнение 7. Найдите русские эквиваленты для словосочетаний.

  • Упражнение 8. Прочитайте и переведите интернациональные слова.

  • Учебник английского языка для технических университетов и вузов Издание шестое, стереотипное

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    Упражнение 6. А. Назовите 15—20 ключевых слов и словосочетаний на тему: «Laser applications».

    В. Speak about:

    Laser as a means of propulsion.

    LESSON 11

    Сложное подлежащее и сложное дополнение Значение слов either, neither и их сочетаний

    Text 11А. Superconductivity Text 11В.

    Text 11С. New Hope for Energy

    Text 11D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology


    Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения со сложным дополнением.

    1. We know Morse to have been a painter by profession. 2. Scientists expect lasers to solve the problem of controlled thermonuclear reaction. 3. M. Faraday supposed a beam of light to reverse its polarization as it passed through a magnetized crystal. 4. Designers expect dirigibles to be used for exploration of new territories.

    1. Japanese designers believe a new ceramic engine to replace the conventional one. 6 Engineers suppose a new «night vision» system to enable drivers to see better after dark. 7. Scientists believe new laser devices to be widely used in medicine. 8. We know the first digital optical disks to have been produced as disks for music.

    1. They believed him to be capable.

    Упражнение 2. Найдите инфинитив в предложениях, переведите.

    А. 1. Hundreds of radio navigation stations watch the airplanes find their destination and land safely. 2. Twice a year people see birds fly south and north, but we don’t know how they find their way. 3. At the Paris Exhibition people watched the cargo airplane «Ruslan» carry a great amount of cargo. 4. When you stand near a working engine you feel it vibrate. 5. Making experiments with electric telegraph Morse noticed a pencil make a wavy line when connected to an electric wire. 6. Nowadays people watch on television cosmonauts work in space, «Lunokhod» move on the surface of the Moon and Olympic games take place on the other side of the globe.

    В. 1. A force applied to a body causes it to move in a straight line. 2. The unsatisfactory results of Bell’s experiments forced him to change the method of testing. 3. The excellent properties of Damascus steel made metallurgists of the whole world look for the lost secret of the steel. 4. Very high temperatures often cause certain materials to break. 5. Bad weather conditions make pilots switch over to automatic con.trol.

    Упражнение 3. Обратите внимание на инфинитивный оборот, состоящий из предлога for, дополнения и инфинитива.

    1. It was the only thing for us to do. 2. The students were waiting for the lecturer to describe the properties of a new composite material. 3. It is for you to decide which of the two methods to use.

    1. It is necessary for the students to know the properties of various alloys. 5. A system of satellites is provided for people to watch the central TV program.

    Упражнение 4. Переведите предложения со сложным подлежащим.

    1. 1. Students of Cambridge are supposed to wear gowns at lectures. 2. The first pocket-size colour television sets were reported to have been developed. 3. Today’s aircraft is expected to be replaced by a new model of hypersonic aircraft in a few years. 4. Intensive research on optical-electronic computer is said to be going on in a number of US companies. 5. A method for recording information on crystal by means of a laser is known to have been developed by a Russian researcher. 6. The annual output of personal computers is expected to reach millions in the near future. 7. The laser is known to be a device producing an intensive beam of light by amplifying radiation. 8. Optical technology has been found to be cost-effective. 9. The optical equivalent of a transistor is reported to have been produced.

    2. 1. Our present-day life seems to be quite impossible without telephone, radio, and television. 2. Nowadays the principle of radio operation seems to be quite simple. 3. The term «radar» is known to be composed of the first letters of «radio, detection and ranging». It happens to reflect its basic principle, that is, the location of an object at a distance. 4. About 50 per cent of Lake Baikal water proved to have been polluted since the Baikal plant has begun its work.

    1. Lasers appeared to be highly useful for solving the problem of controlled thermonuclear reaction and communication. 6. A system of Earth satellites appears to have solved the problem of transmitting the central TV program to any part of the world.

    1. Electricity proved to be able to travel instantly over a long piece of wire.

    С. 1. Dirigibles are likely to be used for taking tourists to distant and beautiful places. 2. Lasers are unlikely to be used in our everyday life soon. 3. Superconductivity is certain to bring about new discoveries in science and technology.

    Упражнение 5. Прочитайте, запомните выделенные слова.

    1. : Do you know what the words either and neither mean?

    2. : Yes, I do. Either means каждый, любой, любой из двух, while neither stands for ни один, ни один (из).

    1. : That’s correct. Can you give examples?

    2. : Yes I can. For example: There is a number of lecture rooms on either side of the corridor. Which of these dictionaries can be used for translating a technical article? You may use either.

    1. : And in what way is either translated when it is used with or? For instance: «Please, bring some dictionaries either from the library or from the reading room.»

    2. : Either ... or... means либо ... либо, или ... или.

    1. : Now let us speak about neither, it is the negative form of either, meaning ни тот ... ни другой. For instance: I was offered two books, but I took neither of them, as I did not like them.

    2. : And neither connected with nor means ни ... ни, for example: These problems seemed difficult neither to my friend, nor to me.

    1. : Are these words used in any other way?

    2. : Yes, they may be used in short negative sentences such as: «I don’t like this book», said Peter. «Neither do I», said Ann, which means мне тоже (не нравится). I shall not go to the library tomorrow. He won’t go either. Он тоже (не пойдет).

    Упражнение 6. Переведите, обращая внимание на разные значения слов тоге и much.

    1. Aerodynamics is one more problem to be taken into consideration when designing a hypersonic craft. 6. The wheel-computerized system is much more efficient than those used previously.

    1. Cryogenic fuels used both as coolant and propellant make the solution of the superliner surface cooling problem much easier to solve. 8. The fact that dirigibles are much larger in size and their staying power is much longer than those of an aircraft makes them ideally suited for exploration.

    Упражнение 7. Найдите русские эквиваленты для словосочетаний.

    the physics discoveries, discoveries that led to, the scientific advantage, advantage could well come to nation, to bring the mankind to, mercury wire, unexpected phenomenon, to return to normal state, by passing electric current, by applying magnetic field, to make a great contribution, they introduced a model, a model proved to be useful, a theory won for them the Nobel Prize, research in superconductivity, research became especially active, the achieved record of 23 K.

    исследования особенно активизировались; исследования в области сверхпроводимости; теория, за которую они получили Нобелевскую премию; привести человечество к ...; преимущество в науке; открытия в области физики; достигнутая рекордная отметка в 23 К; открытия, которые привели к...; преимущество могла бы получить нация (страна); ртутная проволока; вернуться в обычное состояние; пропуская электрический ток; внести большой вклад; неожиданное явление; они предложили (ввели) модель; прикладывая магнитное поле; модель оказалась эффективной.

    Упражнение 8. Прочитайте и переведите интернациональные слова.

    prestige [pres'ti:з], nation ['neijen], Nobel prize [nau'bel praiz], absolute zero ['aebsalu:t 'ziarau], phenomenon [fi'nominan], normal, magnetic, electromagnetic, theory ['Qiari], theorists ['Giarists], fundamental theory, physics, physicist, model ['modi], metallic [mi'taelik], ceramic [si'raemik], colleagues ['koli:gz], laboratory, critical temperature, fabricate, extremely [iks'tri:mli], process ['preuses].
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